I discovered a strange phenomenon. Every time I publish a specific list of coins to buy, there is always no traffic! Then choose a good sector layout next time. Please pay attention to one point. During the time period from October to January, the currencies of some platforms did not increase much. The current number #ETF通过 means a major success in the blockchain industry! We should explore opportunities from them and focus on certain platform currencies that have not yet experienced much growth! For example, the platform currency of #DEX , such as the platform currency of #GameFi , the platform currency of #defi , you can hold two dex platform coins, two gamefi platform coins, and at least one defi platform currency in your hands! If you have this kind of position and don’t make big money in the bull market, come back and scold me! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! $BTC $BNB $CAKE