Let's talk about #LTC📈 . From August 2023 to June 2024, Grayscale has increased its holdings of LTC from 1.5 million to 1.74 million! #BTC☀ has passed the ETF, and the next one is #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 's ETF. Grayscale is no longer the only one. The competitor of Grayscale Trust is ETF. At present, Litecoin has good data and is still at the bottom. Of course, Litecoin's trust will make Grayscale dominate the market again. I have to say that Grayscale is awesome. Buy slowly now, buy a lot in the future, and wait until the next round of bull market starts to hype Litecoin's ETF expectations before slowly selling. Awesome! ! ! Follow Grayscale's pace! Make stable money, make safe money! #关注元璋哥 Make 1 billion together! From July to August $LTC is expected to be 200 US dollars! ! !