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如何看待拿 3500 块进币圈的人? 3500块都太多。 小资金进币圈暴富,最直接的两种途径。 1.撸空投。空投本身不花钱,撸起来需要交链上的gas,只要不在eth链上,别的链的手续费还好。急赤白脸的撸一通,成本基本能控制在500块以内。 该条仅限于牛市,熊市这么玩就是送。 2.做合约。 这分三种情况: (1)技术好,建议就1000块起步,做好止盈止损,多做短线,赚了就取本,挣个辛苦钱。 (2)技术一般,那就拉大时间范围,不知道杠杆倍数和仓位层数关系的,就用合约计算器提前计算计算。 在不爆仓的前提下,币本位合约不停的多赚币,等下波牛市爆发。 (2)没技术,那你就是纯赌博,建议就放个两三百开大杠杆,亏了就当买彩票了,也不心疼。 如果这篇文章对你有帮助,就给财神点点关注,交流学习近设裙看主页 #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
如何看待拿 3500 块进币圈的人?


#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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How to make 1 million with 3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle For most ordinary people, there are only two ways to make 1 million with 3,000 yuan: First, use high leverage. The current price of the big cake is around 59,000 yuan. Enter the market with high leverage and get 100,000 yuan. However, this kind of thing is a life-or-death struggle, especially under the current market fluctuations, it is basically impossible. The second way is to catch a 100x coin. There are 100x coins every year, such as this year's inscription craze and Meme series. Although the probability of this is small, it is less difficult to achieve than the first method. How to find a potential 100x? In my opinion, there are several logics: 1. The circulating market value and total market value should be low. The total market value of the public chain should be less than 50 million, and the dapp protocol should be less than 5 million. 2. The ceiling of the track should be high, at least the bull market valuation should reach more than 1 billion US dollars. If it is a meme coin, you can refer to Pepecoin, if it is a public chain, you can refer to SOL MATIC, if it is a dapp or other protocols, refer to uni aave LDO, etc. 3. New narratives, do not participate in tracks that are too unpopular, and the short-term hype of new narratives is exaggerated, such as Rune not long ago 4. The 100x dark horse must be in a place where no one cares because the hottest projects are high market value and low circulation, which basically does not have much imagination space. 5. Early 100x projects, either with poor liquidity or local dog memes, are generally on the chain or in small exchanges. So when many novices see early projects, don’t be bothered by the trouble, study the projects more, and explore the intrinsic value. 6. The best time for the project to go online is at the end of the bull market or the early stage of the market, with a circulation rate greater than 50%, such as PPI, which was launched in May 22, and started to explode after 9 months of deep washing. The circulation rate is about 60%, and the highest this year is about 50 times. If this article is helpful to you, please pay attention to Caishen, exchange and learn from the homepage of the recent design skirt #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
How to make 1 million with 3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle

For most ordinary people, there are only two ways to make 1 million with 3,000 yuan:
First, use high leverage. The current price of the big cake is around 59,000 yuan. Enter the market with high leverage and get 100,000 yuan. However, this kind of thing is a life-or-death struggle, especially under the current market fluctuations, it is basically impossible.
The second way is to catch a 100x coin. There are 100x coins every year, such as this year's inscription craze and Meme series. Although the probability of this is small, it is less difficult to achieve than the first method.

How to find a potential 100x? In my opinion, there are several logics:
1. The circulating market value and total market value should be low. The total market value of the public chain should be less than 50 million, and the dapp protocol should be less than 5 million.

2. The ceiling of the track should be high, at least the bull market valuation should reach more than 1 billion US dollars. If it is a meme coin, you can refer to Pepecoin, if it is a public chain, you can refer to SOL MATIC, if it is a dapp or other protocols, refer to uni aave LDO, etc.

3. New narratives, do not participate in tracks that are too unpopular, and the short-term hype of new narratives is exaggerated, such as Rune not long ago

4. The 100x dark horse must be in a place where no one cares because the hottest projects are high market value and low circulation, which basically does not have much imagination space.

5. Early 100x projects, either with poor liquidity or local dog memes, are generally on the chain or in small exchanges. So when many novices see early projects, don’t be bothered by the trouble, study the projects more, and explore the intrinsic value.

6. The best time for the project to go online is at the end of the bull market or the early stage of the market, with a circulation rate greater than 50%, such as PPI, which was launched in May 22, and started to explode after 9 months of deep washing. The circulation rate is about 60%, and the highest this year is about 50 times.

If this article is helpful to you, please pay attention to Caishen, exchange and learn from the homepage of the recent design skirt
#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
币圈“土豪”送钱?醒醒,那是陷阱! 小伙伴们,你们是不是也遇到过这样的“土豪”?在币圈的某个角落,他突然冒出来,大喊着:“我退圈了,钱包里的钱谁要谁拿走,助记词拿走不谢!”哎呀,这天上掉馅饼的好事,听着就让人心动对吧? 但别急,让我给你揭秘这背后的真相!首先,那钱包啊,可不是你想进就能进的。为啥?因为它是多签的,就像个需要多把钥匙的宝箱,你光有助记词这把“万能钥匙”也没用,因为还缺其他几把呢! 然后,这“土豪”还会告诉你:“就差一点gas费就能提现了!”你一听,心想:“这gas费也不贵,试试看吧。”结果呢?你刚把gas费丢进去,人家就立马用“闪现”技能,把你的钱给“带”走了! 这其实就是个“广撒网,多捕鱼”的游戏。骗子用一个钱包,就能骗到好多人的gas费,虽然每个人被骗的钱不多,但积少成多,也是一笔不小的收入呢! 所以啊,小伙伴们,咱们在币圈混的时候,一定要擦亮眼睛,别被这些“土豪送钱”的套路给骗了。记住,天下没有免费的午餐,特别是在币圈这个充满诱惑和陷阱的地方! 交流学习看主页 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期





#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期
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How to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle, what are the methods? Caishen shares three methods with you, you can listen to them The first method I will tell you a way to make 1 million RMB, it is best to prepare about 100,000-200,000 RMB Change the money into U and store it in a safe exchange Then set it up, buy one share every week, and divide the 100,000-200,000 RMB funds into 96 shares. Buy once a week Don't look at it or move it during the period, buy 60% of BTC. Buy 30% of ETH. Buy 10% of BNB That's it. Then you just wait and wait. After one cycle, or 2 cycles, that is, 4-8 years You will definitely make 1 million RMB. This is the simplest way, and the one that no one will compete with you The second method Of course there are other methods, such as airdrops, whitelisting, and new listings. Then first you need to be able to program, operate remote servers, understand English, see first-hand information, operate in batches, and have extremely focused energy to do this To do this, you need a lot of learning and master various programming skills, which is what we call a coin scientist The third type This requires a little bit of luck. You have to choose a coin in the early stage of the bull market, and this coin can rise more than 10 times. This requires a little bit of luck. But more of it is your own judgment. For example, how much traffic does this coin have. Are there any new concepts? Who is the platform? If it is Sun Yuchen or a Chinese plate, try not to go. There is a high probability of being cheated. This requires a certain analytical ability. This requires making more friends and paying more to others for advice. The most important thing is to keep up with your own cognition. Have decisive judgment and decision-making ability The above three are relatively certain to make 1 million. You can see which one suits you. Are you willing to pay such a torment to make money. If you can, then take action Of course, there are other ways to make money in the coin circle, such as opening a plate to make a coin by yourself. This is too easy to make 1 million. But you must first have a knowledge system in this area. If you don't have it, it is not recommended. It looks simple, but it is actually the most difficult. If this article is helpful to you, please pay attention to Caishen, and visit the homepage for communication and learning #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #美国6月非农数据高于预期
How to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle, what are the methods?

Caishen shares three methods with you, you can listen to them

The first method
I will tell you a way to make 1 million RMB, it is best to prepare about 100,000-200,000 RMB
Change the money into U and store it in a safe exchange
Then set it up, buy one share every week, and divide the 100,000-200,000 RMB funds into 96 shares. Buy once a week
Don't look at it or move it during the period, buy 60% of BTC. Buy 30% of ETH. Buy 10% of BNB
That's it. Then you just wait and wait. After one cycle, or 2 cycles, that is, 4-8 years
You will definitely make 1 million RMB. This is the simplest way, and the one that no one will compete with you

The second method
Of course there are other methods, such as airdrops, whitelisting, and new listings. Then first you need to be able to program, operate remote servers, understand English, see first-hand information, operate in batches, and have extremely focused energy to do this
To do this, you need a lot of learning and master various programming skills, which is what we call a coin scientist

The third type
This requires a little bit of luck. You have to choose a coin in the early stage of the bull market, and this coin can rise more than 10 times. This requires a little bit of luck. But more of it is your own judgment. For example, how much traffic does this coin have. Are there any new concepts? Who is the platform? If it is Sun Yuchen or a Chinese plate, try not to go. There is a high probability of being cheated. This requires a certain analytical ability. This requires making more friends and paying more to others for advice. The most important thing is to keep up with your own cognition. Have decisive judgment and decision-making ability

The above three are relatively certain to make 1 million. You can see which one suits you. Are you willing to pay such a torment to make money. If you can, then take action
Of course, there are other ways to make money in the coin circle, such as opening a plate to make a coin by yourself. This is too easy to make 1 million. But you must first have a knowledge system in this area. If you don't have it, it is not recommended. It looks simple, but it is actually the most difficult.

If this article is helpful to you, please pay attention to Caishen, and visit the homepage for communication and learning
#德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #美国6月非农数据高于预期
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Is it really that difficult to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle? What are the ways? When you are asked to hoard coins, it all depends on luck. If you think you can win the lottery, then go for it. Let's talk about something more scientific. Take contracts as an example. There are two directions for opening long and short positions. Even if you ask an old lady to come or flip a coin, you can still have a 50% chance of winning. There is nothing to refute about this. If you are willing to study hard, spend half a year to finish most of the trading books, and build your own trading system, can you increase your winning rate by 1%? Just 1%, no more, then you now have a 51% winning rate, every time you strictly stop loss and take profit, the ratio should be more than 1 to 1.5, that is to say, if you lose 1 for each order, and if you make a profit of 1.5, then in the long run, without counting the handling fee, you only need a 40% winning rate to ensure that you do not lose or gain. If you have a 50% winning rate, you can get 50% profit from 100 orders, even if your profit and loss ratio is 1 to 1, a 50% winning rate is also a break-even. Take a 5-minute short-term order as an example, there are many opportunities in a day, let's assume that you do 5 orders a day, 50 orders in 10 days, and 100 orders in 20 days. Under a profit and loss ratio of 1 to 1.5, the profit in 20 days reaches 50%. Assuming you have 1000u. Then you can exceed 1 million after 240 days of mechanical statistics. If the profit and loss ratio is only 1 to 1, and the winning rate is only 51%, then your 1000u can become 1 million after 3 years. Of course, people who know how to do it will definitely not do orders with a profit and loss ratio of 1 to 1. For a contract order, with a profit-loss ratio of 1 to 1.5, a 50% winning rate, 10x leverage, and a full position, the risk of liquidation is 0.8%. But if you add the extra 1% winning rate you get from studying hard, there will be no risk of liquidation, provided that each order strictly stops profit and stop loss. So study hard, study like the college entrance examination, and then do it scientifically and mechanically. Don't be influenced by what others say. You can achieve anything by persisting for a long time, and the same is true for the cryptocurrency circle. For communication and learning, see the homepage #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币
Is it really that difficult to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle? What are the ways?

When you are asked to hoard coins, it all depends on luck. If you think you can win the lottery, then go for it.
Let's talk about something more scientific. Take contracts as an example. There are two directions for opening long and short positions. Even if you ask an old lady to come or flip a coin, you can still have a 50% chance of winning. There is nothing to refute about this.
If you are willing to study hard, spend half a year to finish most of the trading books, and build your own trading system, can you increase your winning rate by 1%? Just 1%, no more, then you now have a 51% winning rate, every time you strictly stop loss and take profit, the ratio should be more than 1 to 1.5, that is to say, if you lose 1 for each order, and if you make a profit of 1.5, then in the long run, without counting the handling fee, you only need a 40% winning rate to ensure that you do not lose or gain. If you have a 50% winning rate, you can get 50% profit from 100 orders, even if your profit and loss ratio is 1 to 1, a 50% winning rate is also a break-even. Take a 5-minute short-term order as an example, there are many opportunities in a day, let's assume that you do 5 orders a day, 50 orders in 10 days, and 100 orders in 20 days. Under a profit and loss ratio of 1 to 1.5, the profit in 20 days reaches 50%. Assuming you have 1000u. Then you can exceed 1 million after 240 days of mechanical statistics. If the profit and loss ratio is only 1 to 1, and the winning rate is only 51%, then your 1000u can become 1 million after 3 years. Of course, people who know how to do it will definitely not do orders with a profit and loss ratio of 1 to 1. For a contract order, with a profit-loss ratio of 1 to 1.5, a 50% winning rate, 10x leverage, and a full position, the risk of liquidation is 0.8%. But if you add the extra 1% winning rate you get from studying hard, there will be no risk of liquidation, provided that each order strictly stops profit and stop loss.
So study hard, study like the college entrance examination, and then do it scientifically and mechanically. Don't be influenced by what others say. You can achieve anything by persisting for a long time, and the same is true for the cryptocurrency circle.

For communication and learning, see the homepage
#美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币
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What are those who made a fortune from virtual currency doing now? The examples around me are basically like this: They still work normally and do what they should do, but they are more free. For example, they used to work 996, but now they work 965. They used to take subways and buses, but now they take taxis or drive. They used to rent houses, but now they have three bedrooms and one living room or better, maybe more than one, and they can live in villas in the suburbs on weekends. They used to eat takeout, but now they ask aunties to cook or go to restaurants. The social circle has not changed much, and they still like to eat skewers and drink cola at gatherings. With free time, they have more travel, fitness, and hobbies. It's that simple. The money earned from speculating in cryptocurrencies has certain big trend factors, certain personal ability factors, and a little bit of luck. You don't grow too much with the growth of wealth. Therefore, the above is the most correct way to deal with these wealth. Those who wear big gold chains and show off all over the world are called nouveau riche. I am going to lay out some potential spot in the near future. Those who like spot contracts can keep up and see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, enter the settings, share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it’s better to follow than to guess! #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币
What are those who made a fortune from virtual currency doing now?

The examples around me are basically like this:
They still work normally and do what they should do, but they are more free.
For example, they used to work 996, but now they work 965.
They used to take subways and buses, but now they take taxis or drive.
They used to rent houses, but now they have three bedrooms and one living room or better, maybe more than one, and they can live in villas in the suburbs on weekends.
They used to eat takeout, but now they ask aunties to cook or go to restaurants.
The social circle has not changed much, and they still like to eat skewers and drink cola at gatherings.
With free time, they have more travel, fitness, and hobbies.

It's that simple. The money earned from speculating in cryptocurrencies has certain big trend factors, certain personal ability factors, and a little bit of luck. You don't grow too much with the growth of wealth.
Therefore, the above is the most correct way to deal with these wealth.
Those who wear big gold chains and show off all over the world are called nouveau riche.

I am going to lay out some potential spot in the near future.
Those who like spot contracts can keep up and see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, enter the settings, share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it’s better to follow than to guess!
#美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币
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What is the logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle? The logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle is actually quite simple, but it is not easy to do. Let's get straight to the point: Buy low and sell high: the most basic logic, buy low and sell high. But to seize the right opportunity, you need to have a keen judgment of the market. Trend following: follow the general trend of the market and don't go against the trend. Boldly enter the market in a bull market and be conservative in a bear market. Following the trend is less risky than going against the trend. Information advantage: Cryptocurrency news changes quickly, and it is important to obtain key information in advance. Pay attention to big V, official announcements, and industry news. The earlier the information, the higher the return. Technical analysis: learn to read charts and understand technical indicators such as K-line, moving average, and volume. Although technical analysis cannot fully predict the future, it can help determine the buying and selling points. Risk control: Don't put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your investments, and reduce risks. At the same time, set a stop loss to avoid emotional operations that cause big losses. Long-term holding: Choose high-quality currencies with prospects and hold them for a long time. Frequent short-term operations can easily miss big market trends. Good projects have more stable returns in the long run. Mentality management: The market fluctuates greatly, so keep a stable mentality. Don't be swayed by short-term ups and downs, and stick to your investment strategy. Greed and fear are the enemies, and treat every transaction rationally. Learning and practice: Continuously learn new knowledge and understand industry trends. Participate in more actual combat, summarize experience and lessons, and gradually improve your investment level. Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot. Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, enter the homepage for more information, and share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess! #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
What is the logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle?

The logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle is actually quite simple, but it is not easy to do. Let's get straight to the point:
Buy low and sell high: the most basic logic, buy low and sell high. But to seize the right opportunity, you need to have a keen judgment of the market.

Trend following: follow the general trend of the market and don't go against the trend. Boldly enter the market in a bull market and be conservative in a bear market. Following the trend is less risky than going against the trend.

Information advantage: Cryptocurrency news changes quickly, and it is important to obtain key information in advance. Pay attention to big V, official announcements, and industry news. The earlier the information, the higher the return.

Technical analysis: learn to read charts and understand technical indicators such as K-line, moving average, and volume. Although technical analysis cannot fully predict the future, it can help determine the buying and selling points.

Risk control: Don't put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your investments, and reduce risks. At the same time, set a stop loss to avoid emotional operations that cause big losses.

Long-term holding: Choose high-quality currencies with prospects and hold them for a long time. Frequent short-term operations can easily miss big market trends. Good projects have more stable returns in the long run.

Mentality management: The market fluctuates greatly, so keep a stable mentality. Don't be swayed by short-term ups and downs, and stick to your investment strategy. Greed and fear are the enemies, and treat every transaction rationally.

Learning and practice: Continuously learn new knowledge and understand industry trends. Participate in more actual combat, summarize experience and lessons, and gradually improve your investment level.

Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot.
Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, enter the homepage for more information, and share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess!
#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
See original
Is the bull market still in the cryptocurrency market? The bull market hasn't started yet, and you're telling me if it's still there? I seriously suspect that you are sent by the banker to cut leeks. Tell me honestly, how much kickbacks have you taken? When will the bull market end? I'm afraid only ghosts know, but what is certain is that the bull market has just begun. The real bull market must be when it rises to the point of doubting life, and when Musk is your younger brother in your eyes, the bull market begins Obviously, it hasn't started yet... The reality is that the bull market is in its early stages, hold on to the coins, and wait for the bull market There are a lot of KOLs on the Internet, and they tell you to return quickly when the market rises, and they come to fool you when the market falls, and sell quickly when the bull runs away If you encounter this kind of thing on the Internet, block it immediately. The bull market has just begun. With the entry of traditional institutions, the Bitcoin ETF that has been dragging for many years has passed, and more and more old money can't hold back their hearts and have laid out BTC, so you tell me that the bull market is over? Joke A few days ago, I saw that Buffett couldn't find a good target, and he had 188 billion US dollars in cash. Here is a public call, Buffett, put all your funds into Bitcoin. If you know someone, please tell him for me. There is still a chance to enter the market now. Wait two years, and you will wait for us to take over. Don't say that I didn't tell you in advance. Don't worry, I am not the same kind of person as Sun Ge. I respect the old and love the young, and I won't cheat you. Continue, it is obvious that Bitcoin is being dollarized and institutionalized. First, US regulatory agencies have begun to take action to provide policies and legal basis for control. To put it bluntly, it is to get a piece of the pie. Next, various white gloves (institutions) will enter the market and begin to fully control the market. Once completed and a mature market is formed, the future of Bitcoin and the US stock market will be basically the same. If you have a lot of cash, I really suggest you buy some Bitcoin as a family heirloom. People will leave and the coins will still be there. For those who are still hesitating, waiting for the next round, waiting for a big drop to buy the bottom, waiting for finding a girlfriend, waiting for having a second child, we will prepare a few more plates for you. Why do you say that retail investors have no chance? How can we play when institutions completely control the market? These professional sickles are so skilled that ordinary people can't make money. Seize the bonus period and work hard! For teaching and learning, please see the homepage #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期
Is the bull market still in the cryptocurrency market?

The bull market hasn't started yet, and you're telling me if it's still there?
I seriously suspect that you are sent by the banker to cut leeks. Tell me honestly, how much kickbacks have you taken?
When will the bull market end? I'm afraid only ghosts know, but what is certain is that the bull market has just begun.
The real bull market must be when it rises to the point of doubting life, and when Musk is your younger brother in your eyes, the bull market begins
Obviously, it hasn't started yet...
The reality is that the bull market is in its early stages, hold on to the coins, and wait for the bull market
There are a lot of KOLs on the Internet, and they tell you to return quickly when the market rises, and they come to fool you when the market falls, and sell quickly when the bull runs away
If you encounter this kind of thing on the Internet, block it immediately.
The bull market has just begun.
With the entry of traditional institutions, the Bitcoin ETF that has been dragging for many years has passed, and more and more old money can't hold back their hearts and have laid out BTC, so you tell me that the bull market is over? Joke
A few days ago, I saw that Buffett couldn't find a good target, and he had 188 billion US dollars in cash. Here is a public call, Buffett, put all your funds into Bitcoin. If you know someone, please tell him for me.
There is still a chance to enter the market now. Wait two years, and you will wait for us to take over. Don't say that I didn't tell you in advance.
Don't worry, I am not the same kind of person as Sun Ge. I respect the old and love the young, and I won't cheat you.
Continue, it is obvious that Bitcoin is being dollarized and institutionalized. First, US regulatory agencies have begun to take action to provide policies and legal basis for control. To put it bluntly, it is to get a piece of the pie.
Next, various white gloves (institutions) will enter the market and begin to fully control the market. Once completed and a mature market is formed, the future of Bitcoin and the US stock market will be basically the same.
If you have a lot of cash, I really suggest you buy some Bitcoin as a family heirloom. People will leave and the coins will still be there.
For those who are still hesitating, waiting for the next round, waiting for a big drop to buy the bottom, waiting for finding a girlfriend, waiting for having a second child, we will prepare a few more plates for you.
Why do you say that retail investors have no chance?
How can we play when institutions completely control the market? These professional sickles are so skilled that ordinary people can't make money.
Seize the bonus period and work hard!

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#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期
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Can ordinary people really turn things around by speculating in cryptocurrencies? For young people today, the only chance to turn things around is in the crypto world. The newer the thing, the farther those old men’s sickles can’t reach, and young people still have a chance to find a seat in it. Believe that in every field, insiders make money from outsiders. The direction of the next round of 100-fold increase in the crypto world: NFT, Metaverse, WB3 There are opportunities in every industry, but whether you can dig out opportunities or identify opportunities requires ability. The crypto world is the only opportunity for those born in the 90s and 00s to overtake the old men born in the 70s and 60s. Most of them don’t understand this stuff. The speed of iteration in the crypto world is very fast. If you spend some time to study it, you will have a chance. You can even make hundreds of yuan a day by making money. Try it in other places. Can you do it? It’s very difficult. The crypto world is the only financial system that is in line with international standards. There is a lot to do! The crypto world is also the fastest circle for the realization of knowledge and information that I have ever seen. With leading information, you can quickly accumulate your first pot of gold. Every aspect of knowledge you learn here can be turned into money within a few months. No matter how many people there are, the same 28th law, in other industries, if you work to the top 20%, you can only earn 100,000 to 1,000,000 yuan a year. . If you work to the top 20% in this industry, your annual income starts at 500,000 yuan. This industry is a place where young people can quickly become famous. The amount you earn is a reflection of your true ability. Even if you have nothing, as long as you are really talented, you can even get in touch with a group of bosses worth over 100 million yuan in a few months who are willing to pay you 100,000 US dollars to open a space and give a one-hour speech. This is a place where young talents who think they are buried can show their talents in the next 10 years. I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future. Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it’s better to pay attention than to guess! #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #BTC下跌分析
Can ordinary people really turn things around by speculating in cryptocurrencies?

For young people today, the only chance to turn things around is in the crypto world.
The newer the thing, the farther those old men’s sickles can’t reach, and young people still have a chance to find a seat in it.
Believe that in every field, insiders make money from outsiders.
The direction of the next round of 100-fold increase in the crypto world: NFT, Metaverse, WB3
There are opportunities in every industry, but whether you can dig out opportunities or identify opportunities requires ability.
The crypto world is the only opportunity for those born in the 90s and 00s to overtake the old men born in the 70s and 60s. Most of them don’t understand this stuff.

The speed of iteration in the crypto world is very fast. If you spend some time to study it, you will have a chance. You can even make hundreds of yuan a day by making money. Try it in other places. Can you do it? It’s very difficult.

The crypto world is the only financial system that is in line with international standards. There is a lot to do!
The crypto world is also the fastest circle for the realization of knowledge and information that I have ever seen.

With leading information, you can quickly accumulate your first pot of gold. Every aspect of knowledge you learn here can be turned into money within a few months.

No matter how many people there are, the same 28th law, in other industries, if you work to the top 20%, you can only earn 100,000 to 1,000,000 yuan a year. .

If you work to the top 20% in this industry, your annual income starts at 500,000 yuan.

This industry is a place where young people can quickly become famous. The amount you earn is a reflection of your true ability. Even if you have nothing, as long as you are really talented, you can even get in touch with a group of bosses worth over 100 million yuan in a few months who are willing to pay you 100,000 US dollars to open a space and give a one-hour speech.

This is a place where young talents who think they are buried can show their talents in the next 10 years.

I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future.
Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it’s better to pay attention than to guess!
#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #BTC下跌分析
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If you get rich in this bull market, you must remember these 10 things 1. Buy a 280-square-meter flat in the city center immediately. 2. Print a resignation letter on A4 paper and throw it directly in the boss's face 3. Buy a Porsche Panamera immediately and drive it back home during the Spring Festival to be a well-known person 4. Keep a secret and don't tell anyone, including your family. 5. Pay off all debts first. 6. Save it and put it aside for a year. 7. Don't cooperate with friends or relatives and continue to pretend to be a loser. 8. Don't let your children know that you have a change in wealth to prevent them from being eroded by money. 9. Maintain the status quo and treat wealth as an unexpected gain. 10. Big data will not be pushed randomly. Seeing my article means that you will really get rich in this bull market. Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot. Those who like spot contracts can follow up to see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, set up skirts, share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it’s better to follow than to guess! #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #BinanceTurns7
If you get rich in this bull market, you must remember these 10 things

1. Buy a 280-square-meter flat in the city center immediately.

2. Print a resignation letter on A4 paper and throw it directly in the boss's face

3. Buy a Porsche Panamera immediately and drive it back home during the Spring Festival to be a well-known person

4. Keep a secret and don't tell anyone, including your family.

5. Pay off all debts first.

6. Save it and put it aside for a year.

7. Don't cooperate with friends or relatives and continue to pretend to be a loser.

8. Don't let your children know that you have a change in wealth to prevent them from being eroded by money.

9. Maintain the status quo and treat wealth as an unexpected gain.

10. Big data will not be pushed randomly. Seeing my article means that you will really get rich in this bull market.

Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot.

Those who like spot contracts can follow up to see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, set up skirts, share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it’s better to follow than to guess!
#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #BinanceTurns7
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Should you explore the cryptocurrency circle by yourself or with a professional teacher? First of all, it is definitely better to find someone to guide you than to explore by yourself, because no matter whether you have other financial management foundations or not, you are a newcomer in this circle. There are many similarities, but in fact there are still big differences. In addition, the old leeks will take you around a lot of detours. Newcomers are like little white rabbits when they enter the circle. Many scammers are watching them. The most typical one is to give you a small exchange and let you play. Many benefits and low handling fees, but often in the end they are all pierced or simply not allowed to withdraw cash. If you find an old leeks, you can directly ask him what he usually uses and whether he has screenshots. Normally, he will give it to you if he has no intention of you. Finally, there are bad people among the old leeks, wolves in sheep's clothing, so you should also be careful to distinguish. If you believe in the words of the God of Wealth, you can come to the God of Wealth. View homepage #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #MiCA #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
Should you explore the cryptocurrency circle by yourself or with a professional teacher?

First of all, it is definitely better to find someone to guide you than to explore by yourself, because no matter whether you have other financial management foundations or not, you are a newcomer in this circle. There are many similarities, but in fact there are still big differences.

In addition, the old leeks will take you around a lot of detours. Newcomers are like little white rabbits when they enter the circle. Many scammers are watching them. The most typical one is to give you a small exchange and let you play. Many benefits and low handling fees, but often in the end they are all pierced or simply not allowed to withdraw cash. If you find an old leeks, you can directly ask him what he usually uses and whether he has screenshots. Normally, he will give it to you if he has no intention of you.

Finally, there are bad people among the old leeks, wolves in sheep's clothing, so you should also be careful to distinguish.

If you believe in the words of the God of Wealth, you can come to the God of Wealth. View homepage
#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #MiCA #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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Is it really that difficult to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle? What are the ways? There is a dumbest way to trade cryptocurrencies, which allows you to keep making money forever and make 30 million RMB At the end of last year, I played with 200,000 yuan, and now I have 20 million yuan, which is a hundred times profit easily. I am still using this method until now, which is high and very stable Don’t worry about whether you can learn it. I can seize this opportunity, and you can seize it too. I am not a god, but just an ordinary person. The difference between others and me is that others ignore this method. If you can learn this method and pay attention to it in the later trading process, it can help you earn at least 3 to 10 points of profit every day First of all, the first step: add the coins that have been on the list of gains within 11 days to the self-selection, but it should be noted that the coins that have fallen for more than three days need to be excluded to avoid capital profit flight The second step: open the K-line chart and only look at the coins with the golden cross of the monthly MACD The third step: Open the daily K-line chart, only look at one 60-day moving average here. As long as the price of the currency is pulled back to the vicinity of the 60-day moving average, after the large-volume K-line appears, enter the market with a heavy position Step 4: After entering the market, use the 60-day moving average as the standard, code online, and sell offline. There are three details in total 1. When the increase of the band exceeds 30, sell one-third 2. When the increase of the band exceeds 50, sell another one-third 3. The most important thing is also the core that determines whether you can make a profit. That is, if you buy on the same day, some unexpected situations occur on the second day, and the currency price directly falls below the 60-day moving average, then you must leave the market completely, and don’t have any fluke mentality. Although the probability of falling below the 60-day moving average is very small through this method of selecting coins by combining the monthly line with the daily line, we still have to have a sense of risk. In the currency circle, the most important thing is to keep the principal. However, even if it has been sold, you can wait until it meets the buying point again before buying it back In the final analysis, the difficulty in making money is not the method, but the execution. "When the price of the currency falls below the 60-day moving average, you must leave the market and don't have any fluke mentality." Just this sentence killed 90% of people For communication, please visit the homepage #BTC走势分析 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #MiCA
Is it really that difficult to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle? What are the ways?

There is a dumbest way to trade cryptocurrencies, which allows you to keep making money forever and make 30 million RMB
At the end of last year, I played with 200,000 yuan, and now I have 20 million yuan, which is a hundred times profit easily. I am still using this method until now, which is high and very stable

Don’t worry about whether you can learn it. I can seize this opportunity, and you can seize it too. I am not a god, but just an ordinary person. The difference between others and me is that others ignore this method. If you can learn this method and pay attention to it in the later trading process, it can help you earn at least 3 to 10 points of profit every day

First of all, the first step: add the coins that have been on the list of gains within 11 days to the self-selection, but it should be noted that the coins that have fallen for more than three days need to be excluded to avoid capital profit flight

The second step: open the K-line chart and only look at the coins with the golden cross of the monthly MACD

The third step: Open the daily K-line chart, only look at one 60-day moving average here. As long as the price of the currency is pulled back to the vicinity of the 60-day moving average, after the large-volume K-line appears, enter the market with a heavy position

Step 4: After entering the market, use the 60-day moving average as the standard, code online, and sell offline. There are three details in total

1. When the increase of the band exceeds 30, sell one-third

2. When the increase of the band exceeds 50, sell another one-third

3. The most important thing is also the core that determines whether you can make a profit. That is, if you buy on the same day, some unexpected situations occur on the second day, and the currency price directly falls below the 60-day moving average, then you must leave the market completely, and don’t have any fluke mentality. Although the probability of falling below the 60-day moving average is very small through this method of selecting coins by combining the monthly line with the daily line, we still have to have a sense of risk. In the currency circle, the most important thing is to keep the principal. However, even if it has been sold, you can wait until it meets the buying point again before buying it back

In the final analysis, the difficulty in making money is not the method, but the execution. "When the price of the currency falls below the 60-day moving average, you must leave the market and don't have any fluke mentality." Just this sentence killed 90% of people

For communication, please visit the homepage
#BTC走势分析 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #MiCA
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Will the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle really scare people to death? If you have not experienced it, no matter how many gorgeous words you use, you cannot describe the horror of the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle. How terrible is it? Look at a family of three in South Korea, who chose to leave this world with their family of three because they invested in Luna. Luna is commonly known as the Moutai of the cryptocurrency circle. It used to cost hundreds of dollars, but now it has returned to zero. The first day you looked at your cryptocurrency account and thought you were a multimillionaire. The next day you opened your account and only had a few dollars left. It only took a moment from heaven to hell. There are also many people who do contracts. Generally, they start with small positions and make money, so they are full of confidence and start dreaming of luxury cars and beautiful women, ready to go all in. The final result is usually a liquidation. Many people regard contracts as a poisonous snake in the cryptocurrency circle, but many people are playing and enjoying it. They have strong enough psychological qualities and solid investment skills. Newcomers are not suitable for contracts because you will be liquidated. There is a video online, a middle-aged man on a high-speed train, suddenly broke down and cried loudly, because the contract suddenly exploded, tens of millions were gone in an instant, do you think the currency circle will scare people to death? Some friends who entered the currency circle thought that investing in Bitcoin made money too slowly, so they went astray and bet on Tugou coins crazily. What is Tugou coin? Some funds and scammers randomly issued a coin on the Kaiyuan public chain in the currency circle, packaged it by a professional team, and promoted it in major social groups. Because some of these coins rose hundreds of times during the bull market, many leeks chose to gamble. In particular, the Tugou coins introduced by some acquaintances and masters have a fatal attraction to them, and they frantically spend money to get on the train and try to buy several houses at once. Although there are people in the currency circle who invest in Tugou to make money, as far as the people I have met around me, no one has invested in Tugou to make money, and all of them have nothing. Maybe the last second, the Tugou project party is still drawing a beautiful blueprint, and the next second it has collapsed, and all the coins are instantly zero. #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
Will the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle really scare people to death?

If you have not experienced it, no matter how many gorgeous words you use, you cannot describe the horror of the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle.
How terrible is it? Look at a family of three in South Korea, who chose to leave this world with their family of three because they invested in Luna.
Luna is commonly known as the Moutai of the cryptocurrency circle. It used to cost hundreds of dollars, but now it has returned to zero.
The first day you looked at your cryptocurrency account and thought you were a multimillionaire. The next day you opened your account and only had a few dollars left. It only took a moment from heaven to hell.
There are also many people who do contracts. Generally, they start with small positions and make money, so they are full of confidence and start dreaming of luxury cars and beautiful women, ready to go all in. The final result is usually a liquidation.
Many people regard contracts as a poisonous snake in the cryptocurrency circle, but many people are playing and enjoying it. They have strong enough psychological qualities and solid investment skills. Newcomers are not suitable for contracts because you will be liquidated.
There is a video online, a middle-aged man on a high-speed train, suddenly broke down and cried loudly, because the contract suddenly exploded, tens of millions were gone in an instant, do you think the currency circle will scare people to death?
Some friends who entered the currency circle thought that investing in Bitcoin made money too slowly, so they went astray and bet on Tugou coins crazily.
What is Tugou coin?
Some funds and scammers randomly issued a coin on the Kaiyuan public chain in the currency circle, packaged it by a professional team, and promoted it in major social groups. Because some of these coins rose hundreds of times during the bull market, many leeks chose to gamble.
In particular, the Tugou coins introduced by some acquaintances and masters have a fatal attraction to them, and they frantically spend money to get on the train and try to buy several houses at once.
Although there are people in the currency circle who invest in Tugou to make money, as far as the people I have met around me, no one has invested in Tugou to make money, and all of them have nothing.
Maybe the last second, the Tugou project party is still drawing a beautiful blueprint, and the next second it has collapsed, and all the coins are instantly zero.
#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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What does the collective high-platform diving in the cryptocurrency circle represent? Yesterday's market crash caused widespread panic, and retail investors cut their losses, showing the extreme coldness of the market. In this decline, any investor who uses leverage will be thoroughly cleaned out and almost lose everything. This is why it is not recommended to use leverage. As long as you don't touch the leverage and don't over-operate, this market will not hurt you. Now is a time of extreme fear for the public, but for experts, this is a time of great joy. The entire market has been underestimated for too long, and now is the time to test patience and wait for opportunities to come. I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future. Those who like spot contracts can keep up with the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess! #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
What does the collective high-platform diving in the cryptocurrency circle represent?

Yesterday's market crash caused widespread panic, and retail investors cut their losses, showing the extreme coldness of the market. In this decline, any investor who uses leverage will be thoroughly cleaned out and almost lose everything.
This is why it is not recommended to use leverage. As long as you don't touch the leverage and don't over-operate, this market will not hurt you. Now is a time of extreme fear for the public, but for experts, this is a time of great joy.
The entire market has been underestimated for too long, and now is the time to test patience and wait for opportunities to come.

I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future.
Those who like spot contracts can keep up with the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess!
#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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What does the rise and fall of the currency circle have to do with? The rise and fall of large-volume coins are related to the entry of institutions and the exchange of dealers. Generally speaking, coins with a unit price higher than 100USD can be regarded as large-volume coins Small-volume coins, especially those with extremely low unit prices and several zeros after the decimal point, are mostly bulk and platform-controlled. Their purpose is to harvest northbound contracts and swallow up retail investors So from a big cycle perspective, the rise and fall of a coin is mainly due to the technology endorsement and use endorsement behind it For example, ARB has risen sharply because the ARN ONE chain it built, as a diversion of the Bitcoin main chain, has played a role in easing traffic, just like a SF Express that has to be used, so it has a very healthy endorsement and is bound to rise sharply. The retracement in the past six months is due to its excessive expansion of traffic and high-level issuance. God of Wealth recommends that newcomers in the currency circle should first play with large coins and hold them for a long period of time. When they have a certain amount of experience, they can choose small coins in a distributed manner, but it cannot exceed 30% of the total position. If you have been chasing ups and downs, often being trapped, and have no latest news in the currency circle, friends who have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coin logic, #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
What does the rise and fall of the currency circle have to do with?

The rise and fall of large-volume coins are related to the entry of institutions and the exchange of dealers. Generally speaking, coins with a unit price higher than 100USD can be regarded as large-volume coins
Small-volume coins, especially those with extremely low unit prices and several zeros after the decimal point, are mostly bulk and platform-controlled. Their purpose is to harvest northbound contracts and swallow up retail investors

So from a big cycle perspective, the rise and fall of a coin is mainly due to the technology endorsement and use endorsement behind it
For example, ARB has risen sharply because the ARN ONE chain it built, as a diversion of the Bitcoin main chain, has played a role in easing traffic, just like a SF Express that has to be used, so it has a very healthy endorsement and is bound to rise sharply. The retracement in the past six months is due to its excessive expansion of traffic and high-level issuance.

God of Wealth recommends that newcomers in the currency circle should first play with large coins and hold them for a long period of time. When they have a certain amount of experience, they can choose small coins in a distributed manner, but it cannot exceed 30% of the total position.

If you have been chasing ups and downs, often being trapped, and have no latest news in the currency circle, friends who have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coin logic,
#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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Will the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle really scare people to death? Yes, Take the most classic example of Luna. You have 10,000 Luna. When you went to bed yesterday, it was worth 1 million U. When you woke up, it became 700,000 U. You said that I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for so long, and it only retreated by 30%, and ust only decoupled by 10%. I believe in DoKwon, so I went to bed again. The next day, I woke up and it became 10,000 U. At this time, you think that it has fallen by 99%, and it should have fallen to the bottom. I will buy it now and it will rise to 10 U, which is ten times. So you sell your pot and get 200,000 U to buy 200,000 Luna. At this time, you can't sleep. You keep staring at it and hope it will rise back, but you can only watch the price go from 1 to 0.1 and then to 0.000001 and finally be delisted. In the end, in three days, your 1.2 million U assets have shrunk to the money for a breakfast. You are completely collapsed. In addition to Luna, the cryptocurrency market is very different from the traditional financial market. 1. It is open 24/7. 2. There is no price limit. 3. The entry threshold is extremely low. 4. There are many people who abuse leverage. 5. The rise and fall of altcoins are limitless. Especially the third, fourth and fifth points combined, it is normal to get rich overnight and blow up overnight. Be careful with leverage, everyone. You think your five times leverage is already very low, but you don’t know that there are days every year when the fluctuation exceeds 20%. Because of leverage, the more it falls, the more it cannot stop, and finally leads to a series of blow-ups. I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future. Those who like spot contracts can follow me to see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it’s better to pay attention than to guess! #BTC走势分析 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
Will the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle really scare people to death?

Take the most classic example of Luna. You have 10,000 Luna. When you went to bed yesterday, it was worth 1 million U. When you woke up, it became 700,000 U. You said that I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for so long, and it only retreated by 30%, and ust only decoupled by 10%. I believe in DoKwon, so I went to bed again. The next day, I woke up and it became 10,000 U. At this time, you think that it has fallen by 99%, and it should have fallen to the bottom. I will buy it now and it will rise to 10 U, which is ten times. So you sell your pot and get 200,000 U to buy 200,000 Luna. At this time, you can't sleep. You keep staring at it and hope it will rise back, but you can only watch the price go from 1 to 0.1 and then to 0.000001 and finally be delisted. In the end, in three days, your 1.2 million U assets have shrunk to the money for a breakfast. You are completely collapsed.

In addition to Luna, the cryptocurrency market is very different from the traditional financial market.
1. It is open 24/7.
2. There is no price limit.
3. The entry threshold is extremely low.
4. There are many people who abuse leverage.
5. The rise and fall of altcoins are limitless.
Especially the third, fourth and fifth points combined, it is normal to get rich overnight and blow up overnight. Be careful with leverage, everyone. You think your five times leverage is already very low, but you don’t know that there are days every year when the fluctuation exceeds 20%. Because of leverage, the more it falls, the more it cannot stop, and finally leads to a series of blow-ups.

I am preparing to lay out some potential spot in the near future.
Those who like spot contracts can follow me to see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, and share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it’s better to pay attention than to guess!
#BTC走势分析 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
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Why do some people always lose money when playing contracts? In life, friends ask me to take orders, girlfriends ask me to take orders on my phone, colleagues and bosses ask me to take orders at work, and people in the media ask me to take orders on Binance Square They only see me making money, but not me getting beaten in the novice village No one listens to the risk warnings you mentioned. You teach them position management, how to cover positions at the bottom line, and how to stop profit and stop loss, but they don’t listen. Most of the time, you only tell me which one to open and at what price, and it’s best to be in a profitable state after opening. If there is a 10% loss, send you ten messages in one minute. How come we are playing against each other? If people with this mentality can make money, then why do veterans like us lose money? So now, if someone asks me about the contract, unless I find that he is amazing and naturally beautiful, I will reply: buy spot If you have been chasing ups and downs, often get trapped, don’t have the latest news in the cryptocurrency circle, and have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coins logic, #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期
Why do some people always lose money when playing contracts?

In life, friends ask me to take orders, girlfriends ask me to take orders on my phone, colleagues and bosses ask me to take orders at work, and people in the media ask me to take orders on Binance Square

They only see me making money, but not me getting beaten in the novice village

No one listens to the risk warnings you mentioned. You teach them position management, how to cover positions at the bottom line, and how to stop profit and stop loss, but they don’t listen. Most of the time, you only tell me which one to open and at what price, and it’s best to be in a profitable state after opening. If there is a 10% loss, send you ten messages in one minute. How come we are playing against each other?

If people with this mentality can make money, then why do veterans like us lose money?

So now, if someone asks me about the contract, unless I find that he is amazing and naturally beautiful, I will reply: buy spot

If you have been chasing ups and downs, often get trapped, don’t have the latest news in the cryptocurrency circle, and have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coins logic,
#币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期
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How long does it take to make the first pot of gold in the currency circle? Everyone's situation is different, and the first pot of gold is tentatively set at 1 million yuan. Then, it depends on two aspects. One is the bull market, such as the crazy zoo in 2021. Even if you buy the big dog after Ma Yilong's call, you can get 8 to 10 times. Assuming that your principal is 10,000, you can also make 80,000 to 100,000 in just over a month. But in 2021, the big dog is just the beginning. If you are more sensitive, you will also find shib. Yes, it was also Ma Yilong's call. There is at least ten times the space in the second level. One way or another, 100 times, you may think it is hindsight, but what I want to say is that here, the extraction of information is the password. One is the bear market. Even if the big cake is unstable, if you choose a good sector, you will have a good harvest. For example, the shoes in 2022 are very crazy, and the second level can break a hundred times. As for the boring ape, I won't talk about it in detail. Although I can't help you make 1 million yuan in one go, but a little bit of money will make a lot. It depends on whether you trust me. If you have been chasing ups and downs, often being trapped, and don't have the latest news in the currency circle, friends who have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coins logic, #BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
How long does it take to make the first pot of gold in the currency circle?

Everyone's situation is different, and the first pot of gold is tentatively set at 1 million yuan.
Then, it depends on two aspects.
One is the bull market, such as the crazy zoo in 2021. Even if you buy the big dog after Ma Yilong's call, you can get 8 to 10 times. Assuming that your principal is 10,000, you can also make 80,000 to 100,000 in just over a month. But in 2021, the big dog is just the beginning. If you are more sensitive, you will also find shib. Yes, it was also Ma Yilong's call. There is at least ten times the space in the second level. One way or another, 100 times, you may think it is hindsight, but what I want to say is that here, the extraction of information is the password.

One is the bear market. Even if the big cake is unstable, if you choose a good sector, you will have a good harvest. For example, the shoes in 2022 are very crazy, and the second level can break a hundred times. As for the boring ape, I won't talk about it in detail.

Although I can't help you make 1 million yuan in one go, but a little bit of money will make a lot. It depends on whether you trust me.
If you have been chasing ups and downs, often being trapped, and don't have the latest news in the currency circle, friends who have no direction, click on the avatar to follow me, more information on the homepage, bull market strategy escape skills to screen potential coins logic,
#BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
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How to make one million with 3,000 yuan in the currency circle? There is a very important principle in trading: do not make small money, do not lose big money. It is very difficult to do these simple 8 words. For example: You opened an order for 2W, and it rose to 21,000 after opening. You were very happy, stopped profit, and made 5% happily. As a result, the market rose to 2.5W... You made 5% and missed 50%; Then you warned yourself to make big money, and you were determined not to stop profit this time. Then the market returned to 2W, and you opened another order. After opening, it rose to 21,000 again. You warned yourself to learn from the last lesson and hold on to make big money. As a result, the market returned to 2W and fell below 2W to 19,500, and you stopped loss. It's so hard for me! Many people have been constantly switching in this dilemma all their lives, and they can't get out of it all their lives. Is there a way to make money in both big and small markets? No, you have to choose one of the two. I usually choose not to make small money. I can't do 100% of what I said, and no one can do it 100%, but I can tell you the correct concept. How much you can do depends on your personal cultivation. Each of us can only achieve a certain proportion of these concepts, and try to improve this proportion as much as possible. Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot. Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength. Click on my avatar, Follow, more information on the homepage, enter the setting group, share strategies! I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess! #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析
How to make one million with 3,000 yuan in the currency circle?

There is a very important principle in trading: do not make small money, do not lose big money.
It is very difficult to do these simple 8 words. For example:
You opened an order for 2W, and it rose to 21,000 after opening. You were very happy, stopped profit, and made 5% happily. As a result, the market rose to 2.5W... You made 5% and missed 50%;
Then you warned yourself to make big money, and you were determined not to stop profit this time. Then the market returned to 2W, and you opened another order. After opening, it rose to 21,000 again. You warned yourself to learn from the last lesson and hold on to make big money. As a result, the market returned to 2W and fell below 2W to 19,500, and you stopped loss.
It's so hard for me!
Many people have been constantly switching in this dilemma all their lives, and they can't get out of it all their lives.
Is there a way to make money in both big and small markets?
No, you have to choose one of the two. I usually choose not to make small money.
I can't do 100% of what I said, and no one can do it 100%, but I can tell you the correct concept. How much you can do depends on your personal cultivation. Each of us can only achieve a certain proportion of these concepts, and try to improve this proportion as much as possible.

Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot.
Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength.
Click on my avatar,
Follow, more information on the homepage, enter the setting group, share strategies!
I need fans, you need references, it's better to follow than to guess!
#德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析
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Did you explore the cryptocurrency circle by yourself or with a professional teacher? First of all, it is definitely better to find someone to guide you than to explore it by yourself, because no matter whether you have other financial management foundation or not, you will be cheated by newcomers in this circle. There are many similarities, but in fact there are still big differences. In addition, the old leeks will take you around many detours. Newcomers are just like little white rabbits when they enter the circle. Many scammers are watching them. The most typical one is to give you a small exchange and let you play. Many benefits and low handling fees, but often in the end they are all pierced or simply not allowed to withdraw cash. If you find an old leeks, just ask him what he usually uses and whether he has screenshots. Normally, he will give it to you if he has no intention of you. Finally, there are bad people among the old leeks, wolves in sheep's clothing, so you should also pay attention to identification. If you want to find a guide, you can try to find the God of Wealth. If you trust him, come here😀 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC走势分析 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #MiCA
Did you explore the cryptocurrency circle by yourself or with a professional teacher?

First of all, it is definitely better to find someone to guide you than to explore it by yourself, because no matter whether you have other financial management foundation or not, you will be cheated by newcomers in this circle. There are many similarities, but in fact there are still big differences.

In addition, the old leeks will take you around many detours. Newcomers are just like little white rabbits when they enter the circle. Many scammers are watching them. The most typical one is to give you a small exchange and let you play. Many benefits and low handling fees, but often in the end they are all pierced or simply not allowed to withdraw cash. If you find an old leeks, just ask him what he usually uses and whether he has screenshots. Normally, he will give it to you if he has no intention of you.

Finally, there are bad people among the old leeks, wolves in sheep's clothing, so you should also pay attention to identification.

If you want to find a guide, you can try to find the God of Wealth. If you trust him, come here😀
#币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC走势分析 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #MiCA
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