Is the bull market still in the cryptocurrency market?

The bull market hasn't started yet, and you're telling me if it's still there?

I seriously suspect that you are sent by the banker to cut leeks. Tell me honestly, how much kickbacks have you taken?

When will the bull market end? I'm afraid only ghosts know, but what is certain is that the bull market has just begun.

The real bull market must be when it rises to the point of doubting life, and when Musk is your younger brother in your eyes, the bull market begins

Obviously, it hasn't started yet...

The reality is that the bull market is in its early stages, hold on to the coins, and wait for the bull market

There are a lot of KOLs on the Internet, and they tell you to return quickly when the market rises, and they come to fool you when the market falls, and sell quickly when the bull runs away

If you encounter this kind of thing on the Internet, block it immediately.

The bull market has just begun.

With the entry of traditional institutions, the Bitcoin ETF that has been dragging for many years has passed, and more and more old money can't hold back their hearts and have laid out BTC, so you tell me that the bull market is over? Joke

A few days ago, I saw that Buffett couldn't find a good target, and he had 188 billion US dollars in cash. Here is a public call, Buffett, put all your funds into Bitcoin. If you know someone, please tell him for me.

There is still a chance to enter the market now. Wait two years, and you will wait for us to take over. Don't say that I didn't tell you in advance.

Don't worry, I am not the same kind of person as Sun Ge. I respect the old and love the young, and I won't cheat you.

Continue, it is obvious that Bitcoin is being dollarized and institutionalized. First, US regulatory agencies have begun to take action to provide policies and legal basis for control. To put it bluntly, it is to get a piece of the pie.

Next, various white gloves (institutions) will enter the market and begin to fully control the market. Once completed and a mature market is formed, the future of Bitcoin and the US stock market will be basically the same.

If you have a lot of cash, I really suggest you buy some Bitcoin as a family heirloom. People will leave and the coins will still be there.

For those who are still hesitating, waiting for the next round, waiting for a big drop to buy the bottom, waiting for finding a girlfriend, waiting for having a second child, we will prepare a few more plates for you.

Why do you say that retail investors have no chance?

How can we play when institutions completely control the market? These professional sickles are so skilled that ordinary people can't make money.

Seize the bonus period and work hard!

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