What is the logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle?

The logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle is actually quite simple, but it is not easy to do. Let's get straight to the point:

Buy low and sell high: the most basic logic, buy low and sell high. But to seize the right opportunity, you need to have a keen judgment of the market.

Trend following: follow the general trend of the market and don't go against the trend. Boldly enter the market in a bull market and be conservative in a bear market. Following the trend is less risky than going against the trend.

Information advantage: Cryptocurrency news changes quickly, and it is important to obtain key information in advance. Pay attention to big V, official announcements, and industry news. The earlier the information, the higher the return.

Technical analysis: learn to read charts and understand technical indicators such as K-line, moving average, and volume. Although technical analysis cannot fully predict the future, it can help determine the buying and selling points.

Risk control: Don't put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your investments, and reduce risks. At the same time, set a stop loss to avoid emotional operations that cause big losses.

Long-term holding: Choose high-quality currencies with prospects and hold them for a long time. Frequent short-term operations can easily miss big market trends. Good projects have more stable returns in the long run.

Mentality management: The market fluctuates greatly, so keep a stable mentality. Don't be swayed by short-term ups and downs, and stick to your investment strategy. Greed and fear are the enemies, and treat every transaction rationally.

Learning and practice: Continuously learn new knowledge and understand industry trends. Participate in more actual combat, summarize experience and lessons, and gradually improve your investment level.

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