I want to share a secret with you: when a person starts to succeed, he often can't keep idle. Success is not easy, and it requires multiple conditions, such as timing, effort and position. The lack of any one of these links may lead to failure. Therefore, we often hear people complain that they are not working hard enough, have serious procrastination or poor execution. But even if you have worked hard, the result may be just a little bit short.

Instead of dwelling on these internal consumptions, it is better to learn to be ready. Because when you really start to succeed, you will find that you can't stop, as if there is an invisible force pushing you forward. At this time, you will encounter unexpected good things, such as friends who have not contacted for a long time will suddenly lend a hand.

Before we have achieved success, we don't have to be too anxious and internally consumed. Maintain a normal pace of life, work hard, and take a good rest. I believe that opportunities will always come inadvertently, but we don't know when it will be. Therefore, let us wait patiently and let everything happen naturally.

If you have been losing money and don't know what to do, you can watch me boil leaves to find me, and come with me to lay out the hundred-fold coin! #美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO