I tell you, if you can’t make money with leverage, then you can try the multiplication next door, because it is difficult to get rich in web3 by one person, so you can devote part of your energy to building a team.

I am someone who has achieved results on both of these parallel lines, so what I am pointing out to you is not a shortcut for ordinary people to turn around. The passage you go up is basically blocked. If your child wants to cross the circle, it will be even more difficult.

When you see more overseas, you can feel how serious the devaluation of academic qualifications will be in the future. It is almost impossible to counterattack the next generation with just a diploma. This is also the reason why Yu Lingxiong talks about the uselessness of reading all day long. Reading the right books and making the right friends are meaningful. For example, if you read "Rich Dad's Road to Financial Freedom" by rich dad Robert Kiyosaki when you were young, as long as your talent is not too bad, you will at least be a Zhou Wenqiang when you grow up. For example, your right brain was developed when you were around 6 years old. When you grow up, you can easily get ranked in "The Most Powerful Brain", and solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded is a piece of cake for you. I even believe that children with developed right brains can see through the cards in Macau.

This year, nearly 12 million college students are pouring into this cruel society to compete with you for food. What do they have? In addition to their youth, which is their capital, and some of them can rely on their father's background, they only have the old knowledge system that is flashy and out of touch with the current world that they learned in school. And you, as a middle-aged person or with experience and money, are gradually turning into a greasy uncle or even an old man. The waves behind push the waves ahead, the currency circle rises and falls, and wealth is constantly circulating to people with a peaceful heart.

You have tried countless methods, met countless blockchain players, and even now I believe you are sitting in the venue of the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, listening to those people on the stage occasionally spitting out English words and claiming that the token they issued can multiply by several times, and their public chain can change the world and take you to Mars. Many people believed in the damn EOS back then, but now they find that it is not as reliable as buying a grapefruit directly. At least in reality, you can still chew two ends of the grapefruit, and when you are unhappy, you can throw it directly at the person who planted the tree to hit him.

If an exhibition organizer or project organizer invites me to give a speech, my best advice to you is to be innovative. If you want to issue coins, let's do something new, such as apple coins, pear coins, banana coins, orange coins, durian coins, mango coins... Ten coins will be issued in a row, and pig coins will be combined. I am simply a genius. I will directly set off the narrative of the next bull market at the end of the year. Fruit coins will be everywhere, and those zoos will be weak in front of the group leader's creativity. At that time, I will airdrop a basket of fruit coins to each of the fans who like and forward the group leader's diary.

There are so many fruits, it kills their twelve zodiac signs instantly, which makes Jackie Chan dumbfounded and wants to ask the team leader to make a cross-border movie. In the end, the peach coin given to King Kong by the leader will allow the King Kong to thrust the peach coin straight into the sky, and it will not be an exaggeration to pull it ten thousand times. Isn’t the nonsense I’m talking about in this dream just the scene of the metaverse in the future? The application is that every fruit is nft. It doesn't matter if you can't realize the freedom of durian. In the leader's kingdom of fruit coins, each of you can eat enough leeks and quench your thirst with plum blossoms. After playing with the strawberry coins, let’s play with the plum coins and keep them the same way.

In fact, it's a pity that I don't become a director to make movies. I'm responsible for everything from writing, producing and starring. By then, Wang Jing will be laid off and unemployed, and Donnie Yen will be beaten up by me. Let's get to the point. If you always lose money in cryptocurrency trading, I'll tell you a solution: First, come and learn the 399 Private Board of Directors' Strategy and Technology Course. Second, work with me to develop the Livegood Mall 1060 team.

There is no shame in starting a business through direct sales. Many big names in the cryptocurrency industry made their first pot of gold by recruiting people. They have the same successful logic as Macau Junket Operators. I dare say that at least 30% of the elites in the Chinese currency circle are talents trained by companies such as Amway, Perfect, Ruxin, Herbalife, and Infinitus. Hey, did I guess it? What about you? Don't waste your CX skills, thinking that I won't recognize you if you put on a turtle shell and a vest during the transformation live broadcast. Hey, demo, you are also the leader of a team of tens of thousands of people. It's okay to fool a novice. If you say a few words about "sincere friendship begins with self-introduction", I will know which system you were trained in. Thinking about those days, I poured tea with Chen Wanfen from Taiwan, and carried bags with Fu Houjian from Malaysia. Where did you learn from it?

Even Chen Anzhi and I have given speeches on the same stage. We have fought side by side with Liu Yimiao's Spartan Warriors. I also have many of these contacts on WeChat at Yu Lingxiong's Jiangsu and Zhejiang Entrepreneurs and Bosses Classmates. I have witnessed the fall of Luo Chao, the godfather of direct sales, and the end of the master of potential stimulation. Do you mean that you have never been exposed to the lost coaching techniques, or have never participated in the devil training camp, or have never been through NLP neurolinguistics? Does the leader's involvement make you feel unfathomable, and you know everything about the world by just sitting at home. Cryptocurrency trading is just the tip of the iceberg of my interests and hobbies. My former apprentices have all traded, and in terms of rank, I am just Jian Jiuhuang, who led Xu Fengnian's horse in "The Snow Sword", and I am not competitive with the world. There is no sword in the hand, and there is no sword in the heart.

I have said so much nonsense. If I don't get thousands of traffic, then the public account algorithm is really blind. You don't need to know what the livegood model system is. You just need to know that I will not choose projects randomly. In just a few months, more than ten people in China have reached diamond level. Korean members and foreign markets such as India and the Philippines have already become popular. Because everyone is in great need of this opportunity to invest only one thousand yuan and have unlimited income through pipelines. For any small person, there is no risk. But once it is done, it will solve the problem of cash flow for a lifetime.

I don't know if you like this topic today. I won't be like those people in suits and ties at the Hong Kong Web3 Expo who are actually holding sickles behind their backs to paint big rosy pictures for you. I will only massage you every day to scratch your itch in your inner desires. I never lick anyone's boots, even if he is the king of heaven.

You think I’m just a lousy cryptocurrency trader, but actually I’m a lousy direct salesman…