I slept until I woke up naturally, and my eyes were swollen. The work and rest schedule in Thailand is reversed day and night, and even I, who can stay up late, can't stand it. It's hot outside during the day, but the nightlife here is rich and colorful. Yesterday, the big cake quickly plunged and fluctuated violently. I once wanted to escape the top and take profits. However, the signal did not come out, and I hesitated to control my hand to close the position. As a result, the bulls quickly recovered the lost ground and briefly broke through the new high of 73,600 today. Maybe the risk ahead is in April. After all, the monthly line of the big cake has been 7 consecutive positives, which has never appeared in the past ten years since its creation. If it can be broken, I can only say that Wall Street institutions are really awesome.

There are so many European and American foreigners and Russian girls here. Are they all rich and free? They either hang out in cafes or open-air bars drinking beer or swim and sunbathe at the beach all day. The pensions of white people in Southeast Asia are so comfortable. What do we have? Some of them work hard to screw in screws, make live broadcasts, and finally have to work for Meituan after the account is liquidated. Alas, different skin colors really mean different destinies.

I have a level 3 English level and I was dumb in speaking. I never thought that the environment could really change people. I can speak English words one by one here without much difficulty. The Thai food here is also suitable for the taste of Chinese people. It is mainly sweet, sour and spicy, and the ingredients are authentic and affordable. The beef rice I had today was full of beef, and it only cost 100 baht. In China, for the same price, you can only get a few diced beef. Who would give you a lot of beef? This shows the difference between the friendliness and honesty of a country with faith and a country without faith.

When I came to Thailand more than a decade ago, I went to a street. There were many beauties from all over the world standing at the gate of the star-rated hotel I stayed in. I can't remember whether it was in Phuket or Pattaya. When I was strolling yesterday, I unexpectedly walked to the street in my memory more than a decade ago. It was a gathering place for Indians. I ate at an Indian restaurant here more than a decade ago and was not used to it. Their aesthetic style is different from ours. Maybe they like plump ones more. Although I have never been to India, I have only been to Indonesia. I don't know whether India's economy is bad or not, but I feel that Indians are doing better overseas than Chinese. They are all in groups. Even Livegood is the first Indian crown ambassador in the world. Chinese people need to work harder.

New quantitative strategies for foreign exchange EA are about to be released, and this time the robot will kill all technologies in the world. There will also be a web3 summit in Hong Kong next month. I am a little tired. Now I may not have the impetus of young people to run around. You must go out more often if you have the opportunity and get in touch with different ways of life. Even if you are cheated, it is an experience. People with low cognition will be cheated even if they sit at home. It has nothing to do with where you go. 80,000 US dollars are within reach. There will be a wave before the end of the month, and a deep correction in April. I don’t know if the plot will be interpreted like this. If the market really goes like this in the future, I am not a dog dealer, I am just a leek that cannot be smaller.

It's almost evening, and I have to plan where to have fun today. It's boring without a tour guide, so I acted as a tour guide and arranged the itinerary myself. Walking on the street, Thai girls greeted me from time to time, and some beauties even pulled my hand directly, but I refused even though I said NO. What's even more outrageous is that when I was walking on the street, a woman directly pulled my hand and put it on her. This level of openness is too subversive. I can only use crazy to describe this dream island of Pattaya. Do I need to go to clubs when I'm in Thailand all day? There are 20,000 Thai girls, all of whom are young models. People with kidney deficiency should never come here, and people with conservative ideas should not come here. After all, the world of capital is different from our society where people draw circles everywhere. Freedom is really different...