Ten years have passed, and they still use Mentougou as an excuse to scare new investors, but old investors like us who have heard so many stories don't believe in such bad news. Every year, they say Japan will pay compensation, and those who defend their rights can get the money in 10 years. I really admire the execution of Japanese supervision, which is truly responsible for the assets of ordinary people.

There is no harm without comparison. Who got a penny from P2P Yizubao? Who got the huge amount of Ethereum confiscated by plstoken? Now they are trying to snatch the encrypted wallet that Tianjin Lantian Ge Rui took away from the UK many years ago. The old lady in the UK probably never dreamed that she would fall into the hands of the nanny. I guess her fate is to disappear overseas.

Germany wondered, how did it become the scapegoat for this crash? I will tell you how to deal with the confiscated digital currency, and it has become the target of public criticism. It seems that the Eastern country is still wise. PLSTOKEN's encrypted assets worth more than 30 billion US dollars are probably almost forgotten by the general public.

I once knew a friend who went all-in on this fake fund for arbitrage and lost everything. Later, he fantasized that it would be restarted and his money was not lost. In the end, he became mentally ill. What I said is true. I advised him, but he would not listen. After all, no one wants to accept the fact that the platform shut down and collapsed and ran away. Maybe he went crazy and became neurotic in the end because he subconsciously protected his body and did not want to face bankruptcy.

If the Japanese government investigated plstoken, what do you think would be the outcome? According to the rigor of Mentougou, they are still tracing after ten years. Do you think the money will be returned to every investor in the end? Therefore, it is better to keep a low profile when doing web3 in China. In fact, I am in the AI ​​track.

Yesterday, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held grandly. I listened to the speech of Robin Li of Baidu. It turns out that the search engine giant has already transformed and bet on the AI ​​field. I saw a lot of robots infiltrating into all aspects of human life. This is the real trend and the big outlet. Look at that Li Yizhou, the water seller, who made a fortune of several hundred million with 199. Babbitt, the leading blockchain forum in China, officially announced its transformation into AI artificial intelligence during the last bull market. It seems that they have even abandoned mining. I have to say that they have a unique vision and are forward-looking.

Where is the black swan? Every bull market news will stir up trouble. On September 4, I guess "Satoshi Nakamoto" (China thinks he is smart) didn't expect that waterfall, which brought out the rebellious psychology of leeks. The flame of blockchain revolution did not go out, but two months later, it soared from 3,000 US dollars to 20,000 US dollars. That round made many big names in the cryptocurrency circle, and now many of them have retired or wandered overseas and become digital nomads.

It is not a good strategy to block without dredging. No one expected that in a few years, history would push us into a cashless society like the endless flow of the Yellow River. Who would still carry paper money when going out? It has been eliminated by the times, and no one can stop it. Now many banks often remind on scrolling screens: No one can refuse to accept RMB. Isn't this a correct nonsense? It's quite ironic. Later, the digital RMB was launched, but how many retail investors are willing to use it?

You used decentralized technology to make money that is essentially non-decentralized. Why don't you use a shell to make people believe it? In fact, it is not that complicated. Just go back to the basics and return to the ancient bartering. It is also environmentally friendly and removes the middleman. Haha.

Stay put in the early part of this month, don't blindly buy the bottom, buy halfway up the mountain. You can't catch the falling knife unless you are strong enough. This time, it is a weekly level correction, no matter how long the timeline is, we must be mentally prepared.

The script I rehearsed last year was that the violent bull market would not begin until October this year. The surge requires selling fish first, having the TV series smashed, being beaten first, and the death of Xu Jiangxian to pave the way. Not everyone can survive to the climax, and most of the leeks need to bow out in advance.

Just like a badminton player who is not yet an adult, what is the reason for his death? Need I say more? He trained hard every day before his body was fully developed. To put it bluntly, he died from overwork. If I were the General Administration of Sports, I would directly stipulate that those under 18 are not allowed to play. Do you think such a tragedy would happen?

Justin Sun is such a boaster. I admire him. If you really took the big pie from Germany, stop talking nonsense. I am considering whether to buy your Huobi shell. Justin Sun, name a price. Anyway, you can't operate it. It's half-dead. Huobi's existence as a zombie is actually quite embarrassing.

As for the CICC woman, I won't mention it. The securities and financial industry is under so much pressure, and other industries will just sweep people into a tornado. This week, I didn't make a single long order, just went with the flow. I know many of you are in a bad mood, so I won't show it to avoid you getting irritated and saying I'm pretending. But I really caught the crisis this time and used the Great Shift to transform it into a small fortune.

So people, always be humble. It takes courage to bow your head, but it takes strength to raise your head. . . . .