Major Alert!!!

Big Bitcoin Trend Warning: An Upcoming Crash Storm?

Major Alert! Big Bitcoin is very likely to approach 35,000 in the next month.

This impact will completely shatter the fantasy of the bulls. Only after such a heavy blow can a real rebound be ushered in.

The previous rebound near 56,000 was at most around 59,000, and then a real waterfall market will begin, and there is even a terrible possibility of falling below 30,000.

Originally, I expected to see a price of 45,000, but the reality is shocking.

The number of leeks who bought the bottom today is much greater than when the previous wave fell to 56,000.

The entry rate of bulls has reached the most exaggerated 420% in the past year. This means that for every 10 people who enter the market to buy the bottom, 7 are firmly bullish.

But everyone must be clear about a key point. Our own leverage is only one times. The part beyond one times is all borrowed from the dog dealer.

If the size of the long position is so huge that it is exaggerated, and the real long and short data is centered on 80% long positions, can we still expect to pull the market?

Friends, the situation is serious, so be cautious!

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