
Altcoins plummeted, is the opportunity to buy at the bottom here! ?

Except for Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB and SOL, most altcoins have been cut in half from their March highs, and some are even worse!

Bitcoin falls 30% and it is a good time to buy at the bottom, about 52,000, which may be reached in the near future.

Congratulations to those who are short or have not entered the market, there is a chance to buy at the bottom!

Many people are scared by the big plunge. I have floating losses in spot but I firmly believe that the bull market is coming this year.

Now buy at the bottom of mainstream coins, Ethereum is more stable than Bitcoin, Bitcoin has a large selling pressure on the chain, Ethereum has no real selling pressure, Ethereum ETF will be launched in mid-July and Wall Street funds will flow in, so it is strong as long as there is buying!

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