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The most important thing about dating is to get into the other person's value framework as soon as possible. Yesterday, a brother consulted me and told me the story of his trip with a girl. He was telling how he upgraded the relationship throughout the whole process, sometimes touching hands, sometimes hugging waists, how he stayed in a twin room at night, and how he chatted until 4 a.m., but he didn't dare to take action, and his words were full of regret. Generally, I know his level when I hear how brothers describe getting along with girls. Many brothers are cut by some lay emotional mentors. When they go on a date, they always think about operations, words, or upgrading relationships. These things are not the highest priority. What is really important is how to convey information as soon as possible and enter the girl's value framework. Only when you enter the value framework, subsequent operations will be effective. If you can't meet the girl's value passing line, and you are doing this and that there, it will only make the girl feel greasy. The value passing line is not a constant value, but a relatively high value. Sometimes, girls don't need you to have much wealth, just enough to spend. Instead, girls look at your attitude towards things, conversation, and thinking logic. Therefore, we must put self-worth first. This involves another problem. When you blindly pay for a girl, you should think more about whether these resources are better spent on self-improvement. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations
The most important thing about dating is to get into the other person's value framework as soon as possible.

Yesterday, a brother consulted me and told me the story of his trip with a girl. He was telling how he upgraded the relationship throughout the whole process, sometimes touching hands, sometimes hugging waists, how he stayed in a twin room at night, and how he chatted until 4 a.m., but he didn't dare to take action, and his words were full of regret.

Generally, I know his level when I hear how brothers describe getting along with girls.

Many brothers are cut by some lay emotional mentors. When they go on a date, they always think about operations, words, or upgrading relationships. These things are not the highest priority. What is really important is how to convey information as soon as possible and enter the girl's value framework.

Only when you enter the value framework, subsequent operations will be effective.

If you can't meet the girl's value passing line, and you are doing this and that there, it will only make the girl feel greasy. The value passing line is not a constant value, but a relatively high value. Sometimes, girls don't need you to have much wealth, just enough to spend. Instead, girls look at your attitude towards things, conversation, and thinking logic.

Therefore, we must put self-worth first. This involves another problem. When you blindly pay for a girl, you should think more about whether these resources are better spent on self-improvement.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations
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What are core interests? I often use the game between countries as an example. Da Piaoliang jumps up and down every day, raising and lowering interest rates. The purpose is to use the tide of the US dollar to harvest high-quality assets around the world. For example, in the 1990s, the major shareholders behind the major Japanese and Korean companies were all Da Piaoliang. It can be said that the Japanese and Korean people worked hard just to work for others. How did such a bad situation come about? It was because these two little cuties were not confident and had no strength to fight hard. What democracy or values ​​are all verbal rhetoric. Behind the scenes, they are using the US dollars that are printed at random to buy your factories and your productivity. Resources, productivity, and factories are core interests. Japan and South Korea are very sincere, thinking that it is a sure-fire move, but do they talk about morality with you? Click, click, click, and harvest wildly. This time, it's our turn again. I didn't expect to meet a tough guy. You want to debate values, so let's take the moral high ground in the Middle East first. You want to force it, right? Try 052D and 055. So, you must firmly grasp your core interests. In emotional relationships, resources, currency, and manpower are the core interests. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations
What are core interests?

I often use the game between countries as an example. Da Piaoliang jumps up and down every day, raising and lowering interest rates. The purpose is to use the tide of the US dollar to harvest high-quality assets around the world.

For example, in the 1990s, the major shareholders behind the major Japanese and Korean companies were all Da Piaoliang. It can be said that the Japanese and Korean people worked hard just to work for others.

How did such a bad situation come about? It was because these two little cuties were not confident and had no strength to fight hard.

What democracy or values ​​are all verbal rhetoric. Behind the scenes, they are using the US dollars that are printed at random to buy your factories and your productivity.

Resources, productivity, and factories are core interests.

Japan and South Korea are very sincere, thinking that it is a sure-fire move, but do they talk about morality with you? Click, click, click, and harvest wildly.

This time, it's our turn again. I didn't expect to meet a tough guy. You want to debate values, so let's take the moral high ground in the Middle East first. You want to force it, right? Try 052D and 055.

So, you must firmly grasp your core interests.

In emotional relationships, resources, currency, and manpower are the core interests.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations
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【Why did our birth rate collapse after 2016? 】 Zhejiang TV has reported similar news many times. A young girl wanted to work the night shift. After going to the entertainment venue, she found that her appearance was not enough to get in, so the leader suggested that she go for medical beauty. The girl had no money, so she could only borrow tens of thousands of yuan. After the operation, the girl worked for a period of time and was able to pay it back. The news media generally don’t know what this class is, but everyone knows it. What is surprising is that 1818 Golden Eye was broadcast like this. You can go and see it. It is very black humor. Everyone in it pretends to be confused. Our emotional market is actually a highly regulated market. The result is that the rewards brought by appearance are far beyond people’s imagination. I have seen many girls who study hard, and finally after graduation, they find that their high-paying jobs are gone. On the contrary, some girls who are willing to take risks make a lot of money at a young age. Girls who work night shifts, girls who do live broadcasts, and girls who have several boyfriends and get transfers, they are actually doing the same thing: getting transfer payments from men through emotional relationships. And the amount of this transfer payment is much higher than the income from academic qualifications and skills because we have pushed up the price of assets. This leads to a result: being young and beautiful is very important for contemporary girls. If you don't make money at this stage when you should make money, the road ahead will be very difficult. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have made 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
【Why did our birth rate collapse after 2016? 】
Zhejiang TV has reported similar news many times. A young girl wanted to work the night shift. After going to the entertainment venue, she found that her appearance was not enough to get in, so the leader suggested that she go for medical beauty. The girl had no money, so she could only borrow tens of thousands of yuan. After the operation, the girl worked for a period of time and was able to pay it back.

The news media generally don’t know what this class is, but everyone knows it. What is surprising is that 1818 Golden Eye was broadcast like this. You can go and see it. It is very black humor. Everyone in it pretends to be confused.

Our emotional market is actually a highly regulated market. The result is that the rewards brought by appearance are far beyond people’s imagination. I have seen many girls who study hard, and finally after graduation, they find that their high-paying jobs are gone. On the contrary, some girls who are willing to take risks make a lot of money at a young age.

Girls who work night shifts, girls who do live broadcasts, and girls who have several boyfriends and get transfers, they are actually doing the same thing: getting transfer payments from men through emotional relationships. And the amount of this transfer payment is much higher than the income from academic qualifications and skills because we have pushed up the price of assets.

This leads to a result: being young and beautiful is very important for contemporary girls. If you don't make money at this stage when you should make money, the road ahead will be very difficult.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have made 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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The burning coin of the double burning mechanism is on fire. What is the double burning mechanism model? Token burning is the process of burning cryptocurrencies to reduce the total amount of tokens in circulation. The practice of burning is common in the industry and is very simple. There are several reasons for burning tokens in this way, but generally speaking, it is for deflationary purposes. While large blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum do not usually adopt this mechanism, altcoins and small tokens often use burning to control the number of tokens in circulation. This provides better incentives for investors. The burning mechanism is unique to cryptocurrencies, as ordinary fiat currencies are not usually "burned", but the circulation of fiat currencies is subject to additional supervision. Token burning is similar to a listed company buying back shares, except that the latter reduces the number of shares in circulation. Nevertheless, token burning also has many unique uses for different purposes. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC
The burning coin of the double burning mechanism is on fire. What is the double burning mechanism model?

Token burning is the process of burning cryptocurrencies to reduce the total amount of tokens in circulation.

The practice of burning is common in the industry and is very simple.

There are several reasons for burning tokens in this way, but generally speaking, it is for deflationary purposes.

While large blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum do not usually adopt this mechanism, altcoins and small tokens often use burning to control the number of tokens in circulation. This provides better incentives for investors.

The burning mechanism is unique to cryptocurrencies, as ordinary fiat currencies are not usually "burned", but the circulation of fiat currencies is subject to additional supervision.

Token burning is similar to a listed company buying back shares, except that the latter reduces the number of shares in circulation. Nevertheless, token burning also has many unique uses for different purposes.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC
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The essence of investment is waiting. One word "wait" can eliminate 90% of people. Waiting has two meanings. First, wait patiently before buying. Second, wait patiently after building a position. Many people go to my Weibo to get answers directly. My Weibo is not to recommend stocks. Even if you are given a stock code, you can't make money because you have no patience and can't hold the stock at all. Whether it is investment or life development, if you are a very patient person, you can basically eliminate 95% of people. This is a rule. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO $BTC $ETH
The essence of investment is waiting. One word "wait" can eliminate 90% of people.

Waiting has two meanings. First, wait patiently before buying. Second, wait patiently after building a position.

Many people go to my Weibo to get answers directly. My Weibo is not to recommend stocks. Even if you are given a stock code, you can't make money because you have no patience and can't hold the stock at all.

Whether it is investment or life development, if you are a very patient person, you can basically eliminate 95% of people. This is a rule.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO $BTC $ETH
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There have been several suicides in Taiyuan recently, most of them were kind people with debts of less than 200,000 yuan. Violent debt collection has made them lose their last bit of face. It was urgently announced the day before yesterday that debt collection companies are not allowed to disclose the debtor's contact list, after all, his relatives and friends have nothing to do with the debt. And no more than three collection calls a day, and no collection calls are allowed after 10 pm. Whoever owes money should go to whomever they owe, and no other means should be used. Everything that happened to us has happened to others before. The final solution is that there is no way, that is, the meat is rotten in the pot. The 1980s was a period of financial innovation and mass entrepreneurship in Japan. In order to make it easier for everyone to borrow money, lending companies made a large number of automatic money lending machines and put them on the streets across the country. You can spit out money by inserting your ID card, just like you can lend you money by entering your mobile phone number now. Borrowing money is fun for a while, but paying it back is heartbreaking. The consequence of advocating consumerism has led to many people being unable to pay back their debts. Many debt collection companies have been established in Japan, and the most powerful one is called Takefuji. If you are overdue, he can scold your grandparents directly to death, making your family in chaos and your wife and children separated. At that time, the number of suicides in Japan exceeded 9,000 per year, all of which were related to debt. They blocked the door, splashed paint, stalked their children, insulted their parents, and blacklisted their credit. As a result, others could not find jobs, let alone repay their loans. A large number of people began to jump into the river, which eventually caused dissatisfaction among the Japanese government, which defined the company as a gang. In 2010, the company announced its closure and all bad debts were written off. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $BTC $ETH
There have been several suicides in Taiyuan recently, most of them were kind people with debts of less than 200,000 yuan. Violent debt collection has made them lose their last bit of face. It was urgently announced the day before yesterday that debt collection companies are not allowed to disclose the debtor's contact list, after all, his relatives and friends have nothing to do with the debt. And no more than three collection calls a day, and no collection calls are allowed after 10 pm. Whoever owes money should go to whomever they owe, and no other means should be used.

Everything that happened to us has happened to others before. The final solution is that there is no way, that is, the meat is rotten in the pot. The 1980s was a period of financial innovation and mass entrepreneurship in Japan. In order to make it easier for everyone to borrow money, lending companies made a large number of automatic money lending machines and put them on the streets across the country. You can spit out money by inserting your ID card, just like you can lend you money by entering your mobile phone number now. Borrowing money is fun for a while, but paying it back is heartbreaking. The consequence of advocating consumerism has led to many people being unable to pay back their debts. Many debt collection companies have been established in Japan, and the most powerful one is called Takefuji. If you are overdue, he can scold your grandparents directly to death, making your family in chaos and your wife and children separated. At that time, the number of suicides in Japan exceeded 9,000 per year, all of which were related to debt. They blocked the door, splashed paint, stalked their children, insulted their parents, and blacklisted their credit. As a result, others could not find jobs, let alone repay their loans. A large number of people began to jump into the river, which eventually caused dissatisfaction among the Japanese government, which defined the company as a gang. In 2010, the company announced its closure and all bad debts were written off.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $BTC $ETH
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What does wealth concentration mean? If everyone around you earns 3,000 yuan a month, you are just like that. What if everyone around you earns a million yuan a year? You won't be too bad either. If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased their profits 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow me. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currencies recommended #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO $BTC $ETH
What does wealth concentration mean?

If everyone around you earns 3,000 yuan a month, you are just like that.

What if everyone around you earns a million yuan a year? You won't be too bad either.

If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased their profits 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow me. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currencies recommended #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO $BTC $ETH
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Why do markets always rise sharply and then plummet? Uncover the reasons behind In the digital currency market, we often see roller coaster-like price rises and falls, often hidden behind the manipulation of large traders, the so-called "whales." Here are a few core reasons for this: 1. Market manipulation With their abundant capital, giant whales can have a significant impact on market prices. They may adopt a "surge and plunge" strategy to create artificial market fluctuations for their own benefit. Surge stage: Buying in bulk: Whales buy large amounts of a cryptocurrency, sending the price soaring. Create hot spots: They may spread good news or rumors to arouse market enthusiasm, inducing traders to follow suit and buy, further pushing up prices. Plunge stage: High selling: When the price rises to a certain height, the whales begin to sell their holdings and obtain huge profits. Profit Harvesting: As whales sell in large quantities, the market becomes oversupplied and prices begin to fall rapidly. Escape from the market: Giant whales leave the market with huge profits, while small traders who bought at high prices face losses. If you want to know more about the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled their profits 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow me. Publish market analysis every day and recommend high-quality potential currencies #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $ETH $BTC
Why do markets always rise sharply and then plummet? Uncover the reasons behind

In the digital currency market, we often see roller coaster-like price rises and falls, often hidden behind the manipulation of large traders, the so-called "whales." Here are a few core reasons for this:

1. Market manipulation

With their abundant capital, giant whales can have a significant impact on market prices. They may adopt a "surge and plunge" strategy to create artificial market fluctuations for their own benefit.

Surge stage:

Buying in bulk: Whales buy large amounts of a cryptocurrency, sending the price soaring. Create hot spots: They may spread good news or rumors to arouse market enthusiasm, inducing traders to follow suit and buy, further pushing up prices.

Plunge stage: High selling: When the price rises to a certain height, the whales begin to sell their holdings and obtain huge profits. Profit Harvesting: As whales sell in large quantities, the market becomes oversupplied and prices begin to fall rapidly. Escape from the market: Giant whales leave the market with huge profits, while small traders who bought at high prices face losses.

If you want to know more about the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled their profits 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow me. Publish market analysis every day and recommend high-quality potential currencies #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $ETH $BTC
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The dream of rate cuts can only be put on hold. How does Wall Street interpret the Fed's decision? Wall Street got a reality check on Wednesday as the Fed expects only one rate cut in 2024 and traders hope the Fed will be more aggressive in reducing borrowing costs. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 narrowed their gains after rising more than 1% earlier, but remained close to all-time highs, driven by gains in interest-rate sensitive technology stocks such as Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia. Fed swaps show that despite the Fed's guidance, traders are still inclined to cut interest rates at least twice this year. Swap contracts are also pricing in 25 basis point rate cuts in November and December. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information in the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO $BTC $ETH
The dream of rate cuts can only be put on hold. How does Wall Street interpret the Fed's decision?

Wall Street got a reality check on Wednesday as the Fed expects only one rate cut in 2024 and traders hope the Fed will be more aggressive in reducing borrowing costs.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 narrowed their gains after rising more than 1% earlier, but remained close to all-time highs, driven by gains in interest-rate sensitive technology stocks such as Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia. Fed swaps show that despite the Fed's guidance, traders are still inclined to cut interest rates at least twice this year. Swap contracts are also pricing in 25 basis point rate cuts in November and December.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information in the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #IO $BTC $ETH
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The world is really changing rapidly for the first time in a century: The US has lost control of the world now, and the overlord is old. Whether they can eat meat is still under observation. The new lion king has not been selected yet. Then the whole group and the whole world are divided into camps. In turbulent times, many things will be intensified. We must anticipate and prepare. Anyway, now is definitely not a good time to increase leverage. Be careful. ​ If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #第55期新币挖矿IO $BTC $BNB
The world is really changing rapidly for the first time in a century:

The US has lost control of the world now, and the overlord is old. Whether they can eat meat is still under observation.

The new lion king has not been selected yet.

Then the whole group and the whole world are divided into camps.

In turbulent times, many things will be intensified. We must anticipate and prepare. Anyway, now is definitely not a good time to increase leverage. Be careful. ​

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #第55期新币挖矿IO $BTC $BNB
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The poor want to turn over and get out of the bottom of society. The most important quality is to be not hypocritical. Don't learn some consumption concepts of the middle class, otherwise, the poor can't get out of the bottom. Because the poor have no family background, and no family background means no capital to make some property allocation. Without property allocation, it is too difficult to get out of the bottom with just a part-time job income. At the beginning, the poor have to save, deduct, and save, use every penny on the steel blade, give up some unnecessary expenses, and only keep the most basic living security expenses, and try to save money. Only in this way can the poor have a chance to get out of the bottom. The rural kids around me who can climb up from the bottom, except for a very few people with strong earning ability, most of them save money by saving money. Just like the rural couple I just mentioned, they bought 3 houses in the big city with their own strength. They are super thrifty. The couple's daily expenses are not even 100. A piece of clothing can be worn for N years. Let alone beauty, girls don't even buy ordinary skin care products. Super thrifty. A couple has been working for about two years and has saved nearly 100,000 yuan. That was ten years ago, all by living carefully. For the rich, money is not saved, but for the poor, money is really saved. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC $ETH
The poor want to turn over and get out of the bottom of society.

The most important quality is to be not hypocritical.
Don't learn some consumption concepts of the middle class, otherwise, the poor can't get out of the bottom.
Because the poor have no family background, and no family background means no capital to make some property allocation. Without property allocation, it is too difficult to get out of the bottom with just a part-time job income.
At the beginning, the poor have to save, deduct, and save, use every penny on the steel blade, give up some unnecessary expenses, and only keep the most basic living security expenses, and try to save money.
Only in this way can the poor have a chance to get out of the bottom.
The rural kids around me who can climb up from the bottom, except for a very few people with strong earning ability, most of them save money by saving money.
Just like the rural couple I just mentioned, they bought 3 houses in the big city with their own strength.
They are super thrifty. The couple's daily expenses are not even 100. A piece of clothing can be worn for N years. Let alone beauty, girls don't even buy ordinary skin care products. Super thrifty.
A couple has been working for about two years and has saved nearly 100,000 yuan. That was ten years ago, all by living carefully.
For the rich, money is not saved, but for the poor, money is really saved.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC $ETH
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The girl summarizes several reasons why the post-90s and post-00s gold diggers don't make as much as the post-80s and post-70s gold diggers. First. Most of the girls born in the 80s and 70s are relatively conservative, and are not as open-minded as the post-90s and post-00s. Now many girls are willing to sacrifice their looks for money, resulting in the gold digger track being full of people. Second. The young people born in the 80s and 70s did not pay as much attention to the matching of family backgrounds as they do now, especially the post-80s, who are the group most affected by Western free love. In the years dominated by the post-80s, whoever was matched with family backgrounds could not hold their heads up in front of friends. Many people despised the introduction of parents and the matching of family backgrounds, so the post-80s became the generation with the highest proportion of high-marriage and high-marriage. Third. Men born in the 80s and 70s have a relatively traditional way of thinking. They believe that boys should give way to girls, men should make money, and girls should be beautiful. Similar to the years when the 80s dominated, the mainstream voice on the Internet was that the wife is the most important, the wife is the most beautiful, and all the money is given to the wife. Many popular songs have this tune. 6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, please click the avatar
The girl summarizes several reasons why the post-90s and post-00s gold diggers don't make as much as the post-80s and post-70s gold diggers.
Most of the girls born in the 80s and 70s are relatively conservative, and are not as open-minded as the post-90s and post-00s. Now many girls are willing to sacrifice their looks for money, resulting in the gold digger track being full of people.
The young people born in the 80s and 70s did not pay as much attention to the matching of family backgrounds as they do now, especially the post-80s, who are the group most affected by Western free love. In the years dominated by the post-80s, whoever was matched with family backgrounds could not hold their heads up in front of friends. Many people despised the introduction of parents and the matching of family backgrounds, so the post-80s became the generation with the highest proportion of high-marriage and high-marriage.
Men born in the 80s and 70s have a relatively traditional way of thinking. They believe that boys should give way to girls, men should make money, and girls should be beautiful. Similar to the years when the 80s dominated, the mainstream voice on the Internet was that the wife is the most important, the wife is the most beautiful, and all the money is given to the wife. Many popular songs have this tune.

6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, please click the avatar
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Chapter 7: Separation However, our happiness did not last long. The company's regulations put us in an insurmountable obstacle. Romance between direct superiors and subordinates is expressly prohibited, and our relationship has become a hidden danger that cannot be ignored. We have discussed this issue many times, and we are reluctant to separate because of the company's regulations. However, we also understand that for our future, someone may have to make sacrifices. In the end, I made the decision to leave the company. At the moment of parting, the office was filled with a heavy atmosphere, but we all knew that this was the beginning of our joint efforts for the future. Chapter 8: A new starting point I started a new job. Although the environment and team are brand new, I feel full of confidence and motivation. I know that I left a comfortable environment, but I also gained the courage to move towards new challenges. At the same time, Li Hao continued to fight in the company. He worked hard and tried to protect our feelings. We keep in close contact every day and share each other's lives and work. 6 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, and friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu click the avatar
Chapter 7: Separation

However, our happiness did not last long. The company's regulations put us in an insurmountable obstacle. Romance between direct superiors and subordinates is expressly prohibited, and our relationship has become a hidden danger that cannot be ignored.
We have discussed this issue many times, and we are reluctant to separate because of the company's regulations. However, we also understand that for our future, someone may have to make sacrifices.
In the end, I made the decision to leave the company. At the moment of parting, the office was filled with a heavy atmosphere, but we all knew that this was the beginning of our joint efforts for the future.

Chapter 8: A new starting point

I started a new job. Although the environment and team are brand new, I feel full of confidence and motivation. I know that I left a comfortable environment, but I also gained the courage to move towards new challenges.
At the same time, Li Hao continued to fight in the company. He worked hard and tried to protect

our feelings. We keep in close contact every day and share each other's lives and work.

6 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, and friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu click the avatar
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Chapter 5: Heartbeat Gradually, I found that my feelings for him were no longer simple appreciation, but a kind of heartbeat. Whenever he walked into the office, my heartbeat would unconsciously speed up, and whenever he looked at me, I would feel my cheeks slightly hot. I began to find ways to get close to him. We participated in photography activities together, discussed work problems together, and even spent weekends together. His smile became the moment I looked forward to most every day, and his voice became my favorite melody. Beside him, I felt an inexplicable sense of security and warmth. Chapter 6: Confession Until a bright weekend, we made an appointment to go to a mountainous area in the suburbs for an outdoor photography. The mountain breeze brushed my cheeks, and he stood beside me, discussing the angle and composition of the lens together. At the moment of sunset, he suddenly turned around and looked at me, his eyes full of tenderness. "I like you, from the moment we first met." His voice was gentle and firm. My heart beat like a drum, and I felt extremely happy. I looked into his eyes, smiled and said, "Me too." His hand gently held mine, and at that moment, our hearts were completely close together, and our emotions permeated the air. 6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, click the avatar
Chapter 5: Heartbeat

Gradually, I found that my feelings for him were no longer simple appreciation, but a kind of heartbeat. Whenever he walked into the office, my heartbeat would unconsciously speed up, and whenever he looked at me, I would feel my cheeks slightly hot.
I began to find ways to get close to him. We participated in photography activities together, discussed work problems together, and even spent weekends together.
His smile became the moment I looked forward to most every day, and his voice became my favorite melody. Beside him, I felt an inexplicable sense of security and warmth.
Chapter 6: Confession

Until a bright weekend, we made an appointment to go to a mountainous area in the suburbs for an outdoor photography. The mountain breeze brushed my cheeks, and he stood beside me, discussing the angle and composition of the lens together.
At the moment of sunset, he suddenly turned around and looked at me, his eyes full of tenderness. "I like you, from the moment we first met." His voice was gentle and firm.
My heart beat like a drum, and I felt extremely happy. I looked into his eyes, smiled and said, "Me too."

His hand gently held mine, and at that moment, our hearts were completely close together, and our emotions permeated the air.

6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, click the avatar
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Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounter The gallery was not far away, and I went there alone one weekend afternoon. When I entered the gallery, I unexpectedly found him in front of a black and white photo. In the photo, he was standing at a wedding, his face full of tenderness and blessings. I stared at the photo in surprise, and I didn't expect his work to be so touching. Suddenly, I felt the presence around me, and when I turned around, it was him. Our meeting here was a surprise, but it was also a moment I had been looking forward to for a long time. He broke the deadlock with a gentle smile and told me the story behind the photo. Our conversation was natural and smooth, as if this meeting was destined. Chapter 4: Common Topics We talked for a long time in the gallery, and topics kept emerging. It turned out that his love for photography came from an accidental opportunity, and it was through this hobby that he found the balance of life. I also began to share my views on work and life, and our common language gradually became richer. In front of him, I can express myself without reservation, and he always responds to me with encouraging and understanding eyes. His story made me recognize him more deeply, and we began to participate in photography activities together and explore the mysteries under the lens together. In this process, our hearts gradually became closer. 6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, and click the avatar if you want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu
Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounter

The gallery was not far away, and I went there alone one weekend afternoon. When I entered the gallery, I unexpectedly found him in front of a black and white photo.
In the photo, he was standing at a wedding, his face full of tenderness and blessings. I stared at the photo in surprise, and I didn't expect his work to be so touching.
Suddenly, I felt the presence around me, and when I turned around, it was him. Our meeting here was a surprise, but it was also a moment I had been looking forward to for a long time.
He broke the deadlock with a gentle smile and told me the story behind the photo. Our conversation was natural and smooth, as if this meeting was destined.
Chapter 4: Common Topics

We talked for a long time in the gallery, and topics kept emerging. It turned out that his love for photography came from an accidental opportunity, and it was through this hobby that he found the balance of life.
I also began to share my views on work and life, and our common language gradually became richer. In front of him, I can express myself without reservation, and he always responds to me with encouraging and understanding eyes.
His story made me recognize him more deeply, and we began to participate in photography activities together and explore the mysteries under the lens together. In this process, our hearts gradually became closer.

6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle, you can consult any questions, and click the avatar if you want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu
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Another person who bought a house for his child in advance regretted it. I saw a middle-aged man in his 40s. Three years ago, he spent more than 3 million yuan in the provincial capital to buy a house for his son in this provincial capital, thinking that his son would have a house in the provincial capital after graduating from college in the future. As a result, his second-hand house was first reduced to 3 million yuan, then to 2.9 million yuan, then to 2.7 million yuan, and then to 2.6 million yuan. Recently, it has been reduced to 2.4 million yuan. His mentality could not stand it at this time. One is that he was laid off. He used to work in a company and could earn nearly 20,000 yuan a month. After being optimized, the highest salary he found in a job only gave him more than 8,000 yuan. He couldn't even pay the mortgage all of a sudden. Another is that the house price has fallen by nearly 1 million yuan compared to when he bought it. He is afraid that the house price will continue to fall in the future. When he had income before, he could comfort himself that it was nothing to fall in house prices, just as consumption, but now his income is not good, he can't comfort himself. Many people who are selling their houses at a loss now really have no choice but to do so. 6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, you can consult any questions, and if you want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, please click the avatar
Another person who bought a house for his child in advance regretted it.
I saw a middle-aged man in his 40s.
Three years ago, he spent more than 3 million yuan in the provincial capital to buy a house for his son in this provincial capital, thinking that his son would have a house in the provincial capital after graduating from college in the future.
As a result, his second-hand house was first reduced to 3 million yuan, then to 2.9 million yuan, then to 2.7 million yuan, and then to 2.6 million yuan. Recently, it has been reduced to 2.4 million yuan.
His mentality could not stand it at this time.
One is that he was laid off. He used to work in a company and could earn nearly 20,000 yuan a month. After being optimized, the highest salary he found in a job only gave him more than 8,000 yuan. He couldn't even pay the mortgage all of a sudden.
Another is that the house price has fallen by nearly 1 million yuan compared to when he bought it. He is afraid that the house price will continue to fall in the future. When he had income before, he could comfort himself that it was nothing to fall in house prices, just as consumption, but now his income is not good, he can't comfort himself.
Many people who are selling their houses at a loss now really have no choice but to do so.

6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, you can consult any questions, and if you want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu, please click the avatar
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A romantic story in the workplace Chapter 1: First encounter The warm autumn sun gently sprinkled in the office, dotted with a bright golden color. I stood in front of the window, holding the organized meeting minutes in my hand, feeling happy and full of expectations. The new position requires me to demonstrate my professional ability and lead the team to achieve more outstanding achievements. And in this team, there is a person who caught my attention-Li Hao, who is my subordinate in the new position. His seriousness and dedication made him stand out in the team. When I first met him at the meeting, an inexplicable joy surged in my heart. Li Hao's eyes were bright and he always listened to every speaker attentively. His clear thoughts and concise words made me respect his professional ability. However, what fascinated me more was his persistence and enthusiasm for work. Perhaps it was fate that our desks were in adjacent positions. Whenever I looked up, he would always appear in my sight. He was not good at speaking, but he always worked silently for the team. Chapter 2: First impression Every time there was a team discussion, I would always look at him inadvertently. I like his focused look and appreciate his deep insights in the discussion. However, I never knew how to break the silence. So, I began to secretly study his hobbies. On the wall of the office, I posted a promotional poster for a photography exhibition because that was exactly what he loved. His eyes always flashed with a desire for the unknown and the light of exploration. I began to try to take the initiative to talk to him, sometimes about work issues, sometimes about some light topics. By chance after get off work, I learned that he had a special liking for photography. He shared some photos he took, each of which was full of his unique interpretation of life. 6 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu click on the avatar
A romantic story in the workplace

Chapter 1: First encounter

The warm autumn sun gently sprinkled in the office, dotted with a bright golden color. I stood in front of the window, holding the organized meeting minutes in my hand, feeling happy and full of expectations.
The new position requires me to demonstrate my professional ability and lead the team to achieve more outstanding achievements. And in this team, there is a person who caught my attention-Li Hao, who is my subordinate in the new position.
His seriousness and dedication made him stand out in the team. When I first met him at the meeting, an inexplicable joy surged in my heart.
Li Hao's eyes were bright and he always listened to every speaker attentively. His clear thoughts and concise words made me respect his professional ability. However, what fascinated me more was his persistence and enthusiasm for work.
Perhaps it was fate that our desks were in adjacent positions. Whenever I looked up, he would always appear in my sight. He was not good at speaking, but he always worked silently for the team.

Chapter 2: First impression

Every time there was a team discussion, I would always look at him inadvertently. I like his focused look and appreciate his deep insights in the discussion.
However, I never knew how to break the silence. So, I began to secretly study his hobbies. On the wall of the office, I posted a promotional poster for a photography exhibition because that was exactly what he loved.
His eyes always flashed with a desire for the unknown and the light of exploration. I began to try to take the initiative to talk to him, sometimes about work issues, sometimes about some light topics.
By chance after get off work, I learned that he had a special liking for photography. He shared some photos he took, each of which was full of his unique interpretation of life.

6 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu click on the avatar
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Whether the investment is big or small, whether you earn a lot or a little, it all has a lot to do with your mentality. Well, for investment, we should pay attention to the following four points. There are a few that we must keep in mind. The first is called principal and interest separation. Principal and interest separation is very important. We must keep the principal when investing. There are three small points in keeping the principal. We must remember these three points. The most important thing in keeping the principal is the first one to keep the principal, the second one to keep the current quarter, and the third one to keep the first two. Keeping the principal is the most important of all investments. When you earn back the principal, your mentality will have a qualitative leap and will be completely different. So we pay attention to one word in any business we do, which is called return of principal, right? When the principal is returned, the mentality will be relaxed. Then, after the mentality is good, the business may be smoother. The same is true for investment.
Whether the investment is big or small, whether you earn a lot or a little, it all has a lot to do with your mentality.
Well, for investment, we should pay attention to the following four points. There are a few that we must keep in mind. The first is called principal and interest separation. Principal and interest separation is very important. We must keep the principal when investing.
There are three small points in keeping the principal. We must remember these three points. The most important thing in keeping the principal is the first one to keep the principal, the second one to keep the current quarter, and the third one to keep the first two.
Keeping the principal is the most important of all investments. When you earn back the principal, your mentality will have a qualitative leap and will be completely different. So we pay attention to one word in any business we do, which is called return of principal, right?
When the principal is returned, the mentality will be relaxed. Then, after the mentality is good, the business may be smoother. The same is true for investment.
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[Love Story] Three, "Rose Thorn" His parents are both famous gardeners who are good at growing roses. He has been growing flowers since he was a child and likes roses. He studied horticulture in college and later owned the most beautiful flower shop in the city. He met her in a disco called Tuberose. She was the lead dancer in the disco, wearing sexy clothes and with a focused look. He looked at her coldly and stood up to leave. Suddenly there was a commotion, and a guest who was aroused by alcohol suddenly jumped onto the disco and hugged her. She was immediately pale. The disco was a little chaotic, filled with chaotic laughter and screams... After the incident, she did not forget to bow to everyone politely, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes. A heartache he had never felt before suddenly surged into his heart. Seeing a bouquet of roses on the table, he took one out of it and handed it to her with a smile. She was obviously a little surprised. But she still took the rose. Suddenly, she cried out "Ouch" softly, and her finger was pierced by the thorn on the branch, and blood flowed from her white finger. He was at a loss and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She put her finger in her mouth and sucked it a few times, then shook her head lightly. He fell in love with her. At one or two in the morning, when she got off work, he would take her out for supper and give her a bouquet of roses, and he had removed all the thorns from each rose beforehand. She took his rose and whispered faintly: "In fact, there is no need to remove the thorns of roses. Roses with thorns removed are no longer roses..." After knowing each other for more than half a year, he took her to meet his parents, and his parents liked her very much. When his mother asked about her job, he rushed to say that she was an office white-collar worker, and his mother smiled with satisfaction. Later, he asked her to resign, saying that he could support her completely. She didn't want to, and told him that she liked this job and liked to spend the money she earned. He got angry with her for the first time. She stopped making trouble, stared at him for a long time, and turned to go out. She never came back. A year later, he received her E-mail:... Every rose has thorns, but we should learn how not to be pricked by the thorns of roses... I have loved roses for so long, but I don't understand roses. He suddenly covered his face and burst into tears...
[Love Story] Three, "Rose Thorn"

His parents are both famous gardeners who are good at growing roses. He has been growing flowers since he was a child and likes roses. He studied horticulture in college and later owned the most beautiful flower shop in the city.

He met her in a disco called Tuberose. She was the lead dancer in the disco, wearing sexy clothes and with a focused look. He looked at her coldly and stood up to leave. Suddenly there was a commotion, and a guest who was aroused by alcohol suddenly jumped onto the disco and hugged her. She was immediately pale. The disco was a little chaotic, filled with chaotic laughter and screams...

After the incident, she did not forget to bow to everyone politely, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes. A heartache he had never felt before suddenly surged into his heart. Seeing a bouquet of roses on the table, he took one out of it and handed it to her with a smile. She was obviously a little surprised. But she still took the rose. Suddenly, she cried out "Ouch" softly, and her finger was pierced by the thorn on the branch, and blood flowed from her white finger. He was at a loss and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She put her finger in her mouth and sucked it a few times, then shook her head lightly.

He fell in love with her. At one or two in the morning, when she got off work, he would take her out for supper and give her a bouquet of roses, and he had removed all the thorns from each rose beforehand. She took his rose and whispered faintly: "In fact, there is no need to remove the thorns of roses. Roses with thorns removed are no longer roses..."

After knowing each other for more than half a year, he took her to meet his parents, and his parents liked her very much. When his mother asked about her job, he rushed to say that she was an office white-collar worker, and his mother smiled with satisfaction.

Later, he asked her to resign, saying that he could support her completely. She didn't want to, and told him that she liked this job and liked to spend the money she earned. He got angry with her for the first time. She stopped making trouble, stared at him for a long time, and turned to go out.

She never came back. A year later, he received her E-mail:... Every rose has thorns, but we should learn how not to be pricked by the thorns of roses...

I have loved roses for so long, but I don't understand roses. He suddenly covered his face and burst into tears...
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Money laundering and Chinese female fugitives behind 61,000 bitcoins On May 22, local time in the UK, Qian Zhimin appeared in a court in London, UK, and is expected to be tried in the UK on October 21, 2024. Qian Zhimin is also the main suspect in a case of illegal absorption of public deposits in China, involving more than 40.2 billion yuan. Wandering in the UK and Europe, Qian Zhimin transformed himself into Zhang Yadi (transliteration, Yadi Zhang), holding Zhang Yadi's Saint Kitts and Nevis passport, but this new identity did not allow Qian Zhimin to "escape". After the explosion of Lantian Green, Qian Zhimin disappeared. According to the Chinese judicial determination, the amount involved in Lantian Green's illegal absorption case was 40.2 billion yuan, and many of Qian Zhimin's accomplices were successively sentenced. Qian Zhimin hid in a British mansion with a monthly rent of 17,000 pounds. Follow me, the most authentic free sharing strategy on the entire network, I have doubled about 10 times in a month (I opened a Binance order number, you can chat with me at any time to check the authenticity), free sharing, I am waiting for you in the circle #美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO
Money laundering and Chinese female fugitives behind 61,000 bitcoins

On May 22, local time in the UK, Qian Zhimin appeared in a court in London, UK, and is expected to be tried in the UK on October 21, 2024. Qian Zhimin is also the main suspect in a case of illegal absorption of public deposits in China, involving more than 40.2 billion yuan.
Wandering in the UK and Europe, Qian Zhimin transformed himself into Zhang Yadi (transliteration, Yadi Zhang), holding Zhang Yadi's Saint Kitts and Nevis passport, but this new identity did not allow Qian Zhimin to "escape".

After the explosion of Lantian Green, Qian Zhimin disappeared. According to the Chinese judicial determination, the amount involved in Lantian Green's illegal absorption case was 40.2 billion yuan, and many of Qian Zhimin's accomplices were successively sentenced. Qian Zhimin hid in a British mansion with a monthly rent of 17,000 pounds.

Follow me, the most authentic free sharing strategy on the entire network, I have doubled about 10 times in a month (I opened a Binance order number, you can chat with me at any time to check the authenticity), free sharing, I am waiting for you in the circle #美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO
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