The most important thing about dating is to get into the other person's value framework as soon as possible.

Yesterday, a brother consulted me and told me the story of his trip with a girl. He was telling how he upgraded the relationship throughout the whole process, sometimes touching hands, sometimes hugging waists, how he stayed in a twin room at night, and how he chatted until 4 a.m., but he didn't dare to take action, and his words were full of regret.

Generally, I know his level when I hear how brothers describe getting along with girls.

Many brothers are cut by some lay emotional mentors. When they go on a date, they always think about operations, words, or upgrading relationships. These things are not the highest priority. What is really important is how to convey information as soon as possible and enter the girl's value framework.

Only when you enter the value framework, subsequent operations will be effective.

If you can't meet the girl's value passing line, and you are doing this and that there, it will only make the girl feel greasy. The value passing line is not a constant value, but a relatively high value. Sometimes, girls don't need you to have much wealth, just enough to spend. Instead, girls look at your attitude towards things, conversation, and thinking logic.

Therefore, we must put self-worth first. This involves another problem. When you blindly pay for a girl, you should think more about whether these resources are better spent on self-improvement.

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