There have been several suicides in Taiyuan recently, most of them were kind people with debts of less than 200,000 yuan. Violent debt collection has made them lose their last bit of face. It was urgently announced the day before yesterday that debt collection companies are not allowed to disclose the debtor's contact list, after all, his relatives and friends have nothing to do with the debt. And no more than three collection calls a day, and no collection calls are allowed after 10 pm. Whoever owes money should go to whomever they owe, and no other means should be used.

Everything that happened to us has happened to others before. The final solution is that there is no way, that is, the meat is rotten in the pot. The 1980s was a period of financial innovation and mass entrepreneurship in Japan. In order to make it easier for everyone to borrow money, lending companies made a large number of automatic money lending machines and put them on the streets across the country. You can spit out money by inserting your ID card, just like you can lend you money by entering your mobile phone number now. Borrowing money is fun for a while, but paying it back is heartbreaking. The consequence of advocating consumerism has led to many people being unable to pay back their debts. Many debt collection companies have been established in Japan, and the most powerful one is called Takefuji. If you are overdue, he can scold your grandparents directly to death, making your family in chaos and your wife and children separated. At that time, the number of suicides in Japan exceeded 9,000 per year, all of which were related to debt. They blocked the door, splashed paint, stalked their children, insulted their parents, and blacklisted their credit. As a result, others could not find jobs, let alone repay their loans. A large number of people began to jump into the river, which eventually caused dissatisfaction among the Japanese government, which defined the company as a gang. In 2010, the company announced its closure and all bad debts were written off.

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