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The easiest pitfall for novices is not to buy leading coins, but to buy a bunch of altcoins that have been falling. 1: Why do novices make such mistakes? On the one hand, it is because they lack sufficient market awareness and judgment ability, and cannot accurately identify which coins have real value and potential; on the other hand, it is because they are often confused by some short-term fluctuations and false propaganda, blindly pursuing high returns and ignoring risks 2: Real investment opportunities are often hidden in those leading coins that have been tested by the market, have strong strength and broad prospects. When you hold a large position in the big bull coins of this bull market, your assets will increase 20 times, and you can cash in to buy fixed assets, your fortune is really here. 3: This does not mean that other currencies have no investment value, but they need to be selected and judged more carefully. As investors, we need to keep a clear mind, not be confused by short-term fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and only buy the most bearable currencies and the strongest leaders in the rebound of the sector. 4: Investment requires vision and luck. I hope everyone can find their own way to wealth in this unpredictable market. #meme板块关注热点 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #BTC走势分析
The easiest pitfall for novices is not to buy leading coins, but to buy a bunch of altcoins that have been falling.

1: Why do novices make such mistakes? On the one hand, it is because they lack sufficient market awareness and judgment ability, and cannot accurately identify which coins have real value and potential; on the other hand, it is because they are often confused by some short-term fluctuations and false propaganda, blindly pursuing high returns and ignoring risks

2: Real investment opportunities are often hidden in those leading coins that have been tested by the market, have strong strength and broad prospects. When you hold a large position in the big bull coins of this bull market, your assets will increase 20 times, and you can cash in to buy fixed assets, your fortune is really here.

3: This does not mean that other currencies have no investment value, but they need to be selected and judged more carefully. As investors, we need to keep a clear mind, not be confused by short-term fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and only buy the most bearable currencies and the strongest leaders in the rebound of the sector.

4: Investment requires vision and luck. I hope everyone can find their own way to wealth in this unpredictable market.

#meme板块关注热点 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #BTC走势分析
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Predict the 10x coins with the most potential! ! Each one can make you millions a month! ! 1.$BONK BONK is the perfect altcoin for June with huge profit potential. The Solana meme coin is in the midst of a recovery phase, with its price surging 45% in a week. BONK is currently trading at $0.00003325 after surging 16% in the past 24 hours. Additionally, the Meme token is just 20% away from its all-time high target of $0.00004704 set three months ago. BONK went through a correction for several weeks before finally starting to recover two days ago. The coin remains bullish, 2.$NEAR With the continued involvement of tech leaders like Elon Musk, there is no end to the advancements in artificial intelligence. Furthermore, NEAR is one of the top 20 cryptocurrencies on CoinmarketCap, and the altcoin is slowly making a comeback; its price surged 10% in a month. As of now, NEAR price is only $7.971 and may reach the target of $10.42 next month. 3.$WIF After a month of adjustments, full potential was finally restored. Meme coins experienced a bit of hype in March, rising to highs of $4.85, and based on current circumstances, the same could happen. Dogwifhat is currently trading at $2.8648 and is aiming to reach similar peaks as it did in the initial days of launch. Furthermore, analysts believe in Dogwifhat’s potential as there are signs that WIF price will rise to $6. 4.LINK The bullish nature of Chainlink makes it the perfect altcoin to buy this June. The price of LINK has increased by 20% this week and is heading towards this month’s high, currently sitting at $16.71. The altcoin is clearly rising, targeting the $18.39 and $19.18 resistance zones before reaching the $22 mark. "Brothers, which coin are you most optimistic about?" Likes and comments are welcome! ! 》 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #MegadropLista #meme板块关注热点
Predict the 10x coins with the most potential! ! Each one can make you millions a month! !

BONK is the perfect altcoin for June with huge profit potential. The Solana meme coin is in the midst of a recovery phase, with its price surging 45% in a week. BONK is currently trading at $0.00003325 after surging 16% in the past 24 hours. Additionally, the Meme token is just 20% away from its all-time high target of $0.00004704 set three months ago. BONK went through a correction for several weeks before finally starting to recover two days ago. The coin remains bullish,

With the continued involvement of tech leaders like Elon Musk, there is no end to the advancements in artificial intelligence. Furthermore, NEAR is one of the top 20 cryptocurrencies on CoinmarketCap, and the altcoin is slowly making a comeback; its price surged 10% in a month. As of now, NEAR price is only $7.971 and may reach the target of $10.42 next month.

After a month of adjustments, full potential was finally restored. Meme coins experienced a bit of hype in March, rising to highs of $4.85, and based on current circumstances, the same could happen. Dogwifhat is currently trading at $2.8648 and is aiming to reach similar peaks as it did in the initial days of launch.
Furthermore, analysts believe in Dogwifhat’s potential as there are signs that WIF price will rise to $6.

The bullish nature of Chainlink makes it the perfect altcoin to buy this June. The price of LINK has increased by 20% this week and is heading towards this month’s high, currently sitting at $16.71. The altcoin is clearly rising, targeting the $18.39 and $19.18 resistance zones before reaching the $22 mark.

"Brothers, which coin are you most optimistic about?" Likes and comments are welcome! ! 》

#美众议院通过FIT21法案 #MegadropLista #meme板块关注热点
散户玩币圈要有这几点认知,不然你很容易亏钱 1,新手玩合约是大忌,很容易上头,请珍惜自己的子弹。别等到东风来了,你没有子弹了。 2,无论是现货还是合约,一定要适可而止,落袋为安,野心会让你失去所有。 3,注意这个圈里有很多托,也有很多诈骗,不要玩不知名的交易所(多搜索,多询问) 4,这是一场游戏,比的是洞察力和耐力,99%的爱都没有什么价值,赚到收手就是赢家。不要想一条线从头吃到尾, 5,这场游戏就是看庄家出什么牌,你再见招出招。有的时候庄家吸够了会直接撤资割韭菜,他们的资金会轮转到下一个币上。有的时候还没到他们预想的位置,他们还会继续拉高割韭菜,一定要有庄家思维。 6,最近周六周日不要玩,很少有大涨,庄家资金不在盘上。 7,新币上链或者上交易所就是要割韭菜的,别想着庄家免费给你拉高价格让你赚钱,都是韭菜们叠加的血汗钱,记住,这是一场资金游戏而已。 8,一定要学会复盘,总结,再复盘。 如果你一直亏损不知道怎么做,请看我介绍!! #bnb历史新高 #5月非农数据即将公布 #山寨季何时到来?










#bnb历史新高 #5月非农数据即将公布 #山寨季何时到来?
如果想半年内翻身,记住五句话: 1.改变自己最快的方法,就是做自己害怕的事,不敢做的事,认为自己做不到是事,觉得不可能的事。 2.买了就不要比价格,吃了就不要后悔,爱了就不要猜疑,散了也不要诋毁,所有的一切,都是为自己的选择而买单。钱没了可以再赚,工作没了可以再找,朋友没了可以再交,爱情没了可以再找,生来就一无所有,何惧重头再来。 3.水到绝境是瀑布,人到绝境是重生,半山腰总是很挤的,你的努力去山顶看看。人生这道题,怎么选都有遗憾,真正的强者,是夜深人静的时候,把心逃出来,自己缝缝补补,睡一觉起来又是信心百倍。活着就该逢山开路,遇水架桥,睡前原谅一切,醒来便是重生。 4.大起大落后,你会发现,你帮过的人,不一定帮过你,但帮过你的人,他还会再帮你,泥泞而识马,落难而识人,不经历一事,不懂得一智。一个人是真心,是假意。不在嘴上,而是在心上,一份情是虚伪,是实际。不在平时而在风雨。 5.钱的背后是事,把事做到极致,钱自来。事的背后是人,把人做好了,事自然成,人背后是命,把生命的维度修好,自有好命运的背后是道,有一颗助人的心,就是正道。 如果你一直亏损不知道怎么做,请看我介绍!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布







#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
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Bottom-fishing altcoins will make you rich! If you are hesitating whether to bottom-fish at this moment, then keep reading! Now is the best time to bottom-fish altcoins! In another month, you will definitely thank me for my advice today. Don't listen to those short-sighted people who say that the market is adjusting now. They don't understand the potential of altcoins at all. The bull market of altcoins will start to rise wildly in August, September and October. If you wait until then to bottom-fish, the cost will double. For example, if a coin is 5 yuan now, you buy 200,000 at the bottom, and when it rises 20 times to 100 yuan, you can make 4 million. But if you wait until August to bottom-fish, the cost will be 10 yuan, and you will only make 10 times at that time. Therefore, cognition is really important. Leeks will always be leeks, and they will never understand the logic in the middle. Here I tell you that bottom-fishing altcoins now is to grasp the key to wealth. Don't hesitate, don't wait, take action now to bottom-fish altcoins! Two months later, you will definitely thank yourself for your decisiveness and courage. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
Bottom-fishing altcoins will make you rich! If you are hesitating whether to bottom-fish at this moment, then keep reading!

Now is the best time to bottom-fish altcoins! In another month, you will definitely thank me for my advice today.

Don't listen to those short-sighted people who say that the market is adjusting now. They don't understand the potential of altcoins at all. The bull market of altcoins will start to rise wildly in August, September and October. If you wait until then to bottom-fish, the cost will double.

For example, if a coin is 5 yuan now, you buy 200,000 at the bottom, and when it rises 20 times to 100 yuan, you can make 4 million. But if you wait until August to bottom-fish, the cost will be 10 yuan, and you will only make 10 times at that time.

Therefore, cognition is really important. Leeks will always be leeks, and they will never understand the logic in the middle. Here I tell you that bottom-fishing altcoins now is to grasp the key to wealth.

Don't hesitate, don't wait, take action now to bottom-fish altcoins! Two months later, you will definitely thank yourself for your decisiveness and courage.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
炒币赚一千万,算巨额财产来源不明罪吗? 按照国内的法律肯定是算犯罪的。但这是基于你是直接从交易所兑换到了国内银行卡。那么接下来我就告诉你一些不一样的方式。 首先,在国外许多国家目前炒币是属于合法的投资行为。 不要去看那些吓唬你的什么钱体现一定是会被抓,因为这些人就是想骗你找他们,赚你的智商税。 下面我给你两条路径: 1、从交易所提usdt到biyapay,biyapay是拥有美国合法牌照的电 子钱包,在biyapay内进行1:1兑换美元,接着从biyapay将美元提取到wise或者是ocbc银行都是合法行为,但是有手续费和汇损,到了wise你就可以合法的直接打回你的支付宝、微信或者中国银行(但wise有每年5万美元额度管制)。到ocbc就可以直接使用ocbc的360账户的实体卡在国内取现,也有汇损和手续费(不受5万美元额度管制)。 2、从交易所提usdt到kraken,kraken是英国合法牌照,在从kraken转到ifast英国银行。 以上两个步骤都是合法行为且金额都是干净的银行资金。当然有手续费和汇损。但你要明白一件事,资本家赚取他合理的服务费是为了让你变成合法化的,所以这是我们应该支付的。 请记住,任何一个行业,都是有门槛的,不要觉得麻烦,因为麻烦和门槛是为了让你变得合理化。而正是这些麻烦是阻断无知的人的路径。 你的能力和你的认知才能够配的上你的合法收入。 如果你一直亏损不知道怎么做,请看我介绍!! #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista












#山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
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Everyone in the cryptocurrency circle knows the rules, but they may be ignored after playing for a long time: 1. You must set a clear stop profit point for yourself. 2. Before trading, you must know when to stop loss, and don't change it later if you can. 3. If the risk exceeds the potential return, you must be prepared to lose all your expectations in the end, so this calculation must be made for every transaction. 4. Small profits can fight for big profits, but there can only be small losses. Never use big losses to fight anything. 5. Don't believe in the average price! 6. It takes at least two cycles to gradually understand: one is the cycle of loss and learning, and the second is the cycle of profit and preservation. 7. Most people would rather be liquidated than miss the surge. Resist long-term leverage and do spot positions! Never forget how volatile cryptocurrencies are! If you keep losing money and don't know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #5月非农数据即将公布 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
Everyone in the cryptocurrency circle knows the rules, but they may be ignored after playing for a long time:

1. You must set a clear stop profit point for yourself.

2. Before trading, you must know when to stop loss, and don't change it later if you can.

3. If the risk exceeds the potential return, you must be prepared to lose all your expectations in the end, so this calculation must be made for every transaction.

4. Small profits can fight for big profits, but there can only be small losses. Never use big losses to fight anything.

5. Don't believe in the average price!

6. It takes at least two cycles to gradually understand: one is the cycle of loss and learning, and the second is the cycle of profit and preservation.

7. Most people would rather be liquidated than miss the surge. Resist long-term leverage and do spot positions! Never forget how volatile cryptocurrencies are!

If you keep losing money and don't know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #5月非农数据即将公布 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
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If I bought 10,000 yuan worth of Bitcoin ten years ago, what would happen to me now? 1. Forgot all the passwords and lost them. 2. The exchange swallowed them, or the exchange simply disappeared. 3. Hackers stole them. 4. They increased 10 times and sold them. 5. They increased 100 times and sold them (already a great person) 6. They simply forgot about it, and later found it back and increased 1,000 times. They were cheated of millions of dollars when they were involved in large-scale transactions, but they still made millions of dollars. If you really bought it early, you bought more than 100,000 Bitcoins, and you still hold it until now, it will trigger another result: Bitcoin will not rise as much as it is now. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista $BTC $ETH $BNB
If I bought 10,000 yuan worth of Bitcoin ten years ago, what would happen to me now?

1. Forgot all the passwords and lost them.

2. The exchange swallowed them, or the exchange simply disappeared.

3. Hackers stole them.

4. They increased 10 times and sold them.

5. They increased 100 times and sold them (already a great person)

6. They simply forgot about it, and later found it back and increased 1,000 times. They were cheated of millions of dollars when they were involved in large-scale transactions, but they still made millions of dollars.

If you really bought it early, you bought more than 100,000 Bitcoins, and you still hold it until now, it will trigger another result: Bitcoin will not rise as much as it is now.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Suppose you make 200 million in the cryptocurrency world, Life will naturally change dramatically. Let's look at the basic expenses first. Buy a property worth 20 million, plus a luxury car worth 5 million, a total of 25 million is enough. If you spend 1.5 million every year, it seems that this money will never run out. At this stage, money may lose its meaning to you. If it is converted into RMB, you suddenly have 1.45 billion more, and life may be full of troubles. Banks will come to you, some people will be wary of you, and some people will even investigate you. Friends and relatives may flock to you. Your former dream lover may take the initiative to approach you. Every word you say is like a myth, even if you fart, it is fragrant, and others will believe it. Except that you may feel bored, everything else is good. But when you have a huge amount of money but have no value to others, what others want most is your wealth, and their hope that you will die soon may be the best way to get these wealth. Unless you can create value. Of course, this is just an imagination when I am bored, and it only happens in dreams. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
Suppose you make 200 million in the cryptocurrency world,

Life will naturally change dramatically.

Let's look at the basic expenses first. Buy a property worth 20 million, plus a luxury car worth 5 million, a total of 25 million is enough.

If you spend 1.5 million every year, it seems that this money will never run out.

At this stage, money may lose its meaning to you.

If it is converted into RMB, you suddenly have 1.45 billion more, and life may be full of troubles.

Banks will come to you, some people will be wary of you, and some people will even investigate you. Friends and relatives may flock to you.

Your former dream lover may take the initiative to approach you.

Every word you say is like a myth, even if you fart, it is fragrant, and others will believe it.

Except that you may feel bored, everything else is good.

But when you have a huge amount of money but have no value to others, what others want most is your wealth, and their hope that you will die soon may be the best way to get these wealth.

Unless you can create value.
Of course, this is just an imagination when I am bored, and it only happens in dreams.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!
#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
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Here are four trading tips to share with you: 1. Lazy hoarding method This method is super simple. Just leave the coins alone after buying them. Wait for half a year or a year, and the income may double or even more. But the problem is that many novices get nervous when they see price fluctuations and want to switch back and forth. In fact, if you can resist not touching it for a few months, you are quite determined. 2. Bull market chasing drop tips This trick is particularly useful in a bull market. Take some spare money, not too much, one-fifth is enough. Choose those coins with a market value of 20-100, so that even if you are trapped, it won’t last too long. Buy a coin, wait for it to rise by 50% or more, and then change to another coin that has fallen sharply. Repeat the operation in this way. Of course, if the first coin is trapped, don’t worry, the bull market will always help you get rid of it. But be careful when choosing coins, don’t choose too bad ones. 3. Hourglass car replacement strategy In a bull market, basically all coins can rise. Money is like sand in an hourglass, slowly flowing into each coin. Generally, the big coins will rise first, then the mainstream coins will start to move, and then the small coins that have not risen yet will rise. For example, if you see that Bitcoin has risen, you can find those small coins that have not risen yet and buy them quickly. 4. The pyramid method of bottom-fishing If you want to fish at the bottom, use this trick. How to operate? Just buy in steps. The lower the price, the more you buy. For example, when the price of the coin falls to 80%, buy one-tenth of the position; when it falls to 70%, buy another two-tenths; and keep buying all the way until you buy a position at half the price. If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista
Here are four trading tips to share with you:

1. Lazy hoarding method
This method is super simple. Just leave the coins alone after buying them. Wait for half a year or a year, and the income may double or even more. But the problem is that many novices get nervous when they see price fluctuations and want to switch back and forth. In fact, if you can resist not touching it for a few months, you are quite determined.

2. Bull market chasing drop tips
This trick is particularly useful in a bull market. Take some spare money, not too much, one-fifth is enough. Choose those coins with a market value of 20-100, so that even if you are trapped, it won’t last too long. Buy a coin, wait for it to rise by 50% or more, and then change to another coin that has fallen sharply. Repeat the operation in this way. Of course, if the first coin is trapped, don’t worry, the bull market will always help you get rid of it. But be careful when choosing coins, don’t choose too bad ones.

3. Hourglass car replacement strategy
In a bull market, basically all coins can rise. Money is like sand in an hourglass, slowly flowing into each coin. Generally, the big coins will rise first, then the mainstream coins will start to move, and then the small coins that have not risen yet will rise. For example, if you see that Bitcoin has risen, you can find those small coins that have not risen yet and buy them quickly.

4. The pyramid method of bottom-fishing
If you want to fish at the bottom, use this trick. How to operate? Just buy in steps. The lower the price, the more you buy. For example, when the price of the coin falls to 80%, buy one-tenth of the position; when it falls to 70%, buy another two-tenths; and keep buying all the way until you buy a position at half the price.

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista
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Many people enter the cryptocurrency circle and do make money during the bull market, but often fail to keep these wealth in the end. The main reasons are as follows: 1. Some people are bold and adventurous in the early stage of the bull market, and make more money than they expected in a short period of time. But because of greed, they always feel that they have not made enough money and want to continue to make more. As a result, the profits began to return, and they were unwilling to give up, so they increased their capital investment, even leveraged and made contracts. In the end, all the money earned by luck was returned to the market because of their own operational errors. 2. Some people have only a superficial understanding of the cryptocurrency circle, but they just blindly follow others when they hear that it is easy to make money. They dare not invest too much in the early stage of the bull market, but they dare to invest more heavily in the later stage. As a result, they chase the rise and fall, and the main force is shipping, but they are still stupidly entering the market. 3. Some people were already heavily in debt before entering the cryptocurrency circle, thinking that they could make money and turn over quickly here. After making some money in the early stage, they lost their awe of the market, and as a result, they got deeper and deeper into debt. In fact, there are very few people who can get out of the money earned by luck in the cryptocurrency circle. Even if you cash out successfully, not many people can use the money well in reality. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
Many people enter the cryptocurrency circle and do make money during the bull market, but often fail to keep these wealth in the end.

The main reasons are as follows:

1. Some people are bold and adventurous in the early stage of the bull market, and make more money than they expected in a short period of time. But because of greed, they always feel that they have not made enough money and want to continue to make more. As a result, the profits began to return, and they were unwilling to give up, so they increased their capital investment, even leveraged and made contracts. In the end, all the money earned by luck was returned to the market because of their own operational errors.

2. Some people have only a superficial understanding of the cryptocurrency circle, but they just blindly follow others when they hear that it is easy to make money. They dare not invest too much in the early stage of the bull market, but they dare to invest more heavily in the later stage. As a result, they chase the rise and fall, and the main force is shipping, but they are still stupidly entering the market.

3. Some people were already heavily in debt before entering the cryptocurrency circle, thinking that they could make money and turn over quickly here. After making some money in the early stage, they lost their awe of the market, and as a result, they got deeper and deeper into debt.

In fact, there are very few people who can get out of the money earned by luck in the cryptocurrency circle. Even if you cash out successfully, not many people can use the money well in reality.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
See original
Peak time for making money: 35-60 years old, how old are you now? Don't be misled by the rumor that "25-30 years old is the golden period of making money in life"! The real feast of making money is in the glorious 25 years from 35 to 60 years old. Moreover, those big money that makes people jealous often pour in when you are 55 to 65 years old. Why? Because at the age of 35, your life experience, depth of thought, and height of cognition have reached their peak. You are emotionally stable, have a unique vision, and have a small amount of savings on hand. At this time, making money for you is as simple as eating and drinking water. Young people, don't panic if you don't have money! All you need is time and experience. There are so many people who are late bloomers. Investment guru Buffett is a living example. Most of his wealth was earned after the age of 50. So, no matter how old you are now, don't give up on yourself. Chu Shijian can start a business again in his 70s. Why do you say you can't? Believe in yourself, keep working hard, and one day you will meet the better self. If you keep losing money and don't know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
Peak time for making money: 35-60 years old, how old are you now?

Don't be misled by the rumor that "25-30 years old is the golden period of making money in life"! The real feast of making money is in the glorious 25 years from 35 to 60 years old. Moreover, those big money that makes people jealous often pour in when you are 55 to 65 years old.

Why? Because at the age of 35, your life experience, depth of thought, and height of cognition have reached their peak. You are emotionally stable, have a unique vision, and have a small amount of savings on hand. At this time, making money for you is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Young people, don't panic if you don't have money! All you need is time and experience. There are so many people who are late bloomers. Investment guru Buffett is a living example. Most of his wealth was earned after the age of 50.

So, no matter how old you are now, don't give up on yourself. Chu Shijian can start a business again in his 70s. Why do you say you can't? Believe in yourself, keep working hard, and one day you will meet the better self.

If you keep losing money and don't know what to do, please read my introduction!!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
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At present, the second half of the bull market is coming, and opportunities and risks coexist. You might as well study and apply the following "Top Ten Trading Tips" carefully. These tips are a summary of my many years of experience, and may help you seize more opportunities in the bull market. 1. Sideways consolidation, test your patience The sideways consolidation stage is a great test of patience, but if you stick to it, you will often have unexpected gains. Of course, the high sideways consolidation after it has risen several times is an exception, which may be the main force shipping. 2. Buying point after breaking through the moving average with large volume When the price of the currency breaks through a certain moving average with large volume, if it can stay above the moving average when the volume shrinks, it is a good buying point. 3. Opportunities for leading currencies in the sector When the leading currencies in the sector fall, it actually gives you an excellent buying opportunity. 4. Gap attack, strong force Currencies with gap attack usually have very strong upward momentum. If the gap is not broken after the retracement, it will continue to rise in the future. 5. The trap of currency speculation Some currencies have been speculated more than ten times, and they are still rising continuously and without volume. Don't be confused. It is often the main force's self-directed performance, and it may collapse at any time. 6. Hold the currency in the bull market In the bull market, there are many people who do not make money. The problem is that you can't hold the currency all the time. The core strategy of the bull market is: hold the currency and wait for the rise. 7. Top characteristics No top will be a peak, at least there will be a double top, which is one of the basic principles of Dow Theory. 8. MACD buying point In the bull market, the DIF of MACD tests the 0 axis downward but does not break the 0 axis. The situation of returning to the 0 axis is a buying point. 9. 120-day line long arrangement When the 120-day line is in a long arrangement, if the trend line turns up, buy decisively at a low point, and the accuracy rate is very high. 10. Opportunities of continuous small positive lines Coins with continuous small positive lines are worth paying attention to. This usually means that the main force is collecting chips and has great potential in the future market. In summary, the success of cryptocurrency trading lies in persistence and strategy. In the second half of the bull market, there are many opportunities, but they are also accompanied by risks. I hope the above "top ten tips" can provide some guidance for your investment path. I wish everyone can win a big victory in the bull market and achieve a leap in wealth! If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
At present, the second half of the bull market is coming, and opportunities and risks coexist. You might as well study and apply the following "Top Ten Trading Tips" carefully. These tips are a summary of my many years of experience, and may help you seize more opportunities in the bull market.

1. Sideways consolidation, test your patience

The sideways consolidation stage is a great test of patience, but if you stick to it, you will often have unexpected gains. Of course, the high sideways consolidation after it has risen several times is an exception, which may be the main force shipping.

2. Buying point after breaking through the moving average with large volume

When the price of the currency breaks through a certain moving average with large volume, if it can stay above the moving average when the volume shrinks, it is a good buying point.

3. Opportunities for leading currencies in the sector

When the leading currencies in the sector fall, it actually gives you an excellent buying opportunity.

4. Gap attack, strong force

Currencies with gap attack usually have very strong upward momentum. If the gap is not broken after the retracement, it will continue to rise in the future.

5. The trap of currency speculation

Some currencies have been speculated more than ten times, and they are still rising continuously and without volume. Don't be confused. It is often the main force's self-directed performance, and it may collapse at any time.

6. Hold the currency in the bull market

In the bull market, there are many people who do not make money. The problem is that you can't hold the currency all the time. The core strategy of the bull market is: hold the currency and wait for the rise.

7. Top characteristics

No top will be a peak, at least there will be a double top, which is one of the basic principles of Dow Theory.

8. MACD buying point

In the bull market, the DIF of MACD tests the 0 axis downward but does not break the 0 axis. The situation of returning to the 0 axis is a buying point.

9. 120-day line long arrangement

When the 120-day line is in a long arrangement, if the trend line turns up, buy decisively at a low point, and the accuracy rate is very high.

10. Opportunities of continuous small positive lines

Coins with continuous small positive lines are worth paying attention to. This usually means that the main force is collecting chips and has great potential in the future market.

In summary, the success of cryptocurrency trading lies in persistence and strategy. In the second half of the bull market, there are many opportunities, but they are also accompanied by risks. I hope the above "top ten tips" can provide some guidance for your investment path. I wish everyone can win a big victory in the bull market and achieve a leap in wealth!

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista
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Why we should never test human nature 1. When his son was admitted to Peking University, his mother did not make a fuss, let alone treat him to a meal. After graduation, his son earned a million yuan a year, but his mother said that he could barely make ends meet. When his son spent 8,000 yuan to buy his mother a down jacket, when others asked about it, his mother said that she only spent 200 yuan. The son was puzzled, so he asked his mother: "Mom, why are you so low-key?" The mother said: "Do you know that Aunt Zhang upstairs is the mother-in-law of a big shot? People never mention it. Only parents in this world want you to live a good life." 2. In the past, A liked to tell the truth and hurt many people. This time A bought a large flat in Chongqing, and A did not post on WeChat Moments. A matured overnight. In 2012, A drank too much in the village and said that he made 10 million yuan a year, which was a piece of cake. Half a year later, all the fish in A's fish pond were drugged and killed. In places without street lights, all the animals wandering at night are animals. 3. Don’t share the joy of your success with others, and don’t share the things that make you happy. Always remember that the greatest evil in human nature is that you can’t stand seeing others better than you, especially those who were not as good as you at the beginning. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓
Why we should never test human nature

1. When his son was admitted to Peking University, his mother did not make a fuss, let alone treat him to a meal. After graduation, his son earned a million yuan a year, but his mother said that he could barely make ends meet. When his son spent 8,000 yuan to buy his mother a down jacket, when others asked about it, his mother said that she only spent 200 yuan.

The son was puzzled, so he asked his mother: "Mom, why are you so low-key?" The mother said: "Do you know that Aunt Zhang upstairs is the mother-in-law of a big shot? People never mention it. Only parents in this world want you to live a good life."

2. In the past, A liked to tell the truth and hurt many people. This time A bought a large flat in Chongqing, and A did not post on WeChat Moments. A matured overnight. In 2012, A drank too much in the village and said that he made 10 million yuan a year, which was a piece of cake. Half a year later, all the fish in A's fish pond were drugged and killed. In places without street lights, all the animals wandering at night are animals.

3. Don’t share the joy of your success with others, and don’t share the things that make you happy. Always remember that the greatest evil in human nature is that you can’t stand seeing others better than you, especially those who were not as good as you at the beginning.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓
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In the future, looking at the price of Bitcoin as high as 150,000 or more You keep looking on the K-line, and you are surprised to find that the market has given you so many opportunities to get on the bus, and the current 50,000 or 60,000 is not so important Maybe because of fear, or being misled, you are finally washed out by the dealer Many people have been saying that others are panicking and I am greedy, but the most difficult thing in the world is to integrate knowledge and action In fact, think about it, after all, there are few people who help in times of trouble, and many people who add icing on the cake And the market is also about human relationships If you stand firmly with it when it is in trouble (such as this callback), then it will eventually let you get what you want The existence of the 28th law proves how unreliable human nature is Do the right thing in the right position, why don’t you dare? If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #StartInvestingInCrypto
In the future, looking at the price of Bitcoin as high as 150,000 or more

You keep looking on the K-line, and you are surprised to find that the market has given you so many opportunities to get on the bus, and the current 50,000 or 60,000 is not so important

Maybe because of fear, or being misled, you are finally washed out by the dealer

Many people have been saying that others are panicking and I am greedy, but the most difficult thing in the world is to integrate knowledge and action

In fact, think about it, after all, there are few people who help in times of trouble, and many people who add icing on the cake

And the market is also about human relationships

If you stand firmly with it when it is in trouble (such as this callback), then it will eventually let you get what you want

The existence of the 28th law proves how unreliable human nature is

Do the right thing in the right position, why don’t you dare?

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #StartInvestingInCrypto
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Recently, an unnamed digital currency investor shared his withdrawal experience with us. He initially started his digital currency journey on platforms such as BitChina, when the price of Bitcoin was only 2,500 yuan. Since he happened to have a certain amount of cash reserves in the e-commerce industry, he decisively invested in this market full of opportunities. As the price of Bitcoin soared, his income also rose. When the price of Bitcoin rose to more than 7,000 yuan, he chose to withdraw money. Although the bank's supervision of digital currency was not as strict as it is now, he still received a call from the bank asking about the source of funds. He recalled the scene at the time: "The bank asked me a lot of questions, including my personal information, occupation, source of funds, etc. I patiently answered all the questions, and in the end they also sold me a wealth management product." With the continuous development of the digital currency market, banks' supervision in this area has become more and more stringent. In order to avoid the risk of bank cards being frozen, this investor also did a lot of preventive work. He told us: "As long as you don't touch those digital currencies that may have problems, such as USDT, there will generally be no problem. In addition, it is also a good choice to convert funds into US dollars and then directly remit them to foreign currency accounts. This can avoid the supervision of the domestic financial system, and the appreciation cycle of the US dollar can also bring additional benefits." In addition to individual investors, some companies are also looking for business opportunities in the digital currency market. According to this investor, "Foreign trade company accounts can be stuck with foreign exchange control bugs. If you plan to invest or trade in the digital currency market for a long time, it may be more convenient to acquire a mature foreign trade company. This will not only facilitate your cross-border transactions and fund transfers, but also avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles." In short, it is not easy to achieve wealth growth in the digital currency world, but as long as you have enough wisdom and courage to face challenges and opportunities, it is possible to realize your dream of wealth. Of course, you must also make full preparations and precautions when withdrawing money to ensure that your funds can enter the real world safely. If you have been losing money and don't know what to do, please see my introduction!! #山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 #MegadropLista #5月非农数据即将公布
Recently, an unnamed digital currency investor shared his withdrawal experience with us. He initially started his digital currency journey on platforms such as BitChina, when the price of Bitcoin was only 2,500 yuan. Since he happened to have a certain amount of cash reserves in the e-commerce industry, he decisively invested in this market full of opportunities. As the price of Bitcoin soared, his income also rose.

When the price of Bitcoin rose to more than 7,000 yuan, he chose to withdraw money. Although the bank's supervision of digital currency was not as strict as it is now, he still received a call from the bank asking about the source of funds. He recalled the scene at the time: "The bank asked me a lot of questions, including my personal information, occupation, source of funds, etc. I patiently answered all the questions, and in the end they also sold me a wealth management product."

With the continuous development of the digital currency market, banks' supervision in this area has become more and more stringent. In order to avoid the risk of bank cards being frozen, this investor also did a lot of preventive work. He told us: "As long as you don't touch those digital currencies that may have problems, such as USDT, there will generally be no problem. In addition, it is also a good choice to convert funds into US dollars and then directly remit them to foreign currency accounts. This can avoid the supervision of the domestic financial system, and the appreciation cycle of the US dollar can also bring additional benefits."

In addition to individual investors, some companies are also looking for business opportunities in the digital currency market. According to this investor, "Foreign trade company accounts can be stuck with foreign exchange control bugs. If you plan to invest or trade in the digital currency market for a long time, it may be more convenient to acquire a mature foreign trade company. This will not only facilitate your cross-border transactions and fund transfers, but also avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles."

In short, it is not easy to achieve wealth growth in the digital currency world, but as long as you have enough wisdom and courage to face challenges and opportunities, it is possible to realize your dream of wealth. Of course, you must also make full preparations and precautions when withdrawing money to ensure that your funds can enter the real world safely.

If you have been losing money and don't know what to do, please see my introduction!!

#山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 #MegadropLista #5月非农数据即将公布
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We all know that the cryptocurrency market has a bull-bear cycle of four years. And every bull market starts with the halving of Bitcoin. This year, Bitcoin has just halved, and with the subsequent interest rate cuts, water releases, and ETFs, the current market is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although the current market is like a stagnant pool of water, it shows that now is the opportunity. There is a saying that goes, Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowds are bustling. Sell now and hold until next year with the lowest risk and the highest profit. Where in the world can you find such a good deal? ? Hurry up and take action! ! If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
We all know that the cryptocurrency market has a bull-bear cycle of four years.

And every bull market starts with the halving of Bitcoin.

This year, Bitcoin has just halved, and with the subsequent interest rate cuts, water releases, and ETFs, the current market is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although the current market is like a stagnant pool of water, it shows that now is the opportunity.

There is a saying that goes,

Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowds are bustling.

Sell now and hold until next year with the lowest risk and the highest profit.

Where in the world can you find such a good deal? ?

Hurry up and take action! !

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
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If you want to make money in the bull market, you must learn the following skills! 1. Follow the banker's thinking-improve cognition, learn to think from the perspective of the banker, think and layout from the perspective of the banker 2. Strong love of learning, keep up with various hot spots-pay close attention to market trends and grasp development trends 3. Choose a reliable platform and follow a powerful big brother-join a mature and reliable community and follow the guidance of experienced traders 4. Pay attention to strong tracks-focus on layout of popular fields with broad development prospects 5. Select leading targets-give priority to top projects and currencies in the industry 6. Respect the market-follow trends and cyclicality, temporarily avoid the limelight in the bear market, and wait for the bull market to take action 7. Independent thinking-like Jack Ma said, "Be greedy when everyone is fearful, and be fearful when everyone is greedy", keep a clear mind 8. Heavy positions in leading positions-appropriately invest in high-quality projects 9. Recognize the market and stick to your beliefs-stay optimistic about the long-term value of cryptocurrencies If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! ! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
If you want to make money in the bull market, you must learn the following skills!

1. Follow the banker's thinking-improve cognition, learn to think from the perspective of the banker, think and layout from the perspective of the banker

2. Strong love of learning, keep up with various hot spots-pay close attention to market trends and grasp development trends

3. Choose a reliable platform and follow a powerful big brother-join a mature and reliable community and follow the guidance of experienced traders

4. Pay attention to strong tracks-focus on layout of popular fields with broad development prospects

5. Select leading targets-give priority to top projects and currencies in the industry

6. Respect the market-follow trends and cyclicality, temporarily avoid the limelight in the bear market, and wait for the bull market to take action

7. Independent thinking-like Jack Ma said, "Be greedy when everyone is fearful, and be fearful when everyone is greedy", keep a clear mind

8. Heavy positions in leading positions-appropriately invest in high-quality projects

9. Recognize the market and stick to your beliefs-stay optimistic about the long-term value of cryptocurrencies

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, please see my introduction! !

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
寺庙旁有一泓清冽甘甜的溪水,行人路过口渴时,便会掬起一捧水解渴。 方丈见众人皆以手掬水,甚是不便,遂于溪边置一残碗,以便众人取水饮用。 一日,一富翁路经此地,见众人用破碗饮水,自觉有煞这灵秀之景,遂令人换之以精美的碗。 次日,有人用碗饮水后,觉得此碗精美异常,心生贪念,便将碗揣入怀中,悄悄带走了。 数日后,富翁再次路过,见那只精美的碗已不见踪影。正郁闷间,忽见方丈走来,手持一只新碗,在岩石上轻磕一下,使碗有了一处缺口,而后将其放回原处。 富翁大惑不解,问方丈此举何意?方丈答道:“过于完美之物,易使人心生贪念;残缺之物,反而能更长久。” #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布






#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
See original
Yesterday, I had a chat with a big cryptocurrency trader. He said that he entered the cryptocurrency circle with 300,000 yuan, and his losses once left him with only 70,000 yuan. Now his assets are 10 million yuan. What helped him change his fate was to persist in learning and improve his cognition. He also summarized 6 experiences, which are full of gold content. I hope that friends who read them will be inspired. 1. Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning market. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal of the market in the future. Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more. The next day, they open low to suppress and absorb funds. 2. Make good use of the practical technology of trading volume. The volume can show the direction of the future market. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main force has strong control over the market. The decline in shrinking volume, the panic market has not come out, and the freezing point has not been reached, so it will continue to fall. 3. Learn to look at the top structure of the sector. Usually, the sector market is formed by five waves. The first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the goods. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. However, the market is ever-changing, and there may be many cases where there are no five waves, so you can't memorize them by rote. After discovering that the leading stocks in the sector are stagnant, the previous strength will no longer be continued during the rebound, and the probability is that the peak has been reached. 4. Every time the top of the big cake is accelerated, a certain sector will see a sharp rise, which will trigger a reversal of the big cake. Just look at whether the performance of the major leaders has stopped falling and risen, and the index will also rise later. 5. It is easy to get started if you are dedicated, especially for new friends who have just entered the market. Studying a way of playing and mastering the skills will gain more than learning eighteen martial arts at the same time. If you are greedy, you will lose. If you are not good at learning, you will easily be taught a lesson by the market. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, and you will gradually get better. After achieving stable profits, you can learn more skills to integrate them. 6. The trend operation is divided into three structures: up, down, and horizontal. In the rising stage, the winning rate of all technical indicators will increase, and in the consolidation stage, it is more efficient to use support pressure to sell high and buy low. In the downward trend, most indicators are invalid. Use different tools at different stages to be confident. If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!! #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
Yesterday, I had a chat with a big cryptocurrency trader. He said that he entered the cryptocurrency circle with 300,000 yuan, and his losses once left him with only 70,000 yuan. Now his assets are 10 million yuan. What helped him change his fate was to persist in learning and improve his cognition. He also summarized 6 experiences, which are full of gold content. I hope that friends who read them will be inspired.

1. Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning market. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal of the market in the future. Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more. The next day, they open low to suppress and absorb funds.

2. Make good use of the practical technology of trading volume. The volume can show the direction of the future market. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main force has strong control over the market. The decline in shrinking volume, the panic market has not come out, and the freezing point has not been reached, so it will continue to fall.

3. Learn to look at the top structure of the sector. Usually, the sector market is formed by five waves. The first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the goods. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. However, the market is ever-changing, and there may be many cases where there are no five waves, so you can't memorize them by rote. After discovering that the leading stocks in the sector are stagnant, the previous strength will no longer be continued during the rebound, and the probability is that the peak has been reached.

4. Every time the top of the big cake is accelerated, a certain sector will see a sharp rise, which will trigger a reversal of the big cake. Just look at whether the performance of the major leaders has stopped falling and risen, and the index will also rise later.

5. It is easy to get started if you are dedicated, especially for new friends who have just entered the market. Studying a way of playing and mastering the skills will gain more than learning eighteen martial arts at the same time. If you are greedy, you will lose. If you are not good at learning, you will easily be taught a lesson by the market. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, and you will gradually get better. After achieving stable profits, you can learn more skills to integrate them.

6. The trend operation is divided into three structures: up, down, and horizontal. In the rising stage, the winning rate of all technical indicators will increase, and in the consolidation stage, it is more efficient to use support pressure to sell high and buy low. In the downward trend, most indicators are invalid. Use different tools at different stages to be confident.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布
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