Many people enter the cryptocurrency circle and do make money during the bull market, but often fail to keep these wealth in the end.

The main reasons are as follows:

1. Some people are bold and adventurous in the early stage of the bull market, and make more money than they expected in a short period of time. But because of greed, they always feel that they have not made enough money and want to continue to make more. As a result, the profits began to return, and they were unwilling to give up, so they increased their capital investment, even leveraged and made contracts. In the end, all the money earned by luck was returned to the market because of their own operational errors.

2. Some people have only a superficial understanding of the cryptocurrency circle, but they just blindly follow others when they hear that it is easy to make money. They dare not invest too much in the early stage of the bull market, but they dare to invest more heavily in the later stage. As a result, they chase the rise and fall, and the main force is shipping, but they are still stupidly entering the market.

3. Some people were already heavily in debt before entering the cryptocurrency circle, thinking that they could make money and turn over quickly here. After making some money in the early stage, they lost their awe of the market, and as a result, they got deeper and deeper into debt.

In fact, there are very few people who can get out of the money earned by luck in the cryptocurrency circle. Even if you cash out successfully, not many people can use the money well in reality.

If you keep losing money and don’t know what to do, please read my introduction!!

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