The easiest pitfall for novices is not to buy leading coins, but to buy a bunch of altcoins that have been falling.

1: Why do novices make such mistakes? On the one hand, it is because they lack sufficient market awareness and judgment ability, and cannot accurately identify which coins have real value and potential; on the other hand, it is because they are often confused by some short-term fluctuations and false propaganda, blindly pursuing high returns and ignoring risks

2: Real investment opportunities are often hidden in those leading coins that have been tested by the market, have strong strength and broad prospects. When you hold a large position in the big bull coins of this bull market, your assets will increase 20 times, and you can cash in to buy fixed assets, your fortune is really here.

3: This does not mean that other currencies have no investment value, but they need to be selected and judged more carefully. As investors, we need to keep a clear mind, not be confused by short-term fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and only buy the most bearable currencies and the strongest leaders in the rebound of the sector.

4: Investment requires vision and luck. I hope everyone can find their own way to wealth in this unpredictable market.

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