Cryptocurrency move from US President Joe Biden.

With the US presidential election fast approaching, cryptocurrencies are coming to the fore in this election process, unlike other elections. Presidential candidates Donald #Trump and Joe Biden are making different statements about cryptocurrencies.

While #donaldtrump declared full support for#Bitcoin(BTC) and cryptocurrencies, Joe Biden initially took an opposing stance on cryptocurrencies. However, Biden's stance on cryptocurrencies has recently begun to change. Biden began reaching out to prominent figures in the cryptocurrency industry, seeking guidance on cryptocurrency policies.

According to some US sources, Biden's election team has contacted several cryptocurrency experts, including some industry players whom Biden had previously criticized. He stated that the move was part of Biden's search for guidance on the future of the cryptocurrency community and cryptocurrency policies.

According to the source, Biden's interest in the world of cryptocurrencies began about two weeks ago. It is noteworthy that behind this changed position of #Biden lies his acceptance that cryptocurrencies are an important influence in the presidential race.