⚠️⚠️New Dangerous Phase Is Starting 🚨🔻- You Need to See This! 👇🏻

You need to accept it's not early anymore, but it's also not super late yet.

Phase three 3️⃣is the major mark-up phase which can last up from 6 to 10 months. More on that shortly.

Then phase four 4️⃣ is when you absolutely need to sell and take profits before the bear market begins.

The key is buying dips and hopefully selling even higher from here. You're looking at 2-3x returns max, not the 10-15x of last cycle. Counterintuitively, the higher prices go, the more it will feel safe to buy - the opposite of how to win.

Phase three will be incredibly volatile, with multiple 30% or more crashes along the way. These will be great buying opportunities until they aren't anymore.

Then phase four is your brief window of maybe 6 weeks to exit completely near the top. The euphoria will make you want to keep buying and holding. But it's actually the time to sell it all before the next bear cycle.

This is a dangerous phase but there's potential to good gains...if you play it smart and take profits.

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