

2021-05-26 05:41
Last updated: 07 June 2024

As a leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance leverages advanced technology and industry best practices to keep your assets secure and ensure an efficient recovery process. If your deposited funds haven’t arrived in your Binance account, you can apply for self-service recovery to retrieve them. A dedicated team will meticulously examine each application to assess the feasibility of recovery.

1. 哪些交易符合自助恢復申請資格?

  • The transaction is depositing into your account:
You can only request self-service recovery for crypto deposited into your Binance account.
  • The transaction is marked as “confirmed/success” on the blockchain:
Please only submit applications for transactions that are marked as “confirmed/success” on the blockchain. We cannot assist you if the transaction is marked as “unconfirmed” or “failed”. 
  • If the transaction is marked as “confirmed/success”, click here to check the transaction status with your TxID/TxHash.
  • 透過相關提款平台查看交易狀態是否顯示「已完成 / 到帳」。如果顯示為「未確認」或「失敗」,請聯繫相關平台尋求進一步協助。
For more details, please refer to How to Find my Transaction ID (TxID)
  • The transaction doesn’t contain a tag or memo:
For certain tokens and blockchains, such as BNB and BEP2, you need to enter the corresponding tag or memo before you could successfully deposit funds. Please make sure you’ve entered the correct tag or memo. In this case, you can apply for recovery here
If you’re not sure whether your transaction can be retrieved from wrong memo/tag recovery, you may check here by entering the TxID/TxHash.
  • The transaction meets the conditions stated in the BNB Pioneer Burn Program:
若您的交易符合自助恢復資格,且您的資金在 1 小時後仍未入帳,請填寫自助恢復申請以取回您的資金。 

2. 哪些交易符合自助復原申請資格?

  • Withdrawal transactions: If you entered the wrong withdrawal address and your funds have already been withdrawn from your Binance account, we are unable to assist you.
  • You are the sender: If  you deposited funds to another user’s account, and they haven’t arrived, we cannot assist you.
  • The deposit address is a contract address not supported by the BNB Pioneer Burn Program.
  • 您為他人提交申請。

3. How to use self-service recovery to retrieve my funds?

1. 登入您的幣安帳戶並前往此連結。複製並貼上您想要取回的儲值的 TXID/TXHash,然後點擊 [提交]
*A TxID/TxHash is an identification number that labels each transaction on the blockchain. Please make sure you copy the correct TxID/TxHash.
2 .如果交易已在系統中,以下資訊包括幣種、網路、您的幣安儲值地址和儲值金額都將自動填入。您可以檢查、編輯並提交交易資訊。 
如果 TxID/TXHash 不在系統中,請填入必要資訊。
  • Coin:
You can use the search function to find the coin you want to retrieve. Please enter the complete ticker symbol of the coin (i.e., “sUSD” instead of “USD”) to avoid confusion. If you can’t find the coin you deposited, enter the coin manually and click [Confirm].
  • Deposit Network/Address:
Enter the network and address according to what is shown on the blockchain page. For deposit addresses, please refer to the “to address” (it might be shown as “destination address”, “receiver” or other similar description on some blockchains).
  • Deposit Amount:
    • 請輸入準確的儲值金額;
  • 我們最多支援至小數點後 8 位。您可以省略後面的位數;
  • 請移除所有分隔符號。
3. 確認您的申請詳情。點擊 [確認] 以提交。
4. Check the application status from [Application Records]
  • 您可能需要為申請提交額外資訊。例如,上傳證明儲值真實性的影片。請依照指示錄製您的影片。
  • If the deposit is a withdrawal return from another platform, please provide records between you and the platform that includes the TxID.
5. If the retrieval is successful, a processing fee will be charged. 
  • Ensure the address you want the funds to be retrieved to is correct.
  • Provide a tag or memo if required.


1. 為什麼系統說我的儲值網路 / 地址不正確?

  • 您正在嘗試檢索提領交易;
  • 您是本交易的發送人 (即您將資金存入另一位用戶的帳戶,而資金尚未入帳);
  • 您的儲值地址為合約地址,並不受 BNB 反黑洞計畫支援;
  • 您要代表其他人申請。
These types of transactions cannot be recovered via self-service recovery. Please contact Binance Support for more assistance.

2. 取回我的資金會有手續費嗎?

只有成功取回時才會收取手續費。您可以前往 [申請記錄],在您的申請下方查看手續費金額。 
  • An overview of potential scenarios for incorrect deposits
  • The projected wait time for recovering your funds
  • The expected fees for retrieval
  • The outcome you can anticipate upon resolution (refund or credit)
退款 / 入帳
儲值時沒有 MEMO 或 MEMO 錯誤
2 - 3 天
儲值舊 / 下架代幣
2 - 3 天
2 - 3 天
2 - 3 天
14 天
14 天
200 USDT
在不支援的 EVM 網路儲值未上架代幣
30 天
200 USDT
BNB 反黑洞計畫
30 天 
200 USDT
30 天
500 USDT
退款 / 入帳
Deposit restricted
30 天
Disclaimer: This table only contains general information, and certain retrieval processes may take longer than stated. Various factors can extend the duration, including the type of unsupported tokens and the complexity of their recovery. Fees are subject to change and not fixed. They may vary in accordance with changing market conditions, operational costs, and technological advancements.

3. 為什麼我的申請被駁回了? 

  • Incorrect TxID/TxHash or address: If your TxID/TxHash and address do not match, we cannot check the transaction on the blockchain. Therefore, we strongly suggest you directly copy and paste the TxID/TxHash and address instead of entering it manually.
  • Mismatched deposit amount: The deposit amount you entered does not match the blockchain record.
  • Transaction already arrived: The transaction you are trying to retrieve has already arrived before or during the retrieval process. Please do not submit your application again. You should also check whether the deposit has arrived before you apply.
  • Unconfirmed or unfound transaction: Your transaction hasn’t been confirmed or cannot be found on the blockchain. Please make sure that the transaction status is “confirmed/success” and that you can view the complete transaction details on the blockchain explorer.
  • Zero transaction amount: The transaction amount is shown as “0” on the blockchain. We cannot assist you with this situation.
  • Non-deposit related transaction: The transaction you are trying to submit is not related to deposit retrieval (i.e., withdrawals-, fiat, or account-related).
  • Unsupported contract address: You deposited tokens to a contract address, but the token, contract address, or deposit value do not meet the conditions stated in the BNB Pioneer Burn Program.