Binance Square
Time for altseason? Which way is the altcoin market going? Crypto markets are notorious for volatility and we have seen that volatility in the altcoin market over the past two weeks. We saw a bit of an alt season in the market especially last March when the price of Bitcoin reached its all-time high. After that we saw the price of points fluctuate but the price of altcoins has been on a downward trend for the past two weeks. However, the recent drawdown among altcoins may indicate a relative momentum bottom. And if history repeats itself we may soon see a coordinated take-off. #BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance
Time for altseason? Which way is the altcoin market going?

Crypto markets are notorious for volatility and we have seen that volatility in the altcoin market over the past two weeks. We saw a bit of an alt season in the market especially last March when the price of Bitcoin reached its all-time high. After that we saw the price of points fluctuate but the price of altcoins has been on a downward trend for the past two weeks. However, the recent drawdown among altcoins may indicate a relative momentum bottom. And if history repeats itself we may soon see a coordinated take-off.
#BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance
歡迎來到幣安 Web3 錢包與 StarryNift 聯合活動!創建MPC Binance Web3錢包(無鑰匙錢包),在這裡鑄造您的公民卡:,並分享獎金池!使用我的推薦碼:_CMfF-Fr6L 享受更多優惠!
歡迎來到幣安 Web3 錢包與 StarryNift 聯合活動!創建MPC Binance Web3錢包(無鑰匙錢包),在這裡鑄造您的公民卡:,並分享獎金池!使用我的推薦碼:_CMfF-Fr6L 享受更多優惠!
ETH ETF 是那些想要投資 ETH 和想要投資 ETHE 的人的絕佳選擇 您可以使用它來做出更好的購買決策 本網站使用 cookie 來改善您的體驗。 透露 ETHE 已於 9 日將其報價從早上 7 點的 1.15% 折扣提高到晚上 11 點的 46%。因此,如果您想投資 ETHE,您應該考慮使用合適的 ETF 並相應地選擇選項。 比特幣 ETF 將幫助您通過投資“GBTC”來提升您的體驗。您可以選擇投資 ETH 的場外 ETF,或以較低的價格購買 ETH。 21 天后,您將收到通過“S-1s”購買的 80% 的 S&P ETF(SEC) SEC 將於 9 月 8 日分發 ETF S-1,併發布其最新報告。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問 SEC,我們將定期審查 #BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance #ETF_ETH #ETFApprouval
ETH ETF 是那些想要投資 ETH 和想要投資 ETHE 的人的絕佳選擇

您可以使用它來做出更好的購買決策 本網站使用 cookie 來改善您的體驗。

透露 ETHE 已於 9 日將其報價從早上 7 點的 1.15% 折扣提高到晚上 11 點的 46%。因此,如果您想投資 ETHE,您應該考慮使用合適的 ETF 並相應地選擇選項。

比特幣 ETF 將幫助您通過投資“GBTC”來提升您的體驗。您可以選擇投資 ETH 的場外 ETF,或以較低的價格購買 ETH。

21 天后,您將收到通過“S-1s”購買的 80% 的 S&P ETF(SEC)

SEC 將於 9 月 8 日分發 ETF S-1,併發布其最新報告。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問 SEC,我們將定期審查
#BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance #ETF_ETH #ETFApprouval
Investors should be aware of the coins listed in the crypto market every day! Ever since the creation of Bitcoin, new coins have been entering the market. If we look at the various exchange sites, we will see that many coins are being added to the exchange sites constantly. And this kind of constant inclusion of coins has become very worrying for the investors and it has also made many investors think. It is not bad that these online based digital coins are included in the market but the problem is that there are many questions about their longevity. Just as we constantly see many coins getting listed in the market, we also constantly see many coins exiting the market. When new crypto coins are constantly listed in the market, it becomes difficult for investors to decide which coin to invest in. #Menuju7TahunBinance
Investors should be aware of the coins listed in the crypto market every day!

Ever since the creation of Bitcoin, new coins have been entering the market. If we look at the various exchange sites, we will see that many coins are being added to the exchange sites constantly. And this kind of constant inclusion of coins has become very worrying for the investors and it has also made many investors think. It is not bad that these online based digital coins are included in the market but the problem is that there are many questions about their longevity. Just as we constantly see many coins getting listed in the market, we also constantly see many coins exiting the market. When new crypto coins are constantly listed in the market, it becomes difficult for investors to decide which coin to invest in.
會發生這種情況嗎? 我們以前有過類似的設置…… 我不希望發生以下情況,但你永遠不知道…… 我們上次發生這種情況時有相同的設置,但價格要低得多: #Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

#Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC
鯨魚介入並在 Coinbase 上購買了 2 億美元 並不是每個人都驚慌失措…… 當每個人都在等待 4 萬美元時,鯨魚已經在趁低買入了。 幾個小時前,我們在 Coinbase 上進行了 2 億美元的買入:#Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
鯨魚介入並在 Coinbase 上購買了 2 億美元


當每個人都在等待 4 萬美元時,鯨魚已經在趁低買入了。

幾個小時前,我們在 Coinbase 上進行了 2 億美元的買入:#Menuju7TahunBinance
What Are Advantages Of Cryptocurrency? One of the primary benefits of cryptocurrencies is its capacity to enable quick, secure, and low-cost transactions. Transactions can be completed directly between two parties, eliminating the need for a third party, such as a bank. This can lead to lower transaction fees and faster processing times. Another advantage of cryptocurrencies is anonymity. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the blockchain, but the identities of the parties involved are unknown. This may be appealing to folks who respect privacy and prefer to keep their financial actions private. Most cryptocurrencies' supply is regulated and controlled by the network, making them resistant to inflation. This may make it an appealing investment option for people who want to protect their capital from the effect of Inflation
What Are Advantages Of Cryptocurrency?

One of the primary benefits of cryptocurrencies is its capacity to enable quick, secure, and low-cost transactions. Transactions can be completed directly between two parties, eliminating the need for a third party, such as a bank. This can lead to lower transaction fees and faster processing times.

Another advantage of cryptocurrencies is anonymity. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the blockchain, but the identities of the parties involved are unknown. This may be appealing to folks who respect privacy and prefer to keep their financial actions private.

Most cryptocurrencies' supply is regulated and controlled by the network, making them resistant to inflation. This may make it an appealing investment option for people who want to protect their capital from the effect of Inflation
其他人覺得它很熟悉嗎? 外面有很多 FUD,但設置卻始終存在。 你覺得它很熟悉嗎? 我覺得它非常熟悉。 繼續前進! #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
外面有很多 FUD,但設置卻始終存在。


Should be a good month I am looking for 20% returns this month July should be good after a bad June. History points to a 15% to 20% month in store for us. Here's why:
Should be a good month

I am looking for 20% returns this month
July should be good after a bad June.
History points to a 15% to 20% month in store for us.

Here's why:
突破還是假突破? 比特幣突破下行趨勢線 這是真正的突破還是假突破? 只要這個價格今天和明天保持不變,看起來它就可能是真的。 #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)


比特幣目標價位 90,000 美元!爲牛市做好準備! 加密貨幣行業一片歡騰,因爲最近的研究表明,基於長期看漲信號,比特幣可能目標價位達到 90,000 美元。這些傳統跡象預示着比特幣即將突破價格,是這種謹慎樂觀情緒的來源。 儘管比特幣在 6 月份的表現好壞參半,但從長遠來看,它仍然是一項不錯的投資。 #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
比特幣目標價位 90,000 美元!爲牛市做好準備!

加密貨幣行業一片歡騰,因爲最近的研究表明,基於長期看漲信號,比特幣可能目標價位達到 90,000 美元。這些傳統跡象預示着比特幣即將突破價格,是這種謹慎樂觀情緒的來源。

儘管比特幣在 6 月份的表現好壞參半,但從長遠來看,它仍然是一項不錯的投資。
加密貨幣:山寨幣季節可能即將開始!一位知名市場專家表示,加密貨幣投資者期盼已久的山寨幣季即將到來。儘管最近替代加密貨幣的資本化有所下降,但轉機正在變得越來越明顯。 即使面對當前的波動,著名交易員 Mister Crypto 仍保持樂觀態度。在他看來,市場機制遵循着一種已經存在了相當長一段時間的模式。


即使面對當前的波動,著名交易員 Mister Crypto 仍保持樂觀態度。在他看來,市場機制遵循着一種已經存在了相當長一段時間的模式。
深度僞造造成的加密貨幣損失 深度僞造的威脅 什麼是深度僞造? 深度僞造是使用人工智能 (AI) 和機器學習技術創建的合成媒體。這些技術可以生成高度逼真的人物視頻、音頻和圖像,使其看起來好像他們在說或做他們從未真正做過的事情。雖然深度僞造在娛樂和其他領域有合法用途,但它們也成爲網絡犯罪分子的工具。 深度僞造如何瞄準加密貨幣 在加密貨幣的背景下,深度僞造可用於創建有影響力人物的令人信服的視頻或錄音,例如加密項目負責人、首席執行官或財務顧問。這些欺詐媒體通常用於欺騙投資者、傳播虛假信息或操縱市場。常見策略包括: 冒充:製作可信人物的虛假視頻,宣佈欺詐性投資機會。 網絡釣魚:使用深度僞造的聲音或圖像誘騙個人透露私鑰或密碼。 市場操縱:傳播虛假信息以左右市場情緒並影響加密貨幣價格。 #BinanceTournament #NewsAboutCrypto

深度僞造是使用人工智能 (AI) 和機器學習技術創建的合成媒體。這些技術可以生成高度逼真的人物視頻、音頻和圖像,使其看起來好像他們在說或做他們從未真正做過的事情。雖然深度僞造在娛樂和其他領域有合法用途,但它們也成爲網絡犯罪分子的工具。



#BinanceTournament #NewsAboutCrypto
比特幣可能會隨着日曆的翻轉而開始上漲 我以前見過 當月份、季度和年份發生變化時,比特幣和股票通常會開始上漲或下跌。 時間有時會改變事物。 而比特幣看起來已經準備好迎接這樣的時刻。 #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)




如有疑問,請縮小 這總結得很好…… 有時一張圖片比冗長的段落更能概括事情。 起初,這似乎是一次艱難的攀登,直到我們回頭看,才發現它只是一座更大的山上的一座小山。 像這樣的東西做得很好: #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)



US government sending bitcoin to Coinbase? What is this? Bitcoin getting hit from all sides right now. #BTC☀
US government sending bitcoin to Coinbase?
What is this?
Bitcoin getting hit from all sides right now.
Does this mean we need to go lower? Bitcoin has yet to see a 30% draw-down since the lows of 2022 This is pretty surprising... BItcoin hasn't seen a single 30% drawdown since we made those lows during this cycle. Right now we are in the midst of a 22% drop, does that mean it needs to go lower? Maybe, maybe not... We are about to find out. Check it out: #BTC☀
Does this mean we need to go lower?

Bitcoin has yet to see a 30% draw-down since the lows of 2022
This is pretty surprising...

BItcoin hasn't seen a single 30% drawdown since we made those lows during this cycle.
Right now we are in the midst of a 22% drop, does that mean it needs to go lower?

Maybe, maybe not...

We are about to find out.

Check it out: #BTC☀
They aren't even here yet Morgan Stanley said they will open up the Bitcoin ETFs to all clients by end of August They aren't even all here yet. The ETFs have primarily been driven by retail flows. At least that is what I have read. The big wire houses haven't even gotten involved yet. The rumors are they will start getting here in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this year. That would be really good for the price if true. If bitcoin is going up by then it will be even more attractive. Here's part of that:
They aren't even here yet

Morgan Stanley said they will open up the Bitcoin ETFs to all clients by end of August
They aren't even all here yet.

The ETFs have primarily been driven by retail flows.

At least that is what I have read.

The big wire houses haven't even gotten involved yet.

The rumors are they will start getting here in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this year.

That would be really good for the price if true.

If bitcoin is going up by then it will be even more attractive.

Here's part of that:
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