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分析師預測狗狗幣 (DOGE) 即將暴漲:是時候投資了嗎? *加密分析師 Crypto Kaleo 爲狗狗幣 (DOGE) 提出了積極的前景。 *根據其分析,領先的 meme 幣可能很快就會出現拋物線上漲。 “狗狗幣即將大幅上漲,”Kaleo 說。 本文探討了領先的加密分析師預測的狗狗幣價值即將上漲的可能性。 在 X(以前的 Twitter)上的最新帖子中,Crypto Kaleo 表示,狗狗幣“早就該迎來一輪強勁反彈”。他將即將到來的潛在反彈與 GameStop 在 2021 年初的上漲進行了類比,並暗示狗狗幣在 GME 觸頂後可能會走上類似的軌跡。 GameStop 在年初的空頭擠壓導致狗狗幣和柴犬等 meme 幣的價格大幅上漲。 Kaleo 的分析顯示,DOGE/BTC 匯率有望上漲,預示價格即將上漲。他表示,預計反彈的投資者可能需要對市場保持耐心,可能持續幾天甚至幾周,因爲市場條件會趨於一致,類似於 2021 年反彈之前的情況。 另一位支持看漲趨勢的加密貨幣分析師 World of Charts 表示,#Dogecoin 即將迎來繁榮。成功突破可能會使其當前價格翻倍至 0.3 美元。分析師 Jaydee 與這些觀點相呼應,指出 DOGE 的月度圖表上出現了有希望的模式,表明突破可能即將到來,並改變一些投資者的生活。 儘管有積極的預測,但狗狗幣目前的交易價格約爲 0.15 美元,在過去 24 小時內略有下跌。正如 Kaleo 所指出的那樣,這種下跌可能類似於 2021 年狗狗幣大幅上漲之前觀察到的模式,並且可能是大幅反彈之前所必需的。 $BTC $ETH

分析師預測狗狗幣 (DOGE) 即將暴漲:是時候投資了嗎?

*加密分析師 Crypto Kaleo 爲狗狗幣 (DOGE) 提出了積極的前景。

*根據其分析,領先的 meme 幣可能很快就會出現拋物線上漲。

“狗狗幣即將大幅上漲,”Kaleo 說。


在 X(以前的 Twitter)上的最新帖子中,Crypto Kaleo 表示,狗狗幣“早就該迎來一輪強勁反彈”。他將即將到來的潛在反彈與 GameStop 在 2021 年初的上漲進行了類比,並暗示狗狗幣在 GME 觸頂後可能會走上類似的軌跡。

GameStop 在年初的空頭擠壓導致狗狗幣和柴犬等 meme 幣的價格大幅上漲。 Kaleo 的分析顯示,DOGE/BTC 匯率有望上漲,預示價格即將上漲。他表示,預計反彈的投資者可能需要對市場保持耐心,可能持續幾天甚至幾周,因爲市場條件會趨於一致,類似於 2021 年反彈之前的情況。

另一位支持看漲趨勢的加密貨幣分析師 World of Charts 表示,#Dogecoin 即將迎來繁榮。成功突破可能會使其當前價格翻倍至 0.3 美元。分析師 Jaydee 與這些觀點相呼應,指出 DOGE 的月度圖表上出現了有希望的模式,表明突破可能即將到來,並改變一些投資者的生活。

儘管有積極的預測,但狗狗幣目前的交易價格約爲 0.15 美元,在過去 24 小時內略有下跌。正如 Kaleo 所指出的那樣,這種下跌可能類似於 2021 年狗狗幣大幅上漲之前觀察到的模式,並且可能是大幅反彈之前所必需的。


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Person who stole 2 million dollars from Solana meme coin application: They were going to go bankrupt anyway While the application, which allows the issuance of meme coins on the Solana network, had $2 million worth of SOL tokens stolen yesterday with an inside intervention, the former employee who committed the theft said, "It was a place that was poorly Managed and harmed people. I'm not afraid of going to jail either. "If it happens, let it happen," he said. While the application, one of the most used applications of the Solana network recently and through which meme coins can be issued, lost 2 million dollars, the person who committed the theft said that he did not regret what he did. It was determined that the attacker, who targeted the accounts on that enabled the transfer of liquidity in tokens of a certain level to Solana's decentralized exchange Raydium, stole $2 million worth of SOL tokens from there. Everyone calm down, this is a robbery. I will change the course of history. Then I will rot in prison. Am I smart? No, I'm pretty good. Actually, not much. Do I want something? No, even my mother died and came back to life.” “They were managing poorly” Later, speaking in an X Space broadcast on the subject, the attacker complained about the mismanagement of the company and said, “I had a personal stance against the company managers. I was complaining about them. "They were horribly bad managers," he said. “I wanted to bankrupt the company.” The attacker, who used very clear expressions and was announced to be a Canadian citizen, said: “I wanted to go bankrupt and end. They were going to sink anyway. They have been doing evil to people for a long time. This had to be done. I only accelerated their progress. "They were going to finish themselves off anyway," he said. $BTC $SOL
Google I/O 2024: A new era in the world of artificial intelligence and technology The place of artificial intelligence in the technology agenda has become much stronger after OpenAI introduced its new artificial intelligence modeling GPT-4o (Omni) the other day. #Google , one of the leading technology giants, organized an event where it introduced its new technologies one day after OpenAI. One of the most striking innovations of the event was "Project Astra". This revolutionary #AI agent has the potential to redefine the way we interact with technology. It was also announced that Google Search is now powered by cutting-edge generative AI technology, promising a smarter and more intuitive browsing experience. There was exciting news for Android users too. With the Android 15 update, game-changing features such as the “Circle to Search” feature were announced, which will make the mobile experience easier than ever before. Google also put forward its claim in its competition with OpenAI. #Google has once again proven that they are at the forefront of innovation, exceeding expectations with a spectacular showcase of their AI capabilities. This assistant has the potential to redefine how users interact with technology. It was also stated that Google Search is now supported by generative AI technology to offer a smarter and more intuitive search experience. OpenAI's GPT-4o model is an artificial intelligence model that can process text, audio and image in real time and provide a smooth transition between these models. GPT-4o stands out as being faster and 50% cheaper than previous models. It also offers significant improvements in text and code in languages ​​other than English, and appears to be superior to existing models, especially when it comes to image and audio understanding. The event also highlighted that Google offers developers and businesses opportunities to create their own transformative products and services with AI, with tools such as AI Studio and Gemma. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Ethereum Approaches the $3,200 Level! Is There a Bull Season Ahead? ETH is heading towards breaking a long-term resistance level. If this move is successful, the leading altcoin will rise towards the $3,200 price level. Currently, ETH is trying to break above the resistance and the bulls are supporting this uptrend with a series of signs spotted on the daily chart. Altcoin Ethereum (ETH) is poised to break above the upper line of its descending channel, indicating a decrease in selling pressure. Currently at $3,140, ​​the value of the coin has increased by almost 10% in the past week. This growth reflects the rise in the overall crypto market over the past seven days. The total value of the global cryptocurrency market increased by 9% during this period. When the price of an asset continues to make lower highs and lower lows, a descending channel is formed, indicating a broad downtrend. #ETH started trending within this channel on March 12, causing its price to drop by 20% since then. The market has witnessed a surge in new liquidity inflows as the cryptocurrency moves towards the upper line of the channel, which has formed a resistance level since March. Confirming this was ETH's Chaikin Money Flow, which recently broke above the zero line and is in an uptrend at the time of writing. This indicator measures the flow of money into and out of the coin market. When an asset's #CMF rises like this, it indicates that there is more buying pressure than selling pressure in the market. This is usually because the asset's price makes new highs due to an increase in trading volume. According to data from Santiment, ETH's daily trading volume increased by 40% in the last seven days. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bitcoin (BTC) Gains Pace: Michael Saylor Highlights Growing Interest from Wall Street and Congress. *The crypto industry is celebrating a significant legal victory following a recent US Senate decision. *The Senate unanimously agreed to repeal an SEC rule that would severely restrict banks' ability to handle cryptocurrencies. *As one leading industry expert put it, “This is a big day for crypto and American innovation.” Discover the consequences of the US Senate's decision to strike down an SEC rule affecting cryptocurrency banking operations. The now-defeated #SEC rule known as SAB 121 would have forced banks to classify digital assets held on behalf of their customers as liabilities. This classification would create operational difficulties and could hinder the growth of crypto services in banking. The Digital Chamber of Commerce argued that such regulations would effectively prevent banks from offering Bitcoin custody services, and that this service is critical to the security and growth of the cryptocurrency market. In an unexpected development, the Senate vote showed several Democrats crossing party lines to support the crypto industry. This reflects the growing recognition of the importance and potential of cryptocurrencies in the mainstream financial landscape. The cross-party nature of the vote marks a shift in how digital currencies are perceived across traditional political lines and could pave the way for more supportive legislation in the future. Despite the Senate's approval, the crypto community needs to be careful. President Joe Biden has previously shown support for tighter #SEC regulations on cryptocurrencies, and there is a possibility he could veto the Senate resolution. This looming possibility makes the future of this regulatory relief uncertain, highlighting the crypto industry's ongoing challenges in maintaining a stable regulatory environment. $BTC $ETH $BNB




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