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比特幣 (BTC) 加速發展:Michael Saylor 強調華爾街和國會對比特幣的興趣日益濃厚。 *最近美國參議院做出決定後,加密貨幣行業正在慶祝一項重大的法律勝利。 *參議院一致同意廢除美國證券交易委員會的一項規則,該規則將嚴重限制銀行處理加密貨幣的能力。 *正如一位領先的行業專家所說,“這是加密貨幣和美國創新的重要一天。” 瞭解美國參議院決定推翻影響加密貨幣銀行業務的美國證券交易委員會規則的後果。 現已被否決的 #SEC 規則(稱爲 SAB 121)將迫使銀行將代表客戶持有的數字資產歸類爲負債。這種分類將造成運營困難,並可能阻礙銀行加密服務的發展。數字商會認爲,此類法規將有效阻止銀行提供比特幣託管服務,而這項服務對於加密貨幣市場的安全和增長至關重要。 出乎意料的是,參議院投票顯示,幾名民主黨人跨越黨派界限支持加密行業。這反映出主流金融領域對加密貨幣重要性和潛力的認識日益增強。此次投票的跨黨派性質標誌着傳統政治界對數字貨幣的看法發生了轉變,並可能爲未來出臺更多支持性立法鋪平道路。 儘管參議院批准了該法案,但加密社區仍需謹慎。拜登總統此前曾表示支持對加密貨幣實施更嚴格的監管,他有可能否決參議院的決議。這種迫在眉睫的可能性使得這一監管救濟的未來變得不確定,凸顯了加密行業在維持穩定監管環境方面面臨的持續挑戰。 $BTC $ETH $BNB

比特幣 (BTC) 加速發展:Michael Saylor 強調華爾街和國會對比特幣的興趣日益濃厚。





現已被否決的 #SEC 規則(稱爲 SAB 121)將迫使銀行將代表客戶持有的數字資產歸類爲負債。這種分類將造成運營困難,並可能阻礙銀行加密服務的發展。數字商會認爲,此類法規將有效阻止銀行提供比特幣託管服務,而這項服務對於加密貨幣市場的安全和增長至關重要。




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Fidelity manager Timmer: Only one thing is needed for Bitcoin to break a new record Fidelity manager Jurrien Timmer, one of the names followed on social media with his market evaluations from time to time, stated that network losses in Bitcoin have slowed down, but the price continues to remain high and said, "This continuous record is being prevented. The network must constantly accelerate in order for new increases to occur." Although it fell after the non-agricultural employment data announced in the USA last week, Bitcoin, which rose after this week's inflation figures and the Fed's decision, could not exceed the 70 thousand dollars level again. While investors questioned whether the upward trend was over, Fidelity manager Jurrien Timmer stated that new peaks could only come with the growth of the Bitcoin network. “The record may come with the thesis of financial dominance” Making some evaluations on his account on X, Fidelity's global macro manager drew attention to the discrepancy between price and adaptation and said: "Network growth in Bitcoin has slowed in recent months. However, we see that the price also increases and remains high. This price-adoption discrepancy may actually be behind Bitcoin's failure to break new records. Bitcoin price is swinging like a pendulum around its growth curve and will continue to swing. Therefore, for records to be achieved, the network needs to start growing again. How will this happen? Perhaps with the arrival of the next phase of the fiscal dominance thesis..." The fiscal dominance thesis mentioned by Timmer is based on the incompatibility of countries' fiscal and monetary policies. While taxation, government expenditures and debt purchases constitute fiscal policies, the central bank's monetary policies can be ineffective from time to time. This situation constitutes the financial dominance thesis. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Tesla shareholders took Elon Musk and company management to court Tesla shareholders took Elon Musk and company management to court for allegedly directing resources and talent to external artificial intelligence startup xAI. While this move caused uncertainty in the company's internal structure and position in the market, shareholders resorted to legal action to protect their investments. Tesla shareholders took CEO Elon Musk and company management to court. Allegedly, Musk transferred Tesla's artificial intelligence resources and talented personnel to his own initiative, xAI. This situation is thought to harm Tesla's competitiveness. The case was registered on the day the vote was taken to cancel Musk's large pay package. Shareholders argue that Musk and the board of directors betrayed the interests of Tesla and its shareholders with these actions and demand compensation for their losses. Tesla shareholders have filed a lawsuit in Delaware court against the company's CEO, Elon Musk, and his board of directors. The plaintiffs allege that Musk funneled Tesla's valuable AI resources and talented staff into his own startup, xAI. Shareholders claim that this situation harms Tesla's competitiveness. The case was recorded on the same day a vote was taken to cancel Musk's massive pay package. Allegedly, Musk raised funds for xAI using information about Tesla's artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technologies and transferred important names from the company in the process. In particular, Tesla's computer vision team leader Ethan Knight's transition to xAI in March 2024 is noteworthy. Shareholders also point to a period in which Musk diverted Nvidia GPUs, which were vital for Tesla, to company #xAI and X, and said that these GPUs were not necessary for Tesla. The plaintiffs argue that Musk and the board of directors betrayed the interests of Tesla and its shareholders with these actions and demand compensation for their damages.


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