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現實生活就是這樣的 🙂 你每天都給孩子糖果。你經常這樣做,而且很開心。 那個孩子也一定會愛你。每天當他看到他的朋友時,他都會笑得很燦爛,跑去接糖果。 但有一天,你拍拍它的頭說:“我沒有糖果了。”突然間你發現它很不一樣。它大聲尖叫說你小氣,你很壞。或者它到處誹謗你。 => 教訓:當你給別人東西時,很多時候他們不會認爲這是禮物,他們會認爲這是一種義務,一種責任。而當你停止給他們想要的東西時,他們會立即反對你。 對於很多人來說,即使你每天都給他們糖果,他們也只記得你沒有給他們的一天! #XEN

現實生活就是這樣的 🙂




=> 教訓:當你給別人東西時,很多時候他們不會認爲這是禮物,他們會認爲這是一種義務,一種責任。而當你停止給他們想要的東西時,他們會立即反對你。



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Suffering does not complain, happiness does not brag, loss does not regret, danger does not cause anxiety. There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy. Don't make yourself pitiful in the hearts of others, and don't harm yourself to become a grain of sand in other people's eyes! Suffering without complaint: is a type of cultivating character There is a very famous saying on the internet: "Never talk about suffering to anyone, because 80% of the people who listen don't care, the remaining 20% just make fun of it." This statement sounds very cruel, but it tells us the truth: There is a limit to suffering, and there is a time limit to sympathy. When faced with suffering, there are very few people who sincerely want to fully understand your suffering. Therefore, suffering without complaining is the best choice for us. Adults should have a very resilient and strong heart, deep enough to keep some private things or secrets. If we live as shallowly as a plate, showing everything we think on our face, even if we are a little sad, we cannot help but tell the whole world, then it will certainly only increase our suffering a hundred thousand times. . Out of every 10 things in life, there are 8 or 9 things that don't go as expected. As for wise people, they take suffering lightly, but try to grasp 1 or 2 parts of the other idea. On the contrary, stubborn people only know how to live and die in their unhappiness. Not complaining is not because we want to suppress our own emotions, but because we want us to see through the mortal world sooner or later. It is a representative of a type of wisdom called "not fighting in vain", also a type of courage called "dare to confront suffering". Suffering without complaining is not because you are weak, you grit your teeth and accept disadvantages in everything, but because you complain less and learn to let go of unnecessary suffering.


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