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SHytoshi Kusama 向 SHIB 社區發出重要警告。 一個向柴犬軍隊發布詐騙警告的 Twitter/X 帳戶“Shibarmy Scam Alerts”宣布,社交媒體上出現了一個假名的 SHIB 領導人草間草俊 (Shytoshi Kusama) 的新假賬戶。 本週早些時候,它分享了關於頂級 SHIB 開發商 Kaal Dhairya 的類似警告。 SHIB 軍隊對假新 Kusama 帳戶發出警告。 該推文包含兩張假新 Shytoshi Kusama 帳戶的螢幕截圖,提醒 SHIB 大軍,詐騙者經常創建的此類假帳戶旨在向用戶提供誤導性信息,並將他們誤導到假冒網站以獲取資金。另一個目標是收集用戶的生活細節,以便他們以後可以用來詐騙。 該推文敦促 SHIB 大軍始終與加密貨幣計畫的官方成員保持聯繫。 SHIB 團隊成員絕不會私下聯繫任何用戶,詢問他們的個人資料或要求將他們的錢包連接到任何平台。 草間俊俊向社區發送訊息。 本週早些時候,SHIB 團隊成員 Lucie 傳播了草間彌生向柴犬社區發出重要新消息的消息。 Kusama 宣布了 ShibaSwap 去中心化交易所的新版本 - 1.75,他承諾早些時候會推出該版本。 Shytoshi 表示,升級後的 DEX 是“社區代幣蓬勃發展的地方,創造了一個充滿獨特項目、事業和#SHIBARMY成員的動態市場。” ShibaSwap 現在不僅在以太坊區塊鏈上運行,而且已經橋接到 Shibarium。 Lucie 強調,這對於 Shibarium 用戶來說非常重要,因為用戶需要將其 Shiba Inu 生態系統代幣發送回以太坊才能存取各種產品和服務。 她強調,到目前為止,一切都還在發展中,而Shibarium在全球範圍內的這種發展永無止境。

SHytoshi Kusama 向 SHIB 社區發出重要警告。

一個向柴犬軍隊發布詐騙警告的 Twitter/X 帳戶“Shibarmy Scam Alerts”宣布,社交媒體上出現了一個假名的 SHIB 領導人草間草俊 (Shytoshi Kusama) 的新假賬戶。

本週早些時候,它分享了關於頂級 SHIB 開發商 Kaal Dhairya 的類似警告。

SHIB 軍隊對假新 Kusama 帳戶發出警告。

該推文包含兩張假新 Shytoshi Kusama 帳戶的螢幕截圖,提醒 SHIB 大軍,詐騙者經常創建的此類假帳戶旨在向用戶提供誤導性信息,並將他們誤導到假冒網站以獲取資金。另一個目標是收集用戶的生活細節,以便他們以後可以用來詐騙。

該推文敦促 SHIB 大軍始終與加密貨幣計畫的官方成員保持聯繫。 SHIB 團隊成員絕不會私下聯繫任何用戶,詢問他們的個人資料或要求將他們的錢包連接到任何平台。


本週早些時候,SHIB 團隊成員 Lucie 傳播了草間彌生向柴犬社區發出重要新消息的消息。

Kusama 宣布了 ShibaSwap 去中心化交易所的新版本 - 1.75,他承諾早些時候會推出該版本。 Shytoshi 表示,升級後的 DEX 是“社區代幣蓬勃發展的地方,創造了一個充滿獨特項目、事業和#SHIBARMY成員的動態市場。”

ShibaSwap 現在不僅在以太坊區塊鏈上運行,而且已經橋接到 Shibarium。 Lucie 強調,這對於 Shibarium 用戶來說非常重要,因為用戶需要將其 Shiba Inu 生態系統代幣發送回以太坊才能存取各種產品和服務。


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Stellar (XLM) Testnet Upgraded To Protocol 21, Will It Impact Price? The Stellar Testnet protocol just got upgraded to Protocol 21 as one of the most important steps in the blockchain's smart contract evolution. According to the update it shared on its official X account, with this testnet upgrade, Stellar is now well-positioned to actualize the rest of the milestones in its roadmap. Stellar Protocol 21 Upgrade: Next Steps To Watch. Stellar was developed as a predominantly payment engine and after garnering a significant market share, it is choosing to pivot. The most renowned layer-1 blockchain protocols have full smart contract functionality and Stellar hopes to join the train through Protocol 21. The grand proposal to adopt the smart contract capability gained approved by the network's validators in February. This backing was vital as part of the roadmap to ushering in Protocol 21 update will involve the entire community. Following this Testnet update, Stellar has unveiled the next major timeline to watch its its updated roadmap. These dates include May 30, June 11 and June 18 respectively. On May 30, the blockchain said it will implement the Stable releases of Stellar Core, Horizon and RPC. The Stellar Core slated for May 30 remain the second candidate developed to support Protocol 21. On June 11, the protocol will implement a Testnet reset to guarantee all the changes and additions works optimally. Should the plans work out, the blockchain will make the grand transition with intense upsides for XLM. As the native asset of the Stellar network, XLM will play a central role in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) set to emerge. Potentially, the price impact might turn out to be resounding in the long term. While this is a major boost, at the time of writing, XLM is changing hands for $0.103, down by 1.33% in 24 hours.
Ripple CLO Compares SEC to Kafka's 'The Trial' as XRP Case Saga Continues. In the ongoing legal saga between Ripple and the SEC, the crypto company's chief legal officer, Stuart Alderoty, drew a striking parallel between the regulator's handling of the case and Franz Kafka's renowned novel, "The Trial." Alderoty's comparison underscores. Ripple's contention that it has been unfairly treated by the regulatory body throughout the investigation and Wells Notice process. Some argue that this case is emblematic of a broader trend, with other cryptocurrency firms, such as Robinhood or Coinbase, experiencing similar challenges in navigating the SEC's inconsistent feedback. Ripple v. SEC v. XRP. As of now, the SEC continues to pursue remedies against the San Francisco-based blockchain company, amounting to nearly $2 billion for selling XRP to institutional investors. In response to the SEC's motion for judgment and remedies, Ripple has filed to seal certain documents, citing concerns that their disclosure could cause significant harm to its business interests. The requested redactions include highly confidential information regarding earnings, revenues, expenses and discounts at which XRP was sold to institutions. While Ripple acknowledges the relevance of its discounts to institutional buyers, it refuses to disclose specific financial and pricing terms. Moreover, Ripple seeks to protect the identities of nonparty financial institutions, customers and employees, arguing that disclosure could be detrimental to their legitimate privacy interests and potentially damage business partnerships. Despite the SEC's request for over $2 billion in fines and penalties, Ripple contends that any civil penalty should not exceed $10 million.
Charts Look 'Scary Bullish for Bitcoin': Dan Tapiero. Cofounder of Gold Bullion International and 10T Holdings Dan Tapiero has taken to his official account on the X platform to share a bullish Bitcoin price prediction. He tweeted that the setup on the charts is beginning to look "scary bullish for Bitcoin." "Scary bullish for Bitcoin". Sharing two Bitcoin charts in his tweet, Tapiero stated that these are "starting to look scary bullish for Bitcoin." In the near future, the investor expects the world's flagship cryptocurrency to break above the $65,000 level and then head on to $90,000, and then even higher. Tapiero tweeted that the current sideways consolidation is nearly done, adding that markets always have some surprises in stock for traders and investors. He has not been able to detect any specific catalyst that will lead the Bitcoin bull run, but he does not think it is important in this case "Specific catalyst unclear but it doesn't matter." Over the past 24 hours, the world's primary cryptocurrency has gone down by 3.18%. This plunge was followed by growth of 1.29%. Bitcoin is currently changing hands at $61,950. Overall, since BTC lost the $65,000 level on May 6, it has been striving to recover it and has twice already attempted to break through the $63,300 zone - but to no avail so far. Bitcoin is expected by many to skyrocket later this year or in 2025 after the fundamental event for BTC that happened in April - the halving. It reduced the block reward size to 3.125 BTC and, historically, Bitcoin has always skyrocketed after each of the three previous halvings. Another potential price catalyst is that spot ETFs continue to purchase Bitcoin en masse, having started their regular accumulation in January, when they were approved for trading by the SEC.




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