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Stellar (XLM) 測試網升級至協議 21,會影響價格嗎? Stellar 測試網協議剛剛升級至協議 21,這是區塊鏈智能合約演進中最重要的步驟之一。 根據其在官方 X 賬戶上分享的更新,通過此次測試網升級,Stellar 現在已經準備好實現其路線圖中的其餘里程碑。 Stellar 協議 21 升級:值得關注的後續步驟。 Stellar 最初是作爲主要的支付引擎開發的,在獲得相當大的市場份額後,它選擇轉型。最著名的第 1 層區塊鏈協議具有完整的智能合約功能,Stellar 希望通過協議 21 加入這一行列。 採用智能合約功能的宏偉提議在 2 月份獲得了網絡驗證者的批准。這一支持至關重要,因爲迎來協議 21 更新的路線圖將涉及整個社區。在本次測試網更新之後,Stellar 公佈了其更新路線圖的下一個重要時間表。這些日期分別是 5 月 30 日、6 月 11 日和 6 月 18 日。 5 月 30 日,該區塊鏈表示將實施 Stellar Core、Horizo​​n 和 RPC 的穩定版本。定於 5 月 30 日發佈的 Stellar Core 仍然是支持 Protocol 21 的第二個候選版本。6 月 11 日,該協議將實施測試網重置,以確保所有更改和添加都能以最佳方式運行。 如果計劃成功,區塊鏈將實現重大轉型,XLM 將獲得巨大的上行空間。作爲 Stellar 網絡的原生資產,XLM 將在即將出現的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 中發揮核心作用。從長遠來看,價格影響可能會產生巨大影響。 雖然這是一個重大的推動,但在撰寫本文時,XLM 的易手價格爲 0.103 美元,24 小時內下跌了 1.33%。

Stellar (XLM) 測試網升級至協議 21,會影響價格嗎?

Stellar 測試網協議剛剛升級至協議 21,這是區塊鏈智能合約演進中最重要的步驟之一。

根據其在官方 X 賬戶上分享的更新,通過此次測試網升級,Stellar 現在已經準備好實現其路線圖中的其餘里程碑。

Stellar 協議 21 升級:值得關注的後續步驟。

Stellar 最初是作爲主要的支付引擎開發的,在獲得相當大的市場份額後,它選擇轉型。最著名的第 1 層區塊鏈協議具有完整的智能合約功能,Stellar 希望通過協議 21 加入這一行列。

採用智能合約功能的宏偉提議在 2 月份獲得了網絡驗證者的批准。這一支持至關重要,因爲迎來協議 21 更新的路線圖將涉及整個社區。在本次測試網更新之後,Stellar 公佈了其更新路線圖的下一個重要時間表。這些日期分別是 5 月 30 日、6 月 11 日和 6 月 18 日。

5 月 30 日,該區塊鏈表示將實施 Stellar Core、Horizo​​n 和 RPC 的穩定版本。定於 5 月 30 日發佈的 Stellar Core 仍然是支持 Protocol 21 的第二個候選版本。6 月 11 日,該協議將實施測試網重置,以確保所有更改和添加都能以最佳方式運行。

如果計劃成功,區塊鏈將實現重大轉型,XLM 將獲得巨大的上行空間。作爲 Stellar 網絡的原生資產,XLM 將在即將出現的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 中發揮核心作用。從長遠來看,價格影響可能會產生巨大影響。

雖然這是一個重大的推動,但在撰寫本文時,XLM 的易手價格爲 0.103 美元,24 小時內下跌了 1.33%。

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Ripple CLO Compares SEC to Kafka's 'The Trial' as XRP Case Saga Continues. In the ongoing legal saga between Ripple and the SEC, the crypto company's chief legal officer, Stuart Alderoty, drew a striking parallel between the regulator's handling of the case and Franz Kafka's renowned novel, "The Trial." Alderoty's comparison underscores. Ripple's contention that it has been unfairly treated by the regulatory body throughout the investigation and Wells Notice process. Some argue that this case is emblematic of a broader trend, with other cryptocurrency firms, such as Robinhood or Coinbase, experiencing similar challenges in navigating the SEC's inconsistent feedback. Ripple v. SEC v. XRP. As of now, the SEC continues to pursue remedies against the San Francisco-based blockchain company, amounting to nearly $2 billion for selling XRP to institutional investors. In response to the SEC's motion for judgment and remedies, Ripple has filed to seal certain documents, citing concerns that their disclosure could cause significant harm to its business interests. The requested redactions include highly confidential information regarding earnings, revenues, expenses and discounts at which XRP was sold to institutions. While Ripple acknowledges the relevance of its discounts to institutional buyers, it refuses to disclose specific financial and pricing terms. Moreover, Ripple seeks to protect the identities of nonparty financial institutions, customers and employees, arguing that disclosure could be detrimental to their legitimate privacy interests and potentially damage business partnerships. Despite the SEC's request for over $2 billion in fines and penalties, Ripple contends that any civil penalty should not exceed $10 million.
Charts Look 'Scary Bullish for Bitcoin': Dan Tapiero. Cofounder of Gold Bullion International and 10T Holdings Dan Tapiero has taken to his official account on the X platform to share a bullish Bitcoin price prediction. He tweeted that the setup on the charts is beginning to look "scary bullish for Bitcoin." "Scary bullish for Bitcoin". Sharing two Bitcoin charts in his tweet, Tapiero stated that these are "starting to look scary bullish for Bitcoin." In the near future, the investor expects the world's flagship cryptocurrency to break above the $65,000 level and then head on to $90,000, and then even higher. Tapiero tweeted that the current sideways consolidation is nearly done, adding that markets always have some surprises in stock for traders and investors. He has not been able to detect any specific catalyst that will lead the Bitcoin bull run, but he does not think it is important in this case "Specific catalyst unclear but it doesn't matter." Over the past 24 hours, the world's primary cryptocurrency has gone down by 3.18%. This plunge was followed by growth of 1.29%. Bitcoin is currently changing hands at $61,950. Overall, since BTC lost the $65,000 level on May 6, it has been striving to recover it and has twice already attempted to break through the $63,300 zone - but to no avail so far. Bitcoin is expected by many to skyrocket later this year or in 2025 after the fundamental event for BTC that happened in April - the halving. It reduced the block reward size to 3.125 BTC and, historically, Bitcoin has always skyrocketed after each of the three previous halvings. Another potential price catalyst is that spot ETFs continue to purchase Bitcoin en masse, having started their regular accumulation in January, when they were approved for trading by the SEC.
Michael Saylor Ejects 'Bitcoin Money' Message Amid Market Dip. Amid a drop in the cryptocurrency market, Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy's chairman, has issued a rallying call to crypto holders. "Teleport your money to safety," Saylor wrote in a tweet while tagging Bitcoin. This metaphorical advice comes at a critical time when the market is experiencing significant volatility, and investors are seeking a haven for their digital assets. Michael Saylor's statement might not be about literal teleportation but rather a strategic move to safeguard investments. By using the term "teleport," Saylor emphasizes the speed and decisiveness required in taking action. His message might reflect the swift action needed to prevent potential losses during market downturns. At the time of writing, BTC has fallen 1.34% in the previous 24 hours to $61,931, matching the decrease in the cryptocurrency market ahead of key data releases. The cryptocurrency market dipped on Tuesday as investors anticipated fresh inflation data and Federal Reserve policymakers' statements, hoping for signals about the future path of monetary policy. The April producer price index, which monitors wholesale inflation, is due out on Tuesday. Dow Jones surveyed economists, who estimate that the PPI would climb 0.3% from last month. MicroStrategy has been a staunch supporter of Bitcoin, with Saylor leading the charge in advocating for the cryptocurrency as a reliable store of value. The company's strategy to hold Bitcoin through volatile times has been a testament to its belief in the long-term potential of digital currencies. That said, Saylor's message might extend beyond mere preservation of capital. His statement might remind readers that taking prompt and well-informed action is crucial in the face of uncertainty.




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