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Solana 和狗狗幣領跌,加密貨幣多頭預計清算 4 億美元 主要代幣在過去 24 小時內經歷了大幅下跌,其中比特幣下跌了 5%,其他主要代幣如以太幣、卡爾達諾的 ADA 和 BNB Chain 的 BNB 也出現了類似的損失。 多頭頭寸(即押注價格上漲)的清算金額超過 4 億美元,而空頭頭寸(即押注價格下跌)的清算金額相對較小,爲 8500 萬美元。 Bitfinex 分析師表示,隨着長期投資者拋售比特幣,未來幾周比特幣可能會保持區間波動。 由於美元走強造成拋售壓力,比特幣 (BTC) 扭轉了上週的漲幅,導致超過 4 億美元的看漲押注被清算,主要代幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了 8%。 數據顯示,比特幣下跌了 5%,以太坊(ETH)、Cardano 的 ADA 和 BNB Chain 的 BNB 也出現了類似的損失。 Solana 的 SOL 在週一短暫觸及 200 美元后下跌 7%,至 185 美元,而狗狗幣 (DOGE) 下跌超過 8%。 受 4 月 4 日網絡減半事件的提振,比特幣現金的 BCH 在過去一週上漲 40% 後,因獲利了結而下跌 10%。 多頭(或押注價格上漲)的清算金額超過 4 億美元,空頭(或押注空頭)的清算金額相對較小,爲 8,500 萬美元。當交易者沒有足夠的資金來維持槓桿交易時,就會發生清算。 Bitfinex 表示:“我們認爲,比特幣可能會繼續在一個區間內盤整,因爲之前休眠的供應,特別是長期持有者(LTH)的供應正在被出售(儘管規模比之前的牛市頂部相對較小)。” 。 分析師補充道:“在 LTH 羣體(持有 BTC 時間超過 155 天)中觀察到了戰略性獲利了結。” 另一方面,FxPro 高級市場分析師 Alex Kuptsikevich 在一條消息中表示,由於更廣泛的市場對風險資產表現出謹慎態度,比特幣在 71,000 美元水平面臨阻力。 #Memecoins $BTC $ETH $DOGE

Solana 和狗狗幣領跌,加密貨幣多頭預計清算 4 億美元

主要代幣在過去 24 小時內經歷了大幅下跌,其中比特幣下跌了 5%,其他主要代幣如以太幣、卡爾達諾的 ADA 和 BNB Chain 的 BNB 也出現了類似的損失。

多頭頭寸(即押注價格上漲)的清算金額超過 4 億美元,而空頭頭寸(即押注價格下跌)的清算金額相對較小,爲 8500 萬美元。

Bitfinex 分析師表示,隨着長期投資者拋售比特幣,未來幾周比特幣可能會保持區間波動。

由於美元走強造成拋售壓力,比特幣 (BTC) 扭轉了上週的漲幅,導致超過 4 億美元的看漲押注被清算,主要代幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了 8%。

數據顯示,比特幣下跌了 5%,以太坊(ETH)、Cardano 的 ADA 和 BNB Chain 的 BNB 也出現了類似的損失。 Solana 的 SOL 在週一短暫觸及 200 美元后下跌 7%,至 185 美元,而狗狗幣 (DOGE) 下跌超過 8%。

受 4 月 4 日網絡減半事件的提振,比特幣現金的 BCH 在過去一週上漲 40% 後,因獲利了結而下跌 10%。

多頭(或押注價格上漲)的清算金額超過 4 億美元,空頭(或押注空頭)的清算金額相對較小,爲 8,500 萬美元。當交易者沒有足夠的資金來維持槓桿交易時,就會發生清算。

Bitfinex 表示:“我們認爲,比特幣可能會繼續在一個區間內盤整,因爲之前休眠的供應,特別是長期持有者(LTH)的供應正在被出售(儘管規模比之前的牛市頂部相對較小)。” 。

分析師補充道:“在 LTH 羣體(持有 BTC 時間超過 155 天)中觀察到了戰略性獲利了結。”

另一方面,FxPro 高級市場分析師 Alex Kuptsikevich 在一條消息中表示,由於更廣泛的市場對風險資產表現出謹慎態度,比特幣在 71,000 美元水平面臨阻力。

#Memecoins $BTC $ETH $DOGE

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The New $PEPE Token on the Solana Blockchain: A Market Disruptor The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with the recent launch of the $PEPE token on the Solana blockchain, which made its debut on the 25th. This new token is shaking up the market in a way reminiscent of the $PEPE token's explosive entry on the Ethereum network. Could $PEPE SOL be the Next Big Thing on Solana? There are strong indications that $PEPE SOL could be the next major player on the Solana network. Despite being only a few days old, this token is already demonstrating significant growth potential. Early indicators are incredibly promising, with the token recording an impressive 24-hour trading volume of $37 million. Key Metrics and Potential for Growth $PEPE SOL has a total supply of 999.60 million tokens and currently boasts a market cap of $34 million. These figures highlight that the token is still in its infancy, offering substantial room for growth. The rapid trading volume and growing market cap suggest that investors are eagerly getting on board, potentially driving the token to new heights. A New Meme Token in the Making The hype around $PEPE SOL is not unwarranted. It carries the potential to mirror, if not surpass, the popularity of the $PEPE token on the Ethereum network. Meme tokens have a unique place in the cryptocurrency world, often driven by community engagement and viral trends. $PEPE SOL seems poised to capture the same enthusiastic audience, especially within the Solana ecosystem. All Eyes on $PEPE SOL As the market continues to monitor this new entrant, $PEPE SOL is positioned as a token to watch. Its early success and significant trading activity suggest it could become a dominant force on the Solana network. Investors and crypto enthusiasts alike are paying close attention to this burgeoning meme token, eager to see if it will replicate the success of its Ethereum counterpart. With its current momentum, $PEPE SOL could very well be on its way to becoming a leading token in the Solana blockchain. #BinanceLaunchpool $SOL
New York Jury Finds Do Kwon, Terraform Labs Liable for Fraud in SEC Case The SEC accused Kwon and his company of misleading investors about the stability of their so-called “algorithmic stablecoin” Terra USD. NEW YORK – A Manhattan jury has found Terraform Labs and its co-founder, Do Kwon, liable on civil fraud charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with the $40 billion implosion of the Terra ecosystem in May 2022, according to a Friday statement from the SEC. The SEC accused Terraform Labs and Kwon of misleading investors about the stability of its so-called “algorithmic” native stablecoin, Terra USD (UST), and the use cases for the Terra blockchain. The jury delivered the verdict on Friday, just two hours after lawyers for both the SEC and the defendants gave their closing arguments at the end of the nine-day trial in New York. Jurors agreed with the SEC that Kwon and, under his direction, Terraform Labs deceived everyday investors about the nature of the supposed algorithm that kept UST pegged to the U.S. dollar. Though Kwon insinuated that it could “automatically self-heal” in the event of a de-peg, it actually relied on continuous trading activity, including large-scale trading done by institutional investors. “We are pleased with today’s jury verdict holding Terraform Labs and Do Kwon liable for a massive crypto fraud,” Gurbir Grewal, SEC Division of Enforcement director, wrote in a statement. “The defendants caused devastating losses for investors and wiped out tens of billions of market value nearly overnight. For all of crypto’s promises, the lack of registration and compliance have very real consequences for real people. As the hard work of our team shows, we will continue to use the tools at our disposal to protect the investing public, but it is high time for the crypto markets to come into compliance,” Grewal added. #LUNA #LUNC #DoKwon $LUNC $LUNC




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