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Solana 區塊鏈上的新 $PEPE 代幣:市場顛覆者 隨着 Solana 區塊鏈上最近推出的 $PEPE 代幣於 25 日首次亮相,加密貨幣市場一片沸騰。這種新代幣正在以一種讓人想起 $PEPE 代幣在以太坊網絡上爆炸式進入的方式震撼市場。 $PEPE SOL 會成爲 Solana 上的下一個大事件嗎? 有強烈跡象表明,$PEPE SOL 可能是 Solana 網絡上的下一個主要參與者。儘管只有幾天的歷史,但這種代幣已經顯示出巨大的增長潛力。早期指標令人難以置信,該代幣的 24 小時交易量達到驚人的 3700 萬美元。 關鍵指標和增長潛力 $PEPE SOL 的總供應量爲 9.996 億個代幣,目前市值爲 3400 萬美元。這些數字突顯出該代幣仍處於起步階段,具有巨大的增長空間。快速的交易量和不斷增長的市值表明投資者正熱切地加入進來,有可能將代幣推向新的高度。 正在形成的新型表情包代幣 圍繞 $PEPE SOL 的炒作並非毫無道理。它有可能複製甚至超越以太坊網絡上 $PEPE 代幣的受歡迎程度。表情包代幣在加密貨幣世界中佔有獨特的地位,通常由社區參與和病毒式傳播趨勢推動。$PEPE SOL 似乎準備吸引同樣熱情的受衆,尤其是在 Solana 生態系統中。 所有人的目光都集中在 $PEPE SOL 上 隨着市場繼續關注這一新進入者,$PEPE SOL 被定位爲值得關注的代幣。它的早期成功和大量交易活動表明它可能成爲 Solana 網絡上的主導力量。投資者和加密愛好者都在密切關注這個新興的表情包代幣,渴望看到它是否會複製以太坊代幣的成功。 憑藉目前的勢頭,$PEPE SOL 很可能正在成爲 Solana 區塊鏈中的領先代幣。 #BinanceLaunchpool $SOL

Solana 區塊鏈上的新 $PEPE 代幣:市場顛覆者

隨着 Solana 區塊鏈上最近推出的 $PEPE 代幣於 25 日首次亮相,加密貨幣市場一片沸騰。這種新代幣正在以一種讓人想起 $PEPE 代幣在以太坊網絡上爆炸式進入的方式震撼市場。

$PEPE SOL 會成爲 Solana 上的下一個大事件嗎?

有強烈跡象表明,$PEPE SOL 可能是 Solana 網絡上的下一個主要參與者。儘管只有幾天的歷史,但這種代幣已經顯示出巨大的增長潛力。早期指標令人難以置信,該代幣的 24 小時交易量達到驚人的 3700 萬美元。


$PEPE SOL 的總供應量爲 9.996 億個代幣,目前市值爲 3400 萬美元。這些數字突顯出該代幣仍處於起步階段,具有巨大的增長空間。快速的交易量和不斷增長的市值表明投資者正熱切地加入進來,有可能將代幣推向新的高度。


圍繞 $PEPE SOL 的炒作並非毫無道理。它有可能複製甚至超越以太坊網絡上 $PEPE 代幣的受歡迎程度。表情包代幣在加密貨幣世界中佔有獨特的地位,通常由社區參與和病毒式傳播趨勢推動。$PEPE SOL 似乎準備吸引同樣熱情的受衆,尤其是在 Solana 生態系統中。

所有人的目光都集中在 $PEPE SOL 上

隨着市場繼續關注這一新進入者,$PEPE SOL 被定位爲值得關注的代幣。它的早期成功和大量交易活動表明它可能成爲 Solana 網絡上的主導力量。投資者和加密愛好者都在密切關注這個新興的表情包代幣,渴望看到它是否會複製以太坊代幣的成功。

憑藉目前的勢頭,$PEPE SOL 很可能正在成爲 Solana 區塊鏈中的領先代幣。

#BinanceLaunchpool $SOL

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New York Jury Finds Do Kwon, Terraform Labs Liable for Fraud in SEC Case The SEC accused Kwon and his company of misleading investors about the stability of their so-called “algorithmic stablecoin” Terra USD. NEW YORK – A Manhattan jury has found Terraform Labs and its co-founder, Do Kwon, liable on civil fraud charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with the $40 billion implosion of the Terra ecosystem in May 2022, according to a Friday statement from the SEC. The SEC accused Terraform Labs and Kwon of misleading investors about the stability of its so-called “algorithmic” native stablecoin, Terra USD (UST), and the use cases for the Terra blockchain. The jury delivered the verdict on Friday, just two hours after lawyers for both the SEC and the defendants gave their closing arguments at the end of the nine-day trial in New York. Jurors agreed with the SEC that Kwon and, under his direction, Terraform Labs deceived everyday investors about the nature of the supposed algorithm that kept UST pegged to the U.S. dollar. Though Kwon insinuated that it could “automatically self-heal” in the event of a de-peg, it actually relied on continuous trading activity, including large-scale trading done by institutional investors. “We are pleased with today’s jury verdict holding Terraform Labs and Do Kwon liable for a massive crypto fraud,” Gurbir Grewal, SEC Division of Enforcement director, wrote in a statement. “The defendants caused devastating losses for investors and wiped out tens of billions of market value nearly overnight. For all of crypto’s promises, the lack of registration and compliance have very real consequences for real people. As the hard work of our team shows, we will continue to use the tools at our disposal to protect the investing public, but it is high time for the crypto markets to come into compliance,” Grewal added. #LUNA #LUNC #DoKwon $LUNC $LUNC




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