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Machine Learning
TAPROOT WIZARDS 籌集 750 萬美元用於推進比特幣上的 Ordinals、L2S、ZK-SNARKS Taproot Wizards 是一個專注於提升比特幣功能的比特幣 Ordinals 項目,已獲得 750 萬美元的資金,用於組建一支頂級開發人員團隊,在比特幣的基礎上進行開發。 此輪投資由 Standard Crypto 領投,Geometry、Collider Ventures、StarkWare、UTXO Management、Bitcoin Frontier Fund、Masterkey 和 Newman Capital 也參與了本輪融資。 Taproot Wizards 聯合創始人 Udi Wertheimer 表示:“我們進行了 750 萬美元的種子輪融資,因為我們覺得時間至關重要。” “十年來我們一直看好比特幣,但我們真誠地相信,現在是建立比特幣的最佳時機。” Taproot Wizards 旨在組建一支堅實的開發人員團隊,進一步開發充分發揮開源協議潛力的工具和應用程式。該專案的使命圍繞著最大限度地發揮 Taproot 的潛力,這是一項旨在增強比特幣隱私、安全性和效率的升級。 「我們專注於採用更廣泛的加密研究中的最佳突破來推進比特幣和序數,例如我們幾個月前分享的開源匯總工作,並將利用這筆資金建立一個由頂尖團隊組成的團隊成為比特幣建設者,」Wertheimer 繼續說道。 Taproot Wizards 的重點在於培育一個生態系統,開發人員可以在其中協作並創建利用比特幣力量的解決方案。 $ORDI $BTC

TAPROOT WIZARDS 籌集 750 萬美元用於推進比特幣上的 Ordinals、L2S、ZK-SNARKS

Taproot Wizards 是一個專注於提升比特幣功能的比特幣 Ordinals 項目,已獲得 750 萬美元的資金,用於組建一支頂級開發人員團隊,在比特幣的基礎上進行開發。

此輪投資由 Standard Crypto 領投,Geometry、Collider Ventures、StarkWare、UTXO Management、Bitcoin Frontier Fund、Masterkey 和 Newman Capital 也參與了本輪融資。

Taproot Wizards 聯合創始人 Udi Wertheimer 表示:“我們進行了 750 萬美元的種子輪融資,因為我們覺得時間至關重要。” “十年來我們一直看好比特幣,但我們真誠地相信,現在是建立比特幣的最佳時機。”

Taproot Wizards 旨在組建一支堅實的開發人員團隊,進一步開發充分發揮開源協議潛力的工具和應用程式。該專案的使命圍繞著最大限度地發揮 Taproot 的潛力,這是一項旨在增強比特幣隱私、安全性和效率的升級。

「我們專注於採用更廣泛的加密研究中的最佳突破來推進比特幣和序數,例如我們幾個月前分享的開源匯總工作,並將利用這筆資金建立一個由頂尖團隊組成的團隊成為比特幣建設者,」Wertheimer 繼續說道。

Taproot Wizards 的重點在於培育一個生態系統,開發人員可以在其中協作並創建利用比特幣力量的解決方案。


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On Culture and Governance, or: Comparing Open AI and eCash Recently there’s been a lot of speculation about what happened behind the scenes at Open AI, the company behind ChatGPT. Here’s what we know. This past Friday, the 4 person board of directors fired the CEO, Sam Altman, and was immediately met with enormous backlash from both company insiders and outsiders alike. While no details have emerged as to exactly what led to the firing, chances are that the members of the board didn’t share Altman’s vision as to what was best for Open AI. I bring all this up because I couldn’t help seeing some parallels between Open AI and the eCash project. For example, in the aftermath of Altman’s firing, many Open AI employees took to Twitter over the weekend to signal that they would resign if the firing wasn’t reversed. It got me thinking about the intentions of these employees, and while I am in no way suggesting this is actually the case, I could imagine a scenario where employees with thousands of stock options might favor a CEO whose objective was to maximize profits over a board whose goal might be to maximize safety. It reminded me of something I’ve been thinking about with regard to $XEC . For example, what if all the $XEC stakeholders decided to vote for increasing the staking rewards so that instead of only receiving 10% of the block reward, it became much higher? Another way of putting it is how do we ensure that the eCash stakeholders do what’s in the best interest of the project, rather than what they think is in the best interest of their individual wallets? To me, the answer comes down to culture. Culture as in what do the stakeholders of these projects ultimately want? In the case of Open AI, is the goal to make as much money as possible, or to safely create artificial general intelligence that benefits all of mankind? #XEC/USDT #XEC #BCH/USD #bch #




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