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😱🚀🚀🚀Notcoin (NOT) 成为市场上最赚钱的代币,并真正接管了市场上的资金🚀🚀🚀😱 流行的边玩边赚代币 Notcoin ($NOT ) 在过去一周以惊人的积极市场表现继续吸引投资者的关注。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,Notcoin 在过去一天上涨了 46.97%,成为市场上表现最好的资产。 #Notcoin 创下 238% 的周涨幅 随着整个加密货币市场呈现稳定的价格走势,Notcoin 的爆炸性表现表明购买压力很高,已成为观众、分析师和潜在投资者的焦点。 该加密游戏项目最初于 2023 年 11 月由 Open Builders 推出封闭测试版,并得到开放网络 (TON) 基金会的支持。 2024 年 1 月正式推出后,Notcoin 迅速引起了广泛关注,由于其简单的游戏玩法和与社交媒体应用 Telegram 的战略整合,注册了数百万用户。 在这个边玩边赚的游戏中,玩家通过不断点击虚拟金币并执行简单的任务来赚取 NOT 币。然而,最近,Notcoin 推出了一项名为“赚钱任务”的新功能,允许用户被动地积累 NOT 代币。 NOT 代币于 5 月 16 日正式空投,此后展示了加密货币市场波动的两面。此次发布后,Notcoin 最初下跌超过 60%,从 0.012 美元跌至 0.0050 美元的低点。 然而,在过去一周,该代币表现不俗,上涨 237.70%,创下 0.01781 美元的历史新高。值得注意的是,Notcoin 的市值也从 5.2677 亿美元增长至约 18.1 亿美元,推动该代币跻身前 60 种加密货币之列。 #NOT #binance

😱🚀🚀🚀Notcoin (NOT) 成为市场上最赚钱的代币,并真正接管了市场上的资金🚀🚀🚀😱

流行的边玩边赚代币 Notcoin ($NOT ) 在过去一周以惊人的积极市场表现继续吸引投资者的关注。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,Notcoin 在过去一天上涨了 46.97%,成为市场上表现最好的资产。

#Notcoin 创下 238% 的周涨幅

随着整个加密货币市场呈现稳定的价格走势,Notcoin 的爆炸性表现表明购买压力很高,已成为观众、分析师和潜在投资者的焦点。

该加密游戏项目最初于 2023 年 11 月由 Open Builders 推出封闭测试版,并得到开放网络 (TON) 基金会的支持。 2024 年 1 月正式推出后,Notcoin 迅速引起了广泛关注,由于其简单的游戏玩法和与社交媒体应用 Telegram 的战略整合,注册了数百万用户。

在这个边玩边赚的游戏中,玩家通过不断点击虚拟金币并执行简单的任务来赚取 NOT 币。然而,最近,Notcoin 推出了一项名为“赚钱任务”的新功能,允许用户被动地积累 NOT 代币。

NOT 代币于 5 月 16 日正式空投,此后展示了加密货币市场波动的两面。此次发布后,Notcoin 最初下跌超过 60%,从 0.012 美元跌至 0.0050 美元的低点。

然而,在过去一周,该代币表现不俗,上涨 237.70%,创下 0.01781 美元的历史新高。值得注意的是,Notcoin 的市值也从 5.2677 亿美元增长至约 18.1 亿美元,推动该代币跻身前 60 种加密货币之列。

#NOT #binance

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🚀🚀😱Memecoins cannot get enough of the rise: Floki (FLOKI) broke a record!😱🚀🚀 The price movements of #Floki ($FLOKI ) in memecoins, which have been raging recently, continue to attract interest. Memecoins, which have been exploiting the cryptocurrency market for some time, have attracted attention with the increase of various projects and the emergence of new categories. FLOKI's latest move has come to the fore in mem Decoin, which is by far the best trend at the moment. The popular memecoin, which refreshed ATH, made the investor audience smile. In addition, FLOKI managed to become the highest rising altcoin of the last 24 hours with 25.71 October. Floki (FLOKI) has set its sights on new heights FLOKI, which has been staying in the background compared to other memecoins for some time, finally made the expected exit. Memecoin, which gives confidence with its technical structure, stepped on the gas after making the break. Memecoin, which received a reaction from just below the falling wedge structure, has shown a 47 percent performance in the last three days. The altcoin, which makes ATH by taking the Memecoin wind behind it, continues its positive outlook. But if we take into account the volatility in memecoins, it will be necessary to be careful. the popular coin, which is trading at $ 0.000335, will receive more attention if it settles above $ 0.000349. The discrediting of the Memecoin fury, the inability of BTC to break $ 71,000 or a negative news that may come about the sector will shake the FLOKI as a matter of course. In such a scenario, respectively 0,000315 – 0,000289 – 0,000269 – 0,000219 – 0,000202 – 0,000185 – 0,000149 and it may experience a pullback towards $0.000109. In addition, it may be important to consider the news in the October ecosystem. A critical news that may come from the ecosystem will have a say in the price movements of the pair. #memecoins #binance


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