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比特币交易所储备量创五年新低!这意味着什么? 交易所持有的 #Bitcoin BTC 跌破 230 万 BTC,跌至 2018 年 3 月以来的最低水平。这一下降与币安和 Coinbase 等主要交易所的大量资金流出有关,表明投资者更加重视长期投资。 在过去一年中,据观察,拥有最大比特币储备的币安交易所已有大量 #BTC 被提取。同样,Coinbase 在 2024 年也经历了大量资金流出。仅一天时间,就有大约 16,000 BTC 从这家美国交易所转出。 随着大型比特币持有者或“鲸鱼”将其资产转移到私人钱包,这一趋势变得越来越明显。这一动向表明,鲸鱼正在为未来价格上涨做准备。 比特币目前在 4 小时图上的交易价格为 67,731 美元。 68,000 美元的枢轴点表明,只要低于该数字,#BTC 就将保持下行趋势。虽然 69,000、70,600 和 71,000 美元的水平似乎作为短期阻力位,但最接近的支撑位在 66,650 和 65,950 美元。 相对强弱指数 RSI 处于中性点,为 46.62 点。比特币在其 50 周期指数移动平均线 68,000 美元下方换手。 虽然上行趋势线支撑 #Bitcoin 约为 66,650 美元,但双底形成也很明显。通常,这种模式表明比特币可能从当前水平开始向上移动。 $BTC $ETH $BNB


交易所持有的 #Bitcoin BTC 跌破 230 万 BTC,跌至 2018 年 3 月以来的最低水平。这一下降与币安和 Coinbase 等主要交易所的大量资金流出有关,表明投资者更加重视长期投资。

在过去一年中,据观察,拥有最大比特币储备的币安交易所已有大量 #BTC 被提取。同样,Coinbase 在 2024 年也经历了大量资金流出。仅一天时间,就有大约 16,000 BTC 从这家美国交易所转出。


比特币目前在 4 小时图上的交易价格为 67,731 美元。 68,000 美元的枢轴点表明,只要低于该数字,#BTC 就将保持下行趋势。虽然 69,000、70,600 和 71,000 美元的水平似乎作为短期阻力位,但最接近的支撑位在 66,650 和 65,950 美元。

相对强弱指数 RSI 处于中性点,为 46.62 点。比特币在其 50 周期指数移动平均线 68,000 美元下方换手。

虽然上行趋势线支撑 #Bitcoin 约为 66,650 美元,但双底形成也很明显。通常,这种模式表明比特币可能从当前水平开始向上移动。


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Joe Biden's son was found guilty: These memecoins are on the move! Political Finance (PolitiFi), one of the new trends taking shape around Joe Biden and Donald Trump, was mobilized after Hunter Biden was found guilty. Political Finance (PolitiFi), one of the new trends taking shape around Joe Biden and Donald Trump, became active after Hunter Biden was found guilty. According to CoinGecko, the market value of memecoins in the Political Finance category has fallen by over 13 percent in the last 24 hours. During this period, #Bitcoin (BTC) lost approximately 4 percent in value, while Ether (ETH) decreased by 5.4 percent. The conviction of Hunter Biden, son of incumbent US president Joe Biden, led to a 45 percent drop in FreeTrump (TRUMP) in the last 24 hours. #MAGA (TRUMP), the largest PolitiFi coin in terms of market value, dropped by 13 percent. These tokens have no official connection with any political figure. With the guilty verdict announced on June 12, Solana-based Hunter Boden (HUNTERBODEN) gained attention, rising more than 30 percent in the last 24 hours to $0.001514. Jeo Boden (BODEN), one of the most popular mecoins of 2024, dropped by 5.5 percent to $ 0.1855. The Joe Biden-Donald #Trump conflict, which has become increasingly heated as the US elections approach, has been especially good for the memecoin trend. Developments regarding political figures that bring a new breath to the Memecoin category can easily mobilize memecoins in this field. But memecoin hunters should be careful in this process. Volatility may increase in memecoins due to both the course of the market and its nature.
Interesting Request from Trump Regarding Bitcoin. US president Trump met with crypto miners in the country as part of his election campaign and pledged his support. Former President Trump attended an important meeting held at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, attended by important names in the crypto mining industry. #Trump met with executives of #Bitcoin mining companies CleanSpark and Riot Platforms. It was reported that Trump was enthusiastic about promoting Bitcoin mining during the meeting, and he promised to be an advocate for miners in the White House if elected. Trump, a former Bitcoin opponent, changed his mind to gain support from the booming crypto industry as he began his election campaign. The former president, who also accepted crypto donations during his election campaign, has attracted attention with his moderate attitudes towards the crypto industry in recent months. Trump said crypto miners have an important role in balancing energy grids. “I want all remaining #Bitcoins to be produced in the USA” Trump, who had previously openly stated that he did not support Bitcoin, seeing it as a threat to dollar dominance, continued to enthusiastically express that he would be a pro-crypto president, saying at yesterday's meeting, "We want all the remaining Bitcoins to be produced in the USA. This will help us be dominant in energy." did. On the other hand, Trump said that his rival Biden was anti-crypto and also criticized his policies towards the sector. Trump even claimed that #Biden did not understand cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, earlier this year the US Energy Information Administration began collecting data on how much electricity crypto mining uses. However, while this initiative attracted reaction, data collection activity was stopped by court order. On the other hand, the Biden administration continues its efforts to regulate crypto assets within the scope of environmental sustainability. In this context, the US Treasury Department proposed a 30% tax on the electricity used by crypto mining companies in its 2025 Fiscal Year Revenue Proposals.




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