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特朗普关于比特币的有趣要求。 美国总统特朗普在竞选期间会见了该国的加密矿工,并承诺给予支持。前总统特朗普昨天出席了在海湖庄园举行的一次重要会议,加密采矿业的重要人物出席了会议。 #Trump 会见了 #Bitcoin 采矿公司 CleanSpark 和 Riot Platforms 的高管。据报道,特朗普在会见期间对推广比特币采矿充满热情,并承诺如果当选,将在白宫为矿工代言。 特朗普曾是比特币的反对者,但在开始竞选时,他改变了主意,转而寻求蓬勃发展的加密行业的支持。这位前总统在竞选期间也接受了加密捐赠,近几个月来他对加密行业的温和态度引起了人们的关注。特朗普表示,加密矿工在平衡能源网方面发挥着重要作用。 “我希望所有剩余的比特币都在美国生产” 特朗普此前曾公开表示不支持比特币,认为比特币对美元的主导地位构成威胁,但他继续热情地表示自己将成为一名支持加密货币的总统,他在昨天的会议上表示:“我们希望所有剩余的比特币都在美国生产。这将有助于我们在能源领域占据主导地位。” 另一方面,特朗普表示他的竞争对手拜登反对加密货币,并批评他对该行业的政策。特朗普甚至声称 #Biden 不了解加密货币。 与此同时,今年早些时候,美国能源信息署开始收集有关加密货币挖矿使用多少电力的数据。然而,尽管这一举措引起了反应,但数据收集活动因法院命令而停止。 另一方面,拜登政府继续努力在环境可持续性范围内监管加密资产。在此背景下,美国财政部在其2025财年收入提案中提出对加密采矿公司使用的电力征收30%的税。



#Trump 会见了 #Bitcoin 采矿公司 CleanSpark 和 Riot Platforms 的高管。据报道,特朗普在会见期间对推广比特币采矿充满热情,并承诺如果当选,将在白宫为矿工代言。




另一方面,特朗普表示他的竞争对手拜登反对加密货币,并批评他对该行业的政策。特朗普甚至声称 #Biden 不了解加密货币。



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Terraform agreed with the SEC: It will pay a $4.47 billion fine. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday filed a “proposed final approval order” with U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff for the Southern District of New York to approve the plan. Under the proposed verdict, Terraform will pay $3.58 billion in restitution, $420 million in civil penalties, and bar Do Kwon from becoming a director or officer of any public company. #TerraformLabs agreed to pay a $4.47 billion penalty after reaching a settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over its algorithmic stablecoin falling dramatically in 2022. The #SEC filed a “proposed final approval order” on Wednesday and asked U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff for the Southern District of New York to approve the plan. The SEC said in its court filing: “The proposed consent judgment addresses the magnitude of this fraud, implements significant remedial, punitive, and deterrent measures, includes multibillion-dollar judgment, and ensures meaningful and expeditious relief for investor victims. “If approved, the proposed resolution would send a clear deterrent message not only to those who engage in brazen behavior, but also to all individuals who attempt to establish new standards of conduct to evade the requirements of the federal securities laws.” Terraform and its founder Do Kwon reached an “agreement in principle” with the SEC after oral argument was canceled in late May. Under the proposed verdict, Terraform will pay $3.58 billion in restitution, $420 million in civil penalties and bar Kwon from becoming a director or officer of any public company. Kwon also must pay approximately $204 million “to the Terraform bankruptcy estate for distribution to injured investors,” the SEC said.
Surprising artificial intelligence statement from Apple CEO Tim Cook Recently, while Apple was explaining its artificial intelligence system and how it will be integrated into devices, an interesting statement came from the company's CEO. Apple recently introduced Apple Intelligence at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2024).  As the company enters a new era with artificial intelligence, Tim Cook also made striking statements about the developments.  According to an interview published with tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee, Apple CEO Tim Cook said people may use their iPhones less with Apple Intelligence. The CEO noted that as Apple Intelligence continues to get smarter, previously time-consuming tasks may take less time. The technology giant announced that it will integrate artificial intelligence into its systems at Apple's #WWDC event on Monday. The #CEO and other executives detailed a number of #AI features that will be available on Apple devices along with the latest software. Some of the updates include a new and improved Siri with better language understanding and text capabilities, cross-app integration, and a revamped Photos app that organizes photos into different categories. Apple also announced its partnership with OpenAI, which will allow users to opt-in to Siri with ChatGPT support.  Cook added that Apple has never motivated people to spend their lives on their devices. Cook, who had made similar comments before, said that people should focus more on the people in the same room with them. "Our model is not one that requires interaction to be successful. Our model is one where we want to empower you to do things that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise," Cook said in the interview. Apple has also added several features to the iPhone that raise awareness about how much time consumers spend on their devices and help make their usage more conscious. Cook said features like Screen Time track how much time you spend on your iPhone and display it on the user's face.  $BTC


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