Binance Square
Buck Bolins cPB6
伙计们,你们现在应该非常小心$WIF ,我认为有些人要么正在策划精心设计的拉高和抛售,要么市场处于精心设计的平衡状态(没有损失也没有利润)。 如果您现在进入,您可能会损失您的资金。检查图表,所有买单都获得了足够的或精确的卖单,即使这些订单相隔数小时。 当您开始看到这些迹象时,它清楚地告诉您市场处于相当稳定的状态,因此购买者并不是真正追求利润,而是追求资本(无论出于何种原因)。它们的售价比入门价高出一个档次。 或者他们战略性地买入以推高价格,现在就开始倾销。每次卖出对应于几个小时前的买入。 但同时,这也可能只是一种奇怪的、罕见的自然现象。 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 随着 #WIF🔥🔥 在 meme 币系列中排名第三,人们可能会过度购买并推高价格也就不足为奇了。进入周末,人们开始为了周末的乐趣而出售。因此,回调并非遥不可及。 但理想情况下,当 #BTC 达到 74k 美元时,它的价格永远不会超过 3.5 美元,所以现在 #BTC 是 71k 美元,4.2 美元现在可能有点令人畏惧。 无论如何,尽管市场看起来不错,但它并不稳定。 #WIF

伙计们,你们现在应该非常小心$WIF ,我认为有些人要么正在策划精心设计的拉高和抛售,要么市场处于精心设计的平衡状态(没有损失也没有利润)。




但同时,这也可能只是一种奇怪的、罕见的自然现象。 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

随着 #WIF🔥🔥 在 meme 币系列中排名第三,人们可能会过度购买并推高价格也就不足为奇了。进入周末,人们开始为了周末的乐趣而出售。因此,回调并非遥不可及。

但理想情况下,当 #BTC 达到 74k 美元时,它的价格永远不会超过 3.5 美元,所以现在 #BTC 是 71k 美元,4.2 美元现在可能有点令人畏惧。



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I know that a lot of guys out there started to panic and sell their $Ethfi tokens because of the corrective pullback started around thursday. Now why that pullback ? 1. Traders panicked : The meteoritic rise of #ETHFI⁩ clearly sent chills down the spine of a lot of traders, even though they made a huge profit from it.Hence they panicked and sold. That was expected . 2. It's launching and growth : Some people never expected an asset launched at $5.6 and went to $3.5 dollars in a day can get that kind of growth in just another arbitrary day(move from $3.5 to $5.4 in a day and $5.4 with to $7.1). But we have forgotten that it was launched at the time #BTC crashed from $74k to $60k. So accounting for it's delay in rising. 3. At $7.1 virtually everyone was in profit : At it's peak of $7.1 all those who invested in it were all in profits at this point. So everyone began to sell only those who bought at that price were somehow found wanting. But the good news is that most of them were those that had originally made profits and just bought for anticipating further rise. 4. Cutting losses: Due to a mixed of the above reasons, people tried to cut loses too early as all perceive virtually a very overbought asset. Again sold. 5. The approaching weekend: With $ETHFI being a gainer from Monday right into thursday will a thundurous bull run, the cool breeze of the weekend philosophy caught up with it and as such experience d a little pullback. Again I am not really a fun of long write-ups. But you might have realized that kept mentioning a pullback instead of a trend reversal, so I will follow this article up with reasons why I still bullish more than ever about #ETHFI⁩ idstead of bearish. Sorry this article is so long. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ #ETHFI $WIF $BOME
4I can't believe I am saying this, but imagine praying for the market to go down. This bull run is a spectacle for us especially cashing in on #BTC #ETHFI #WIF🔥🔥🔥 #BOME🔥🔥🔥 . But yes, a lot of the ETHFI guys may be worried about the bullish run of BTCand still with bull run why is the trading volume on ETHFI still calm ? That may be due to a few factors : 1. Even though there is a bullish run , #ETH can't compare to BTC and as such it will be understandable that #ETH based projects may not immediately shoot to the moon. 2. Also people diverted their focus on ETHFIowing to the decline of BTC more or less like a hedging instrument. So as BTCis up bullish again it is understandable that they look there too (I am one them :) ). 3. So that's that mean that we don't believe in ETHFI ? Absolutely not !!!, in fact it is on the contrary. Why ? i. You will only use a strong investment as a hedge right ? ii. Look at the trading volume of ETHFI and compare it to BTC you will be shocked to realize that even with more trading and activity on BTC but the price of ETHFI relatively went up to $4.5 and consolidating at there after consolidating previously at $3.96 even during the weekend, this signals that what ever be the case people are ready to hold on to it because they believe in it. 4. We all can see the performance of #WIF too. Even though I am quite confident that it will drop a little I am not so sure about ETHFI dropping significantly for a confident entry. We all have to be quite realistic that , it handled the bull run of BTC quite well. 5. #BOME also consolidating very well so far. But I am still waiting for a good entry. So tell me what you think will happen next in the comments, a correction or a complete shooting to Mars. I will leave it here for now. I will get into why #BTC shot up soon. Until then, peace out.




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