Binance Square
Buck Bolins cPB6
我知道很多人开始恐慌并抛售他们的 $Ethfi 代币,因为周四左右开始出现修正回调。 那么为什么会出现回调? 1. 交易员恐慌:#ETHFI⁩ 的飞速上涨显然让很多交易员不寒而栗,尽管他们从中获得了巨额利润。因此他们惊慌失措并抛售。这是意料之中的。 2. 它的推出和增长:有些人从未想到,一项以 5.6 美元推出并在一天内涨至 3.5 美元的资产可以在另一个任意的日子里获得这种增长(从 3.5 美元涨至 5.4 美元,再从 5.4 美元涨至 7.1 美元)。但我们忘记了它是在 #BTC 从 74,000 美元暴跌至 60,000 美元时推出的。因此,它之所以上涨延迟是可以解释的。 3. 在 7.1 美元时,几乎每个人都获利:在 7.1 美元的峰值时,所有投资于该价格的人都获利了。因此,每个人都开始抛售,只有那些以该价格买入的人不知何故被发现亏本。但好消息是,他们中的大多数人原本已经获利,只是为了预期进一步上涨而买入。 4. 止损:由于上述多种原因,人们试图过早止损,因为所有人都认为该资产几乎超买。再次出售。 5. 即将到来的周末:$ETHFI 从周一一直上涨到周四,将迎来一轮雷鸣般的牛市,周末哲学的凉风追上它,因此经历了一点回调。 再次,我并不是一个喜欢长篇大论的人。但你可能已经意识到,我不断提到的是回调而不是趋势逆转,所以我将在本文中跟进为什么我仍然比以往任何时候都更看好 #ETHFI⁩ id 而不是看跌。 抱歉这篇文章太长了。🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ #ETHFI $WIF $BOME

我知道很多人开始恐慌并抛售他们的 $Ethfi 代币,因为周四左右开始出现修正回调。


1. 交易员恐慌:#ETHFI⁩ 的飞速上涨显然让很多交易员不寒而栗,尽管他们从中获得了巨额利润。因此他们惊慌失措并抛售。这是意料之中的。

2. 它的推出和增长:有些人从未想到,一项以 5.6 美元推出并在一天内涨至 3.5 美元的资产可以在另一个任意的日子里获得这种增长(从 3.5 美元涨至 5.4 美元,再从 5.4 美元涨至 7.1 美元)。但我们忘记了它是在 #BTC 从 74,000 美元暴跌至 60,000 美元时推出的。因此,它之所以上涨延迟是可以解释的。

3. 在 7.1 美元时,几乎每个人都获利:在 7.1 美元的峰值时,所有投资于该价格的人都获利了。因此,每个人都开始抛售,只有那些以该价格买入的人不知何故被发现亏本。但好消息是,他们中的大多数人原本已经获利,只是为了预期进一步上涨而买入。

4. 止损:由于上述多种原因,人们试图过早止损,因为所有人都认为该资产几乎超买。再次出售。

5. 即将到来的周末:$ETHFI 从周一一直上涨到周四,将迎来一轮雷鸣般的牛市,周末哲学的凉风追上它,因此经历了一点回调。

再次,我并不是一个喜欢长篇大论的人。但你可能已经意识到,我不断提到的是回调而不是趋势逆转,所以我将在本文中跟进为什么我仍然比以往任何时候都更看好 #ETHFI⁩ id 而不是看跌。



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4I can't believe I am saying this, but imagine praying for the market to go down. This bull run is a spectacle for us especially cashing in on #BTC #ETHFI #WIF🔥🔥🔥 #BOME🔥🔥🔥 . But yes, a lot of the ETHFI guys may be worried about the bullish run of BTCand still with bull run why is the trading volume on ETHFI still calm ? That may be due to a few factors : 1. Even though there is a bullish run , #ETH can't compare to BTC and as such it will be understandable that #ETH based projects may not immediately shoot to the moon. 2. Also people diverted their focus on ETHFIowing to the decline of BTC more or less like a hedging instrument. So as BTCis up bullish again it is understandable that they look there too (I am one them :) ). 3. So that's that mean that we don't believe in ETHFI ? Absolutely not !!!, in fact it is on the contrary. Why ? i. You will only use a strong investment as a hedge right ? ii. Look at the trading volume of ETHFI and compare it to BTC you will be shocked to realize that even with more trading and activity on BTC but the price of ETHFI relatively went up to $4.5 and consolidating at there after consolidating previously at $3.96 even during the weekend, this signals that what ever be the case people are ready to hold on to it because they believe in it. 4. We all can see the performance of #WIF too. Even though I am quite confident that it will drop a little I am not so sure about ETHFI dropping significantly for a confident entry. We all have to be quite realistic that , it handled the bull run of BTC quite well. 5. #BOME also consolidating very well so far. But I am still waiting for a good entry. So tell me what you think will happen next in the comments, a correction or a complete shooting to Mars. I will leave it here for now. I will get into why #BTC shot up soon. Until then, peace out.




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