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🌟 **Приєднуйтесь до революції з OFN - Openfabric Network!** 🌟 🚀 Ви готові злетіти на нові висоти у світі криптовалют? Не дивіться далі, ніж Openfabric Network (OFN)! Цей проект не просто розвивається; це зашкалює! 👥 З командою, яка може похвалитися неперевершеною майстерністю та відданістю, OFN прокладає шлях для інновацій у сфері цифрових валют. Їхня невпинна прагнення гарантує, що проект ніколи не зупиниться, поки не досягне вершини. 🔒 Турбуєтеся про безпеку? Не будь! Надійні заходи безпеки OFN гарантують, що ваші інвестиції будуть безпечними та надійними, даючи вам спокій, коли ви досліджуєте нові фінансові горизонти. 💰 Наскільки корисним є OFN? Давайте поговоримо про цифри! Інвестори вже побачили неймовірну віддачу, дехто отримав понад 4000 доларів лише від Open Fabric! І це лише початок. Нещодавня початкова пропозиція DEX (IDO) показала приголомшливу 30-кратну віддачу, доводячи, що OFN — це не просто ще один проект; це змінює правила гри. 🔥 Не пропустіть можливість стати частиною революції ШІ! ОФН – це не просто проект; це рух, готовий викликати хвилі у світі криптовалют. Завдяки 500% рентабельності інвестицій (ROI) не дивно, чому інвестори скупчуються в OFN. 📈 Binance, ти звертаєш увагу? OFN — це майбутнє, і настав час для провідної світової біржі звернути увагу на це. Давайте здійснимо це! #Binance, розмістіть Openfabric зараз! #OFN #Write2Earn #Trade2Earn #BinanceSquare Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні та станьте частиною чогось надзвичайного. Майбутнє фінансів тут, і воно називається OFN – Openfabric Network. Давайте парити разом! 🚀🌐
🌟 **Приєднуйтесь до революції з OFN - Openfabric Network!** 🌟

🚀 Ви готові злетіти на нові висоти у світі криптовалют? Не дивіться далі, ніж Openfabric Network (OFN)! Цей проект не просто розвивається; це зашкалює!

👥 З командою, яка може похвалитися неперевершеною майстерністю та відданістю, OFN прокладає шлях для інновацій у сфері цифрових валют. Їхня невпинна прагнення гарантує, що проект ніколи не зупиниться, поки не досягне вершини.

🔒 Турбуєтеся про безпеку? Не будь! Надійні заходи безпеки OFN гарантують, що ваші інвестиції будуть безпечними та надійними, даючи вам спокій, коли ви досліджуєте нові фінансові горизонти.

💰 Наскільки корисним є OFN? Давайте поговоримо про цифри! Інвестори вже побачили неймовірну віддачу, дехто отримав понад 4000 доларів лише від Open Fabric! І це лише початок. Нещодавня початкова пропозиція DEX (IDO) показала приголомшливу 30-кратну віддачу, доводячи, що OFN — це не просто ще один проект; це змінює правила гри.

🔥 Не пропустіть можливість стати частиною революції ШІ! ОФН – це не просто проект; це рух, готовий викликати хвилі у світі криптовалют. Завдяки 500% рентабельності інвестицій (ROI) не дивно, чому інвестори скупчуються в OFN.

📈 Binance, ти звертаєш увагу? OFN — це майбутнє, і настав час для провідної світової біржі звернути увагу на це. Давайте здійснимо це! #Binance, розмістіть Openfabric зараз! #OFN #Write2Earn #Trade2Earn #BinanceSquare

Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні та станьте частиною чогось надзвичайного. Майбутнє фінансів тут, і воно називається OFN – Openfabric Network. Давайте парити разом! 🚀🌐
Переглянути оригінал
Привіт, хлопці, ви знали про Openfabric, він просто дає 30X від ido #пишу2заробляю #binance #binancesquare #binance #Trade2earn $ofn
Привіт, хлопці, ви знали про Openfabric, він просто дає 30X від ido


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#Write2Earn: я думаю, що BTC піде на підвищення, оскільки 24-годинний обсяг BTC дуже великий Великі великі кити зараз купують BTC, оскільки вони знають, що ціна BTC дуже скоро зросте, тож ви можете провести трохи більше досліджень і купити зараз, якщо хочете. Отже, ви досліджуєте та #buybtc #spot $BTC
#Write2Earn: я думаю, що BTC піде на підвищення, оскільки 24-годинний обсяг BTC дуже великий

Великі великі кити зараз купують BTC, оскільки вони знають, що ціна BTC дуже скоро зросте, тож ви можете провести трохи більше досліджень і купити зараз, якщо хочете.

Отже, ви досліджуєте та #buybtc #spot

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Не забудьте приєднатися до нас у прямому ефірі на #Binance    сьогодні для AMA з @N1ckLambert, генеральним директором @docknetwork! 🗓️ Сьогодні, 25 січня. ⏰ 12:00 UTC.
Не забудьте приєднатися до нас у прямому ефірі на #Binance    сьогодні для AMA з @N1ckLambert, генеральним директором @docknetwork!

🗓️ Сьогодні, 25 січня.
⏰ 12:00 UTC.
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🔥🔥У вас є 30 днів, щоб отримати $ALT, вимагайте, коли плата за газ стане меншою.🚀🚀 - Ринкова капіталізація поступово збільшуватиметься в міру того, як панічні продавці вийдуть. - Ми можемо очікувати зростання на 20%-30% найближчими тижнями.
🔥🔥У вас є 30 днів, щоб отримати $ALT , вимагайте, коли плата за газ стане меншою.🚀🚀

- Ринкова капіталізація поступово збільшуватиметься в міру того, як панічні продавці вийдуть.
- Ми можемо очікувати зростання на 20%-30% найближчими тижнями.
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Binance New Learn and Earn триває Відповідь на тест👇👇 1. Що з цього не є однією з особливостей технічного дизайну, які дозволяють Solana обробляти транзакції з вищою швидкістю? Відповідь: Доказ роботи 2. Станом на вересень 2022 року, який у середньому енергетичний вплив однієї транзакції Solana? Відповідь: Менше, ніж пошук Google (~500) 3. Для чого можна використовувати SOL? Відповідь: Все вірно 4. Яка середня комісія за транзакцію Solana? Відповідь: $0,00025 5. Що таке Сага? Відповідь: мобільний телефон із підтримкою шифрування, який використовує мобільний стек Solana 6. Як швидко протокол Solana Pay обробляє трансакцію в усьому світі? Відповідь: кілька секунд 7. Firedancer, новий клієнт валідатора Solana, який розробляє Jump crypto, може обробити скільки TPS у тестовому середовищі? Відповідь: 1 200 000 8. Solana використовує майнінг для захисту своєї мережі. Відповідь: невірно 9. Станом на грудень 2022 року скільки NFT було викарбувано за допомогою Solana? Відповідь: 22 700 000 10. Які з наведених нижче відомих компаній підтримують або інтегрували Solana? Відповідь: Все вірно 11. Станом на грудень 2022 року скільки NFT було викарбувано за допомогою Solana? Відповідь: 22 700 000 12. Які з наведених нижче відомих компаній підтримують або інтегрували Solana? Відповідь: Все вірно
Binance New Learn and Earn триває
Відповідь на тест👇👇

1. Що з цього не є однією з особливостей технічного дизайну, які дозволяють Solana обробляти транзакції з вищою швидкістю?

Відповідь: Доказ роботи

2. Станом на вересень 2022 року, який у середньому енергетичний вплив однієї транзакції Solana?

Відповідь: Менше, ніж пошук Google (~500)

3. Для чого можна використовувати SOL?

Відповідь: Все вірно

4. Яка середня комісія за транзакцію Solana?

Відповідь: $0,00025

5. Що таке Сага?

Відповідь: мобільний телефон із підтримкою шифрування, який використовує мобільний стек Solana

6. Як швидко протокол Solana Pay обробляє трансакцію в усьому світі?

Відповідь: кілька секунд

7. Firedancer, новий клієнт валідатора Solana, який розробляє Jump crypto, може обробити скільки TPS у тестовому середовищі?

Відповідь: 1 200 000

8. Solana використовує майнінг для захисту своєї мережі.

Відповідь: невірно

9. Станом на грудень 2022 року скільки NFT було викарбувано за допомогою Solana?

Відповідь: 22 700 000

10. Які з наведених нижче відомих компаній підтримують або інтегрували Solana?

Відповідь: Все вірно

11. Станом на грудень 2022 року скільки NFT було викарбувано за допомогою Solana?

Відповідь: 22 700 000

12. Які з наведених нижче відомих компаній підтримують або інтегрували Solana?

Відповідь: Все вірно
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Найпопулярніші криптографічні невдахи сьогодні: перегляньте повний список тут на 24 січня 2024 рокуНайпопулярніші криптографічні невдахи сьогодні1. ORDI (ORDI)ORDI, токен BRC-20, посів перше місце в списку найбільших криптовалютних програшів сьогодні. Ціна ORDI впала на 10,76% до $54,53 з ринковою капіталізацією $1,14 млрд. За останні 24 години криптовалюта досягла мінімуму в $51,41 і після цього значно відновилася. Навпаки, обсяг торгівлі ORDI зріс на 85,15% до 465,17 млн ​​доларів. Це сталося після того, як на початку цього місяця криптовалюта досягла історичного максимуму в $90,96, що свідчить про падіння на 40% з тих пір.2. SATS (1000SATS)SATS, ще один токен BRC-20, впав на 9,20% до $0,0004229, досягнувши ринкової оцінки в $888,33 млн. Навпаки, 24-годинний обсяг торгівлі SATS зріс на 97,41% до 79,94 мільйона доларів. У той час як раніше сьогодні криптовалюта різко впала до історичного мінімуму в 0,0004103 доларів. Ведмежий поворот знищив усі прибутки, зафіксовані в грудні минулого року, коли SATS досяг історичного максимуму в 0,0009348 доларів. Відтоді токен BRC-20 втратив у ціні 54% порівняно зі своїм ATH.3. OKB (OKB) Криптовалюта OK Blockchain Foundation, OKB, подешевшала на 9,71% до 47,26 дол., утримуючи ринкову капіталізацію 2,83 млн дол. Сьогодні криптовалюта впала з максимуму в $51,99 до мінімуму в $37,51. Крім того, ціна OKB торгується на 26% нижче, ніж її ATH, зафіксований у листопаді 2023 року. Навпаки, її обсяг торгів різко зріс на 1861,33% до 90,84 мільйона доларів.$ORDI $1000SATS

Найпопулярніші криптографічні невдахи сьогодні: перегляньте повний список тут на 24 січня 2024 року

Найпопулярніші криптографічні невдахи сьогодні1. ORDI (ORDI)ORDI, токен BRC-20, посів перше місце в списку найбільших криптовалютних програшів сьогодні. Ціна ORDI впала на 10,76% до $54,53 з ринковою капіталізацією $1,14 млрд. За останні 24 години криптовалюта досягла мінімуму в $51,41 і після цього значно відновилася. Навпаки, обсяг торгівлі ORDI зріс на 85,15% до 465,17 млн ​​доларів. Це сталося після того, як на початку цього місяця криптовалюта досягла історичного максимуму в $90,96, що свідчить про падіння на 40% з тих пір.2. SATS (1000SATS)SATS, ще один токен BRC-20, впав на 9,20% до $0,0004229, досягнувши ринкової оцінки в $888,33 млн. Навпаки, 24-годинний обсяг торгівлі SATS зріс на 97,41% до 79,94 мільйона доларів. У той час як раніше сьогодні криптовалюта різко впала до історичного мінімуму в 0,0004103 доларів. Ведмежий поворот знищив усі прибутки, зафіксовані в грудні минулого року, коли SATS досяг історичного максимуму в 0,0009348 доларів. Відтоді токен BRC-20 втратив у ціні 54% порівняно зі своїм ATH.3. OKB (OKB) Криптовалюта OK Blockchain Foundation, OKB, подешевшала на 9,71% до 47,26 дол., утримуючи ринкову капіталізацію 2,83 млн дол. Сьогодні криптовалюта впала з максимуму в $51,99 до мінімуму в $37,51. Крім того, ціна OKB торгується на 26% нижче, ніж її ATH, зафіксований у листопаді 2023 року. Навпаки, її обсяг торгів різко зріс на 1861,33% до 90,84 мільйона доларів.$ORDI $1000SATS
Переглянути оригінал
Найпопулярніші криптовалюти: перегляньте повний список на 24 січня 2024 рокуКровопролиття на криптовалютному ринку розширилося через падіння цін на біткойн (BTC) і ефіріум (ETH). У той час як основні криптовалюти відчувають значний тиск на розпродажі, деякі менші альткоїни показали винятково хороші результати. Отже, давайте подивимося на найкращі криптовалюти, які сьогодні виграють і програють.Найпопулярніші криптовалюти сьогодні1. Розмиття (BLUR)Blur, криптовалюта в екосистемі NFT, вийшла на перше місце в рейтингу цифрових валют. Ціна криптовалюти Blue піднялася на 14,27% до 0,6661 дол. США під час публікації преси в середу, 24 січня. Водночас її ринкова капіталізація склала 837,71 млн дол. США, збільшившись на 14,54%.

Найпопулярніші криптовалюти: перегляньте повний список на 24 січня 2024 року

Кровопролиття на криптовалютному ринку розширилося через падіння цін на біткойн (BTC) і ефіріум (ETH). У той час як основні криптовалюти відчувають значний тиск на розпродажі, деякі менші альткоїни показали винятково хороші результати. Отже, давайте подивимося на найкращі криптовалюти, які сьогодні виграють і програють.Найпопулярніші криптовалюти сьогодні1. Розмиття (BLUR)Blur, криптовалюта в екосистемі NFT, вийшла на перше місце в рейтингу цифрових валют. Ціна криптовалюти Blue піднялася на 14,27% до 0,6661 дол. США під час публікації преси в середу, 24 січня. Водночас її ринкова капіталізація склала 837,71 млн дол. США, збільшившись на 14,54%.
Переглянути оригінал
Нові альткоїни з потенціалом: Astar, Myro, Kaspa, Celestia та UMAВи також можете прочитати цю новину на BH NEWS: нові альткоїни з потенціалом: Astar, Myro, Kaspa, Celestia та UMAКриптовалютний ринок продовжує розвиватися завдяки серії альткойнів з малою капіталізацією, які досягають вражаючих успіхів, деякі з яких мають потенціал зростання у 20-200 разів. Серед цих перспективних альткойнів Astar (ASTR), Myro (MYRO), Kaspa (KAS), Celestia (TIA) і Uma (UMA). Хоча це не підтверджує висхідний тренд для цих монет, це може спрямувати інвесторів, які хочуть вийти на ринок із найбільш перспективними альткойнами для дослідження.

Нові альткоїни з потенціалом: Astar, Myro, Kaspa, Celestia та UMA

Ви також можете прочитати цю новину на BH NEWS: нові альткоїни з потенціалом: Astar, Myro, Kaspa, Celestia та UMAКриптовалютний ринок продовжує розвиватися завдяки серії альткойнів з малою капіталізацією, які досягають вражаючих успіхів, деякі з яких мають потенціал зростання у 20-200 разів. Серед цих перспективних альткойнів Astar (ASTR), Myro (MYRO), Kaspa (KAS), Celestia (TIA) і Uma (UMA). Хоча це не підтверджує висхідний тренд для цих монет, це може спрямувати інвесторів, які хочуть вийти на ринок із найбільш перспективними альткойнами для дослідження.
Crypto Prices Today: Bitcoin Inches Closer To Dip Below $40K As SUI & FTT Take The LeadToday’s crypto market prices showed a mix of performances, with leading cryptocurrencies facing selling pressure from investors. However, recent market trends suggest a shift in investor focus toward smaller altcoins, contributing to the overall positive outlook for the crypto segment.Crypto prices have been experiencing extreme volatility today. This comes after the enthusiasm around Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) started to diminish. On the other hand, despite recent selling pressure on Bitcoin (BTC), analysts remain optimistic about its potential for a massive long-term growth.Top Crypto Prices TodayBitcoin, the largest crypto by market cap, witnessed its price inching closer to extend below the $40,000 level. The Bitcoin price saw a 2.25% decline, settling at $40,072.99 at press time on Tuesday, January 23. On the contrary, it’s trading volume skyrocketed by 164.52% to $30.67 billion in the last 24 hours. Whilst, the oldest crypto held a market cap of $785.80 billionTurning to other cryptocurrencies, the Ethereum (ETH) price slipped by 3.01% to $2,346.27. However, it registered a whopping 136.58% increase in its trading volume, reaching $13.57 billion. Similarly, Binance Coin (BNB) retreated by 1.48% to $310.61, while its market volume gained 24.91% to $930.18 million.In addition, Solana experienced a 3.54% decline in price, reaching $85.80. In contrast, it witnessed a staggering 137.42% rise in trading volume to $2.62 billion. Meanwhile, XRP noted a 1.51% decrease, settling at $0.5302, with a 13% loss over the past 30 days.$FTT

Crypto Prices Today: Bitcoin Inches Closer To Dip Below $40K As SUI & FTT Take The Lead

Today’s crypto market prices showed a mix of performances, with leading cryptocurrencies facing selling pressure from investors. However, recent market trends suggest a shift in investor focus toward smaller altcoins, contributing to the overall positive outlook for the crypto segment.Crypto prices have been experiencing extreme volatility today. This comes after the enthusiasm around Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) started to diminish. On the other hand, despite recent selling pressure on Bitcoin (BTC), analysts remain optimistic about its potential for a massive long-term growth.Top Crypto Prices TodayBitcoin, the largest crypto by market cap, witnessed its price inching closer to extend below the $40,000 level. The Bitcoin price saw a 2.25% decline, settling at $40,072.99 at press time on Tuesday, January 23. On the contrary, it’s trading volume skyrocketed by 164.52% to $30.67 billion in the last 24 hours. Whilst, the oldest crypto held a market cap of $785.80 billionTurning to other cryptocurrencies, the Ethereum (ETH) price slipped by 3.01% to $2,346.27. However, it registered a whopping 136.58% increase in its trading volume, reaching $13.57 billion. Similarly, Binance Coin (BNB) retreated by 1.48% to $310.61, while its market volume gained 24.91% to $930.18 million.In addition, Solana experienced a 3.54% decline in price, reaching $85.80. In contrast, it witnessed a staggering 137.42% rise in trading volume to $2.62 billion. Meanwhile, XRP noted a 1.51% decrease, settling at $0.5302, with a 13% loss over the past 30 days.$FTT
Sui Foundation and Mysten Labs Debut Sui Basecamp, the First Ever Global Conference for SuiPalo Alto, USA, January 23rd, 2024, ChainwireInaugural Sui ecosystem event comes to Paris April 10-11, 2024Today, Sui Foundation and Mysten Labs announced Sui Basecamp, the first global conference dedicated to the Sui ecosystem, and a celebration of the builders and entrepreneurs building on Sui, the Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform the initial contributors of which are the technology team that emerged from Diem, Meta’s blockchain project. A premier event for the broader web3 ecosystem, Sui Basecamp will take place in Paris on Wednesday, April 10th and Thursday, April 11th 2024, and will feature builders and partners from all over the world as the web3 community descends on the city of lights for Paris Blockchain Week.Both days will feature well-known speakers inside and outside Sui, to be announced in the upcoming weeks, and subjects of conversation will range widely from macro commentary on the industry as a whole, economics, cryptography, regulation, and the Move programming language. Attendees can expect insightful keynote speakers, interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and immersive activations designed to engage and entertain as they connect with like-minded individuals shaping the future of decentralized technologies like DeFi, NFTs, and more.Evan Cheng, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mysten Labs, original contributor to Sui said: “Almost a year after our Mainnet launch, Basecamp will be a celebration of all the ways Sui’s ecosystem and partners have grown and prospered. We look forward to seeing partners, builders, enthusiasts, developers, and industry leaders in Paris for the first global Sui conference to celebrate achievements to date and to be inspired by the future possibilities.”Early bird tickets, at the discounted prices of $99 USD, are available today through March 1. Ticket prices remain discounted, at $149 USD, from March 2 through 31, then increase to the full price of $299 from April 1 until the event. $SUI

Sui Foundation and Mysten Labs Debut Sui Basecamp, the First Ever Global Conference for Sui

Palo Alto, USA, January 23rd, 2024, ChainwireInaugural Sui ecosystem event comes to Paris April 10-11, 2024Today, Sui Foundation and Mysten Labs announced Sui Basecamp, the first global conference dedicated to the Sui ecosystem, and a celebration of the builders and entrepreneurs building on Sui, the Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform the initial contributors of which are the technology team that emerged from Diem, Meta’s blockchain project. A premier event for the broader web3 ecosystem, Sui Basecamp will take place in Paris on Wednesday, April 10th and Thursday, April 11th 2024, and will feature builders and partners from all over the world as the web3 community descends on the city of lights for Paris Blockchain Week.Both days will feature well-known speakers inside and outside Sui, to be announced in the upcoming weeks, and subjects of conversation will range widely from macro commentary on the industry as a whole, economics, cryptography, regulation, and the Move programming language. Attendees can expect insightful keynote speakers, interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and immersive activations designed to engage and entertain as they connect with like-minded individuals shaping the future of decentralized technologies like DeFi, NFTs, and more.Evan Cheng, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mysten Labs, original contributor to Sui said: “Almost a year after our Mainnet launch, Basecamp will be a celebration of all the ways Sui’s ecosystem and partners have grown and prospered. We look forward to seeing partners, builders, enthusiasts, developers, and industry leaders in Paris for the first global Sui conference to celebrate achievements to date and to be inspired by the future possibilities.”Early bird tickets, at the discounted prices of $99 USD, are available today through March 1. Ticket prices remain discounted, at $149 USD, from March 2 through 31, then increase to the full price of $299 from April 1 until the event. $SUI
Bitcoin dips below $40k amid BTC ETF selloffsBitcoin dropped under $40,000 amid GBTC sell-offs from bankrupt crypto exchange FTX and BTC deposits on Coinbase by spot BTC ETF issuer Grayscale.Bitcoin (BTC) slid down nearly 9% on Jan. 22, exchanging hands around $39,700 on venues like Binance and Coinbase. The largest cryptocurrency likely saw depreciating prices due to outflows from Grayscale’s spot Bitcoin ETF, a fund built on the firm’s long-standing GBTC product. GBTC is the largest spot BTC ETF in the U.S. marketing with over $20 billion in assets under management. The fund has seen daily outflows of up to $500 million since the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) permitted exchange-traded funds that track spot Bitcoin prices, resulting in over $2.8 billion leaving GBTC.Since actual Bitcoins underpin these ETFs, Grayscale has also sent BTC to exchanges for liquidation and redemption. Grayscale has deposited 52,227 BTC worth an estimated $2.2 billion into Coinbase Prime accounts from its custodial wallets, per The firm’s GBTC Bitcoin is also held with Coinbase.A major entity exiting GBTC, as revealed on Jan. 22, is the defunct crypto exchange FTX. Under bankruptcy administrator and CEO John J. Ray III, FTX’s estate has sold millions of GBTC shares for $1 billion. In addition, FTX-affiliated crypto hedge fund Alameda Research voluntarily dropped its lawsuit against Grayscale and its parent company, Digital Currency Group, that alleged internal malpractice from the pair — the lawsuit aimed to unseal $9 billion on behalf of FTX debtors.Elsewhere, the SEC acknowledged Nasdaq’s request for spot BTC ETF options. These types of derivatives allow traders to either speculate on an asset’s volatility or hedge against it in a move that may pull more capital into Bitcoin ETFs.$BTC $BTC

Bitcoin dips below $40k amid BTC ETF selloffs

Bitcoin dropped under $40,000 amid GBTC sell-offs from bankrupt crypto exchange FTX and BTC deposits on Coinbase by spot BTC ETF issuer Grayscale.Bitcoin (BTC) slid down nearly 9% on Jan. 22, exchanging hands around $39,700 on venues like Binance and Coinbase. The largest cryptocurrency likely saw depreciating prices due to outflows from Grayscale’s spot Bitcoin ETF, a fund built on the firm’s long-standing GBTC product. GBTC is the largest spot BTC ETF in the U.S. marketing with over $20 billion in assets under management. The fund has seen daily outflows of up to $500 million since the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) permitted exchange-traded funds that track spot Bitcoin prices, resulting in over $2.8 billion leaving GBTC.Since actual Bitcoins underpin these ETFs, Grayscale has also sent BTC to exchanges for liquidation and redemption. Grayscale has deposited 52,227 BTC worth an estimated $2.2 billion into Coinbase Prime accounts from its custodial wallets, per The firm’s GBTC Bitcoin is also held with Coinbase.A major entity exiting GBTC, as revealed on Jan. 22, is the defunct crypto exchange FTX. Under bankruptcy administrator and CEO John J. Ray III, FTX’s estate has sold millions of GBTC shares for $1 billion. In addition, FTX-affiliated crypto hedge fund Alameda Research voluntarily dropped its lawsuit against Grayscale and its parent company, Digital Currency Group, that alleged internal malpractice from the pair — the lawsuit aimed to unseal $9 billion on behalf of FTX debtors.Elsewhere, the SEC acknowledged Nasdaq’s request for spot BTC ETF options. These types of derivatives allow traders to either speculate on an asset’s volatility or hedge against it in a move that may pull more capital into Bitcoin ETFs.$BTC $BTC
Bitcoin ETFs in US approved. What about Europe?While Americans have seen the adoption of Bitcoin (BTC) spot and futures ETFs, the situation in Europe is different.Bitcoin ETFs have been a hot topic for many months, as the approval of ETFs based on actual Bitcoin in the U.S. could potentially lead to an influx of funds from Wall Street institutions, possibly pushing the price of Bitcoin to new heights.How do Bitcoin ETFs work?Like traditional ETFs, Bitcoin ETFs are issued by financial institutions that invest in Bitcoin and manage the fund on behalf of investors. A Bitcoin ETF can be structured in various ways. For example, it may hold Bitcoin futures or “physical” Bitcoin as the underlying asset, managed by the ETF issuer on behalf of the investor.In the case of funds with a Bitcoin base, the issuing institution buys BTC and holds it. Subsequently, it issues shares of the fund on a securities exchange, tracking the asset’s price. Investors directly own a portion of the underlying Bitcoin, and as the cost of BTC fluctuates, the value of the ETF changes accordingly.One notable advantage of Bitcoin ETFs is their trading on regulated securities exchanges, providing accessibility to various investors and eliminating the need for technical knowledge in securely storing crypto assets.As a result, investors new to cryptocurrencies can gain exposure to Bitcoin without requiring a crypto wallet or engaging in trading on a cryptocurrency exchange platform.Bitcoin ETP: not to be confused with ETFIn addition to ETFs, exchange-traded products (ETPs) exist in the regulated investment markets. ETP stands for exchange-traded product, representing an investment product available on a stock exchange.As the value and opportunity of the digital asset market grows, more cryptocurrency ETPs are coming into circulation, including ETPs for Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC).What is known about ETP in EuropeSpot Bitcoin ETPs have existed in Europe for a long time, providing investors with access to digital tokens. Europe is much more progressive in terms of cryptocurrency products.In May 2015, Swedish vendor XBT AB announced the authorization of Bitcoin Tracker One (a CoinShares product). It was the very first BTC-based security available on a regulated exchange. In October 2015, the company launched the euro-denominated Bitcoin Tracker EUR security system, available through Nasdaq Nordic.$BTC

Bitcoin ETFs in US approved. What about Europe?

While Americans have seen the adoption of Bitcoin (BTC) spot and futures ETFs, the situation in Europe is different.Bitcoin ETFs have been a hot topic for many months, as the approval of ETFs based on actual Bitcoin in the U.S. could potentially lead to an influx of funds from Wall Street institutions, possibly pushing the price of Bitcoin to new heights.How do Bitcoin ETFs work?Like traditional ETFs, Bitcoin ETFs are issued by financial institutions that invest in Bitcoin and manage the fund on behalf of investors. A Bitcoin ETF can be structured in various ways. For example, it may hold Bitcoin futures or “physical” Bitcoin as the underlying asset, managed by the ETF issuer on behalf of the investor.In the case of funds with a Bitcoin base, the issuing institution buys BTC and holds it. Subsequently, it issues shares of the fund on a securities exchange, tracking the asset’s price. Investors directly own a portion of the underlying Bitcoin, and as the cost of BTC fluctuates, the value of the ETF changes accordingly.One notable advantage of Bitcoin ETFs is their trading on regulated securities exchanges, providing accessibility to various investors and eliminating the need for technical knowledge in securely storing crypto assets.As a result, investors new to cryptocurrencies can gain exposure to Bitcoin without requiring a crypto wallet or engaging in trading on a cryptocurrency exchange platform.Bitcoin ETP: not to be confused with ETFIn addition to ETFs, exchange-traded products (ETPs) exist in the regulated investment markets. ETP stands for exchange-traded product, representing an investment product available on a stock exchange.As the value and opportunity of the digital asset market grows, more cryptocurrency ETPs are coming into circulation, including ETPs for Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC).What is known about ETP in EuropeSpot Bitcoin ETPs have existed in Europe for a long time, providing investors with access to digital tokens. Europe is much more progressive in terms of cryptocurrency products.In May 2015, Swedish vendor XBT AB announced the authorization of Bitcoin Tracker One (a CoinShares product). It was the very first BTC-based security available on a regulated exchange. In October 2015, the company launched the euro-denominated Bitcoin Tracker EUR security system, available through Nasdaq Nordic.$BTC
super project
super project
TCH Token Presale Sparks Excitement in Crypto Community

The ongoing presale of TCH Token has caught the attention of the crypto community, as investors eagerly participate in this groundbreaking opportunity. With a focus on innovation, TCH Token promises unique features that set it apart in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

Harnessing AI for Technological Advancements in TCH Token

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a key technological advantage of TCH Token. Leveraging AI technology brings efficiency, security, and enhanced user experience to the forefront. TCH Token's commitment to AI showcases its forward-thinking approach in revolutionizing the tech landscape.

Exploring TCH Ecosystem: Revolutionizing AI Trading

Within the TCH ecosystem, the module of AI trading takes center stage. The seamless integration of AI in trading algorithms enhances decision-making processes, offering users a sophisticated and automated trading experience. TCH's ecosystem aims to redefine how individuals engage with digital assets, bringing a new era of efficiency and profitability.

TCH Token: The Vital Utility in the TCH Ecosystem

The connection between TCH Token and the broader ecosystem is crucial, as the token serves as the utility driving the entire platform. Holders of TCH Token gain access to exclusive features, discounts, and privileges within the ecosystem. This utility token plays a pivotal role in ensuring a thriving and interconnected TCH community.

In summary, the TCH Token presale, coupled with its technological prowess in AI, positions it as a frontrunner in the crypto space. The TCH ecosystem's focus on AI trading further cements its commitment to innovation, while the utility of TCH Token solidifies its integral role within this groundbreaking platform.

For more update :
Blockchain Tech Predictions for 2024, From Experts at Ripple, Coinbase, a16z, StarknetA lot of blockchain developers probably feel like they're working on the cutting edge of the cutting edge, building the financial and business infrastructure of the future. It’s nothing short of a revolution. Based on what we've seen, and reported, they're not wrong. Or, at least, it seems safe to say, the pace of innovation and speed of new developments in the blockchain space rarely ceases to stun; except for those moments when it all seems to look alike.This year's crypto-market doldrums brought little respite from the announcements, product rollouts, integrations, partnerships, collaborations, fundraisings, launches, deployments, migrations, transitions. There's a lot of transformation, and information, all quite technical, complex; as hard as it can be to catch up, keeping up is equally daunting. Imagine piloting a spaceship through a dense asteroid field while playing a game of Concentration with the individual asteroids; pattern recognition might be your only hope.Crypto PricesCoinDesk Market IndexOpinionBlockchain Tech Predictions for 2024, From Experts at Ripple, Coinbase, a16z, StarknetWe assembled 10 new year's predictions for blockchain tech trends and developments, from the experts. They might be right.Blockchain's fortune tellers have no more a crystal ball than in any other sphere of life. But these predictions are as good as any. (Francis Hayman/Metropolitan Museum of Art, modified by CoinDesk)Blockchain's fortune tellers have no more a crystal ball than in any other sphere of life. But these predictions are as good as any. (Francis Hayman/Metropolitan Museum of Art, modified by CoinDesk)By Bradley KeounAccessTimeIconDec 20, 2023 at 10:35 p.m.Updated Dec 21, 2023 at 12:10 a.m.A lot of blockchain developers probably feel like they're working on the cutting edge of the cutting edge, building the financial and business infrastructure of the future. It’s nothing short of a revolution. Based on what we've seen, and reported, they're not wrong. Or, at least, it seems safe to say, the pace of innovation and speed of new developments in the blockchain space rarely ceases to stun; except for those moments when it all seems to look alike.This year's crypto-market doldrums brought little respite from the announcements, product rollouts, integrations, partnerships, collaborations, fundraisings, launches, deployments, migrations, transitions. There's a lot of transformation, and information, all quite technical, complex; as hard as it can be to catch up, keeping up is equally daunting. Imagine piloting a spaceship through a dense asteroid field while playing a game of Concentration with the individual asteroids; pattern recognition might be your only hope.A few key 2023 trends were broadly foreseen by the experts. Many weren't. Truth be told, nobody really knows where all of this is going. We curated 10 predictions from blockchain tech experts for 2024; their prognostications are as good as any, and quite technical. Bonne chance.This post is part of CoinDesk's "Crypto 2024" predictions package. AND: this article is featured in the latest issue of The Protocol, our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Also please check out our weekly The Protocol podcast. And our can't-miss column of blockchain tech updates, Protocol Village.

Blockchain Tech Predictions for 2024, From Experts at Ripple, Coinbase, a16z, Starknet

A lot of blockchain developers probably feel like they're working on the cutting edge of the cutting edge, building the financial and business infrastructure of the future. It’s nothing short of a revolution. Based on what we've seen, and reported, they're not wrong. Or, at least, it seems safe to say, the pace of innovation and speed of new developments in the blockchain space rarely ceases to stun; except for those moments when it all seems to look alike.This year's crypto-market doldrums brought little respite from the announcements, product rollouts, integrations, partnerships, collaborations, fundraisings, launches, deployments, migrations, transitions. There's a lot of transformation, and information, all quite technical, complex; as hard as it can be to catch up, keeping up is equally daunting. Imagine piloting a spaceship through a dense asteroid field while playing a game of Concentration with the individual asteroids; pattern recognition might be your only hope.Crypto PricesCoinDesk Market IndexOpinionBlockchain Tech Predictions for 2024, From Experts at Ripple, Coinbase, a16z, StarknetWe assembled 10 new year's predictions for blockchain tech trends and developments, from the experts. They might be right.Blockchain's fortune tellers have no more a crystal ball than in any other sphere of life. But these predictions are as good as any. (Francis Hayman/Metropolitan Museum of Art, modified by CoinDesk)Blockchain's fortune tellers have no more a crystal ball than in any other sphere of life. But these predictions are as good as any. (Francis Hayman/Metropolitan Museum of Art, modified by CoinDesk)By Bradley KeounAccessTimeIconDec 20, 2023 at 10:35 p.m.Updated Dec 21, 2023 at 12:10 a.m.A lot of blockchain developers probably feel like they're working on the cutting edge of the cutting edge, building the financial and business infrastructure of the future. It’s nothing short of a revolution. Based on what we've seen, and reported, they're not wrong. Or, at least, it seems safe to say, the pace of innovation and speed of new developments in the blockchain space rarely ceases to stun; except for those moments when it all seems to look alike.This year's crypto-market doldrums brought little respite from the announcements, product rollouts, integrations, partnerships, collaborations, fundraisings, launches, deployments, migrations, transitions. There's a lot of transformation, and information, all quite technical, complex; as hard as it can be to catch up, keeping up is equally daunting. Imagine piloting a spaceship through a dense asteroid field while playing a game of Concentration with the individual asteroids; pattern recognition might be your only hope.A few key 2023 trends were broadly foreseen by the experts. Many weren't. Truth be told, nobody really knows where all of this is going. We curated 10 predictions from blockchain tech experts for 2024; their prognostications are as good as any, and quite technical. Bonne chance.This post is part of CoinDesk's "Crypto 2024" predictions package. AND: this article is featured in the latest issue of The Protocol, our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Also please check out our weekly The Protocol podcast. And our can't-miss column of blockchain tech updates, Protocol Village.
Binance completes audit to demonstrate robust security Binance has successfully completed the rigorous SOC 2 Type II compliance audit to demonstrate the highest security benchmarks in the industry.In a thorough assessment conducted by independent auditing firm A-LIGN, Binance’s security infrastructure underwent meticulous scrutiny. The audit particularly focused on two critical areas: the robustness of system protection and the efficacy of data security measures. The favorable outcome of this audit not only confirms the sound design of Binance’s security protocols but assures their effective implementation in everyday operations.“We’ve dedicated significant resources and effort to demonstrating that crypto platforms can meet, and even shift, the strict standards that apply in traditional regulated industries. “– Jimmy Su, Chief Security Officer at BinanceBinance has also recently announced its attainment of the ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certifications. The certifications awarded for exceptional information security governance and privacy information management have been achieved in four jurisdictions: France, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Turkey.Before this latest accomplishment, Binance had also successfully completed the SOC 2 Type I audit earlier in March, laying the groundwork for the more comprehensive Type II audit.Earlier in September, OKX also completed the SOC 2 Type II audit. Since the U.S. Department of Justice settlement last month, Binance has focused more on compliance and regulations to ensure transparency and maintain trust among its large user base.

Binance completes audit to demonstrate robust security

Binance has successfully completed the rigorous SOC 2 Type II compliance audit to demonstrate the highest security benchmarks in the industry.In a thorough assessment conducted by independent auditing firm A-LIGN, Binance’s security infrastructure underwent meticulous scrutiny. The audit particularly focused on two critical areas: the robustness of system protection and the efficacy of data security measures. The favorable outcome of this audit not only confirms the sound design of Binance’s security protocols but assures their effective implementation in everyday operations.“We’ve dedicated significant resources and effort to demonstrating that crypto platforms can meet, and even shift, the strict standards that apply in traditional regulated industries. “– Jimmy Su, Chief Security Officer at BinanceBinance has also recently announced its attainment of the ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certifications. The certifications awarded for exceptional information security governance and privacy information management have been achieved in four jurisdictions: France, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Turkey.Before this latest accomplishment, Binance had also successfully completed the SOC 2 Type I audit earlier in March, laying the groundwork for the more comprehensive Type II audit.Earlier in September, OKX also completed the SOC 2 Type II audit. Since the U.S. Department of Justice settlement last month, Binance has focused more on compliance and regulations to ensure transparency and maintain trust among its large user base.
UK publishes FCA regulations for digital securities sandbox$SAND The U.K. introduced regulation that enables the Financial Conduct Authority and the Bank of England to oversee a digital securities sandbox for testing tokenized securities and distributed ledger technology.Effective Jan. 8, this initiative allows the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England to oversee a controlled testing environment for tokenized securities. The sandbox concept permits companies to experiment with innovative financial solutions under regulatory supervision.The digital securities sandbox (DSS) focus extends beyond tokenized securities, encompassing the exploration of distributed ledger technology to digitize traditional securities.With global financial institutions increasingly embracing asset tokenization, U.K. regulators are taking proactive measures to comprehend and regulate this evolving landscape. Firms participating in the DSS will be subject to tailored regulations if existing ones impede progress, as outlined in the accompanying legal documentation.This move aligns with the U.K.’s swift utilization of powers granted by the recently enacted Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, establishing a robust regulatory framework for the burgeoning crypto sector.By providing a controlled testing ground, the DSS facilitates innovation and aims to empower regulators to adopt rules in response to emerging technologies, reflecting the nation’s forward-looking approach to financial regulation.

UK publishes FCA regulations for digital securities sandbox

$SAND The U.K. introduced regulation that enables the Financial Conduct Authority and the Bank of England to oversee a digital securities sandbox for testing tokenized securities and distributed ledger technology.Effective Jan. 8, this initiative allows the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England to oversee a controlled testing environment for tokenized securities. The sandbox concept permits companies to experiment with innovative financial solutions under regulatory supervision.The digital securities sandbox (DSS) focus extends beyond tokenized securities, encompassing the exploration of distributed ledger technology to digitize traditional securities.With global financial institutions increasingly embracing asset tokenization, U.K. regulators are taking proactive measures to comprehend and regulate this evolving landscape. Firms participating in the DSS will be subject to tailored regulations if existing ones impede progress, as outlined in the accompanying legal documentation.This move aligns with the U.K.’s swift utilization of powers granted by the recently enacted Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, establishing a robust regulatory framework for the burgeoning crypto sector.By providing a controlled testing ground, the DSS facilitates innovation and aims to empower regulators to adopt rules in response to emerging technologies, reflecting the nation’s forward-looking approach to financial regulation.
Top cryptocurrencies to watch this week: XRP, ADA, SHIBThis week, the cryptocurrency sector’s global market cap receded 3% from $1.64 trillion to $1.59 trillion. Amid the $50 billion loss in valuation, top cryptocurrencies XRP, Cardano (ADA) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) took center stage with mixed price actions.XRP relinquishes price thresholdXRP’s performance since the start of the recent market-wide resurgence has been largely discouraging to investors. The native crypto token of the Ripple network failed to leverage the Bitcoin (BTC) uptrend to the $44,000 territory in previous weeks, but has now collapsed with the rest of the market amid the ongoing correction.the year, $0.3389.ADA claims 19-month highCardano was one of the best performers this week, making it one of the top cryptocurrencies to watch.The digital asset, founded in 2015 by entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson, bucked the overall trend in the market, as large players like Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) recorded noticeable declines.Cardano’s uptrend this week was mostly fueled by the fact that the token had broken above a bullish flag.Recall that ADA first witnessed an impressive surge from Oct. 19 to Nov. 11 before facing resistance that resulted in consolidation. Cardano traded in a range until Dec. 2, leading to the formation of a bullish pennant structure on the daily timeframe.Upon breaking out of the pennant on Dec. 2, Cardano embarked on a continuation of the previous upsurge. This spilled into this week, leading to new highs. However, ADA first noticed a 7.45% drop on Dec. 11 to retest the $0.51 territory. Following the retest, the asset’s price exploded.Cardano soared to a 19-month high of $0.6781 on Dec. 1 before facing a roadblock. ADA collapsed by over 10% in the two days that followed. Nonetheless, the token’s price has stabilized, as it currently trades for $0.6002, marking a 3.6% increase this week. Cardano must hold above $0.60 to hedge against any drops to $0.5783.SHIB among top gainersShiba Inu made a late and surprising entry into the list of biggest gainers this week after rallying 24.2% as the week came to a close. The cryptocurrency soared to a nine-month high of $0.00001192 today before witnessing resistance. The Ethereum-based altcoin underperformed like the rest of the market throughout this week. However, its prospects were generally bullish, making it one of the top cryptocurrencies to watch.Also, the ecosystem layer-2 protocol Shibarium reached certain milestones, recently crossing 100 million transactions. It also carried out its second massive SHIB burn this week.The growing adoption bolstered bullish sentiments in the so-called memecoin, known for featuring a Japanese breed of hunting dog. This lead to increased demand and a subsequent price surge.As a result, SHIB closed Dec. 16 with a 20.9% gain, marking its largest intraday upsurge since August 2022. With a 7.76% gain over the past 24 hours, Shiba Inu is now the fifth-largest gainer within this timeframe. SHIB has retained most of the gains, despite a massive 8% collapse today. The token currently trades for $0.00001066, up 6.38% this week.$ADA $SHIB $XRP

Top cryptocurrencies to watch this week: XRP, ADA, SHIB

This week, the cryptocurrency sector’s global market cap receded 3% from $1.64 trillion to $1.59 trillion. Amid the $50 billion loss in valuation, top cryptocurrencies XRP, Cardano (ADA) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) took center stage with mixed price actions.XRP relinquishes price thresholdXRP’s performance since the start of the recent market-wide resurgence has been largely discouraging to investors. The native crypto token of the Ripple network failed to leverage the Bitcoin (BTC) uptrend to the $44,000 territory in previous weeks, but has now collapsed with the rest of the market amid the ongoing correction.the year, $0.3389.ADA claims 19-month highCardano was one of the best performers this week, making it one of the top cryptocurrencies to watch.The digital asset, founded in 2015 by entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson, bucked the overall trend in the market, as large players like Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) recorded noticeable declines.Cardano’s uptrend this week was mostly fueled by the fact that the token had broken above a bullish flag.Recall that ADA first witnessed an impressive surge from Oct. 19 to Nov. 11 before facing resistance that resulted in consolidation. Cardano traded in a range until Dec. 2, leading to the formation of a bullish pennant structure on the daily timeframe.Upon breaking out of the pennant on Dec. 2, Cardano embarked on a continuation of the previous upsurge. This spilled into this week, leading to new highs. However, ADA first noticed a 7.45% drop on Dec. 11 to retest the $0.51 territory. Following the retest, the asset’s price exploded.Cardano soared to a 19-month high of $0.6781 on Dec. 1 before facing a roadblock. ADA collapsed by over 10% in the two days that followed. Nonetheless, the token’s price has stabilized, as it currently trades for $0.6002, marking a 3.6% increase this week. Cardano must hold above $0.60 to hedge against any drops to $0.5783.SHIB among top gainersShiba Inu made a late and surprising entry into the list of biggest gainers this week after rallying 24.2% as the week came to a close. The cryptocurrency soared to a nine-month high of $0.00001192 today before witnessing resistance. The Ethereum-based altcoin underperformed like the rest of the market throughout this week. However, its prospects were generally bullish, making it one of the top cryptocurrencies to watch.Also, the ecosystem layer-2 protocol Shibarium reached certain milestones, recently crossing 100 million transactions. It also carried out its second massive SHIB burn this week.The growing adoption bolstered bullish sentiments in the so-called memecoin, known for featuring a Japanese breed of hunting dog. This lead to increased demand and a subsequent price surge.As a result, SHIB closed Dec. 16 with a 20.9% gain, marking its largest intraday upsurge since August 2022. With a 7.76% gain over the past 24 hours, Shiba Inu is now the fifth-largest gainer within this timeframe. SHIB has retained most of the gains, despite a massive 8% collapse today. The token currently trades for $0.00001066, up 6.38% this week.$ADA $SHIB $XRP
Concerns ahead of Bitcoin halving, BTC holders considering Cardano And Meme MogulsDespite Bitcoin’s (BTC) established reputation, the upcoming fourth halving event has instilled concerns among crypto investors regarding its impact on price volatility. This has prompted a shift towards newer projects, with Cardano and Meme Moguls, currently in its presale phase, emerging as options.Experts cast a shadow on the upcoming Bitcoin halvingFollowing the recent bullish market conditions, there is fear, uncertainty, and doubts (FUD) around Bitcoin’s upcoming halving scheduled for April 2024.Historically, Bitcoin halving events have supported prices. However, the upcoming halving may differ since Bitcoin has been volatile in the past two years, discouraging risk-averse investors. Additionally, the current global economic conditions may also harm BTC’s plans. Currently, BTC is up 4% in the last week, trading at $42,102.30.Whale transacting on CardanoCardano has been firm in the past week. In the past 30 days, ADA rose 68% to around $0.62.Following these gains, more whales have been transacting on Cardano.According to IntoTheBlock, Cardano’s whale transactions surpassed $1.5 billion. Analysts expect ADA to continue growing if more whales use the network.Meme Moguls aims to disrupt the meme coins sectorThere has been a surge in the meme coin sector in recent years, with over 250 tokens circulating. However, most coins lack practical utility, relying solely on speculation and hype. $BTC

Concerns ahead of Bitcoin halving, BTC holders considering Cardano And Meme Moguls

Despite Bitcoin’s (BTC) established reputation, the upcoming fourth halving event has instilled concerns among crypto investors regarding its impact on price volatility. This has prompted a shift towards newer projects, with Cardano and Meme Moguls, currently in its presale phase, emerging as options.Experts cast a shadow on the upcoming Bitcoin halvingFollowing the recent bullish market conditions, there is fear, uncertainty, and doubts (FUD) around Bitcoin’s upcoming halving scheduled for April 2024.Historically, Bitcoin halving events have supported prices. However, the upcoming halving may differ since Bitcoin has been volatile in the past two years, discouraging risk-averse investors. Additionally, the current global economic conditions may also harm BTC’s plans. Currently, BTC is up 4% in the last week, trading at $42,102.30.Whale transacting on CardanoCardano has been firm in the past week. In the past 30 days, ADA rose 68% to around $0.62.Following these gains, more whales have been transacting on Cardano.According to IntoTheBlock, Cardano’s whale transactions surpassed $1.5 billion. Analysts expect ADA to continue growing if more whales use the network.Meme Moguls aims to disrupt the meme coins sectorThere has been a surge in the meme coin sector in recent years, with over 250 tokens circulating. However, most coins lack practical utility, relying solely on speculation and hype. $BTC
Elon Musk and crypto tweets: How social media moved the market in 2023Here are the key moments in 2023 where social media posts fueled significant rallies and sparked heated debates. Twitter, now doing business as X, wields substantial influence on the crypto market. Tweets are capable of sparking rapid changes in investor sentiment and market trends.This year, the social media platform — under the helm of Tesla CEO Elon Musk — has been abuzz with everything from groundbreaking announcements by major crypto players to heated criticism from experts. Let’s explore some standout tweets from 2023 and their impact on the crypto world.

Elon Musk and crypto tweets: How social media moved the market in 2023

Here are the key moments in 2023 where social media posts fueled significant rallies and sparked heated debates. Twitter, now doing business as X, wields substantial influence on the crypto market. Tweets are capable of sparking rapid changes in investor sentiment and market trends.This year, the social media platform — under the helm of Tesla CEO Elon Musk — has been abuzz with everything from groundbreaking announcements by major crypto players to heated criticism from experts. Let’s explore some standout tweets from 2023 and their impact on the crypto world.
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