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🔥🇹🇷 Заява про біткойн і турецьку мову від Майкла Сейлора Майкл Сейлор, голова ради директорів MicroStrategy, заявив, що біткойн є надією для Туреччини. #michaelsaylor голова ради директорів MicroStrategy, американської компанії, на балансі якої перебуває понад 214 тисяч біткоінів, заявив, що #BTC – це надія для Туреччини. У своїй публікації зі свого особистого облікового запису X Сейлор звернув увагу на постійне зростання ціни біткойна по відношенню до турецької ліри та сказав: «Біткойн — це надія для Туреччини», — написав він. Сейлор раніше звертав увагу на факт інфляції в Туреччині. Засновник MicroStrategy заявив у ефірі Bloomberg у січні, що біткойн є «привабливим активом для тих, хто хоче захистити своє багатство, борючись із політичною нестабільністю, знеціненням валюти та ризиком контрагента в таких країнах, як Туреччина». Сейлор стверджує, що в економіках, де валюта зазнала значного знецінення, найкращим рішенням для громадян, компаній і сімей є біткойн. Технологічний підприємець активно просуває Bitcoin з 2020 року. Компанія Сейлора MicroStrategy, яка прийняла стійку стратегію Bitcoin, також купує Bitcoin з 2020 року. В результаті десятків покупок активи MicroStrategy в Bitcoin перевищили 214 тисяч. Компанія отримала понад $ 6 мільярдів прибутків від біткойнів на папері. #Turkey #binance

🔥🇹🇷 Заява про біткойн і турецьку мову від Майкла Сейлора

Майкл Сейлор, голова ради директорів MicroStrategy, заявив, що біткойн є надією для Туреччини.

#michaelsaylor голова ради директорів MicroStrategy, американської компанії, на балансі якої перебуває понад 214 тисяч біткоінів, заявив, що #BTC – це надія для Туреччини.

У своїй публікації зі свого особистого облікового запису X Сейлор звернув увагу на постійне зростання ціни біткойна по відношенню до турецької ліри та сказав: «Біткойн — це надія для Туреччини», — написав він.

Сейлор раніше звертав увагу на факт інфляції в Туреччині. Засновник MicroStrategy заявив у ефірі Bloomberg у січні, що біткойн є «привабливим активом для тих, хто хоче захистити своє багатство, борючись із політичною нестабільністю, знеціненням валюти та ризиком контрагента в таких країнах, як Туреччина».

Сейлор стверджує, що в економіках, де валюта зазнала значного знецінення, найкращим рішенням для громадян, компаній і сімей є біткойн.

Технологічний підприємець активно просуває Bitcoin з 2020 року. Компанія Сейлора MicroStrategy, яка прийняла стійку стратегію Bitcoin, також купує Bitcoin з 2020 року. В результаті десятків покупок активи MicroStrategy в Bitcoin перевищили 214 тисяч. Компанія отримала понад $ 6 мільярдів прибутків від біткойнів на папері.

#Turkey #binance

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🔥💥Bernstein, who expects 150 thousand dollars in Bitcoin: Everything continues healthy Analysts at the large investment management company #Bernstein who have stated that they expect a very serious price rise in Bitcoin with consecutive reports in recent months, have stated that they are behind their expectations and that the declines are healthy in terms of market trends. Although the declines in #Bitcoin last week caused fear among investors, Bernstein analysts believe that the upsurge in the largest cryptocurrency has not yet “literally” begun. The firm's analysts, who said in the report written in February “Get ready for Bitcoin FOMO” and then revised the $ 150 thousand price forecast made for 2025 to 2024, stated that the declines were healthy. “We are in the early stages of the cycle” The company, which has more than $ 700 billion in assets under management, has the following statements in the customer note shared with the signature of Gautam Chhugani and Mahika Sapra: “We think more positively about the price decreases experienced than before. The figures show that we are currently in a healthy cycle. It even shows that we are still in the early stages of this cycle. The risk-reward system still retains its appeal here. "The Grayscale entries are very positive...” Referring to the end of the selling wave seen in Bitcoin spot ETFs for 7 consecutive days and the importance of having a significant investment even in Grayscale, analysts wrote that in this sense, serious pressure has also disappeared: “The other 9 ETFs had to lift and absorb Grayscale's huge sales burden. the end of the 78-day outflows is a very important development ... On the other hand, the strong inflows into ETFs over the past 3 months, the encouragement of corporate firms to buy Bitcoin, the healthy post-halving transaction fees and the low prices of mining equipment are a sign that the market is healthy.” #MicroStrategy #binance #BTC
🚨🇹🇷 There may be transaction tax and declaration requirements regarding cryptocurrencies in Turkey In particular, an important claim has been put forward regarding the crypto money regulations expected to come after the March 31 municipal elections. It is stated that the Revenue Administration will introduce a transaction tax at a level that will not scare investors, as well as a declaration requirement that the tax deduction rate will be zero in order to prevent the transfer of assets abroad. While cryptocurrency regulations are being discussed in many regions from the USA to Russia, from the EU to Asia, an important claim has also been put forward about #Turkey According to the information provided by Rahim Ak from Haberturk; the Revenue Administration, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Treasury, plans to introduce two tax items on cryptocurrencies, one with a “zero deduction rate”. In the news, the first news about the study was given by Ondokuzmayis University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Murat Batı announced on social media, while it was stated that a transaction tax was on the way. West, Section 75 of the Income Tax Code.he wrote that cryptocurrencies, which are considered as Securities Capital in accordance with article th, will be taxed through withholding, that is, tax deduction. Going abroad will be prevented On the other hand, in addition to the transaction tax, a study is also being carried out in order to prevent the outflow of cryptocurrencies abroad via other platforms. Accordingly, in cryptocurrencies, which are considered to be considered securities capital such as bonds and stock markets, it is also considered to impose taxes through withholding, that is, tax deduction, in order to prevent the escape of earnings abroad. Thus, it will be mandatory for those who smuggle their earnings abroad to make a declaration and declare their earnings. However, the withholding, that is, the tax deduction rate, will remain at zero. #BTC #binance #eth‬
😱🔥Arthur Hayes bought $500 thousand from the cryptocurrency she has been praising for months #ArthurHayes , one of the names known for his blog posts and whose ideas are valued by the crypto world, has made a new purchase from #Pendle which he has been praising for a long time and has done from time to time in “buy-sell”. While Hayes received 500 thousand dollar tokens, the investment was executed through the Wintermute platform. He has been trading and praising for months As it is known, Hayes generally states that Bitcoin and Ether should be held for a long term, and he does not hesitate to trade many other coins as well. Hayes, who has long praised the Pendle project and recently said at the Token2049 conference in Dubai that “Pendle will be the most important decentralized derivatives exchange” for the project, has been widely talked about buying and selling this token for some time. Hayes finally made a purchase of 500 thousand dollars from this token. It is not known whether Hayes, who stated that he especially likes to trade constantly, makes his purchases in this sense for the long or short term. It costs $ 2… Along with this purchase, the number of Pendle tokens held by the famous trader also became 1.5 million units. The total profit of Hayes, whose average cost in the token is $ 2, is around $ 4.89 million. The total value of Pendle in Hayes' possession is at the level of $ 8 million… He had kept the last forecasts Hayes stated in recent blog posts that he expected declines before and immediately after halving, but as of May, he thought that a rise would come because the Fed would put the brakes on monetary tightening. #PENDLEUSDT #binance

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