Here's a recent little script:

1. From now until around October 30th: Bitcoin sideways decline or significant drop

2. Turning point at the end of this month, October 30th: The US Treasury holds the Q4 QRA meeting, announcing an increase in net issuance of short-term bills and a reduction in net issuance of medium to long-term bonds, resulting in a gradual decrease in the yield of US 10Y medium to long-term bonds

3. From November 1st to November 4th/5th/6th: Bitcoin starts to rally towards Trump's victory

4. Trump announces victory: Sentiment reaches its peak, Bitcoin surges then plummets (refer to the market trend on the day of the ETF launch on January 11, 2024)

5. Next: The choppy market completely ends, initiating a new wave of upward movement

6. The chart shows the trend of US 10Y after the end of the QRA on October 30, 2023: On October 31, 2023, the Treasury announces plans to slow down the pace of long-term bond sales and increase the scale of Treasury bill issuance. In response, the 10-year yield fell by 89 basis points from 4.88% during the QRA period from October 2023 to January 2024 to 3.99%.