That's stable coin is essentially available on Bitcoin from the start thanks to the magic of RGB++ protocol.
Now with Lightning network coming, this combo will present a ground breaking payment system (RUSD on Bitcoin+CKB) with fast confirmation, instant finality and extreme low cost.
Binance News
Stable++ Protocol Launches On CKB Mainnet
According to Foresight News, the Stable++ protocol, strategically invested by the CKB Ecosystem Fund, has been launched on the CKB mainnet. Stable++ is the first over-collateralized stablecoin protocol developed on CKB, serving both the Bitcoin and RGB++ ecosystems. The protocol supports BTC and CKB as collateral to generate the first RGB++ stablecoin, RUSD. In the future, Stable++ will also support the CKB Lightning Network and will be deployed on the BTC L2 issued by UTXO Stack. Through the Leap function of the RGB++ protocol, RUSD will be able to circulate freely within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Previously, the CKB Ecosystem Fund strategically invested in the Stable++ protocol to introduce a decentralized stablecoin based on native assets with over-collateralization to the Bitcoin and RGB++ ecosystems. This move aims to further enhance the liquidity of the DeFi ecosystem.
This article will be for those of you in Vietnam. Automatic translation on BinanceSquare may not be accurate. I learned RGB++ myself, so this will be a high-level explanation to help you understand the keywords in RGB++. Leave your comments below ^!- ********************************************
Satoshi, if he returns, will probably receive the biggest airdrop in crypto ever. 8,4 billion CKB at the time of this writing is worth 234 million dollars
""" When we say “burn 25% of Nervos CKBytes in genesis block”, the 8.4 billion CKBytes will be sent to an address owned by Satoshi. This essentially means that no one will move or touch those tokens (unless Satoshi comes back and that would be another story :P). """
You may wonder how can CKB folks send CKByte to Satoshi?
Well that is the power of CKB called wallet address compatibility. ;)) go check it out and you'll find a sky of magic things CKB can do that others don't.
So CKB is getting hot recently and RGB++ is literally gonna change Bitcoin forever.
RGB++ has gone live on main-net for nearly a week and now has brought turing-complete smart contract to Bitcoin.
This is a rare L2 that has almost Zero Security Compromise in its architecture and solution thanks to RGB protocol and Peter todd.
Creating Dapp with this will still be considered more hardcore than writing Solidity on EVM, but people are getting better at it (Me included). And soon in a year from now, a vibrant ecosystem will built on top of Bitcoin and CKB, facilitating endless possibilities. Bitcoin assets, Stable coin, NFT ...
At some points in your crypto life, you'll find some people who has substantially large amount of Bitcoin and you may ask your self how the hell did he/she hodl it from sub-1dollar to 70 thousand dollars (and can still spend it ;))) )?
The answer is simple enough, yet too obvious to be considered a common investing strategy. You have to understand what it is and where it's going!
Elon Musk once tweeted about his investment ideaology: """ Buy stock in several companies that make products & services that *you* believe in.
Only sell if you think their products & services are trending worse. Don’t panic when the market does.
This will serve you well in the long-term. """
Well this is true for literally any investment in anything, one remaining question here is: How do you get to believe in a product that someone else's making/building?
To believe in something, knowledge is required. To truly gain knowledge and understandings, patience is a MUST and you have to do your studying. There's no other way around it.
In a conversation on, J.K. Rowling - author of the famous Harry Potter series once said that she did not understand Bitcoin and wanted to hear people explain.
One humorous comment compared Voldemort to centralized banking, and Harry to Bitcoin. ;))
However, to me, Voldemort is more similar to Bitcoin. Here he is a blockchain with 7 nodes ~ equivalent to the 7 horcruxes he keeps.
If horcruxes are what make Voldemort immortal, then a globally distributed node system will help Bitcoin withstand censorship, targeted attacks and natural disasters.
Please hold on to Bitcoin for your family and future generations!
This year is 2024, many Bitcoin ETFs have been approved and the Blockchain industry is also experiencing important development milestones over the past 15 years. Ethereum with the Dencun update and the Layer2 ecosystem are growing rapidly. Although Bitcoin and Bitcoin Layer2 joined late, they still brought fresh and vibrant winds to the entire Blockchain space.
But not everyone knows what Blockchain is. When I have to explain Blockchain to people I know, I often use the following anecdote about Le Quy Don's extraordinary memory.
"One day, Le Qui Don came to visit Ly Truong's house and saw on the table a book containing the names of people who owed taxes. He opened it and saw that some were owed five or seven measures of rice, and some were a few denars of money. Not long after, Ly Truong's house was arrested. burned to ashes, the tax debt book was also destroyed. When meeting him, Ly Truong complained that he did not know where to look to ask for money. He read it again from beginning to end so he could copy it down. Ly Truong did not dare to decide, but Until I followed the book to collect the debts, it was all right, no one complained, then I believed it."
In a simple way, the tax book is the blockchain with 2 nodes ;)). A Fullnode - or the original tax book - resides with Ly Truong so he can add and edit. A lightnode is located in Le Quy Don's head, this is the copy that saved Ly Truong when his notebook burned.
Blockchain in reality has thousands of such copies. And this is also the reason why data in Blockchain becomes immortal.
Bitcoin Layer 2 is a lucrative piece of cake. Even with Bitcoin's current marketcap, it is larger in scale than the entire ecosystem on Ethereum layer2 combined.
Bitcoin L2 projects also sprouted like mushrooms, competing for market share.
However, only layer2 Bitcoin projects that inherit the soul and direction of Bitcoin can reach the end. Security and Decentralization are two prerequisite factors that determine whether a BitcoinL2 project is successful or not.
Because, if this L2 is not safe, do you dare move your Bitcoin there?
Is your favorite blockchain resistant to quantum computing?
If not, you may need a blockchain that does so to store coins and value in the long term.
CKB is one such blockchain. Not only is it possible to deploy a quantum computer-resistant program, CKB can also do this incredibly fast right at the application layer without the need for a hardfork.
Intent is an abstract trend, and few projects pursue it. But this is the type of technology that can "one step change the landscape of the entire Blockchain industry". CKB and their engineering team have been working on Intent since 2019 and it was not until 2023 that people started to develop Intent. In the CKB world from the early days, they called Intent Open transaction. Open Transaction (OTX) or Nervos CKB's open transaction format is a groundbreaking and confusing concept. This is considered the dark horse of Nervos in the race between Layer1. Let's explore what open trading (OTX) is and how magical it is through a [Reddit AMA between community member and Jordan Mack]( Mf1qYLU3DR) - Co-founder and also software engineer of Nervos in September 2023.
Many people compare CKB to digital real estate. Why?
"CKB is a hard drive, allowing you to save data for thousands of years!" - doublet2T
If Alice wants to mint a 2MB NFT image on CKB, Alice will need 2_000_000(2 million) CKB coins to have enough storage space (in raw form and 100% on-chain).
Correlatively speaking, CKB blockchain is like a data storage device such as a memory card or hard drive. Each CKB coin provides 1 byte of storage to its owner.
The unique point here is that unlike a regular memory card or hard drive, the data on the CKB is very valuable and each storage unit must go through the owner verification process (privekey - public key) before being updated. and global consensus (PoW).
For example, with a 2MB photo and the current CKB price of 0.02USD, it will cost nearly 1 billion VND.
This data on CKB is always in its most primitive form, bytes (with a current capacity of somewhere near 40GB based on circulation supply), without batching or streaming at all. And as I said above, these CKBytes memory cells can be programmed to create data and update data according to the program in the Smart contract (which is also stored in similar CKBytes memory cells).
When combined, these programs can create a wide variety of data types representing: - FT token is like ERC20 token on Ethereum. CKB will have a similar token called SUDT - or Simple User Define Token. - NFT token is the same as ERC721 NFT token. CKB has a similar NFT style called CoTa. - Layer2 blockchain or Rollup, when committing data to the settlement layer CKB, will also design and distribute batches to store data to CKB.
Typical DAPP that uses the above special storage function of CKB: - DApp devs will use a lot of FT, and NFT on CKB. + Spore NFT protocol: x + CKB inscription: x + JoyID wallet uses data on CKB to store and allow multiple devices to control one Account Abstraction account
CKB is different, unique, and has a very solid foundation.
Up to now, CKB is a 4-year-old PoW blockchain with hashrate increasing steadily over the years. This means that CKB as designed, is on its way to becoming a settlement layer in the future.
One of the special features of CKB is that its ledger structure is in the form of eUTXO. CKB uses a more modern variation of UTXO called cell-model and when combined with the CKBVM virtual machine (a RISC-V virtual machine) it allows:
1. Use most languages that compile to a RISC-V binary (not immediately, but more according to the included development tools). Currently there are 5 supported languages: C++, C, Rust, Lua and about 2 months ago, JavaScript was added.
2. All programs can be turring-complete - meaning you can write whatever you want, without any restrictions.
3. Let's call each UTXO a storage unit - can store anything in any format, including videos, movies or images on-chain - as long as you have enough CKB to store it all, These UTXOs are called cells. These cells can reference the smart contract source code stored in different cells and use it as a smart contract.
4. The third feature allows creating "real" NFTs on CKB without having to worry about CKB being flooded to death like with Ordinal on Bitcoin. is the application that allows me to do this. Users can upload movies and when needed can reclaim CKByte storage space and do whatever they want.
CKB - blockchain project designed to operate forever.
If you had to choose one project and invest for 20 years, which blockchain would you choose? For me, it is CKB - Common Knowledge Base (Nervos network) Few people know about CKB, but those who know and play CKB have very solid reasons. As follows: 1. PoW is safe, easy to recover if attacked or has problems. Specifically, not long ago CKB had a problem of not being able to create blocks, miners only needed 2 hours to fix. PoW is also the longest "tested" consensus mechanism with nearly 15 years of Bitcoin operation with not a single incorrect information recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain.
The world's first passkeys wallet to support Bitcoin!
You want to buy Bitcoin but don't want to leave it on an exchange? And don't want to have to remember 12/15/24 word mnemonic phrases? --> You can use joyID passkeys wallet.
With joyID you can lock BTC with fingerprint or face. This is the world's first non-custodial, Passkeys wallet that supports the Bitcoin network.
The joyID wallet experience is unprecedented. In less than 10 seconds, you can successfully set up the wallet. Besides, the Wallet also supports recovery if you lose your login device.