
Intent is an abstract trend, and few projects pursue it. But this is the type of technology that can "one step change the landscape of the entire Blockchain industry".

CKB and their engineering team have been working on Intent since 2019 and it was not until 2023 that people started to develop Intent. In the CKB world from the early days, they called Intent Open transaction.

Open Transaction (OTX) or Nervos CKB's open transaction format is a groundbreaking and confusing concept. This is considered the dark horse of Nervos in the race between Layer1. Let's explore what open trading (OTX) is and how magical it is through a [Reddit AMA between community member and Jordan Mack](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/ Mf1qYLU3DR) - Co-founder and also software engineer of Nervos in September 2023.


Question: I have a question regarding Open Transactions (OTX). At the present time, what do you think about the importance of OTX to the development of CKB and together with the Cell model, how far can OTX take Nervos' unique architecture?

Or to put it another way, what does OTX mean for the future of the entire Nervos ecosystem?


Answer: Open Transaction (OTX) is a very important component for Dapp development on Nervos CKB. In smart contract programming with UTXO in general, there are major barriers that arise related to shared states (for example, account states on the blockchain). We call it the "state contention" problem, or other times it is the "aggregator problem". Each different UTXO ecosystem uses different keywords but they all refer to the same common problem.

The "state dispute" problem occurs when two independent transactions update a common state in the same block, but both actions are not compatible and conflict with each other.

Deterministic UTXOs transactions have a big advantage over Account model (Ethereum) transaction types because with UTXO transactions, you know the exact outcome of the transaction even before you send it to the blockchain.

The disadvantage in this case is that only  1 of the 2 transactions above can take this advantage in each block because the transaction confirmed first will make the remaining transaction invalid (the state has been change).

This causes many difficulties in the solution, and the solution is also extremely unintuitive and confusing for developers from Ethereum.

There are different ways to handle this status contention problem. But the difficulty here is that each solution is very specific and specific to each situation, which means that developers cannot use the same solution for separate situations.

Open Transaction (OTX) is the best solution to the state contention problem that Nervos offers for the Cell model. This solution works by creating open transactions (OTX) where users only need to express their intention (intent) instead of a complete transaction.

A coin swap transaction between two parties A and B is a typical example to better understand OTX. With the traditional UTXO model without OTX, coin swaps can only be successful and safe for both parties when they both agree and sign the same transaction. This is like when I say “I want to exchange 2 coins A for 3 coins B, but the 3 coins must come from Matt, and if Matt exchanges the other 3 coins B with someone else first, then the deal is 2 coins A for 3 coin B between me and Matt is considered over. Consistency is very beneficial in some cases, but it creates a huge barrier in this case.

OTX on the other hand allows me to create a special type of transaction that says “I want to exchange these 2 A coins for 3 B coins” and I don't care where the other 3 B coins come from, or who brokers them all. . This is an extremely omnipotent concept because completing the open transaction (filling in the OTX with the information “3 coin B from xyz 
”) is not constrained by a software developer or a smart contract at all. . Software developers can use this protocol to seek liquidity from many different Dapps or someday, from many different Blockchains.

Within the Nervos ecosystem, OTX is both a programming formula and a standard. There is no obstacle stopping a developer from creating his Dapp now with OTX. The problem is that this OTX standard is not yet fully standardized, meaning that if one developer creates an OTX open transaction, other developers cannot exploit this OTX unless they know exactly how. but how the developer first programmed it. The biggest challenge for the Nervos team is to research and create an open transaction standard (OTX standard) so that developers can use them for all types of Dapps.

Success in creating this open transaction standard (OTX standard) could allow programmers to create thousands of independent Dapps, unrelated to each other, but able to operate simultaneously with each other. rhythmically.

This is an almighty concept with great implications for the entire ecosystem. We can build simple applications today, but unlocking the full potential of the CKB Cell model requires a number of components, and OTX is indispensable. Unlocking the full potential of the Cell model will take Nervos from a run-of-the-mill smart contract platform to a global superhighway where everything runs.


With the above idea, let's see what the Nervos CKB team has done:

1. In 2019, start researching: https://talk.nervos.org/t/open-tx-protocol-brainstorm-1-otx-in-general/4010

2. OTX format is gradually being standardized: https://github.com/doitian/rfcs/tree/rfc-open-transaction

3. Late 2023, Testing and demonstration of Dapps running concurrently with OTX format: https://github.com/cryptape/ckb-transaction-cobuild-poc


Let's see how the crypto community follows this standard with the keyword "intent":

1. What is [Intent-Centric? Solution towards mass-adoption](https://coin68.com/intent-centric-la-gi-giai-phap-huong-toi-mass-adoption/)