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专注于币圈一、二级市场。致力于研究一级市场暴涨币种、二级市场优质潜力币。讨论交流学习、免费无门槛 关注公众号:莎莎说区块
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The total futures position of the entire network has once again reached the 30 billion US dollar mark! This has occurred 4 times in the past six months, all of which represent short-term corrections out of local lows, followed by a small-scale rebound. Will this time continue the previous pattern? On the other hand, it can be seen that as the price highs decrease, the participation in the futures market has obviously declined, and the peak of futures contract positions has been declining; This is not optimistic for maintaining a long-term bullish trend, but in the short term, we can still expect the continuation of the rebound. After all, the current market sentiment and enthusiasm are very sluggish, just like a bear market, and everyone needs some high-volatility market conditions to appear. #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温
The total futures position of the entire network has once again reached the 30 billion US dollar mark!

This has occurred 4 times in the past six months, all of which represent short-term corrections out of local lows, followed by a small-scale rebound. Will this time continue the previous pattern?

On the other hand, it can be seen that as the price highs decrease, the participation in the futures market has obviously declined, and the peak of futures contract positions has been declining;

This is not optimistic for maintaining a long-term bullish trend, but in the short term, we can still expect the continuation of the rebound. After all, the current market sentiment and enthusiasm are very sluggish, just like a bear market, and everyone needs some high-volatility market conditions to appear.

#新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温
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北大毕业的孙宇晨如何成为人人骂的“孙割”? 你不应该错过的币圈名人黑历史。 波场meme的发射平台Sunpump,在5天时间内波场meme coin sundog涨幅达到100倍。虽然涨的很猛,但很多小伙伴一片哀嚎,说孙哥没钱了,又要来割韭菜了。 孙宇晨,这位横跨金融圈、创投圈、娱乐圈(最近还在抖音直播)和梦想圈,并即将成功征服饭圈的男人,非常喜欢收割韭菜,人送外号孙割,凭借一手卡bug能力和做公关能力,横扫币圈。今天莎白来盘一盘孙割的发家史。 1.孙哥的1000万 时间回到2007年的秋天,孙哥凭借卡bug,获得新概念作文一等奖20分加分,加上一年高三的恶补,成功上岸北大,并在2011年秋入读宾夕法尼亚大学。在美国的时候,孙哥了解到比特币和区块链,买入大量比特币,凭借比特币的早期暴涨,赚到了人生第一个一千万。 他入学的故事另一位推友写的很详细了。 #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温

波场meme的发射平台Sunpump,在5天时间内波场meme coin sundog涨幅达到100倍。虽然涨的很猛,但很多小伙伴一片哀嚎,说孙哥没钱了,又要来割韭菜了。



#新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温
时间周期越短,交易机会越难判断。 有句话大家很熟悉,资本市场,短期是投票机,长期是称重器。 在币圈,这个短期,甚至是大家无法忍受的时间长度,都希望一夜暴富。 这也是为什么币圈很难玩,时间周期太短,其实更多是拼运气的赌博,靠运气赚的也会凭实力亏回去。 等个好的抄底结构有那么难么? 一般一年内总会有那么一两次机会,有什么事是确定的?那就是币圈每年都会有黑天鹅,这是确定的。 从18年的大跌,到19年的筑底,到20年的312,到21年的519,到22年的ftx,到23年的硅谷银行以及etf通过前的低量波动筑底。 总会有一个明确的事件,或者非常好的结构可以建仓,为啥大家还会亏? 因为一年一次的机会,咱等不了,需要每天翻10倍。 #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温









#新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温
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Reviewing the last wave of decline, the first kinetic energy column contracted at 67k on 0722, the daily line dead cross closed at 64k on 0731, the bull market oscillation center was broken at 61k on 0802, and the zero axis was broken at 58k on 0804. These are the four positions I think are worth shorting. I was between 0731 and 0802, breaking the center and confirming the short position reduction with the dead cross. For me, breaking the trend line is slightly more important than kinetic energy. Some people will say, why don’t you choose to reduce your position at 67k or 64k, but at the highest point. First, now is the review. At that time, 64 and 67 were just short-selling trends, which did not mean that they would definitely continue. Moreover, my experience over the years has told me that the probability of successful trading based on the daily kinetic energy column will not exceed half, and the dead cross is a little higher. At the moment, I really dare not conclude that it will fall again, but in August, the dead cross + breaking the trend line confirmed the short position and sold it in time. At that time, the reduction price was 6.2, and the lowest price fell to 4.9. OP I also reduced my position with the same strategy, but I did not reduce my position at the highest point. I cleared my position at 3.6, and the highest price was 4.8. Now it is not wrong. Second, I am a trend-oriented person, and I have a high tolerance for intraday fluctuations. As long as the key indicators are not broken, I will not consider reducing my position. And I think that wave may develop into a relatively large trend. In the end, it turns out that I made a wrong judgment and it did not develop, so I left the market in time. The third and most important thing is that the weekly level short position and the daily level long position in the past five months have become weaker and weaker. Before, it could touch the upper edge or 67k 70k. It is reflected in the technical indicators that even if the short momentum weakened or even the dead cross, it could still set a new high, but recently, the most important thing is that the momentum weakens to the highest point. 📈 Want to learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment? Please visit my main page Ye Jianjie. Therefore, the daily trend still needs to be combined with the 3-day/weekly market and other technical macro indicators. There is no need to worry about the monthly trend at present. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
Reviewing the last wave of decline, the first kinetic energy column contracted at 67k on 0722, the daily line dead cross closed at 64k on 0731, the bull market oscillation center was broken at 61k on 0802, and the zero axis was broken at 58k on 0804. These are the four positions I think are worth shorting.

I was between 0731 and 0802, breaking the center and confirming the short position reduction with the dead cross. For me, breaking the trend line is slightly more important than kinetic energy.

Some people will say, why don’t you choose to reduce your position at 67k or 64k, but at the highest point.

First, now is the review. At that time, 64 and 67 were just short-selling trends, which did not mean that they would definitely continue. Moreover, my experience over the years has told me that the probability of successful trading based on the daily kinetic energy column will not exceed half, and the dead cross is a little higher. At the moment, I really dare not conclude that it will fall again, but in August, the dead cross + breaking the trend line confirmed the short position and sold it in time. At that time, the reduction price was 6.2, and the lowest price fell to 4.9.

OP I also reduced my position with the same strategy, but I did not reduce my position at the highest point. I cleared my position at 3.6, and the highest price was 4.8. Now it is not wrong.

Second, I am a trend-oriented person, and I have a high tolerance for intraday fluctuations. As long as the key indicators are not broken, I will not consider reducing my position. And I think that wave may develop into a relatively large trend. In the end, it turns out that I made a wrong judgment and it did not develop, so I left the market in time.

The third and most important thing is that the weekly level short position and the daily level long position in the past five months have become weaker and weaker. Before, it could touch the upper edge or 67k 70k. It is reflected in the technical indicators that even if the short momentum weakened or even the dead cross, it could still set a new high, but recently, the most important thing is that the momentum weakens to the highest point.

📈 Want to learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment? Please visit my main page Ye Jianjie.

Therefore, the daily trend still needs to be combined with the 3-day/weekly market and other technical macro indicators. There is no need to worry about the monthly trend at present.

#新币挖矿HMSTR #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
前晚的cpi和昨晚ppi,正好放在一起聊聊: 1、数据应该都是支持9月降息25个基点,cme的当下的利率期货也反应了市场的这一预期。当下预期9月加息25个基点的概率87%,比昨晚还提升了两个点。 2、虽然总CPI继续放缓,但核心CPI环比连续第二个月反弹、特别是房租和核心服务通胀(supercore)仍值得关注,隐忧也出现了。8月住房通胀环比上涨0.5%,高于上月0.4%的涨幅,同比增速达到5.2%,为2023年3月以来首次上涨。 而且今晚核心ppi月率超预期,主要也是服务业推动。当下这块、影响不大、但是未来服务业能不能持续走到3%以下需要关注 3、另外一个亮点8月个人实际收入月率大幅高于前值,再次支持了美国经济的人性。实际收入月率是比薪资数据更全面代表美国居民收入的指标,它涵盖了工资收入、资金收入、资产性收入以及获得政府补贴等一揽子收入情况。 4、刚才说的隐忧在未来的影响就是:如果cpi维持在3%以下、但是核心通胀迟迟走不到3%下方,会让美联储后续的节奏变得不可预期,边走边看和走走停停如果是常态对市场的折磨会不小。如果首次降息之后、市场对于未来节奏预期比较激进,出现了风险有可能引发再次调整风险。 5、之前也一直有聊到、9月降25还是59个基点其实并不重要、更重要的是联储后续的降息的节奏是怎么样的。我们需要明确,美联储的降息路径和终点利率水平才是最重要的,因为这决定了整条曲线的变化。也最终决定了宽松的程度。 #新币挖矿HMSTR #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托







#新币挖矿HMSTR #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
在币圈中,80%的人都希望能盈利,但通常需要经历三个阶段: 第一个阶段是体验期,这个阶段的特点是可能赚到一些小钱,但也可能亏损较大,或者赚到的钱最后又亏回去。 第二个阶段是巩固信念期。在这个阶段,投资者会赚取一些小钱,接触到新事物,总结经验教训,并逐渐形成自己的操作节奏。 第三个阶段才是实现财务目标的关键时期。在这一阶段,策略、择时、纪律,加上运气,可能会获得相对可观的财富。 在第一个阶段就能大获成功并退出的人非常稀少,更多的人可能因为本金耗尽而无法坚持到最后。能够在这个过程中坚持下去的人已经很不容易了。 在上行市场中,什么看起来都很有前景;而在下行市场中,一切都显得不那么靠谱。因此,当信息泛滥时,最应保持冷静,避免急于操作。提升自己的心态、判断力和专注力,才是长期成功的关键。 #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币






#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
凌晨 美股 果然集体收涨,这算是最乐观的预期了,非常不错, BTC 虽然在美股盘后并未继续反弹,当时亚盘今天居然不跌反涨, 亦算是好现象, 最为关键点BTC 上午时间的反弹成功测试了一下日线阻力位58,500附近,该位置昨天为58,600,均线再度下移。 尝试突破就是好事,看今天与明天是否可以突破并且站稳回归日线上轨运行,一旦成功,对目前价格走势来说将会是起到一定的鼓舞作用。 需要注意,如果本周剩余两天的交易日无法完成突破站稳动作,下周多头情绪就会衰退,同时下周将要面临货币利率调整的关键时间,在利率决议之前,风险市场整体情绪将会相对保守。 同时,下周完成利率决议之后,同时公布的点阵图透露出未来降息节奏,对市场的影响也会比较大。 so,本周突破站稳我觉得可能是一个好时机,当然保持小幅度震荡的保守预期也不错。 #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
凌晨 美股 果然集体收涨,这算是最乐观的预期了,非常不错,

BTC 虽然在美股盘后并未继续反弹,当时亚盘今天居然不跌反涨, 亦算是好现象,

最为关键点BTC 上午时间的反弹成功测试了一下日线阻力位58,500附近,该位置昨天为58,600,均线再度下移。





#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
讲下滚仓,首先我们要知道什么情况下适合滚仓操作: 目前只有以下三种情况适合滚仓: 1-长期横盘波动率“新低后的选择方向 2-牛市中大涨行情后的大跌抄底 3-突破周线级别重大阻力位°/支撑位 总的来说只有以上这三种情况下胜算才比较大,其余的所有机会都应该放弃。 以下是滚仓的操纵方法: 浮盈加仓:在获得浮盈后,可以考虑加仓买入。但加仓前需要确保持仓成本已经降低,从而减少亏损的风险。这并不是指有盈利后就盲目加仓,而是要在合适的时机进行。 底仓+做T滚仓操作:将资金分为多个部分,留有一部分底仓不动,另一部分仓位进行高抛低吸的操作。具体比例可以根据个人的风险偏好和资金规模来选择。例如,可以选择半仓滚动做T、三成底仓滚动做T或七成底仓滚动做T等方法。这种操作可以降低持仓成本,增加收益!! 武功秘籍ª已经给各位了,能不能在江湖成名就要看自己的了! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币




#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
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