$BURGER Friends, no one should ask for it to come at its cost and sell it. Of course, there will be days when this price will rise. Of course, not everyone will win, but I am telling the people who will win this, including everyone and me, we do not collect the money from the garbage, I am not in a position to feed it to them, I am sure you will have to wait too, as there is no alternative. Patience...
$BURGER The developer is Turkish, what are we waiting for? They slapped us all and left us in their corners. What would happen if they were delists? They got what they were owed. Both they and#Binanceare all fraudsters.
$BURGER I will not curse you anymore, those who took you out, those who did not watch you or those who did not list you, because you are all swindlers, see what you are, I will not sell you without paying my price, I will not make you lose money #burgercities
$BURGER May God damn you, I hope he delists you. Isn't the Binance team following you at all? I don't understand these scammers. They continue to keep such a garbage project. How are you a bitch?
$BURGER They are literally making fun of you, they are doing their best to make you sell, you are a garbage project, but I will not sell you, I will not close you at a loss, I am stubborn?
$BURGER No one should buy this garbage project, friend, they will regret it and stay inside like us, should the Binance team delist this coin so that others do not get hurt?
$BURGER What happened, you are in decline again, what kind of a fraudster are you, why is your project not responding at all, I am calling out to the Binance team, please delist this.
$BURGER What kind of a garbage project, I will get rid of you the day you come to my cost. If I get involved in a meta project again, what should I do? You are a fraudster.