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My contract account was liquidated. In fact, the trends of many currencies are very similar. The currencies in the currency circle are still relatively correlated at present, and there is no need to open many positions at one time. In my opinion, making money in the currency circle is what you deserve, and losing money is what you deserve. I deserved my liquidation. Taking Bitcoin and Litecoin as examples, although the bullish trend still exists at a larger level, the bearish trend has already emerged at a small level, so you should go short with the trend. Counter-trend trading can only rebound after all. It can be seen on the one-hour chart that the moving average is clearly in a bearish arrangement. Litecoin is a rising wedge in shape. The price position of the callback to about 75 is just the resistance level of Fibonacci 0.5, which resonates with the Vegas Tunnel. The advantage of going long is not great, but people always have fantasies: fantasizing about getting rich overnight and fantasizing about eating up all in one order. It is this fantasy that leads to major losses. The analysis is very simple. Such a market can be analyzed after the fact as long as you know a little K-line, but trading is another matter. I went long in the bearish trend because I was not aware enough and had illusions. I opened many copycat positions at one time because I had poor order management ability. In other words, I deserved my position to be liquidated. Actually, it’s pretty good. After all, I’m still in the stage of paying tuition fees. I didn’t get liquidated after investing a large amount of capital. In the next period of time, I will only make a few operations. I wish you all good fortune $BTC $ETH $LTC
My contract account was liquidated. In fact, the trends of many currencies are very similar. The currencies in the currency circle are still relatively correlated at present, and there is no need to open many positions at one time. In my opinion, making money in the currency circle is what you deserve, and losing money is what you deserve. I deserved my liquidation.
Taking Bitcoin and Litecoin as examples, although the bullish trend still exists at a larger level, the bearish trend has already emerged at a small level, so you should go short with the trend. Counter-trend trading can only rebound after all. It can be seen on the one-hour chart that the moving average is clearly in a bearish arrangement. Litecoin is a rising wedge in shape. The price position of the callback to about 75 is just the resistance level of Fibonacci 0.5, which resonates with the Vegas Tunnel. The advantage of going long is not great, but people always have fantasies: fantasizing about getting rich overnight and fantasizing about eating up all in one order. It is this fantasy that leads to major losses.
The analysis is very simple. Such a market can be analyzed after the fact as long as you know a little K-line, but trading is another matter. I went long in the bearish trend because I was not aware enough and had illusions. I opened many copycat positions at one time because I had poor order management ability. In other words, I deserved my position to be liquidated. Actually, it’s pretty good. After all, I’m still in the stage of paying tuition fees. I didn’t get liquidated after investing a large amount of capital. In the next period of time, I will only make a few operations. I wish you all good fortune $BTC $ETH $LTC
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The four-hour candle closed with a strong positive line. My previous judgment of shorting was negated after this positive line. The price broke through the consolidation range strongly. At present, the four-hour candlestick chart is rising on EMA21. The short-term trading idea can be based on the four-hour EMA. Please note that it is not necessary to go long as soon as the price touches EMA21. The moving average is only an indicator. Other price behaviors are also needed to make decisions. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
The four-hour candle closed with a strong positive line. My previous judgment of shorting was negated after this positive line.
The price broke through the consolidation range strongly. At present, the four-hour candlestick chart is rising on EMA21. The short-term trading idea can be based on the four-hour EMA.
Please note that it is not necessary to go long as soon as the price touches EMA21. The moving average is only an indicator. Other price behaviors are also needed to make decisions. $BTC
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Ripple broke through the horizontal pressure level very strongly, and the one-hour closing was very strong. You can wait for the four-hour chart to close. You can be bullish in the short term. If it falls back, it will be a good opportunity. However, the weekly chart is a converging triangle, so it is only suitable for short-term pursuit. $XRP {future}(XRPUSDT)
Ripple broke through the horizontal pressure level very strongly, and the one-hour closing was very strong. You can wait for the four-hour chart to close. You can be bullish in the short term. If it falls back, it will be a good opportunity. However, the weekly chart is a converging triangle, so it is only suitable for short-term pursuit. $XRP
从以太坊对比特币的货币对讨论一下我对以太坊和整个加密市场的看法从以太坊对比特币的货币对讨论一下我对$ETH 和整个市场的看法 对行情不做预测,只是从当下K线图表达出来的信息进行一点分析和我的看法: 加密市场的资金传导是从比特币到以太坊再到其他优质项目和山寨币,同时因为山寨币市值不如比特币,所以山寨币对于比特币来说更具有波动性。其他山寨币暂不做考虑,仅考虑以太坊(其实以太坊也是山寨币,但是是最大的山寨币)。从资金传导的角度来看,所谓牛市,是资金进入BTC之后因为山寨币更具有投机价值,也就是在价格上能够炒的更高,加密市场参与者会把手中的BTC以货币对的方式兑换成ETH,以谋求更大的价格涨幅。当ETH的多头参与者不再愿意买入或者市场没有新的参与者持续买入ETH时,价格便不会创出新的高点。在这个过程中有一环很重要:BTC持有者把BTC兑换成ETH,从货币对和价格走势上来看,就是ETHBTC这个货币对的上涨,比特币市占比下降,以及BTC价格的横盘和山寨币(ETH)价格的上涨,最后没有持续买入力量向上推动山寨币涨价,资金撤出,牛市结束。 如果你认可上述逻辑,那么以下是我对目前加密市场的一些想法。从上述逻辑来看的话,牛市应该会出现ETH对BTC汇率的持续上升,但是从22年9月开始,ETH汇率持续走弱,我个人的观点是山寨币的牛市根本上没有到来,只是下跌过程中的一个反弹,在ETH的周线上也能看出,自21年12月开始ETH价格持续下跌,本次上涨也并没有创出新高,如果是正常的上涨趋势,调整完应该创新高(不论是是几年前挖矿潮导致的ETH价格虚高也好,加息也好,无论如何,价格就是没有创出新高),虽然我本人依旧坚持加密市场的长期牛市观点(从月线上看,多头趋势依旧健康),但我认为目前来说只是大周期的调整,或者说这轮上涨只是下跌反弹,依旧是调整。真正的牛市应该在多次降息完成之后,存贷款利率降低,对于资金来说才是真正的利好,目前的一系列数据只是对于预期的炒作,包括非农就业数据、cpi数据、失业率数据等,都是对于降息预期的炒作。起码到目前为止,没有真正降息,并没有对加密市场实质性的利好,也就是并没有传统市场的金钱流进加密市场(避险也好、投机也好)。所有人都知道降息是利好,但是现在是利好吗?到目前为止都没有降息;再延申一个思考:降息之前是利好吗?初次降息是利好吗?降息结束是利好吗?可以知道的是,降息之前美联储利率依旧处于高位(5.5%)初次降息开始也不一定能说是利好,但是一定会有剧烈波动,因为现金要从银行流向市场,但是利率依旧处于高位,对于投机者来说,第一次降息不一定是一个值得进场的时间,但是可以确定的是,多轮降息完成,比如利率降低至0.25%,资金因为各种各样的原因是一定会进入加密市场的。所以降息完成才能说是利好,降息完成才是真正的牛市。 从短期来看,ETHBTC汇率对上一直处于下行通道,目前在通道底部形成价格挤压,短期以太坊会有一波反弹,具体多少我不知道,但是在汇率对上大约在10%或以上,汇率大概到0.046。以太坊的牛市要等到汇率对突破趋势线同时突破水平高点(目前来看大约在0.056,如果在通道内出现新的高点另外考虑)短期来说ETH如果没有比较明显的、标准的走势,不是很建议在以太坊上进行操作。现货上,因为11月7号是美联储利率决议,同时,11月5日是美国大选,11月8日是大额期权交割日,十一月初会有剧烈波动,大选前后的暴跌会是一个买入机会,当前仍然不是现货的买入机会。左侧的话,我个人建议在32000-38000左右轻仓介入一点点,注意,因为是左侧,仓位一定要轻,比特币价格在十日线的Vegas隧道有所验证,是一个可以参考的指标;以太坊的价格大约在1600-1800。再次提醒,左侧仓位不能大,最好是等右侧出现信号之后再进。 补充编辑:目前来看加密市场不容乐观,从美元指数来看,美元指数从八月一日开始持续下跌,美元指数下跌,美元购买力下降,以美元计价的商品通常会上涨,但是从八月一日开始也能看到比特币价格并没有走高,甚至有所下降,我个人认为目前支撑住BTC价格还在56000这个价位基本是美元指数下跌支撑,后续市场个人不看好。这个价位也是上不上下不下,对于比特币来说多也不是空也不是,建议大家这段时间可以充实现实生活或者多读书学习交易技术 以上观点如果能对您的交易有所帮助,那便是我写此篇文章的意义。如果有其他想法也请在评论区说出您的观点$BTC #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?


从以太坊对比特币的货币对讨论一下我对$ETH 和整个市场的看法
以上观点如果能对您的交易有所帮助,那便是我写此篇文章的意义。如果有其他想法也请在评论区说出您的观点$BTC #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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My opinion on the current trend of Bitcoin: The previous declines were driven by the four-hour EMA30, and now it has reached the four-fold moving average. The trend will not reverse easily, and I still think this is a place worth betting on short orders. Although the price has broken through the downward trend line on the K-line chart, the big positive line during the rise did not break through the previous horizontal high point very strongly in my opinion. In my opinion, the rise was blocked and the bulls were insufficient. On the four-hour chart, a cross star with a long upper shadow line was closed at the horizontal resistance level, which was a manifestation of price pause. Then a negative line verified the view of the decline. From the perspective of K-by-K, it was the first initiation of the short force. After the subsequent positive closing, the cross star and a negative line (the line closed at twelve o'clock) were the second initiation of the short force. After the closing, you can enter the market. I entered the short order with a light position. If the subsequent price can fall below the previous low, that is, at about 56,300, I will increase my position to short, because if it continues to fall, it proves that the bulls are unwilling to continue to support the price increase at this price, and the bears are willing to suppress the price. This position may be broken in the middle of the night, and there may not be an opportunity to increase the position. A little thought about the moving average: the moving averages can be converted to each other. At present, the price is at EMA120 in the four-hour chart. In fact, it is EMA20 on the daily chart, and it is also suppressed by EMA480 in the one-hour chart. You can check it yourself on the one-hour Vegas moving average. The previous declines were also driven by the one-hour EMA144 moving average. Now it is about double the moving average, that is, EMA288. I hope these can help all traders! $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
My opinion on the current trend of Bitcoin:
The previous declines were driven by the four-hour EMA30, and now it has reached the four-fold moving average. The trend will not reverse easily, and I still think this is a place worth betting on short orders. Although the price has broken through the downward trend line on the K-line chart, the big positive line during the rise did not break through the previous horizontal high point very strongly in my opinion. In my opinion, the rise was blocked and the bulls were insufficient. On the four-hour chart, a cross star with a long upper shadow line was closed at the horizontal resistance level, which was a manifestation of price pause. Then a negative line verified the view of the decline. From the perspective of K-by-K, it was the first initiation of the short force. After the subsequent positive closing, the cross star and a negative line (the line closed at twelve o'clock) were the second initiation of the short force. After the closing, you can enter the market. I entered the short order with a light position. If the subsequent price can fall below the previous low, that is, at about 56,300, I will increase my position to short, because if it continues to fall, it proves that the bulls are unwilling to continue to support the price increase at this price, and the bears are willing to suppress the price. This position may be broken in the middle of the night, and there may not be an opportunity to increase the position.
A little thought about the moving average: the moving averages can be converted to each other. At present, the price is at EMA120 in the four-hour chart. In fact, it is EMA20 on the daily chart, and it is also suppressed by EMA480 in the one-hour chart. You can check it yourself on the one-hour Vegas moving average. The previous declines were also driven by the one-hour EMA144 moving average. Now it is about double the moving average, that is, EMA288. I hope these can help all traders! $BTC
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$DOGE has moving average, callback, trend line, cross star, breakthrough, very simple order logic, can be short
$DOGE has moving average, callback, trend line, cross star, breakthrough, very simple order logic, can be short
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Continuing from the previous one, let me talk about my thoughts on product selection. In product selection, you can look at the trend of currency pairs. As shown in the figure, sol has not closed in the four-hour chart. If it closes like the current double cross star, the probability of falling will be very high. However, if you look closely, you can find that BTC and ETH also break down with double cross stars. So which one should you choose to short? You can compare ETH to BTC, SOL to BTC, and SOL to ETH. Ethereum is in a short trend relative to Bitcoin, and sol is also in a short trend relative to Bitcoin. However, in the chart of the currency pair of sol to ETH, sol is weaker than ETH. In my personal opinion, shorting sol will have more advantages. Technically, there is not much to say. The moving average is a short arrangement. It cannot rise at the previous starting point. It closes two cross stars. The current K line breaks down. You can try to short. Personal opinion, for reference only
Continuing from the previous one, let me talk about my thoughts on product selection. In product selection, you can look at the trend of currency pairs.

As shown in the figure, sol has not closed in the four-hour chart. If it closes like the current double cross star, the probability of falling will be very high. However, if you look closely, you can find that BTC and ETH also break down with double cross stars. So which one should you choose to short? You can compare ETH to BTC, SOL to BTC, and SOL to ETH. Ethereum is in a short trend relative to Bitcoin, and sol is also in a short trend relative to Bitcoin. However, in the chart of the currency pair of sol to ETH, sol is weaker than ETH. In my personal opinion, shorting sol will have more advantages.

Technically, there is not much to say. The moving average is a short arrangement. It cannot rise at the previous starting point. It closes two cross stars. The current K line breaks down. You can try to short.

Personal opinion, for reference only
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Haha, I feel like I can use this chart to be a teacher and cheat membership fees. It looks awesome, but the position is almost closed, only a little bit is left, but the rate of return is still calculated based on the average opening price The current market sentiment is still in a panic release, and the moving average also shows a short trend, so go short The only pity is that when shorting ETH, only the first position was entered and closed in advance. From the perspective of the exchange rate of ETH to BTC, shorting Ethereum will have more advantages in product selection; Speaking of exchange rates, let's mention another exchange rate, you can also take a look at the exchange rate of SOL to ETH. At present, SOL is worse than ETH, just do it according to the situation
Haha, I feel like I can use this chart to be a teacher and cheat membership fees.
It looks awesome, but the position is almost closed, only a little bit is left, but the rate of return is still calculated based on the average opening price
The current market sentiment is still in a panic release, and the moving average also shows a short trend, so go short
The only pity is that when shorting ETH, only the first position was entered and closed in advance. From the perspective of the exchange rate of ETH to BTC, shorting Ethereum will have more advantages in product selection; Speaking of exchange rates, let's mention another exchange rate, you can also take a look at the exchange rate of SOL to ETH. At present, SOL is worse than ETH, just do it according to the situation
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Ethereum's current driving moving average is EMA144EMA169 of 30 minutes. The price still reacts in Vegas Tunnel on the four-time period. The K-line after 0 o'clock on the four-hour chart closed a small negative line that broke through the narrow trading range, which is a good trading signal. At the same time, 2540-2555 is the support and resistance swap position on the horizontal position. You can place a short order at the resistance level with a light position on the left. If you want to be more cautious, start watching the market and wait for trading signals when the price returns to the 30-minute moving average and the double moving average. The advantage of left-side trading lies in the point position and profit and loss ratio. I personally recommend that you keep the opening position conservative and the position smaller. $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)
Ethereum's current driving moving average is EMA144EMA169 of 30 minutes. The price still reacts in Vegas Tunnel on the four-time period.
The K-line after 0 o'clock on the four-hour chart closed a small negative line that broke through the narrow trading range, which is a good trading signal. At the same time, 2540-2555 is the support and resistance swap position on the horizontal position.
You can place a short order at the resistance level with a light position on the left. If you want to be more cautious, start watching the market and wait for trading signals when the price returns to the 30-minute moving average and the double moving average. The advantage of left-side trading lies in the point position and profit and loss ratio. I personally recommend that you keep the opening position conservative and the position smaller. $ETH
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Long time no see. Today I just saw Binance's new high-yield staking activity G staking activity, so I just wanted to analyze it. Generally speaking, this kind of high-yield staking activity will have large fluctuations during the lock-up period. I won't say more. You can understand it if you think about it. From a technical perspective, the Vegas moving average has also shown a bearish trend. It is a better choice to go with the trend and find a suitable position to short. At present, the price of g has been effectively tested on the 15-minute Vegas moving average many times. You can wait for the 15-minute double moving average to arrange short orders. When closing a position, you can leave a little bottom position. I personally think there will be large fluctuations $G {future}(GUSDT)
Long time no see. Today I just saw Binance's new high-yield staking activity G staking activity, so I just wanted to analyze it. Generally speaking, this kind of high-yield staking activity will have large fluctuations during the lock-up period. I won't say more. You can understand it if you think about it. From a technical perspective, the Vegas moving average has also shown a bearish trend. It is a better choice to go with the trend and find a suitable position to short. At present, the price of g has been effectively tested on the 15-minute Vegas moving average many times. You can wait for the 15-minute double moving average to arrange short orders. When closing a position, you can leave a little bottom position. I personally think there will be large fluctuations $G
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Personally, I am actually bearish in the short term: Let's talk about Bitcoin first. From the candlestick chart, Bitcoin is now closing at the 2-day Vegas line, but I don't think this is a strong support. From the previous trend, the daily EMA144 EMA169 did not strongly support the price to move further upward, but showed a bullish power exhaustion; from the perspective of SMA, the long cycle is more suitable for SMA, whether it is the 30 50 100 group or the 60 120 200 group, the bullish arrangement on the moving average has disappeared and the price closed below the 200-day moving average. It is reasonable to be bullish or bearish. The market is unpredictable, but in this market, there are many quantitative operations based on indicators, and the amount of these funds is not small. However, the price only provides a relatively good dynamic support and resistance effect on the 10-day chart. The current price position is neither up nor down, and there is no good cost-effectiveness. Compared with the benefits that can be obtained, the risks that need to be borne are too great. For the spot of Bitcoin, I am only willing to buy at the position of 32,000 to 40,000. The time of the US election also needs to be considered. From the perspective of interest rates, I prefer to wait for the end of the interest rate cut to be considered good news. The previous meetings were all expectations of interest rates and expected speculation: and the interest rate cuts have really landed, and more than one interest rate cut has been completed. Only then will funds really flow into this market and cause real fluctuations in prices. Speaking of cottages, I think the bull market of cottages has ended. Even if it rises in the future, it will be another market. The last round of cottage crazy rise has ended. The previous few big drops have proved that the market lacks confidence in cottage coins. If we look at the exchange rate of ETH to BTC, the exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin has fallen for two years. The market of altcoins is also not optimistic. If you want to buy altcoins, you must at least wait for the big bitcoin to stabilize, and the sideways trend will make everyone impatient, the bulls have no bullets, and everyone will no longer dream of getting rich overnight. Only then will the crypto market usher in a breakthrough. However, I still have to remind you that you should use the profits of big bitcoins to do altcoins. You can only do altcoins after you make money from big bitcoins, because the transmission chain of funds is from big bitcoins to altcoins and high-quality projects led by Ethereum, and then to other altcoins and other projects.
Personally, I am actually bearish in the short term:
Let's talk about Bitcoin first. From the candlestick chart, Bitcoin is now closing at the 2-day Vegas line, but I don't think this is a strong support. From the previous trend, the daily EMA144 EMA169 did not strongly support the price to move further upward, but showed a bullish power exhaustion; from the perspective of SMA, the long cycle is more suitable for SMA, whether it is the 30 50 100 group or the 60 120 200 group, the bullish arrangement on the moving average has disappeared and the price closed below the 200-day moving average. It is reasonable to be bullish or bearish. The market is unpredictable, but in this market, there are many quantitative operations based on indicators, and the amount of these funds is not small. However, the price only provides a relatively good dynamic support and resistance effect on the 10-day chart. The current price position is neither up nor down, and there is no good cost-effectiveness. Compared with the benefits that can be obtained, the risks that need to be borne are too great. For the spot of Bitcoin, I am only willing to buy at the position of 32,000 to 40,000. The time of the US election also needs to be considered. From the perspective of interest rates, I prefer to wait for the end of the interest rate cut to be considered good news. The previous meetings were all expectations of interest rates and expected speculation: and the interest rate cuts have really landed, and more than one interest rate cut has been completed. Only then will funds really flow into this market and cause real fluctuations in prices. Speaking of cottages, I think the bull market of cottages has ended. Even if it rises in the future, it will be another market. The last round of cottage crazy rise has ended. The previous few big drops have proved that the market lacks confidence in cottage coins. If we look at the exchange rate of ETH to BTC, the exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin has fallen for two years. The market of altcoins is also not optimistic. If you want to buy altcoins, you must at least wait for the big bitcoin to stabilize, and the sideways trend will make everyone impatient, the bulls have no bullets, and everyone will no longer dream of getting rich overnight. Only then will the crypto market usher in a breakthrough. However, I still have to remind you that you should use the profits of big bitcoins to do altcoins. You can only do altcoins after you make money from big bitcoins, because the transmission chain of funds is from big bitcoins to altcoins and high-quality projects led by Ethereum, and then to other altcoins and other projects.
Topic debate, 200USDT bonus
Rules, quote my article and express your own views on the current trend. Can BTC reach a new high? And is encryption over? Be sure to attach your logic!

📌Personal subjective: The market has not ended. This round of decline is a black swan in the bull market. It can also be said that it is a leverage behavior, or it has entered the mid-term of the 519 bull market in 21 years.
Judging from the data of ETFs, purchasing power is still strong. I don’t think that the landing of ETFs will end the market.
The narrative of the second half of the year still exists. The interest rate cut does not mean that a larger increase will be seen immediately, but the interest rate cut is a powerful stimulant for the market in the long run.

Welcome everyone to exchange views rationally. I will select 10 posts with the highest content quality and the highest interaction in the quotes. 🎁20U per person.

🎈This post is jointly sponsored by Binance Square #BNB
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I have stopped loss, and I also need to stop loss for spot. Now is not a good time to buy.
I have stopped loss, and I also need to stop loss for spot. Now is not a good time to buy.
Long time no see, I think it is time for ChainLink (spot) to be worth paying attention to.
From the analysis of K-line, link is now at the bottom of a large cycle box. The decline in early July did not close below the box on the daily line, which has a certain support effect.
From the perspective of the discount price, the current price is already lower than the 60 discount price to a certain extent (the price required to keep MA60 from falling). Now we can continue to observe the price performance of link.
From the Altcoin Season Index or Bitcoin market share, it can also be observed that if a good buying point appears on the altcoin, it is a more suitable opportunity for gambling; but from my personal point of view, I think the bull market of altcoins (February and March this year) has come to an end. If it rises again, it will have to wait until Bitcoin exerts its strength again to transmit to Ethereum and then to altcoins to attract new rises. In my opinion, it is two waves of market.
In terms of link operation, the current price deserves our close attention. If there is an oversold rsi, the price is significantly lower than the discount price (about -50%) or a bottom divergence, it is suitable to build positions in batches. Radicals can now make some bottom positions.
About selling: After a big positive line appears on the daily line, there is a continuous rise. Starting from the first big positive line that caused the continuous positive line, push back 12 K lines, you can partially exit, exit significantly on the 22nd day, and exit all on the 30th day. From the past market summary, most of the rises are 12-22 days, generally not more than 30 days. The above is purely personal opinion sharing, and does not constitute investment advice $LINK
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Long time no see, I think it is time for ChainLink (spot) to be worth paying attention to. From the analysis of K-line, link is now at the bottom of a large cycle box. The decline in early July did not close below the box on the daily line, which has a certain support effect. From the perspective of the discount price, the current price is already lower than the 60 discount price to a certain extent (the price required to keep MA60 from falling). Now we can continue to observe the price performance of link. From the Altcoin Season Index or Bitcoin market share, it can also be observed that if a good buying point appears on the altcoin, it is a more suitable opportunity for gambling; but from my personal point of view, I think the bull market of altcoins (February and March this year) has come to an end. If it rises again, it will have to wait until Bitcoin exerts its strength again to transmit to Ethereum and then to altcoins to attract new rises. In my opinion, it is two waves of market. In terms of link operation, the current price deserves our close attention. If there is an oversold rsi, the price is significantly lower than the discount price (about -50%) or a bottom divergence, it is suitable to build positions in batches. Radicals can now make some bottom positions. About selling: After a big positive line appears on the daily line, there is a continuous rise. Starting from the first big positive line that caused the continuous positive line, push back 12 K lines, you can partially exit, exit significantly on the 22nd day, and exit all on the 30th day. From the past market summary, most of the rises are 12-22 days, generally not more than 30 days. The above is purely personal opinion sharing, and does not constitute investment advice $LINK
Long time no see, I think it is time for ChainLink (spot) to be worth paying attention to.
From the analysis of K-line, link is now at the bottom of a large cycle box. The decline in early July did not close below the box on the daily line, which has a certain support effect.
From the perspective of the discount price, the current price is already lower than the 60 discount price to a certain extent (the price required to keep MA60 from falling). Now we can continue to observe the price performance of link.
From the Altcoin Season Index or Bitcoin market share, it can also be observed that if a good buying point appears on the altcoin, it is a more suitable opportunity for gambling; but from my personal point of view, I think the bull market of altcoins (February and March this year) has come to an end. If it rises again, it will have to wait until Bitcoin exerts its strength again to transmit to Ethereum and then to altcoins to attract new rises. In my opinion, it is two waves of market.
In terms of link operation, the current price deserves our close attention. If there is an oversold rsi, the price is significantly lower than the discount price (about -50%) or a bottom divergence, it is suitable to build positions in batches. Radicals can now make some bottom positions.
About selling: After a big positive line appears on the daily line, there is a continuous rise. Starting from the first big positive line that caused the continuous positive line, push back 12 K lines, you can partially exit, exit significantly on the 22nd day, and exit all on the 30th day. From the past market summary, most of the rises are 12-22 days, generally not more than 30 days. The above is purely personal opinion sharing, and does not constitute investment advice $LINK
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After reaching the first stop profit, the api3 order has broken even. The current daily chart is not very good. If it closes with an outside negative line like now, it is very likely to fall further and test the lower support. If there is still good buying support, it will be a larger range with these two daily lines as the upper boundary, and you can just sell high and buy low.
After reaching the first stop profit, the api3 order has broken even. The current daily chart is not very good. If it closes with an outside negative line like now, it is very likely to fall further and test the lower support. If there is still good buying support, it will be a larger range with these two daily lines as the upper boundary, and you can just sell high and buy low.
#跟着驰哥学交易 @颜驰Bit $API3
api3 broke out, unfortunately I was not in the car, the daily chart was still negative in the morning, so I didn't think about doing it.
At present, a stop-loss signal cross star is closed on the trend line (yesterday). If a big positive line can be closed today, it will lead to a wave of daily level rise. The large-volume breakthrough of the shock range at a small level is a good signal. There will definitely be some action next. If a buy signal appears near 2.54, I will actively go long.
The trading system is a system. When a signal appears, it must be executed without exception. Only in this way can the expected return of the system be achieved. Only by doing it every time can you ensure that you are in the car when the market appears.
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#跟着驰哥学交易 @Crypto127 $API3 api3 broke out, unfortunately I was not in the car, the daily chart was still negative in the morning, so I didn't think about doing it. At present, a stop-loss signal cross star is closed on the trend line (yesterday). If a big positive line can be closed today, it will lead to a wave of daily level rise. The large-volume breakthrough of the shock range at a small level is a good signal. There will definitely be some action next. If a buy signal appears near 2.54, I will actively go long. The trading system is a system. When a signal appears, it must be executed without exception. Only in this way can the expected return of the system be achieved. Only by doing it every time can you ensure that you are in the car when the market appears.
#跟着驰哥学交易 @颜驰Bit $API3
api3 broke out, unfortunately I was not in the car, the daily chart was still negative in the morning, so I didn't think about doing it.
At present, a stop-loss signal cross star is closed on the trend line (yesterday). If a big positive line can be closed today, it will lead to a wave of daily level rise. The large-volume breakthrough of the shock range at a small level is a good signal. There will definitely be some action next. If a buy signal appears near 2.54, I will actively go long.
The trading system is a system. When a signal appears, it must be executed without exception. Only in this way can the expected return of the system be achieved. Only by doing it every time can you ensure that you are in the car when the market appears.
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I haven't updated for a long time. Ethereum is consolidating at EMA55 on the daily level, which is a potential MACD zero axis. Let's see how it performs tomorrow. It would be best if there is a false breakout tomorrow and an outside positive line is closed, then logically it is possible to be positive.
I haven't updated for a long time. Ethereum is consolidating at EMA55 on the daily level, which is a potential MACD zero axis. Let's see how it performs tomorrow. It would be best if there is a false breakout tomorrow and an outside positive line is closed, then logically it is possible to be positive.
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I analyzed every day, but ended up losing so much money😥 Alas, my skills are not up to par
I analyzed every day, but ended up losing so much money😥
Alas, my skills are not up to par
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I haven't been feeling well lately. I opened a large ETH position last night and still suffered losses😓 This one shot today wiped out a lot of my long orders. Let's see if xai can take care of me.
I haven't been feeling well lately. I opened a large ETH position last night and still suffered losses😓
This one shot today wiped out a lot of my long orders. Let's see if xai can take care of me.
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Unfortunately, the price difference between the dot and the previously marked 7.15 is only 0.003. At present, EMA169 is the dynamic support at the fifteen-minute level. Because I was in class, I took a look on my phone and thought I could take a chance, so I got on the train at 7.2 and reported again. If the fifteen-minute tunnel is effectively verified, it will not be too late to get on the train next time it approaches EMA144 EMA169. The stop loss is placed below the double moving average, and the stop profit can choose to take a fixed profit and loss ratio🤔
Unfortunately, the price difference between the dot and the previously marked 7.15 is only 0.003. At present, EMA169 is the dynamic support at the fifteen-minute level. Because I was in class, I took a look on my phone and thought I could take a chance, so I got on the train at 7.2 and reported again. If the fifteen-minute tunnel is effectively verified, it will not be too late to get on the train next time it approaches EMA144 EMA169. The stop loss is placed below the double moving average, and the stop profit can choose to take a fixed profit and loss ratio🤔
Regarding dot, if there is a general decline tonight, I think the price of 7.15 is a relatively strong support position, which resonates with the Vegas Tunnel at the one-hour level. If you go long at this position, it will be a very cost-effective order, with a relatively small stop loss and a relatively large profit margin. If the buying support of 7.15 cannot support the price, it will fall again to test the lower boundary of the range. As mentioned before, the upward trend at the daily chart level has not been broken. In the big cycle, the price is still rising on the trend line. #跟着驰哥学交易 @颜驰Bit $DOT
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#跟着驰哥学交易 @Crypto127 $API3 A very simple range idea, short when a false breakthrough forms above the range (I short on the left side), close half of the position in the middle of the range, about 3.2728, set a breakeven loss (I set a profit loss, and I have already stopped profit) If the price falls to the lower boundary of the range, it is also a very cost-effective order to go long with strong support (dynamic support Vegas Tunnel). If it falls to the position, go long boldly with a stop loss. The market does not fluctuate too much, and all the funds are on the big cake. That's it, good night {future}(API3USDT)
#跟着驰哥学交易 @颜驰Bit $API3
A very simple range idea, short when a false breakthrough forms above the range (I short on the left side), close half of the position in the middle of the range, about 3.2728, set a breakeven loss (I set a profit loss, and I have already stopped profit)
If the price falls to the lower boundary of the range, it is also a very cost-effective order to go long with strong support (dynamic support Vegas Tunnel). If it falls to the position, go long boldly with a stop loss.
The market does not fluctuate too much, and all the funds are on the big cake. That's it, good night
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