My opinion on the current trend of Bitcoin:

The previous declines were driven by the four-hour EMA30, and now it has reached the four-fold moving average. The trend will not reverse easily, and I still think this is a place worth betting on short orders. Although the price has broken through the downward trend line on the K-line chart, the big positive line during the rise did not break through the previous horizontal high point very strongly in my opinion. In my opinion, the rise was blocked and the bulls were insufficient. On the four-hour chart, a cross star with a long upper shadow line was closed at the horizontal resistance level, which was a manifestation of price pause. Then a negative line verified the view of the decline. From the perspective of K-by-K, it was the first initiation of the short force. After the subsequent positive closing, the cross star and a negative line (the line closed at twelve o'clock) were the second initiation of the short force. After the closing, you can enter the market. I entered the short order with a light position. If the subsequent price can fall below the previous low, that is, at about 56,300, I will increase my position to short, because if it continues to fall, it proves that the bulls are unwilling to continue to support the price increase at this price, and the bears are willing to suppress the price. This position may be broken in the middle of the night, and there may not be an opportunity to increase the position.

A little thought about the moving average: the moving averages can be converted to each other. At present, the price is at EMA120 in the four-hour chart. In fact, it is EMA20 on the daily chart, and it is also suppressed by EMA480 in the one-hour chart. You can check it yourself on the one-hour Vegas moving average. The previous declines were also driven by the one-hour EMA144 moving average. Now it is about double the moving average, that is, EMA288. I hope these can help all traders! $BTC