Binance Square
17年入圈老韭菜,bitcoiner。去中心化信仰者。推特:@Teacheri1 搞学家bitcoiner
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Bitcoin is the only truly disposable asset ever created by mankind!1. Bitcoin is the only truly freely disposable asset in human history. I strongly agree with this. Bitcoin truly realizes that property can be freely disposed, and no one can take away the private key. It’s the no you key no you money that we often hear. 2. Jiu Shen is an idealist, so he only buys and does not sell. He said that he would wait until the day when Bitcoin can be traded freely around the world. 3. He is tired of the chaos in the currency circle. “Bitcoin is an amplifier of human nature. Scams you can think of and scams you can’t imagine will happen here, and they emerge in endlessly. What’s even more annoying is that it can be deceived twice. three times". 4. The circle was very chaotic at that time, and it is still the same now. However, Bitcoin has never stagnated its development because of a small part of garbage. Its ability to withstand pressure and impact is extremely strong, and no one can control Bitcoin. 5. Jiu Shen advises newcomers who have just entered the circle not to be too excited and to calm down and learn. I remember that when I first entered the industry, I didn’t know much about Bitcoin. Not only was I very brave, I also lost a lot of money. Later, I slowly settled down to see some things, think, and learn. I just discovered the charm of Bitcoin. I think this is the path that every newcomer must take. 6. In every cycle, someone will ask: "Where is the bottom?" Yes, as long as Bitcoin is still there, the cycle is still there, and the price fluctuations are still there, this question will continue to be asked. But seriously, who knows, just ask God. Jiu Shen said: "For something with no upper limit, there is no need to worry about where it ends. Compared with the price in front of me, I care more about the beautiful scenery at the end." 7. Don't forget your original intention and stay patient. Jiu Shen also said that many people who came with him have changed their minds. After staying in this big dyeing vat for a long time, it is difficult to be alone. 8. Always think back to yourself when you first entered the circle. If you are an idealist like me, and you still have ideals now, please try to find a balance between ideals and greed. 9. Horse power can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time. I look forward to seeing you all here again in N years. At that time, we all withstood the test and achieved financial freedom. Although we are old friends who have never met, maybe we ca n’t drink together and we ca n’t string together, but we have the same heart, because we are all “Satoshi Nakamoto” #比特币 #bitcoin #bitcoiner

Bitcoin is the only truly disposable asset ever created by mankind!

1. Bitcoin is the only truly freely disposable asset in human history. I strongly agree with this. Bitcoin truly realizes that property can be freely disposed, and no one can take away the private key. It’s the no you key no you money that we often hear. 2. Jiu Shen is an idealist, so he only buys and does not sell. He said that he would wait until the day when Bitcoin can be traded freely around the world. 3. He is tired of the chaos in the currency circle. “Bitcoin is an amplifier of human nature. Scams you can think of and scams you can’t imagine will happen here, and they emerge in endlessly. What’s even more annoying is that it can be deceived twice. three times". 4. The circle was very chaotic at that time, and it is still the same now. However, Bitcoin has never stagnated its development because of a small part of garbage. Its ability to withstand pressure and impact is extremely strong, and no one can control Bitcoin. 5. Jiu Shen advises newcomers who have just entered the circle not to be too excited and to calm down and learn. I remember that when I first entered the industry, I didn’t know much about Bitcoin. Not only was I very brave, I also lost a lot of money. Later, I slowly settled down to see some things, think, and learn. I just discovered the charm of Bitcoin. I think this is the path that every newcomer must take. 6. In every cycle, someone will ask: "Where is the bottom?" Yes, as long as Bitcoin is still there, the cycle is still there, and the price fluctuations are still there, this question will continue to be asked. But seriously, who knows, just ask God. Jiu Shen said: "For something with no upper limit, there is no need to worry about where it ends. Compared with the price in front of me, I care more about the beautiful scenery at the end." 7. Don't forget your original intention and stay patient. Jiu Shen also said that many people who came with him have changed their minds. After staying in this big dyeing vat for a long time, it is difficult to be alone. 8. Always think back to yourself when you first entered the circle. If you are an idealist like me, and you still have ideals now, please try to find a balance between ideals and greed. 9. Horse power can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time. I look forward to seeing you all here again in N years. At that time, we all withstood the test and achieved financial freedom. Although we are old friends who have never met, maybe we ca n’t drink together and we ca n’t string together, but we have the same heart, because we are all “Satoshi Nakamoto” #比特币 #bitcoin #bitcoiner
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How far are you from financial freedom if you hoard Bitcoin?1. Even if you know that hoarding Bitcoin can achieve financial freedom, you may still be unable to hoard it because you don’t want to wait and you want to take shortcuts. 2. As mentioned in the previous article, Jiu Shen predicts that Bitcoin will reach 160 million yuan after 2038. It was 2018 when Jiu Shen wrote "Hoarding Bitcoin". Whether it is a linear or exponential decline in valuation, I think Jiu Shen's main consideration was Bitcoin's four-year halving cycle and the acceptance of the store-of-value function by more people. . 3. I think the four-year halving cycle is more about considering the commodity attributes of Bitcoin, that is, if the total amount remains unchanged, the price will increase after the output is halved. However, with the later stages of the Bitcoin halving cycle, the number that can be mined is getting smaller and smaller each time. When the number of Bitcoins that have been mined is getting larger and larger, the reduced number is not enough to bring about the same results as in the early stages of Bitcoin mining. The deflationary effect of comparison. 4. The public’s understanding of Bitcoin is indeed becoming more and more clear in terms of stored value, and this is even more obvious among the millennial generation. Compared with old money like gold, it is easier for them to recognize and accept Bitcoin. We know that unlike before, even in bear markets there is no longer talk of the death of Bitcoin. 5. Compared with the specific figures of Jiu Shen's linear growth theory, we can actually think more about things on another level. Because I think Bitcoin’s price growth will not regularly continue its previous price trend, there is no need to predict specific numbers. 6. Of course, I mentioned before that Bitcoin should be benchmarked against the total amount of global currency m2. I believe this ambitious goal will be achieved, but I am not sure of the time course. It may be ten or twenty years. As a real Hodler, this is not that important, right? 7. From another perspective, from the perspective of the public involved, I think it can be divided into the following stages: 2012-2013 was participated and promoted by technical experts and liberals. 2016-2017 was driven by China-led large-scale mining and the participation of Eastern speculators. 2020-2021 will be driven by the intervention of funds from medium and large institutions and high-net-worth individuals. 2024-2025 is driven by really large institutions and supported by new small sovereign states. In 2028-2029, some sovereign countries will intervene to compete for defensive asset positioning.2032-2033 Most sovereign countries will participate, and circulation will become simple (the free trade that Jiu Shen is waiting for may be realized at this time). In 2036-2037, billions of people will join it, or it may have become a global currency, 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin 8. By about 2037, how much will the price of one Bitcoin become due to the addition of billions of people? Just imagine. You may say that 20 years is too long. Is there any shortcut? I tell you this is a shortcut. You say it is expensive now and will be even more expensive in four years. People who find it expensive will never be able to afford it. 9. In fact, most people have very slim chances of achieving financial freedom or crossing classes in this life. If you now know and understand Bitcoin, and then start hoarding coins, it can be said that you are already on the right path. Apart from this, I can't think of any other low-risk, high-certainty ways to cross strata. If you have one, please tell me! 10. Finally, for people in the industry who want to take shortcuts to earn more Bitcoins, I think Jiu Shen’s advice is very good. If you want to play copycats, it is better to issue coins. If you want to play contracts, it is better to open an exchange. Instead of mining, it is better to sell mining machines and open mining farms. If you can't become a sickle, then don't bother, just hoard coins steadily, this is the shortcut.

How far are you from financial freedom if you hoard Bitcoin?

1. Even if you know that hoarding Bitcoin can achieve financial freedom, you may still be unable to hoard it because you don’t want to wait and you want to take shortcuts. 2. As mentioned in the previous article, Jiu Shen predicts that Bitcoin will reach 160 million yuan after 2038. It was 2018 when Jiu Shen wrote "Hoarding Bitcoin". Whether it is a linear or exponential decline in valuation, I think Jiu Shen's main consideration was Bitcoin's four-year halving cycle and the acceptance of the store-of-value function by more people. . 3. I think the four-year halving cycle is more about considering the commodity attributes of Bitcoin, that is, if the total amount remains unchanged, the price will increase after the output is halved. However, with the later stages of the Bitcoin halving cycle, the number that can be mined is getting smaller and smaller each time. When the number of Bitcoins that have been mined is getting larger and larger, the reduced number is not enough to bring about the same results as in the early stages of Bitcoin mining. The deflationary effect of comparison. 4. The public’s understanding of Bitcoin is indeed becoming more and more clear in terms of stored value, and this is even more obvious among the millennial generation. Compared with old money like gold, it is easier for them to recognize and accept Bitcoin. We know that unlike before, even in bear markets there is no longer talk of the death of Bitcoin. 5. Compared with the specific figures of Jiu Shen's linear growth theory, we can actually think more about things on another level. Because I think Bitcoin’s price growth will not regularly continue its previous price trend, there is no need to predict specific numbers. 6. Of course, I mentioned before that Bitcoin should be benchmarked against the total amount of global currency m2. I believe this ambitious goal will be achieved, but I am not sure of the time course. It may be ten or twenty years. As a real Hodler, this is not that important, right? 7. From another perspective, from the perspective of the public involved, I think it can be divided into the following stages: 2012-2013 was participated and promoted by technical experts and liberals. 2016-2017 was driven by China-led large-scale mining and the participation of Eastern speculators. 2020-2021 will be driven by the intervention of funds from medium and large institutions and high-net-worth individuals. 2024-2025 is driven by really large institutions and supported by new small sovereign states. In 2028-2029, some sovereign countries will intervene to compete for defensive asset positioning.2032-2033 Most sovereign countries will participate, and circulation will become simple (the free trade that Jiu Shen is waiting for may be realized at this time). In 2036-2037, billions of people will join it, or it may have become a global currency, 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin 8. By about 2037, how much will the price of one Bitcoin become due to the addition of billions of people? Just imagine. You may say that 20 years is too long. Is there any shortcut? I tell you this is a shortcut. You say it is expensive now and will be even more expensive in four years. People who find it expensive will never be able to afford it. 9. In fact, most people have very slim chances of achieving financial freedom or crossing classes in this life. If you now know and understand Bitcoin, and then start hoarding coins, it can be said that you are already on the right path. Apart from this, I can't think of any other low-risk, high-certainty ways to cross strata. If you have one, please tell me! 10. Finally, for people in the industry who want to take shortcuts to earn more Bitcoins, I think Jiu Shen’s advice is very good. If you want to play copycats, it is better to issue coins. If you want to play contracts, it is better to open an exchange. Instead of mining, it is better to sell mining machines and open mining farms. If you can't become a sickle, then don't bother, just hoard coins steadily, this is the shortcut.
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If you happen to be like me and agree with the values ​​of Bitcoin and want to do something for Bitcoin, be the best version of yourself. This is the greatest contribution to Bitcoin. --------Yu Qian #BTC
If you happen to be like me and agree with the values ​​of Bitcoin and want to do something for Bitcoin, be the best version of yourself. This is the greatest contribution to Bitcoin.
--------Yu Qian
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Life is not designed to be defeated. People can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated. The same goes for Bitcoin. It was born to fight against the failure of fiat currencies and will not be defeated! --------Hemingway #BTC
Life is not designed to be defeated. People can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated. The same goes for Bitcoin. It was born to fight against the failure of fiat currencies and will not be defeated!
--------Hemingway #BTC
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The total amount of stablecoins in circulation has been on an upward trend since October, with the total net inflow of USDT exceeding US$3 billion.#BTC Comment: I'm pretty sure of my judgment based on the following: 1) The above has happened in every Bitcoin cycle in the past; 2) History doesn't always repeat, but it almost always rhymes; 3) HODL rate Hitting an all-time high; 4) The supply of Bitcoin on exchanges is at multi-year lows; 5) Bitcoin is mathematical, the most certain thing in the universe;

The total amount of stablecoins in circulation has been on an upward trend since October, with the total net inflow of USDT exceeding US$3 billion.

#BTC Comment: I'm pretty sure of my judgment based on the following: 1) The above has happened in every Bitcoin cycle in the past; 2) History doesn't always repeat, but it almost always rhymes; 3) HODL rate Hitting an all-time high; 4) The supply of Bitcoin on exchanges is at multi-year lows; 5) Bitcoin is mathematical, the most certain thing in the universe;
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There is an old Chinese saying: Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Since as a coin hoarder, you may not be short of money in the future, then from now on, please maintain your own character, don’t lie to others, don’t do things that harm others, but think more about benefiting others.#BTC

There is an old Chinese saying: Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Since as a coin hoarder, you may not be short of money in the future, then from now on, please maintain your own character, don’t lie to others, don’t do things that harm others, but think more about benefiting others.

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What’s the point in just looking at the ups and downs every day? Life shouldn't be like this. Learning after hoarding coins can be very easy, because it is no longer to support the family, but to purely enrich oneself. After all, you have the backing of Bitcoin, and there is a high probability that you will not be short of money in the future.#BTC

What’s the point in just looking at the ups and downs every day? Life shouldn't be like this. Learning after hoarding coins can be very easy, because it is no longer to support the family, but to purely enrich oneself. After all, you have the backing of Bitcoin, and there is a high probability that you will not be short of money in the future.

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On the high-speed train of Bitcoin, our destination is the terminal station, and those who are looking around on the platform and those who are about to get off after two stops, the moment of passing by may be destined to miss each other for a lifetime.If you have been hoarding coins for more than a cycle, you should have a deep understanding of Bitcoin. You have also seen most of the scams and FOMO methods. You are already much higher than others. You have mastered the private key from the entry stage to the advanced stage. When you enter the currency-standard thinking stage, your understanding of Bitcoin has exceeded 99% of people, including various big Vs. #BTC

On the high-speed train of Bitcoin, our destination is the terminal station, and those who are looking around on the platform and those who are about to get off after two stops, the moment of passing by may be destined to miss each other for a lifetime.

If you have been hoarding coins for more than a cycle, you should have a deep understanding of Bitcoin. You have also seen most of the scams and FOMO methods. You are already much higher than others. You have mastered the private key from the entry stage to the advanced stage. When you enter the currency-standard thinking stage, your understanding of Bitcoin has exceeded 99% of people, including various big Vs. #BTC
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This weekend, we will continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding money is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to inspire others and bring a little fun to everyone in the boring days of hoarding coins.#BTC

This weekend, we will continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding money is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to inspire others and bring a little fun to everyone in the boring days of hoarding coins.

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Today, on the weekend, we continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding coins is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to provide a little fun for everyone in the boring and difficult days of hoarding coins.#BTC It is expected that Bitcoin price still has room to rebound, and the target of exceeding 40,000 remains unchanged.

Today, on the weekend, we continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding coins is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to provide a little fun for everyone in the boring and difficult days of hoarding coins.

#BTC It is expected that Bitcoin price still has room to rebound, and the target of exceeding 40,000 remains unchanged.
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From our point of view, only accidental coincidence can express a kind of information. Everything that is bound to happen, everything that is expected to happen, and things that are repeated every day, are silent, just like hoarding Bitcoins, each cycle starts over and over again, silently... -----Milan Kundera #BTC
From our point of view, only accidental coincidence can express a kind of information. Everything that is bound to happen, everything that is expected to happen, and things that are repeated every day, are silent, just like hoarding Bitcoins, each cycle starts over and over again, silently...
-----Milan Kundera
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More than 99% of the information is meaningless to the coin hoarders. Because no matter what others say, no matter how the market goes, no matter whether the ETF is passed or not, it is meaningless to the real coin hoarders, and it will not bring much positive or negative impact to the coin hoarders.This is just like the highest level we often hear in martial arts novels. When your understanding of Bitcoin reaches a certain level, you actually no longer need to pay too much attention to any information about Bitcoin from the outside world #BTC

More than 99% of the information is meaningless to the coin hoarders. Because no matter what others say, no matter how the market goes, no matter whether the ETF is passed or not, it is meaningless to the real coin hoarders, and it will not bring much positive or negative impact to the coin hoarders.

This is just like the highest level we often hear in martial arts novels. When your understanding of Bitcoin reaches a certain level, you actually no longer need to pay too much attention to any information about Bitcoin from the outside world #BTC
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How rich are you if you hold 1 Bitcoin now? There are about one million addresses holding more than 1 Bitcoin, which puts you in the top 5% of the world’s Bitcoin holders. This is shocking, but it’s no joke.If we switch to a Bitcoin-based perspective, our feelings will be completely different. The difference between stud coin hoarding and 30% capital hoarding is similar to the difference between hoarding 10 coins or 3 coins. This has nothing to do with time. 1 billion Satoshi will always be 1 billion Satoshi, and 300 million Satoshi will always be 300 million Satoshi. If you already have 300 million, adding another 700 million won't bring you much happiness. #BTC

How rich are you if you hold 1 Bitcoin now? There are about one million addresses holding more than 1 Bitcoin, which puts you in the top 5% of the world’s Bitcoin holders. This is shocking, but it’s no joke.

If we switch to a Bitcoin-based perspective, our feelings will be completely different. The difference between stud coin hoarding and 30% capital hoarding is similar to the difference between hoarding 10 coins or 3 coins. This has nothing to do with time. 1 billion Satoshi will always be 1 billion Satoshi, and 300 million Satoshi will always be 300 million Satoshi. If you already have 300 million, adding another 700 million won't bring you much happiness. #BTC
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#BTC We only live once in this world. We can neither compare with the previous life nor improve the next life. Fortunately, we have Bitcoin----Milan Kundera

We only live once in this world. We can neither compare with the previous life nor improve the next life. Fortunately, we have Bitcoin----Milan Kundera
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Every time Bitcoin goes bullish, a group of "pseudo Bitcoin fans" will be born. They come for speculation and leave for speculation. They come and go in a hurry. At first, they are called "Sweetheart" of Bitcoin, and after they leave, they are called "Mrs. Niu".As a true Bitcoin fan, once you use Bitcoin Standard, you will never work hard to "get people" again. Because, no matter how many people are brought in, your 1 Bitcoin is still equal to 1 Bitcoin. Not to mention there are no benefits, you also need to pay attention to the risks that "pulling people's heads" brings to others. Can the opponent withstand the bumps of the rocket? You think you are helping him, but in fact you may be harming him, because he may have a weak body and suddenly died suddenly on the way to the launch of the rocket. #BTC

Every time Bitcoin goes bullish, a group of "pseudo Bitcoin fans" will be born. They come for speculation and leave for speculation. They come and go in a hurry. At first, they are called "Sweetheart" of Bitcoin, and after they leave, they are called "Mrs. Niu".

As a true Bitcoin fan, once you use Bitcoin Standard, you will never work hard to "get people" again. Because, no matter how many people are brought in, your 1 Bitcoin is still equal to 1 Bitcoin. Not to mention there are no benefits, you also need to pay attention to the risks that "pulling people's heads" brings to others. Can the opponent withstand the bumps of the rocket? You think you are helping him, but in fact you may be harming him, because he may have a weak body and suddenly died suddenly on the way to the launch of the rocket. #BTC
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The currency standard makes our consumption more rational, that is, delayed gratification, which is what we usually call "patience". In order to pursue greater goals and gain greater enjoyment, we can restrain our desires and give up the temptations in front of us.The extensional changes brought about by currency-based thinking will make your consumption more rational. In the past, our consumption was actually a bit excessive. Whether we like it or not, the depreciating fiat currency has been distorting our view of consumption. There is always an idea in our mind that if we keep the fiat currency, it will depreciate, so it is better to spend it earlier. After all, holding the depreciating fiat currency is a loss. #BTC

The currency standard makes our consumption more rational, that is, delayed gratification, which is what we usually call "patience". In order to pursue greater goals and gain greater enjoyment, we can restrain our desires and give up the temptations in front of us.

The extensional changes brought about by currency-based thinking will make your consumption more rational. In the past, our consumption was actually a bit excessive. Whether we like it or not, the depreciating fiat currency has been distorting our view of consumption. There is always an idea in our mind that if we keep the fiat currency, it will depreciate, so it is better to spend it earlier. After all, holding the depreciating fiat currency is a loss. #BTC
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To be honest, I have achieved decentralization and financial freedom a long time ago because the money has never been in my wallet. #Btc#BrandedFeatures#Bitcoin#Bitcoin $tip @tipcoineth#Metamask#currency circle#digitalcurrency
To be honest, I have achieved decentralization and financial freedom a long time ago because the money has never been in my wallet.
#Btc#BrandedFeatures#Bitcoin#Bitcoin $tip @tipcoineth#Metamask#currency circle#digitalcurrency
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Most people may earn fiat currency, but they are definitely losing money, no doubt about it. But for us who think in terms of currency, as long as we earn Bitcoin, we are definitely making money, no doubt about it.#BTC Holding legal currency is equivalent to holding foreign exchange. I am from the country of Bit, and I have "immigrated" to a certain country. Therefore, I need to accept local legal currency to pay my salary, and I will also leave some legal currency to facilitate my life. I will not stupidly ask merchants to accept payment in my local currency (Bitcoin), but actively exchange foreign exchange and use local legal currency to pay.

Most people may earn fiat currency, but they are definitely losing money, no doubt about it. But for us who think in terms of currency, as long as we earn Bitcoin, we are definitely making money, no doubt about it.

#BTC Holding legal currency is equivalent to holding foreign exchange. I am from the country of Bit, and I have "immigrated" to a certain country. Therefore, I need to accept local legal currency to pay my salary, and I will also leave some legal currency to facilitate my life. I will not stupidly ask merchants to accept payment in my local currency (Bitcoin), but actively exchange foreign exchange and use local legal currency to pay.
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Judging whether the market trend can continue from the leverage utilization rate of the exchange#BTC Yesterday I introduced you to an indicator to judge whether there is funds entering the market. Today I will bring you another auxiliary indicator to judge the funds entering the market: "Leverage utilization rate of each exchange". Every start of a sustainable market will be guided by spot prices, with currency prices rising and leverage utilization declining. Combining yesterday's growth in the "number of currency holding addresses" and the "leverage usage rate of each exchange", my judgment is that the market will continue to rise in the future.

Judging whether the market trend can continue from the leverage utilization rate of the exchange

#BTC Yesterday I introduced you to an indicator to judge whether there is funds entering the market. Today I will bring you another auxiliary indicator to judge the funds entering the market: "Leverage utilization rate of each exchange". Every start of a sustainable market will be guided by spot prices, with currency prices rising and leverage utilization declining. Combining yesterday's growth in the "number of currency holding addresses" and the "leverage usage rate of each exchange", my judgment is that the market will continue to rise in the future.
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Today, on the weekend, we continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding coins is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to provide a little fun for everyone in the boring and difficult days of hoarding coins.#BTC The recent rise in Bitcoin is gratifying. This can be traced from the on-chain data. The number of currency-holding addresses on the chain has increased significantly, which means more funds are entering the market, especially addresses holding more than 10,000 coins. The increase represents the entry of large institutions and large funds.

Today, on the weekend, we continue to bring you the "Magical Little Indicators" series. Hoarding coins is harder than being a widow! This series aims to use on-chain data to provide a little fun for everyone in the boring and difficult days of hoarding coins.

#BTC The recent rise in Bitcoin is gratifying. This can be traced from the on-chain data. The number of currency-holding addresses on the chain has increased significantly, which means more funds are entering the market, especially addresses holding more than 10,000 coins. The increase represents the entry of large institutions and large funds.
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