Vote qualification snapshot of all $ethi holders, including stakers, happened at midnight UTC on February 7, 2024. Voting is available for 7 days until 4am UTC on February 14, 2024. Over 140 unique holders have already voted. 2.2 million $ethpi or over 99% of votes are for. Overall, IERC-20 DPoS & PoW can be deemed a successful community experiment. The number of $ethpi holders is nearing 10,000, while nearly 300 ETH gas (valued over $700,000) has been burned through mining and staking so far. Since the DPoS model has been welcomed by the IERC-20 community, the protocol may explore expanding the utility of DPoS points. Both organizations and individuals can apply to release their own points and staking pools in the IERC-20 inscriptions ecosystem to promote the sustainable development of both the projects and the protocol. IEIP-1 is set to manifest the power of community and its attention to the future development path of the growing inscriptions ecosystem on Ethereum. Qualified $ethi holders can vote on Snapshot and decide on the tokenomics of $ethpi before Feb IEIP-1 link: More info about IERC20 Website: X (Twitter): Telegram: Whitepaper:
Week IERC-20 News: The latest highlights The IERC protocol has made significant progress and reached many goals! IERC20 website: Official twitter: Telegram: @IERC20OFFICIAL
1. Partnership Breakthrough! *Exciting news from IERC Protocol as their partnership with Enscriptions_Pad reaches new heights. *Enscriptions_Pad becomes the first recipient of the IERC Grant Program, receiving substantial funding of 20,000 $ETHI. *Start your $ensc trading at
3. Associate Builders *All interested co-builders are welcome to apply for the IERC Grant Program. *Take advantage of this unique opportunity to be a part of this new ecosystem if you have a passion for influencing the web3 space.
4. IERC-20 CEO Serj AMA ON Binance Live CEO Serj Live's debut attracted a 15k audience. Key takeaway: - He talked about the IERC-20 ECOSYSTEM. - Problems solved in web3 space - Projects on IERC-20 Protocols - The future of the ecosystem and many more Link to the video record:
6. Major functionality upgrades- Effective at block number 19033750! a. The real time status of DPoS mining will be synced to users at the DPoS Mining page where they can view competition level and info transparency. c. Minimum DPoS point consumption: For all DPoS miners, the minimum required DPoS points per mine will then be 1,000. d.Optimization of PoW difficulty in the reward program: PoW difficulty weight is decreasing from 10 square "x" to 5 square "x", narrowing the gap between high and low computational power, and offering more opportunities for PoW low-power miners.
Conclusion *Incoming new features- The new fixed staking pool is alive and the dashboard function to be online. *Governance vote. A governance vote on adjusting the total supply to maintain rarity is being proposed for $ethpi.
Why IERC Protocol and ethi are worth more! - Insights from IERC-20 Community
Understanding the development trends from the history of the cryptocurrency market: From 2016 until now, every time significant capital enters the cryptocurrency market, it creates a sudden surge in attention, media coverage, and attracts more people. This influx leads to opportunities for early adopters to make significant profits, sometimes even tenfold, twentyfold, or thirtyfold returns. Additionally, when Bitcoin is at its peak, people tend to explore new concepts and options, and IERC Protocol represents a promising new concept and choice.
The value of IERC20 is determined by the ways to generate value in the cryptocurrency market: In the cryptocurrency market, there are essentially three ways to make money: through contracts, spot trading, and early-stage projects. IERC20 belongs to the category of early-stage projects. Currently, it has not been listed on exchanges, resulting in poor liquidity. Therefore, focusing on the token price at this stage is not meaningful. It's not just the IERC20 market; the entire crypto market is relatively quiet and lacks fresh blood. So, what are we investing in? We are investing in providing a new playable option to a group of people who enter the market after the Bitcoin bull run.
Trust in the strength of the project team and exchange resources: Currently, project teams are positioning themselves for the upcoming bull market. The project teams are aiming for a large influx of new participants when the Bitcoin bull market arrives. Many projects are currently in the nurturing phase and are destined to flourish during the bull market. Therefore, the current price is not important, and it does not carry much significance as a reference.
After the Solana Rally 8Bit Chain is Riding the Wave - Anticipating a Big Move in 2024
The decentralized finance (DeFi) space is no stranger to rapid shifts and game-changing moments. After witnessing the remarkable Solana rally, the crypto community is now turning its attention to another promising contender: 8Bit Chain. Bolstered by a robust layer-1 blockchain and a suite of innovative platforms, 8Bit Chain is gearing up for a significant move in 2024. In this article, we'll explore the factors that position 8Bit Chain for success following the Solana rally.
The Solana Rally Impact: The Solana blockchain's unprecedented rally showcased the potential of layer-1 solutions in the DeFi realm. As Solana demonstrated high throughput and low transaction fees, investors and enthusiasts started looking for projects that could replicate or surpass such success. 8Bit Chain, with its layer-1 blockchain, is strategically positioned to offer a comparable or superior experience, addressing the growing demand for efficient and scalable DeFi solutions.
Overview of 8BitChain's Ecosystem: Before delving into the anticipated move in 2024, it's crucial to understand the foundations of 8Bit Chain's ecosystem. Boasting platforms like ProPad, ProDex, ProGallery, ProTracker, ProAssure (All Live & Functional), and the newly introduced 8Bit DAO, 8Bit Chain has already established itself as a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem. The platform covers a spectrum of services, from decentralized fundraising to NFT marketplaces, making it an all-encompassing solution for users and projects alike.
Key Platforms and Features:
ProPad: A decentralized fundraising platform fostering collaboration between projects and investors.
ProGallery: An innovative NFT marketplace catering to creators and collectors, providing a dynamic space for digital collectibles.
ProDex: A versatile DeFi Exchange offering seamless token trading, staking, and farming benefits.
ProTrackers: A comprehensive platform for marketing crypto businesses and assisting traders in asset selection
IERC-20 Ethereum-based protocol extension program. A fairer tick market.
🚫 The IERC protocol presents an innovative inscription tick distribution system, which is outlined in a development roadmap. (More details:
🚫 IERC POW is a mining output inscription scheme introduced by the IERC protocol for computational power users. It serves as a social experiment within the Ethereum inscription ecosystem. (Stake now: