⚡ IERC 20 Protocol ⚡
IERC-20 Ethereum-based protocol extension program. A fairer tick market.
🚫 The IERC protocol presents an innovative inscription tick distribution system, which is outlined in a development roadmap. (More details: https://docs.ierc20.com/new-features/pow-and-dpos)
🚫 IERC POW is a mining output inscription scheme introduced by the IERC protocol for computational power users. It serves as a social experiment within the Ethereum inscription ecosystem. (Stake now: https://www.ierc20.com/stake)
🚫 Our Valuable Partnership Details: https://gamma.app/public/IERC20-Protocol-Ecosystem-Report-l1xiy48dvhhc37k
➡️ For more information about IERC-20 Protocol:
✉️ Telegram: https://t.me/IERC20OFFICIAL
❌ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EthinscXYZ
🌐 Website: https://www.ierc20.com
🤖 Discord: https://discord.gg/9HpHVZSkcs