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If the United States wants to solve the 35 trillion debt, I think there are two possibilities. 1. Through military aggression 2. Through financial means Discuss military aggression and financial means separately 1. Military aggression Military aggression requires huge military expenditures, including weapons procurement, military mobilization, and logistics support. These expenses will not only increase the fiscal burden of the United States, but may also aggravate the debt problem. For example, the Russian-Ukrainian war is a loss-making business, and the profits earned through the war are far from covering its costs. Military conflict will undermine international trust and trade relations, damage the international market of American companies, affect the economic growth of the United States and the world, and indirectly aggravate the debt problem. At the same time, military aggression may also lead to condemnation from international legal and moral constraints. 2. Financial means The United States has a dominant position in the world through the dollar and oil economy, and has harvested the world, but its credit has seriously declined in recent years. Oil gradually supports the purchase of other currencies such as the RMB, and the status of the dollar is precarious. Therefore, the practice of repaying US debt by printing dollars is no longer feasible. A new economy is needed, and this new economy needs to be fair, open, and transparent, so that people all over the world can trust it. Among the currently known currencies, Bitcoin has these characteristics. The United States may control the global economy by holding a large amount of Bitcoin and use Bitcoin to repay debts. Based on Trump's US presidential campaign speech and the popularity of Bitcoin in the United States, I have reason to believe this possibility. If the United States holds 70% of the number of Bitcoins, that is, about 14 million Bitcoins, and uses Bitcoin to repay $35 trillion in debt, how much should a Bitcoin be worth? #美联储何时降息? #美国是不是比特币背后推手 $BTC
If the United States wants to solve the 35 trillion debt, I think there are two possibilities.
1. Through military aggression
2. Through financial means
Discuss military aggression and financial means separately
1. Military aggression
Military aggression requires huge military expenditures, including weapons procurement, military mobilization, and logistics support. These expenses will not only increase the fiscal burden of the United States, but may also aggravate the debt problem. For example, the Russian-Ukrainian war is a loss-making business, and the profits earned through the war are far from covering its costs. Military conflict will undermine international trust and trade relations, damage the international market of American companies, affect the economic growth of the United States and the world, and indirectly aggravate the debt problem. At the same time, military aggression may also lead to condemnation from international legal and moral constraints.
2. Financial means
The United States has a dominant position in the world through the dollar and oil economy, and has harvested the world, but its credit has seriously declined in recent years. Oil gradually supports the purchase of other currencies such as the RMB, and the status of the dollar is precarious. Therefore, the practice of repaying US debt by printing dollars is no longer feasible. A new economy is needed, and this new economy needs to be fair, open, and transparent, so that people all over the world can trust it. Among the currently known currencies, Bitcoin has these characteristics. The United States may control the global economy by holding a large amount of Bitcoin and use Bitcoin to repay debts. Based on Trump's US presidential campaign speech and the popularity of Bitcoin in the United States, I have reason to believe this possibility.

If the United States holds 70% of the number of Bitcoins, that is, about 14 million Bitcoins, and uses Bitcoin to repay $35 trillion in debt, how much should a Bitcoin be worth?
#美联储何时降息? #美国是不是比特币背后推手
币圈“韭菜”一路走来的经历和记忆在2013年,我首次听说比特币的概念后,通过互联网帖子和知名分析师狼叫兽的讲解,把BTC当成诈骗币和CX币,当时并未深入探究比特币。直到2017年,我因一次偶然的机会面试了一家区块链公司,尽管最终未加入他们,但与该公司CTO的交流使我对区块链技术及其潜在应用有了初步理解,他送了我一本他参与编写的区块链原理、设计与应用的书。 我的币圈之旅起初是缓慢而谨慎的充值,每次投入数万元,直至2020年3月累计充值约35万元。在此期间,购买了多种加密货币,包括SBTC、BCD、EOS、ETC和INK等,其中INK是由那家我曾面试的公司发行的,如今已归零。从2017年到2021年的牛市前夕,我手中曾持有上百个现已归零的币种。幸运的是,在2018年12月,我在OKB价格约为0.55美元时购入了7000个,0.98刀买了几千个ht,一直未曾出售,坚持到了2021年牛市。 除购买各种垃圾币种,还小额参与ETC、EOS合约交易,凭借直觉在ETC和EOS之间反复操作,小赚约1个BTC,误以为自己是合约大神,天选之子。然而,在2020年3月12日的大跌中,从银行借款13万加上手头的2万,原计划投入15万抄底比特币。但当比特币价格从1万跌至7000美元时,自认为机会来了,应该抓住机会赚更多的钱,将15万资金投入到BTC合约中,结果在比特币进一步下跌至3800美元时遭遇爆仓。期间为防止爆仓,我卖掉了所有币种补充保证金,仅保留了OKB和HT平台币,这次爆仓亏损近30万元人民币,几乎是我工作前几年的全部积蓄。那段时期,夜不能寐,心情低落至极,现在凌晨五六点就醒的毛病就是那会落下的。 然而,生活总有转机,通过接一些兼职慢慢调整心态,决定不再把辛苦赚来的钱投入合约风险之中,杜绝投机心理,重新拾起信心,继续持有OKB和HT,终于迎来了2021年的牛市。OKB均价约20美元左右时全卖出(考虑到OKT打新的收益,回报约有50倍)。把卖OKB的资金转陆续买入HT,然而,由于后续李林事件,火币的一些变故,HT价格大跌,我不断增持并参与HT打新,最终持有约3万多HT。在HT价格跌至6美元左右时,我将其换成约1.7万刀的比特币,清楚记得换了11.2个比特币。在2021年的牛市高峰时,我的资产一度达到450万人民币,但随后兑换成比特币是价值最低至约160万人民币。当时还有一件事值得一提,我在火币打新赚了4.5万油,买了3刀的EOS(目前eos还在0.6刀徘徊),最后这些EOS在2023年底全买了RAM。 进入2023年的小牛市,我通过抵押BTC借入BNB参与币安的打新活动,将新币直接换成BNB,总共撸了约100个BNB及部分其他币种。还买了1刀的cake,1刀的wld,4.5刀的uni以及bake.xvs.qi等现货,平均收益超过1.5倍,最好的qi收益约3倍。此外,2023年投资的RAM也获得了丰厚回报,以0.0177和0.027左右买了约1200M的RAM,打了约700万个RAMS,最高盈利达100倍,2024年6月底套现了几个BTC,还保留了大部分的RAM和RAMS,期待它们未来的增值。不过,在2023-2024年期间,也犯了另一个错误,陆续购入了几万油的TPT(主要是用币安打新赚的资金),目前TPT仍然没有动静。期待tpt.ram.rams在接下来的牛市中会有好的表现 这就是我作为币圈“韭菜”一路走来的经历和记忆 $BTC #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BNBChainMemeCoin




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$BNB borrowed 850 BNB, paid 1.7 BNB interest (about $1,000 cost), plus 252 BNB of own, a total of 1,102 BNBs invested, mined 4,400 CATI, can it be sold for $5,000?
$BNB borrowed 850 BNB, paid 1.7 BNB interest (about $1,000 cost), plus 252 BNB of own, a total of 1,102 BNBs invested, mined 4,400 CATI, can it be sold for $5,000?
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$BNB A new round of mining has begun. Has the boss participated?
$BNB A new round of mining has begun. Has the boss participated?
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Swing trading history, positions have been updated, currently mainly holding BTC, BNB, UNI and WLD. CAKE has been used for on-chain mining, with an annualized return of 6%. It is better to have a profit than not. There are also some gains in UNI/BTC transactions. Adhere to the principle that every transaction must be profitable to ensure that every transaction can bring profits. No matter which currency you hold, uni/btc, you have enough confidence to hold it for a long time. $BTC $UNI
Swing trading history, positions have been updated, currently mainly holding BTC, BNB, UNI and WLD. CAKE has been used for on-chain mining, with an annualized return of 6%. It is better to have a profit than not. There are also some gains in UNI/BTC transactions. Adhere to the principle that every transaction must be profitable to ensure that every transaction can bring profits. No matter which currency you hold, uni/btc, you have enough confidence to hold it for a long time.
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$UNI has good news, fortunately I insist on adding uni, $CAKE is also about to pull up
$UNI has good news, fortunately I insist on adding uni, $CAKE is also about to pull up
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$TON Fortunately, I was digging and selling at the same time, otherwise I would have lost money.
$TON Fortunately, I was digging and selling at the same time, otherwise I would have lost money.
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$CAKE Cake has risen recently. I guess it’s because the mining has been launched on the chain. If you hold it for a long time, you can go and mine it. I have more than 20,000 mining
$CAKE Cake has risen recently. I guess it’s because the mining has been launched on the chain. If you hold it for a long time, you can go and mine it. I have more than 20,000 mining
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$UNI $BB I’m lucky. The price went up as soon as I added positions today. Should I add positions in this part of the trend?
$UNI $BB I’m lucky. The price went up as soon as I added positions today. Should I add positions in this part of the trend?
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$DOGS $BNB This wave of operations is equivalent to buying nearly 4 bnbs, borrowing 1 bnb mining interest from bnb, and buying all the oil into bnb. Looking forward to the next new issue
$DOGS $BNB This wave of operations is equivalent to buying nearly 4 bnbs, borrowing 1 bnb mining interest from bnb, and buying all the oil into bnb. Looking forward to the next new issue
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$DOGS Today's operation is worth bragging about, the profit is considerable
$DOGS Today's operation is worth bragging about, the profit is considerable
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Digging these dogs, I don't know how much they can sell for tonight, the cost is about 1 bnb
Digging these dogs, I don't know how much they can sell for tonight, the cost is about 1 bnb
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Will Bitcoin mining pools lead to the centralization of the Bitcoin network?The working principle of Bitcoin mining pools is to increase computing power through cooperation, thereby increasing the probability of finding the correct hash value. Bitcoin mining pools are not centralized. ### The operating mechanism of Bitcoin mining pool: 1. Mining pool composition and cooperation mode: - A mining pool is a collective composed of multiple miners. Each miner provides its own computing resources to jointly carry out mining activities. This cooperation significantly improves the chances of each participant discovering new blocks and thus obtaining more stable returns. - Miners connect the computing power of their own equipment to the mining pool, which coordinates the mining activities. The mining pool will continue to distribute block header information, and miners will continue to try different random numbers to find the correct hash value until they successfully mine the block.

Will Bitcoin mining pools lead to the centralization of the Bitcoin network?

The working principle of Bitcoin mining pools is to increase computing power through cooperation, thereby increasing the probability of finding the correct hash value. Bitcoin mining pools are not centralized.

### The operating mechanism of Bitcoin mining pool:

1. Mining pool composition and cooperation mode:
- A mining pool is a collective composed of multiple miners. Each miner provides its own computing resources to jointly carry out mining activities. This cooperation significantly improves the chances of each participant discovering new blocks and thus obtaining more stable returns.
- Miners connect the computing power of their own equipment to the mining pool, which coordinates the mining activities. The mining pool will continue to distribute block header information, and miners will continue to try different random numbers to find the correct hash value until they successfully mine the block.
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$CAKE $UNI cake is right to ambush. It's not too late for those who haven't boarded the bus yet. Don't wait until it's too high before you think of chasing.
$CAKE $UNI cake is right to ambush. It's not too late for those who haven't boarded the bus yet. Don't wait until it's too high before you think of chasing.
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$UNI is taking off, when will the 10 dollar come?
$UNI is taking off, when will the 10 dollar come?
My Futures Portfolio
0 / 200
Minimum 10USDT
Copy trader have earned in last 7 days
Win Rate
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$CAKE cake Make a spot real-time record to see what the final profit is
$CAKE cake Make a spot real-time record to see what the final profit is
My Spot Portfolio
0 / 300
Minimum 10USDT
Copy trader have earned in last 7 days
Win Rate
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$CAKE $UNI I'm giving myself a thumbs up for this operation, and I've repeatedly called for buying uni.cake
$CAKE $UNI I'm giving myself a thumbs up for this operation, and I've repeatedly called for buying uni.cake
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$BNB $TON $dogs I have prepared for bnb mining. I have more than 200 coins of my own, plus loans, a total of about 1,000 coins. I plan to mine 70% of dogs and 30% of tons. I don't know how much oil I can get this time. Are you ready?
$BNB $TON $dogs
I have prepared for bnb mining. I have more than 200 coins of my own, plus loans, a total of about 1,000 coins. I plan to mine 70% of dogs and 30% of tons. I don't know how much oil I can get this time. Are you ready?
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$UNI $CAKE Why did dex suddenly take off? The uni and cake that were ambushed before are comfortable.
$UNI $CAKE Why did dex suddenly take off? The uni and cake that were ambushed before are comfortable.
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$UNI Although uni is currently showing a loss, if you think from another perspective, if you hold uni for a long time, after 46 grid transactions, the actual profit is 168u, which is equivalent to about 1,200 yuan. If calculated based on 6 days, the grid helps me earn 200 yuan a day for living expenses, which is great.
Although uni is currently showing a loss, if you think from another perspective, if you hold uni for a long time, after 46 grid transactions, the actual profit is 168u, which is equivalent to about 1,200 yuan. If calculated based on 6 days, the grid helps me earn 200 yuan a day for living expenses, which is great.
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