In 2013, when I first heard about the concept of Bitcoin, I thought BTC was a scam coin and CX coin through Internet posts and the explanation of the well-known analyst Lang Jiaoshou, and did not explore Bitcoin in depth at that time. It was not until 2017 that I interviewed a blockchain company by chance. Although I did not join them in the end, the communication with the company's CTO gave me a preliminary understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications. He gave me a book on blockchain principles, design and applications that he participated in writing.

My journey into the cryptocurrency world started with slow and cautious top-ups, investing tens of thousands of yuan each time, until a total of about 350,000 yuan was topped up in March 2020. During this period, I purchased a variety of cryptocurrencies, including SBTC, BCD, EOS, ETC, and INK, among which INK was issued by the company I interviewed and is now worth zero. From 2017 to the eve of the bull market in 2021, I held hundreds of currencies that are now worth zero. Fortunately, in December 2018, I bought 7,000 OKBs at a price of about $0.55 and several thousand HTs at $0.98. I never sold them and persisted until the bull market in 2021.

In addition to buying various junk currencies, I also participated in ETC and EOS contract transactions in small amounts. I repeatedly operated between ETC and EOS with my intuition, making a small profit of about 1 BTC, mistakenly thinking that I was a contract master and the chosen one. However, in the big drop on March 12, 2020, I borrowed 130,000 yuan from the bank and added 20,000 yuan on hand, and originally planned to invest 150,000 yuan to buy the bottom of Bitcoin. But when the price of Bitcoin fell from 10,000 to 7,000 US dollars, I thought the opportunity had come and I should seize the opportunity to make more money. I invested 150,000 yuan in BTC contracts, but when Bitcoin fell further to 3,800 US dollars, it was liquidated. During this period, in order to prevent liquidation, I sold all currencies to supplement the margin, and only kept OKB and HT platform coins. This liquidation loss was nearly 300,000 yuan, which was almost all my savings in the first few years of my work. During that period, I couldn't sleep at night and was extremely depressed. Now I wake up at five or six in the morning because of that.

However, life always has a turnaround. By taking some part-time jobs, I slowly adjusted my mentality and decided not to invest my hard-earned money in contract risks, put an end to speculation, regain confidence, continue to hold OKB and HT, and finally ushered in the bull market in 2021. When the average price of OKB was about US$20, I sold all of them (considering the income from OKT's new listing, the return was about 50 times). I transferred the funds from selling OKB to buy HT one after another. However, due to the subsequent Li Lin incident and some changes in Huobi, the price of HT plummeted. I continued to increase my holdings and participate in HT's new listing, and finally held about 30,000 HT. When the price of HT fell to about US$6, I exchanged it for about 17,000 dollars of Bitcoin. I clearly remember that I exchanged 11.2 Bitcoins. At the peak of the bull market in 2021, my assets once reached 4.5 million yuan, but then the value of Bitcoin converted to the lowest was about 1.6 million yuan. There was one thing worth mentioning at that time. I made 45,000 oil from Huobi’s new listing and bought 3 dollars of EOS (currently EOS is still hovering around 0.6 dollars). Finally, I used all this EOS to buy RAM by the end of 2023.

Entering the bull market in 2023, I participated in Binance's new IPO by mortgaging BTC to borrow BNB, and directly exchanged the new coins for BNB. In total, I bought about 100 BNB and some other currencies. I also bought 1 dollar cake, 1 dollar wld, 4.5 dollars uni, and bake.xvs.qi and other spot products, with an average return of more than 1.5 times, and the best qi return was about 3 times. In addition, the RAM invested in 2023 also received a generous return. I bought about 1200M RAM at around 0.0177 and 0.027, and issued about 7 million RAMS, with the highest profit reaching 100 times. At the end of June 2024, I cashed out several BTC and retained most of the RAM and RAMS, looking forward to their future appreciation. However, during the period of 2023-2024, I also made another mistake, and successively purchased tens of thousands of TPTs (mainly using funds earned from Binance's new IPOs). At present, TPT is still not moving. I hope tpt.ram.rams will perform well in the next bull market.

This is my experience and memory as a "leek" in the cryptocurrency circle



