"What the herd hates most is a person who thinks differently. They don't really hate his opinion, but they hate the audacity of this individual to have the courage to think for himself to be different." ➖ Arthur Schopenhauer
"They will say about you a rational and good person, only when you do not criticize what they believe, when you are a copy of them. People never reconcile with someone who wants to be himself, and takes control of his destiny in his own hands, because he threatens that stability and that tranquility that they have created. Belonging has always been the reward for those who give up their right to think." (Jean-Paul Sartre)
"The rabble is always angry with someone who sets very individual and special standards for his existence. Because of the unusual treatment that this person practices with himself, it makes them feel degraded and regressed to their original position as ordinary beings."
"As you fight your alleged war to liberate yourself from a certain herd, beware of joining another herd without feeling!"
"A free mind that is not accustomed to being subservient to anyone, makes noise wherever it is!"
"One must always suffer to remain free from the dominance of the herd, you will be alone.. and sometimes afraid, but the price is not high in exchange for owning yourself.
🌷📙 Summary of the book Psychology of Money 🍁Are you ready to take a deep journey into your mind to discover how you can improve your relationship with money? Join us and explore the timeless lessons this book offers. 🍁Have you ever wondered why some people have enormous wealth while others struggle to make ends meet? Or why some people have the ability to save money while others struggle with debt? It's not just about how much money you have, it's also about how you think about money and how you handle it.
Nothing happens by chance, God is the one who manages things for us and inspires us.
Every moment, every experience, and every choice in your life is part of a larger plan that may aim to achieve your dreams and ambitions.
When you meet a new person or go through an unexpected situation, or watch a certain post or video, remember that this may be a sign from God, an important lesson, or a new opportunity awaiting you.
Everything happens for a reason and has its effect, so do not neglect opportunities but invest in them.
Embrace every moment, whether good or bad, because every experience adds to your personality and shapes your value in the business world.
Dare to add value to others through what you offer, this is not just a coincidence, but an opportunity to build strong relationships and generate additional income.
Go out into life with optimism, and keep your eye on opportunities, perhaps the current opportunity is the one that will change the course of your life, and open horizons for you that you never imagined before.
Remember, life is full of meanings and divine messages. Be ready to receive what is offered to you, and do not hesitate to be part of a community that supports mutual success.
Join me on this journey, and let's build a bright future together, God willing! ----- Smile _ and be positive Succeed alone and do not depend on anyone #طور Yourself #حقق Your dreams #اغتنم The opportunity #ابني Your future #ادعم Others Together we build a successful community!
If you love someone and want your love to continue, don't look at them ideally. Make room in your mind to expect what you might not like about them, and what might affect the beautiful image you draw in your imagination about them. No one is perfect, and no one can always embody the perfect image. Make sure that there never comes a day when you say: "I didn't expect that from him."
There are 12 laws in psychology, if you understand them and start applying them, they will change your life.. 1- "The Law of Psychological Comfort" .. Withdrawing from chaos is priceless. 2- "The Law of Mental Intelligence" .. Ignoring returns every person to his natural size, no matter what. 3- "The Law of Dispensation" .. Not everything you dispense with is a loss, some things are a better start to dispense with. 4- "The Law of Self-Development" .. Find a place for yourself at the top, because at the bottom there is severe crowding. 5- "The Law of Self-Proof" .. Update your laws and style from time to time until you become clear and distinctive to everyone. 6- "The Law of Discrimination" .. To be creative in a style while you are at the peak of relaxation and everyone imitates you. 7- "The Law of Challenge" .. To find a place for yourself among the adults, and it is recognized. 8- "The Law of Time Management" .. Be like a ship that walks between the waves with knowledge and science. 9- "The Law of Goals" .. A life without a goal is like a body without a soul, both have no value. 10- "The Law of Awareness" .. If you do not realize your mistakes, you will not learn the right thing. 11- "The Law of Learning" .. If you do not suffer, you will not learn. 12- "The Law of Change" .. If you do not change, you will lose your life #Smile_and_Be_Positive #Opportunity #استثمر
The five secrets to getting out of financial crises and avoiding falling into them again.
1- Telling the truth leads to earning more money.
First impressions leave a lasting impression, as people form an opinion of you based on your appearance and behavior. However, if these impressions are based on lies, eventually everything will fall apart, and not only will others be affected, but you will also be deceiving yourself.
Have you ever thought that the only investment that doesn't lose is "investing in your mind"..... Your mind is your most important life project. If you don't make a serious investment in developing your mind as an investor, you will be wasting your life, time and money because you are living your life without a goal.
Investing in your mind provides you with a road map that helps you overcome difficulties and periods of boredom in the markets that will meet you with all your energy and passion.
🍁 Here's a Russian story: A farmer found a magic lamp. He rubbed it and out of nowhere a genie appeared, promising to grant him one wish. The farmer thought for a moment. Finally he said, "My neighbor has a cow and I don't have one. I hope his cow dies."
🍁 As ridiculous as this sounds, you can understand the farmer's action.
Quotes from some books that will change your mindset 180 degrees "If you don't have a goal, make it your first goal to find one." "As long as you believe in your goal and trust in God, you will turn into a powerful magnet that attracts all the necessary things, events, people and information to achieve this goal." "If someone was able to do something before you, know that you are able to do the same thing, because that person is not better than you. But if no one has done this thing before you, then you will be the first."
Reading the book "The Mind Manipulators" by Herbert Schiller. The book begins with an important question: How do you influence your thoughts, feelings, and behavior? He adds, Did you know that there are people who use powerful psychological techniques to manipulate you without your knowledge? ___________________________ In this book, Mind Manipulators, author Herbert A. Schiller reveals the psychological manipulation techniques that some people use to control the behavior of others.
◾◾Wise sayings: 1 - Don't be surprised by a bird running away while you approach it with food in your hand, because birds, unlike some people, believe that freedom is more precious than bread.
2 - Tears are not drops, but words, but it is very difficult to find someone who reads and understands these words.
3 - Some people's hearts are like dry autumn leaves, no matter how much you water them, they will never turn green in your hands, so do not tire yourself and leave them to the winds.
4 - Be honorable and do not bow down no matter what, because you may not get the chance to raise your head again.
5 - Words are like seeds, but they are planted in hearts, not in the ground, so be careful what you plant and consider what you say, because you may one day have to eat what you planted.
6 - Respect has ten parts, nine of which are in silence, and the tenth is your isolation from small minds.
7- Don't be like a microscope that magnifies small details and reveals ugliness. Be like a mirror that reflects what is in front of it impartially. 💜