Hello everyone, I am Gu Yue. Today is Friday. The market has been fluctuating in recent days. The long and short positions have been frequently switched. At present, both Bitcoin and Ethereum are at the bottom. The hourly Bollinger Bands have begun to gradually shrink. The space below is limited. The K-line gradually turns from green to red and moves upward slowly. If you need to operate at night, it is recommended to focus on low-long, with less risk and higher winning rate. It will not form a unilateral market in a short time. The range of Bitcoin is between 66000-64000, and Ethereum is between 3400-3600. The range is still relatively large, so we need to arrange our positions reasonably and reserve space for replenishment.

From the perspective of the four-hour line level, the K-line has broken through the middle track, and there is still some range from the lower track. For the sake of safety, it is more appropriate to wait for the market to further bottom out before entering the market. The best time to enter the market for Ethereum is around 3400, and Bitcoin is around 64000. These two positions are better for long positions. Although there is a rebound, the amplitude will not be large. We can wait for a better time to operate. The specific strategy is as follows

Bitcoin 64200-64500 long target 65500-66000 profit can be exited voluntarily 63800 to cover position

Ethereum 3450-3480 long target 3530-3580 profit can be exited voluntarily 3420 to cover position

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#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥